The sound distributed version control system

#647 Bug: Remove `--` hint by Clap

Opened by fzzr on February 5, 2022
fzzr on February 5, 2022

Steps to reproduce:

  1. pj log --anything
  2. follow the hint with pj log -- --anything
  3. Error: pijul log couldn’t find a file or directory corresponding to 0

Another great thing:

  1. pijul pull -- anything
  2. Error: Failed to parse hash prefix: anything

I’m not sure but isn’t remote-execution possible for push, pull and other commands if a tail passed to the remote shell?

> pijul pull debian@beaglebone.local:homectrl --anything
error: Found argument '--anything' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context

	If you tried to supply `--anything` as a value rather than a flag, use `-- --anything`

    pijul pull <FROM>

For more information try --help

> pijul pull debian@beaglebone.local:homectrl -- --anything
[2022-02-05T16:49:24Z INFO thrussh::client::encrypted] Unhandled global request: Ok("")
Error: Failed to parse hash prefix: --anything

Anyway if I’m totally wrong 😑 this should be described in the manual or just remove -- hint.