The sound distributed version control system

#721 CLI: Please use `pijul key` to create one

Closed on February 23, 2023
bbros-dev on October 16, 2022

Thanks for all the effort put into making Pijul. Much appreciated.

The CLI instructs Please use pijul key to create one However there is no such command:

> $ pijul key

    pijul [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help
            Print help information

            Generate a new key. The name used for a key is not required to match a user's remote or
            SSH credentials. By default, new keys are stored in your global configuration directory
            Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
            Associate a generated key with a remote identity. Patches authored by unproven keys will
            only display the key as the author. Example of proving a key (after generating one):
            `pijul key prove <nestlogin>`
bbros-dev on October 16, 2022
pijul generate
No such subcommand: "generate"
bbros-dev closed this discussion on October 16, 2022
bbros-dev reopened this discussion on October 16, 2022
bbros-dev on October 16, 2022

I believe the help should be (** added ):

> $ pijul key
pijul **key**

    pijul **key** [SUBCOMMAND]
chevyparakeet added a change on November 8, 2022
Fix misleading output of `pijul key` with no further subcommand by 7qFsmcJTAmyi5DxiNk265yTyKeTGNeoqjQfzksWAeGkH,
chevyparakeet on November 8, 2022

I believe the above change solves this issue. The current output is:

$ pijul key
Key generation and management

    pijul key <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help    Print help information

    generate    Generate a new key. The name used for a key is not required to match a user's
                    remote or SSH credentials. By default, new keys are stored in your global
                    configuration directory
    help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    prove       Associate a generated key with a remote identity. Patches authored by unproven
                    keys will only display the key as the author. Example of proving a key (after
                    generating one): `pijul key prove <nestlogin>`
chevyparakeet on November 8, 2022

A note: the old code was doing Self::command().write_long_help(&mut std::io::stdout())?;, which was wrong in two ways:

  1. It was not including the subcommand context (this bug report). Simply leaving the validation up to clap itself results in correct output with the subcommand context, as shown above.
  2. It would never produce colored output, because it was using write_long_help instead of print_long_help. This is only relevant in case the above change is not satisfactory, as we should make sure to support colored output where possible, and write_long_help(stdout) is an antipattern from that perspective.
pmeunier on February 23, 2023

Hi @chevyparakeet! First, thanks for this patch, because it triggered a bug in unrecord. The reason is a bit sad though, it is because the file this patch changes doesn’t exist anymore. However, the issue has been fixed in the meantime.

Thanks again!

pmeunier closed this discussion on February 23, 2023