The sound distributed version control system

#305 pijul fork $A + pijul channel switch $A is slow

Closed on August 4, 2021
fogti on February 7, 2021

With git, git switch -c $A is fast, but with pijul, the semi-equivalent command combination is slow, e.g. on my PC, on an filesystem on a SSD, this takes a few seconds, and I don’t think it should take so long. If this can’t be optimized directly, a shortcut command which implements necessary optimizations should be added (e.g. something like pijul channel switch --create $A)

tankf33der on February 8, 2021

How big is your pijul repo?

Anyway you should wait for new major sanakirja upgrade.

fogti on February 8, 2021
~/devel/pijul $ du -bsh .pijul
19M     .pijul
~/devel/pijul $ du -bsh .
25M     .
~/devel/pijul $ pijul ls | wc -l
fogti closed this discussion on February 25, 2021
fogti on February 26, 2021

reopen as per

This is slow, but it is expected for now. I have plans to make it faster by comparing the changes in two channels, but I’ll fix the other bugs first.

fogti reopened this discussion on February 26, 2021
pmeunier on August 4, 2021

I’ll close this, since this is a duplicate of #357. This isn’t fixed yet, and since it isn’t critical I don’t want to prioritise it too much before the beta.

pmeunier closed this discussion on August 4, 2021