The sound distributed version control system

#827 Order conflict I do not expect

Opened by tankf33der on August 15, 2023 Good first bug
tankf33der on August 15, 2023
$ pijul init p1 
$ pijul clone p1 p2
$ cd p1
$ touch a
$ pijul add a
$ pijul rec -am.
$ echo "2" >> a
$ pijul rec -am
$ cd ../p2
$ pijul log
No matching logs found
$ pijul pull -a
  Downloading changes [=================================================] 3/3  
             Applying [=================================================] 3/3  
   Completing changes [===============================================] 0/0  
Outputting repository ↖   
$  pijul log --hash-only
$ pijul unrec YP
$ pijul pull -a
  Downloading changes [=================================================] 1/1  
             Applying [=================================================] 1/1  
   Completing changes [===============================================] 0/0  
Outputting repository ↖                                                         

There were conflicts:

  - Order conflict in "a" starting on line 1
$ cat a
>>>>>>> 1 [CRZOCQSM ]
======= 1 [YPTSWQY3 .]
<<<<<<< 1
tankf33der on August 15, 2023

Conclusion, two things:

o) maybe duplicate of [#826].
o) where did [CRZOCQSM ] come from?
joyously on October 10, 2023

Is there a missing command or two in your test? (Why would echo "2" >> a result in a hash?)

pmeunier on February 7, 2024

This is actually (almost) the expected behaviour (but false positives don’t hurt at all!): when you did pijul unrec YP, your working copy differed from your pristine. Had you done pijul rec or pijul diff there, you would have seen + 2 as an edit.

CRZ… is the identifier of the “pending patch”. I agree that we shouldn’t show it, since that patch has disappeared already when outputting the repo. [pending] would be a better way to represent that.

This requires some refactoring of libpijul::output::output_repository_no_pending.

pmeunier added tag Good first bug on February 7, 2024