The sound distributed version control system

#633 Broken tests? test::conflict::{edit_after_conflict, edit_conflict_sides}

Opened by mythmon on January 24, 2022
mythmon on January 24, 2022

I tried to poke at the source for a bit, and I’m running into test failures before making any changes. Am I missing a setup step?

$ pijul clone
$ cd pijul
$ cargo test

---- tests::conflict::edit_conflict_sides stdout ----
thread 'tests::conflict::edit_conflict_sides' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `Ok("a\npre0\n>>>>>>> 1 \npost0\nx\npre1\n======= 1 \npost1\ny\npre2\n<<<<<<< 1\npost2\nc\nc\n")`,
 right: `Ok("a\npre0\n>>>>>>> 1\n>>>>>>> 2 \npost0\n======= 2 \n\n<<<<<<< 2\nx\npre1\n======= 1 \npost1\ny\npre2\n<<<<<<< 1\npost2\nc\nc\n")`', libpijul/src/tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

---- tests::conflict::edit_after_conflict stdout ----
thread 'tests::conflict::edit_after_conflict' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `Ok("a\npre\n>>>>>>> 1 \npost\ny\npre\n======= 1 \npost\ny\n<<<<<<< 1\nc\n")`,
 right: `Ok("a\npre\n>>>>>>> 1\n>>>>>>> 2 \npost\ny\npre\n======= 2 \npost\ny\n<<<<<<< 2\nc\n======= 1 \n\n<<<<<<< 1\n")`', libpijul/src/tests/


test result: FAILED. 101 passed; 2 failed; 1 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 1.74s
multun on September 9, 2022

same issue here, I’ll try to fix it