Manual for Pijul

#48 Unescaped angle brackets in `pijul unrecord`

Opened by CandyCorvid on February 7, 2022
CandyCorvid on February 7, 2022

The following sentences in the pijul unrecord page of the manual:

There are two ways to call pijul-unrecord: With a list of <change-id>s. The given changes will be unrecorded, if possible. Without listing any <change-id>s. You will be presented with a list of changes to choose from. The length of the list is determined by the unrecord_changes setting in your global config or the --show-changes option, with the latter taking precedence.

Are rendered in Firefox as:

There are two ways to call pijul-unrecord: With a list of s. The given changes will be unrecorded, if possible. Without listing any s. You will be presented with a list of changes to choose from. The length of the list is determined by the unrecord_changes setting in your global config or the --show-changes option, with the latter taking precedence.

Due to <change-id> being read as an html tag