The sound distributed version control system

#330 pijul Crash Report

Closed on July 4, 2021
eschnett on February 18, 2021

I converted the git repo to a pijul repo. I renamed the auto-generated cryptic channel name to main, the same as the corresponding git branch name. I pushed this repo to

I then pulled an additional patch via git pull, and ran pijul git again. This crashed.

eschnett on February 18, 2021
name = 'pijul'
operating_system = 'unix:OSX'
crate_version = '1.0.0-alpha.38'
explanation = '''
Panic occurred in file 'pijul/src/commands/' at line 232
cause = 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value'
method = 'Panic'
backtrace = '''

   0: 0x101f8729a - rust_begin_unwind
                at /rustc/cb75ad5db02783e8b0222fee363c5f63f7e2cf5b/library/std/src/
   1: 0x101fdb37f - core::panicking::panic_fmt::h65997884a2662b8c
                at /rustc/cb75ad5db02783e8b0222fee363c5f63f7e2cf5b/library/core/src/
   2: 0x101fdb2d7 - core::panicking::panic::h2ca2e9d2b0a1f2bf
                at /rustc/cb75ad5db02783e8b0222fee363c5f63f7e2cf5b/library/core/src/
   3: 0x101855d18 - pijul::commands::git::Git::run::{{closure}}::h37a92c48ba0f0743
   4: 0x101870fae - pijul::run::{{closure}}::h85b7e8fa7e2d606e
   5: 0x10182b2c7 - <core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::h8f5635267fba9ef2
   6: 0x1017ba631 - tokio::runtime::thread_pool::ThreadPool::block_on::h2e9a33369fae06c1
   7: 0x1016d86f9 - tokio::runtime::Runtime::block_on::h4d5748c35db14dbf
   8: 0x1018c1a8a - pijul::main::h6527cbed098aa9f1
   9: 0x1017a209a - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::h9c91033a86bfafdb
  10: 0x1018859fc - std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}::h3a92208ed80d19cd
  11: 0x101f87c64 - core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnOnce<A> for &F>::call_once::hde238ec10b1f717d
                at /rustc/cb75ad5db02783e8b0222fee363c5f63f7e2cf5b/library/core/src/ops/
                 - std::panicking::try::do_call::h41236cf2e2b1c5e6
                at /rustc/cb75ad5db02783e8b0222fee363c5f63f7e2cf5b/library/std/src/
                 - std::panicking::try::h0b8723b0a7df810a
                at /rustc/cb75ad5db02783e8b0222fee363c5f63f7e2cf5b/library/std/src/
                 - std::panic::catch_unwind::heaaf12506fa6bab8
                at /rustc/cb75ad5db02783e8b0222fee363c5f63f7e2cf5b/library/std/src/
                 - std::rt::lang_start_internal::h1faf79574185df6d
                at /rustc/cb75ad5db02783e8b0222fee363c5f63f7e2cf5b/library/std/src/
  12: 0x1018c1b59 - _main'''
pmeunier on February 18, 2021

Thanks! The Git repo is small enough. I’m in the middle of a giant mission inside Pijul (changing the storage backend), but I promise to fix that as soon as my other giant task is done, since there are interdependencies everywhere, and just the backend change itself might fix this issue.

pmeunier on July 4, 2021

Hi! I just tested this again today, it seems to work alright. I’m closing, thanks for your report!

pmeunier closed this discussion on July 4, 2021