The sound distributed version control system

#655 It takes a very long time to update the profile picture on here

Opened by coconut on February 28, 2022
coconut on February 28, 2022


It takes quite a long time to update the profile picture on here. It has been over 30 minutes already and it still has not been changed. Is there a reason for this delay in particular? It actually did change last time I changed it, and it took a really long time. I did not measure how much, but it was quite long.

wkordalski on February 28, 2022

The right repository for issues about is

I suspect that performance of profile picture uploading is one of the lowest priority task. :)

coconut on February 28, 2022

That entirely depends on the reason for why it is happening. The reason could be something intended and/or harmless, or something unintended and possibly harmful, but I generally agree.