The sound distributed version control system

#30 Change permission on a file

Closed on November 11, 2020
clseibold on November 11, 2020

When I change the permission of a file (in this case, a file to allow execution - I’m on Linux), pijul will think that the file has changed (it gets recorded as a move from to I recorded this, but everytime I try to push this patch, I get this error: “Error: Remote exited with status 1”

Here’s the patch (for repository):

message = ' change'
timestamp = '2020-11-11T13:43:21.319947810Z'

name = 'krixano'
full_name = 'Christian Lee Seibold'
email = ''

# Dependencies

# Changes

1. Moved: "" "" 493 1.0
  F:FD, 1.0 -> 2.0:10/2
up 1.0, down 2.11
clseibold on November 11, 2020

Sidenote: I also noticed with the old version of pijul that it would do something similar to this if you moved the directory of your repository (without moving anything inside this directory) - it would say each of the files moved (but, to the same location, just like with the above).

clseibold on November 11, 2020

You know what… this might have been me being stupid. It looks like pijul does handle changing of permissions, which is cool!

I think I accidentally used nest.pijul.ORG instead of .COM when pushing, sorry about that, lol

clseibold on November 11, 2020

Looks like I’m not able to close my own discussion. The “Comment and close” button isn’t closing the discussion.

pmeunier on November 11, 2020

Permissions are indeed stored along with the file names. I’ll look into the other issues now, thanks.

pmeunier closed this discussion on November 11, 2020