The sound distributed version control system

#392 Can't install Pijul to bootstrap my repo

Closed on April 28, 2021
earthengine on March 8, 2021


> cargo install pijul
    Updating index
  Downloaded pijul v0.12.2
  Downloaded 1 crate (67.9 KB) in 2.35s
  Installing pijul v0.12.2
error: failed to compile `pijul v0.12.2`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-install21IFX3`

Caused by:
  no matching package named `sequoia-rfc2822` found
  location searched: registry ``
  required by package `sequoia-openpgp v0.9.0`
      ... which is depended on by `pijul v0.12.2`
pmeunier on March 8, 2021

Hi! This is explained there:

Pijul is still in version alpha, so you have to run cargo install pijul --version "~1.0.0-alpha".

Also, please note that the alpha version is still experimental. The change format is extremely unlikely to change, but the repository format might still change a little bit (in fact I expect it to change at least once before the beta).

pmeunier closed this discussion on April 28, 2021