The sound distributed version control system

#500 Can't build output::output::kill_dead_files

Closed on August 3, 2021
rohan on July 29, 2021
   Compiling libpijul v1.0.0-alpha.45 (/home/rohan/src/pijul/pijul/pijul/libpijul)
error[E0391]: cycle detected when computing the bounds for type parameter `T`
   --> libpijul/src/output/
546 |     T: ChannelTxnT<GraphError = T::TreeError> + TreeMutTxnT,
    |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: ...which again requires computing the bounds for type parameter `T`, completing the cycle
note: cycle used when computing explicit predicates of `output::output::kill_dead_files`
   --> libpijul/src/output/
546 |     T: ChannelTxnT<GraphError = T::TreeError> + TreeMutTxnT,
    |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^

The flake is outdated

rohan added a change on July 29, 2021
spacefrogg on July 29, 2021

Could you put this patch into #474?

rohan on July 29, 2021


pmeunier on August 3, 2021

Applied, thanks!

pmeunier closed this discussion on August 3, 2021
pmeunier on August 3, 2021

@rohan, you may need to pijul key prove This will change in the near future, I’m working on a solution to fix identities, authentication, and pushing from New Zealand at the same time.