The sound distributed version control system

#360 Update Sanakirja 1.0

Closed on February 26, 2021
pmeunier added a change on February 25, 2021
fogti on February 25, 2021

the Cargo.nix file is outdated. And I am unable to update it:

pmeunier closed this discussion on February 26, 2021
fogti on February 26, 2021

You probably need to patch the following segment of Cargo.nix in flake.nix:

      "crossbeam-utils" = rec {
        crateName = "crossbeam-utils";
        version = "0.8.2";
        edition = "2018";
        sha256 = "1qqzffa93m9mf8s8kj5mmn93dh6hyakl4y3axdn5m3szhclg7s5s";
        authors = [
          "The Crossbeam Project Developers"
        dependencies = [
            name = "cfg-if";
            packageId = "cfg-if 1.0.0";
            name = "lazy_static";
            packageId = "lazy_static";
            optional = true;
            name = "loom";
            packageId = "loom";
            # the following line fails with the following trace:
            # alternatively, you could set target.crossbeam_loom = false;
            target = { target, features }: target."crossbeam_loom";
        buildDependencies = [
            name = "autocfg";
            packageId = "autocfg";
        features = {
          "default" = [ "std" ];
          "std" = [ "lazy_static" ];
        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "lazy_static" "std" ];