The sound distributed version control system

#148 Remove unnecessary clap macro usage

Closed on December 4, 2020
pksunkara on November 30, 2020

Clap maintainer here, just trying out pijul and thought would make a PR

pksunkara added a change on November 30, 2020
pksunkara added a change on November 30, 2020
pksunkara on November 30, 2020

Lol, took me a bit of time to figure out why author info from ~/.config/pijul/config.toml wasn’t working on my MacOS since many apps do support it as config_dir instead of (sometimes along with) ~/Library/Application Support.

Still need to figure out how to amend a record. (The second record needs to be amended to the first). There are quite a few things I would love to contribute. Is there any chat room for the project (maybe zulip)?

pksunkara added a change on November 30, 2020
pksunkara added a change on November 30, 2020
danieleades on December 1, 2020


pksunkara on December 3, 2020

@pmeunier Are you planning to take these changes in? I can only have so many ones open.

pmeunier on December 4, 2020

It’s in already, as indicated by the list of channels below the change. Not sure why I didn’t close.


pmeunier closed this discussion on December 4, 2020