The sound distributed version control system

#713 Tests don't compile anymore on main

Opened by multun on September 9, 2022
multun on September 9, 2022

bin_diff_test fails to compile

tankf33der on September 9, 2022

Can not confirm.

multun on September 9, 2022

run cargo test on main

multun added a change on September 9, 2022
tankf33der on September 10, 2022


finchie on September 26, 2022

I also ran into this issue, however another patch (for libpijul/src/tests/ was required to get tests working on main.

finchie added a change on September 26, 2022
joyously on September 27, 2022

I tried cargo test on a fresh clone with these two changes pulled in, and I got 3 failures.


---- tests::conflict::edit_after_conflict stdout ----
thread 'tests::conflict::edit_after_conflict' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `Ok("a\npre\n>>>>>>> 1 \npost\ny\npre\n======= 1 \npost\ny\n<<<<<<< 1\nc\n")`,
 right: `Ok("a\npre\n>>>>>>> 1\n>>>>>>> 2 \npost\ny\npre\n======= 2 \npost\ny\n<<<<<<< 2\nc\n======= 1 \n\n<<<<<<< 1\n")`', libpijul/src/tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

---- tests::conflict::edit_conflict_sides stdout ----
thread 'tests::conflict::edit_conflict_sides' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `Ok("a\npre0\n>>>>>>> 1 \npost0\nx\npre1\n======= 1 \npost1\ny\npre2\n<<<<<<< 1\npost2\nc\nc\n")`,
 right: `Ok("a\npre0\n>>>>>>> 1 \npost0\nx\npre1\n======= 1\n>>>>>>> 2 \npost1\n======= 2 \n\n<<<<<<< 2\ny\npre2\n<<<<<<< 1\npost2\nc\nc\n")`', libpijul/src/tests/

---- tests::text_changes::hunk_roundtrip_test stdout ----
## Hunk: 

File deletion: "Yh" 15562461196558815645.13293187604556547502 "binary"
D:BF 10381440091355030729.14146891539310959409 -> 15102179113131652586.3404988008920428226:7352858222542416812/1403424514064325944
BFD:BD 15593334306929198365.17650129526746817111 -> 14294166411256165567.15853935310100612994:14198037820171455774/18446744073709551615

In:  FileDel { path: "Yh", pos: PrintablePos(15562461196558815645, 13293187604556547502), encoding: None, del_edges: [PrintableEdge { previous: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: false, folder: false, deleted: true }, flag: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: true, folder: true, deleted: false }, from: PrintablePos(10381440091355030729, 14146891539310959409), to_start: PrintablePos(15102179113131652586, 3404988008920428226), to_end: 7352858222542416812, introduced_by: 1403424514064325944 }], content_edges: [PrintableEdge { previous: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: true, folder: true, deleted: true }, flag: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: true, folder: false, deleted: true }, from: PrintablePos(15593334306929198365, 17650129526746817111), to_start: PrintablePos(14294166411256165567, 15853935310100612994), to_end: 14198037820171455774, introduced_by: 18446744073709551615 }], contents: [105, 144] }

Out: FileDel { path: "Yh", pos: PrintablePos(15562461196558815645, 13293187604556547502), encoding: None, del_edges: [PrintableEdge { previous: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: false, folder: false, deleted: true }, flag: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: true, folder: true, deleted: false }, from: PrintablePos(10381440091355030729, 14146891539310959409), to_start: PrintablePos(15102179113131652586, 3404988008920428226), to_end: 7352858222542416812, introduced_by: 1403424514064325944 }], content_edges: [PrintableEdge { previous: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: true, folder: true, deleted: true }, flag: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: true, folder: false, deleted: true }, from: PrintablePos(15593334306929198365, 17650129526746817111), to_start: PrintablePos(14294166411256165567, 15853935310100612994), to_end: 14198037820171455774, introduced_by: 18446744073709551615 }], contents: [] }

thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'Hunks don't match.', libpijul/src/tests/
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at '[quickcheck] TEST FAILED (runtime error). Arguments: (FileDel { path: "Yh", pos: PrintablePos(15562461196558815645, 13293187604556547502), encoding: None, del_edges: [], content_edges: [PrintableEdge { previous: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: true, folder: true, deleted: true }, flag: PrintableEdgeFlags { block: true, folder: false, deleted: true }, from: PrintablePos(15593334306929198365, 17650129526746817111), to_start: PrintablePos(14294166411256165567, 15853935310100612994), to_end: 14198037820171455774, introduced_by: 18446744073709551615 }], contents: [105, 144] })
Error: "Hunks don't match."', /home/eye/.cargo/registry/src/
thread 'tests::text_changes::hunk_roundtrip_test' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Any { .. }', libpijul/src/tests/


test result: FAILED. 100 passed; 3 failed; 1 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 2.18s

error: test failed, to rerun pass '-p libpijul --lib'
finchie on September 28, 2022

Unsure if this is exactly related to the discussion. While it’s definitely not ideal that these tests fail, they at least compile, which is (at least my understanding of) why this discussion was opened. Perhaps a new discussion should be created to diagnose & fix these failures.

pmeunier added a change on February 23, 2023
pmeunier on February 23, 2023

Thanks for the patches. I also added one, now the tests for libpijul compile again. The tests for Pijul don’t, so I’m leaving this discussion open.