The sound distributed version control system

#866 [NetBSD] clone over SSH failed

Opened by tankf33der on January 13, 2024
tankf33der on January 13, 2024
$ RUST_LOG="pijul=debug,libpijul=debug" pijul clone p1
[2024-01-13T16:36:23Z DEBUG pijul::remote::ssh] ssh_remote: Captures({0: 0..36/"", 1: None, 2: 0..11/"tankf33der@", 3/"user": 0..10/"tankf33der", 4: 11..24/"", 5/"host": 11..24/"", 6: None, 7: None, 8: 11..24/"", 9: 24..36/":pijul/pijul", 10: None, 11/"port": None, 12/"path0": None, 13: None, 14: 24..36/":pijul/pijul", 15/"path1": 25..36/"pijul/pijul", 16/"path2": None, 17: None})
[2024-01-13T16:36:23Z DEBUG pijul::remote] unknown_remote, ssh = Remote { path: "pijul/pijul", config: Config { user: "tankf33der", host_name: "", port: 22, identity_file: None, proxy_command: None, add_keys_to_agent: No } }
[2024-01-13T16:36:23Z INFO pijul::remote::ssh] remote connect error: Os { code: 65, kind: HostUnreachable, message: "No route to host" }
[2024-01-13T16:36:23Z ERROR pijul] Error: "Remote not found: \"\""
Error: Remote not found: ""