* If called with ZSTD_d_refMultipleDDicts enabled, repeated calls of this function
* will store the DDict references in a table, and the DDict used for decompression
* will be determined at decompression time, as per the dict ID in the frame.
* The memory for the table is allocated on the first call to refDDict, and can be
* freed with ZSTD_freeDCtx().
/*! ZSTD_writeSkippableFrame() :
* Generates a zstd skippable frame containing data given by src, and writes it to dst buffer.
* Skippable frames begin with a a 4-byte magic number. There are 16 possible choices of magic number,
* As such, the parameter magicVariant controls the exact skippable frame magic number variant used, so
* the magic number used will be ZSTD_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START + magicVariant.
* Returns an error if destination buffer is not large enough, if the source size is not representable
* with a 4-byte unsigned int, or if the parameter magicVariant is greater than 15 (and therefore invalid).
* @return : number of bytes written or a ZSTD error.
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTD_writeSkippableFrame(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned magicVariant);
/* ZSTD_d_refMultipleDDicts
* Experimental parameter.
* Default is 0 == disabled. Set to 1 to enable
* If enabled and dctx is allocated on the heap, then additional memory will be allocated
* to store references to multiple ZSTD_DDict. That is, multiple calls of ZSTD_refDDict()
* using a given ZSTD_DCtx, rather than overwriting the previous DDict reference, will instead
* store all references. At decompression time, the appropriate dictID is selected
* from the set of DDicts based on the dictID in the frame.
* Usage is simply calling ZSTD_refDDict() on multiple dict buffers.
* Param has values of byte ZSTD_refMultipleDDicts_e
* WARNING: Enabling this parameter and calling ZSTD_DCtx_refDDict(), will trigger memory
* allocation for the hash table. ZSTD_freeDCtx() also frees this memory.
* Memory is allocated as per ZSTD_DCtx::customMem.
* Although this function allocates memory for the table, the user is still responsible for
* memory management of the underlying ZSTD_DDict* themselves.
#define ZSTD_d_refMultipleDDicts ZSTD_d_experimentalParam4
* Multiple DDicts Hashset internals *
#define DDICT_HASHSET_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_SIZE_MULT 3 /* These two constants represent SIZE_MULT/COUNT_MULT load factor without using a float.
* Currently, that means a 0.75 load factor.
* So, if count * COUNT_MULT / size * SIZE_MULT != 0, then we've exceeded
* the load factor of the ddict hash set.
/* Hash function to determine starting position of dict insertion within the table
* Returns an index between [0, hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize]
static size_t ZSTD_DDictHashSet_getIndex(const ZSTD_DDictHashSet* hashSet, U32 dictID) {
const U64 hash = XXH64(&dictID, sizeof(U32), 0);
/* DDict ptr table size is a multiple of 2, use size - 1 as mask to get index within [0, hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize) */
return hash & (hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize - 1);
/* Adds DDict to a hashset without resizing it.
* If inserting a DDict with a dictID that already exists in the set, replaces the one in the set.
* Returns 0 if successful, or a zstd error code if something went wrong.
static size_t ZSTD_DDictHashSet_emplaceDDict(ZSTD_DDictHashSet* hashSet, const ZSTD_DDict* ddict) {
const U32 dictID = ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict(ddict);
size_t idx = ZSTD_DDictHashSet_getIndex(hashSet, dictID);
const size_t idxRangeMask = hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize - 1;
RETURN_ERROR_IF(hashSet->ddictPtrCount == hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize, GENERIC, "Hash set is full!");
DEBUGLOG(4, "Hashed index: for dictID: %u is %zu", dictID, idx);
while (hashSet->ddictPtrTable[idx] != NULL) {
/* Replace existing ddict if inserting ddict with same dictID */
if (ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict(hashSet->ddictPtrTable[idx]) == dictID) {
DEBUGLOG(4, "DictID already exists, replacing rather than adding");
hashSet->ddictPtrTable[idx] = ddict;
return 0;
idx &= idxRangeMask;
DEBUGLOG(4, "Final idx after probing for dictID %u is: %zu", dictID, idx);
hashSet->ddictPtrTable[idx] = ddict;
return 0;
/* Expands hash table by factor of DDICT_HASHSET_RESIZE_FACTOR and
* rehashes all values, allocates new table, frees old table.
* Returns 0 on success, otherwise a zstd error code.
static size_t ZSTD_DDictHashSet_expand(ZSTD_DDictHashSet* hashSet, ZSTD_customMem customMem) {
size_t newTableSize = hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize * DDICT_HASHSET_RESIZE_FACTOR;
const ZSTD_DDict** newTable = (const ZSTD_DDict**)ZSTD_customCalloc(sizeof(ZSTD_DDict*) * newTableSize, customMem);
const ZSTD_DDict** oldTable = hashSet->ddictPtrTable;
size_t oldTableSize = hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize;
size_t i;
DEBUGLOG(4, "Expanding DDict hash table! Old size: %zu new size: %zu", oldTableSize, newTableSize);
RETURN_ERROR_IF(!newTable, memory_allocation, "Expanded hashset allocation failed!");
hashSet->ddictPtrTable = newTable;
hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize = newTableSize;
hashSet->ddictPtrCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < oldTableSize; ++i) {
if (oldTable[i] != NULL) {
FORWARD_IF_ERROR(ZSTD_DDictHashSet_emplaceDDict(hashSet, oldTable[i]), "");
ZSTD_customFree((void*)oldTable, customMem);
DEBUGLOG(4, "Finished re-hash");
return 0;
/* Fetches a DDict with the given dictID
* Returns the ZSTD_DDict* with the requested dictID. If it doesn't exist, then returns NULL.
static const ZSTD_DDict* ZSTD_DDictHashSet_getDDict(ZSTD_DDictHashSet* hashSet, U32 dictID) {
size_t idx = ZSTD_DDictHashSet_getIndex(hashSet, dictID);
const size_t idxRangeMask = hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize - 1;
DEBUGLOG(4, "Hashed index: for dictID: %u is %zu", dictID, idx);
for (;;) {
size_t currDictID = ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict(hashSet->ddictPtrTable[idx]);
if (currDictID == dictID || currDictID == 0) {
/* currDictID == 0 implies a NULL ddict entry */
} else {
idx &= idxRangeMask; /* Goes to start of table when we reach the end */
DEBUGLOG(4, "Final idx after probing for dictID %u is: %zu", dictID, idx);
return hashSet->ddictPtrTable[idx];
/* Allocates space for and returns a ddict hash set
* The hash set's ZSTD_DDict* table has all values automatically set to NULL to begin with.
* Returns NULL if allocation failed.
static ZSTD_DDictHashSet* ZSTD_createDDictHashSet(ZSTD_customMem customMem) {
ZSTD_DDictHashSet* ret = (ZSTD_DDictHashSet*)ZSTD_customMalloc(sizeof(ZSTD_DDictHashSet), customMem);
DEBUGLOG(4, "Allocating new hash set");
ret->ddictPtrTable = (const ZSTD_DDict**)ZSTD_customCalloc(DDICT_HASHSET_TABLE_BASE_SIZE * sizeof(ZSTD_DDict*), customMem);
ret->ddictPtrCount = 0;
if (!ret || !ret->ddictPtrTable) {
return NULL;
return ret;
/* Frees the table of ZSTD_DDict* within a hashset, then frees the hashset itself.
* Note: The ZSTD_DDict* within the table are NOT freed.
static void ZSTD_freeDDictHashSet(ZSTD_DDictHashSet* hashSet, ZSTD_customMem customMem) {
DEBUGLOG(4, "Freeing ddict hash set");
if (hashSet && hashSet->ddictPtrTable) {
ZSTD_customFree((void*)hashSet->ddictPtrTable, customMem);
if (hashSet) {
ZSTD_customFree(hashSet, customMem);
/* Public function: Adds a DDict into the ZSTD_DDictHashSet, possibly triggering a resize of the hash set.
* Returns 0 on success, or a ZSTD error.
static size_t ZSTD_DDictHashSet_addDDict(ZSTD_DDictHashSet* hashSet, const ZSTD_DDict* ddict, ZSTD_customMem customMem) {
DEBUGLOG(4, "Adding dict ID: %u to hashset with - Count: %zu Tablesize: %zu", ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict(ddict), hashSet->ddictPtrCount, hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize);
if (hashSet->ddictPtrCount * DDICT_HASHSET_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_COUNT_MULT / hashSet->ddictPtrTableSize * DDICT_HASHSET_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_SIZE_MULT != 0) {
FORWARD_IF_ERROR(ZSTD_DDictHashSet_expand(hashSet, customMem), "");
FORWARD_IF_ERROR(ZSTD_DDictHashSet_emplaceDDict(hashSet, ddict), "");
return 0;
/* Given a dctx with a digested frame params, re-selects the correct ZSTD_DDict based on
* the requested dict ID from the frame. If there exists a reference to the correct ZSTD_DDict, then
* accordingly sets the ddict to be used to decompress the frame.
* If no DDict is found, then no action is taken, and the ZSTD_DCtx::ddict remains as-is.
* ZSTD_d_refMultipleDDicts must be enabled for this function to be called.
static void ZSTD_DCtx_selectFrameDDict(ZSTD_DCtx* dctx) {
assert(dctx->refMultipleDDicts && dctx->ddictSet);
DEBUGLOG(4, "Adjusting DDict based on requested dict ID from frame");
if (dctx->ddict) {
const ZSTD_DDict* frameDDict = ZSTD_DDictHashSet_getDDict(dctx->ddictSet, dctx->fParams.dictID);
if (frameDDict) {
DEBUGLOG(4, "DDict found!");
dctx->dictID = dctx->fParams.dictID;
dctx->ddict = frameDDict;
dctx->dictUses = ZSTD_use_indefinitely;
static void ZSTD_DCtx_trace_end(ZSTD_DCtx const* dctx, U64 uncompressedSize, U64 compressedSize, unsigned streaming)
if (dctx->traceCtx) {
ZSTD_Trace trace;
ZSTD_memset(&trace, 0, sizeof(trace));
trace.version = ZSTD_VERSION_NUMBER;
trace.streaming = streaming;
if (dctx->ddict) {
trace.dictionaryID = ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict(dctx->ddict);
trace.dictionarySize = ZSTD_DDict_dictSize(dctx->ddict);
trace.dictionaryIsCold = dctx->ddictIsCold;
trace.uncompressedSize = (size_t)uncompressedSize;
trace.compressedSize = (size_t)compressedSize;
trace.dctx = dctx;
ZSTD_trace_decompress_end(dctx->traceCtx, &trace);
if (dctx->refMultipleDDicts == ZSTD_rmd_refMultipleDDicts) {
if (dctx->ddictSet == NULL) {
dctx->ddictSet = ZSTD_createDDictHashSet(dctx->customMem);
if (!dctx->ddictSet) {
RETURN_ERROR(memory_allocation, "Failed to allocate memory for hash set!");
assert(!dctx->staticSize); /* Impossible: ddictSet cannot have been allocated if static dctx */
FORWARD_IF_ERROR(ZSTD_DDictHashSet_addDDict(dctx->ddictSet, ddict, dctx->customMem), "");
case ZSTD_d_refMultipleDDicts:
CHECK_DBOUNDS(ZSTD_d_refMultipleDDicts, value);
if (dctx->staticSize != 0) {
RETURN_ERROR(parameter_unsupported, "Static dctx does not support multiple DDicts!");
dctx->refMultipleDDicts = (ZSTD_refMultipleDDicts_e)value;
return 0;
typedef struct {
U64 rolling;
U64 stopMask;
} ldmRollingHashState_t;
/** ZSTD_ldm_gear_init():
* Initializes the rolling hash state such that it will honor the
* settings in params. */
static void ZSTD_ldm_gear_init(ldmRollingHashState_t* state, ldmParams_t const* params)
unsigned maxBitsInMask = MIN(params->minMatchLength, 64);
unsigned hashRateLog = params->hashRateLog;
state->rolling = ~(U32)0;
/* The choice of the splitting criterion is subject to two conditions:
* 1. it has to trigger on average every 2^(hashRateLog) bytes;
* 2. ideally, it has to depend on a window of minMatchLength bytes.
* In the gear hash algorithm, bit n depends on the last n bytes;
* so in order to obtain a good quality splitting criterion it is
* preferable to use bits with high weight.
* To match condition 1 we use a mask with hashRateLog bits set
* and, because of the previous remark, we make sure these bits
* have the highest possible weight while still respecting
* condition 2.
if (hashRateLog > 0 && hashRateLog <= maxBitsInMask) {
state->stopMask = (((U64)1 << hashRateLog) - 1) << (maxBitsInMask - hashRateLog);
} else {
/* In this degenerate case we simply honor the hash rate. */
state->stopMask = ((U64)1 << hashRateLog) - 1;
/** ZSTD_ldm_gear_feed():
* Registers in the splits array all the split points found in the first
* size bytes following the data pointer. This function terminates when
* either all the data has been processed or LDM_BATCH_SIZE splits are
* present in the splits array.
* Precondition: The splits array must not be full.
* Returns: The number of bytes processed. */
static size_t ZSTD_ldm_gear_feed(ldmRollingHashState_t* state,
BYTE const* data, size_t size,
size_t* splits, unsigned* numSplits)
size_t n;
U64 hash, mask;
hash = state->rolling;
mask = state->stopMask;
n = 0;
#define GEAR_ITER_ONCE() do { \
hash = (hash << 1) + ZSTD_ldm_gearTab[data[n] & 0xff]; \
n += 1; \
if (UNLIKELY((hash & mask) == 0)) { \
splits[*numSplits] = n; \
*numSplits += 1; \
if (*numSplits == LDM_BATCH_SIZE) \
goto done; \
} \
} while (0)
while (n + 3 < size) {
while (n < size) {
/** ZSTD_ldm_getSmallHash() :
* numBits should be <= 32
* If numBits==0, returns 0.
* @return : the most significant numBits of value. */
static U32 ZSTD_ldm_getSmallHash(U64 value, U32 numBits)
assert(numBits <= 32);
return numBits == 0 ? 0 : (U32)(value >> (64 - numBits));
/** ZSTD_ldm_getChecksum() :
* numBitsToDiscard should be <= 32
* @return : the next most significant 32 bits after numBitsToDiscard */
static U32 ZSTD_ldm_getChecksum(U64 hash, U32 numBitsToDiscard)
assert(numBitsToDiscard <= 32);
return (hash >> (64 - 32 - numBitsToDiscard)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
/** ZSTD_ldm_getTag() ;
* Given the hash, returns the most significant numTagBits bits
* after (32 + hbits) bits.
* If there are not enough bits remaining, return the last
* numTagBits bits. */
static U32 ZSTD_ldm_getTag(U64 hash, U32 hbits, U32 numTagBits)
assert(numTagBits < 32 && hbits <= 32);
if (32 - hbits < numTagBits) {
return hash & (((U32)1 << numTagBits) - 1);
} else {
return (hash >> (32 - hbits - numTagBits)) & (((U32)1 << numTagBits) - 1);
BYTE* const pOffset = ldmState->bucketOffsets + hash;
unsigned const offset = *pOffset;
*(ZSTD_ldm_getBucket(ldmState, hash, ldmParams) + offset) = entry;
*pOffset = (BYTE)((offset + 1) & ((1u << ldmParams.bucketSizeLog) - 1));
BYTE* const bucketOffsets = ldmState->bucketOffsets;
*(ZSTD_ldm_getBucket(ldmState, hash, ldmParams) + bucketOffsets[hash]) = entry;
bucketOffsets[hash] &= ((U32)1 << ldmParams.bucketSizeLog) - 1;
/** ZSTD_ldm_makeEntryAndInsertByTag() :
* Gets the small hash, checksum, and tag from the rollingHash.
* If the tag matches (1 << ldmParams.hashRateLog)-1, then
* creates an ldmEntry from the offset, and inserts it into the hash table.
* hBits is the length of the small hash, which is the most significant hBits
* of rollingHash. The checksum is the next 32 most significant bits, followed
* by ldmParams.hashRateLog bits that make up the tag. */
static void ZSTD_ldm_makeEntryAndInsertByTag(ldmState_t* ldmState,
U64 const rollingHash,
U32 const hBits,
U32 const offset,
ldmParams_t const ldmParams)
U32 const tag = ZSTD_ldm_getTag(rollingHash, hBits, ldmParams.hashRateLog);
U32 const tagMask = ((U32)1 << ldmParams.hashRateLog) - 1;
if (tag == tagMask) {
U32 const hash = ZSTD_ldm_getSmallHash(rollingHash, hBits);
U32 const checksum = ZSTD_ldm_getChecksum(rollingHash, hBits);
ldmEntry_t entry;
entry.offset = offset;
entry.checksum = checksum;
ZSTD_ldm_insertEntry(ldmState, hash, entry, ldmParams);
/** ZSTD_ldm_fillLdmHashTable() :
* Fills hashTable from (lastHashed + 1) to iend (non-inclusive).
* lastHash is the rolling hash that corresponds to lastHashed.
* Returns the rolling hash corresponding to position iend-1. */
static U64 ZSTD_ldm_fillLdmHashTable(ldmState_t* state,
U64 lastHash, const BYTE* lastHashed,
const BYTE* iend, const BYTE* base,
U32 hBits, ldmParams_t const ldmParams)
U64 rollingHash = lastHash;
const BYTE* cur = lastHashed + 1;
while (cur < iend) {
rollingHash = ZSTD_rollingHash_rotate(rollingHash, cur[-1],
rollingHash, hBits,
(U32)(cur - base), ldmParams);
return rollingHash;
U32 const minMatchLength = params->minMatchLength;
U32 const hBits = params->hashLog - params->bucketSizeLog;
BYTE const* const base = ldmState->window.base;
BYTE const* const istart = ip;
ldmRollingHashState_t hashState;
size_t* const splits = ldmState->splitIndices;
unsigned numSplits;
ZSTD_ldm_gear_init(&hashState, params);
while (ip < iend) {
size_t hashed;
unsigned n;
numSplits = 0;
hashed = ZSTD_ldm_gear_feed(&hashState, ip, iend - ip, splits, &numSplits);
for (n = 0; n < numSplits; n++) {
if (ip + splits[n] >= istart + minMatchLength) {
BYTE const* const split = ip + splits[n] - minMatchLength;
U64 const xxhash = XXH64(split, minMatchLength, 0);
U32 const hash = (U32)(xxhash & (((U32)1 << hBits) - 1));
ldmEntry_t entry;
entry.offset = (U32)(split - base);
entry.checksum = (U32)(xxhash >> 32);
ZSTD_ldm_insertEntry(ldmState, hash, entry, *params);
ip += hashed;
if ((size_t)(iend - ip) >= params->minMatchLength) {
U64 startingHash = ZSTD_rollingHash_compute(ip, params->minMatchLength);
state, startingHash, ip, iend - params->minMatchLength, state->window.base,
params->hashLog - params->bucketSizeLog,
/* Rolling hash state */
ldmRollingHashState_t hashState;
/* Arrays for staged-processing */
size_t* const splits = ldmState->splitIndices;
ldmMatchCandidate_t* const candidates = ldmState->matchCandidates;
unsigned numSplits;
if (srcSize < minMatchLength)
return iend - anchor;
/* Initialize the rolling hash state with the first minMatchLength bytes */
ZSTD_ldm_gear_init(&hashState, params);
size_t n = 0;
/* Rolling hash */
BYTE const* lastHashed = NULL;
U64 rollingHash = 0;
while (n < minMatchLength) {
numSplits = 0;
n += ZSTD_ldm_gear_feed(&hashState, ip + n, minMatchLength - n,
splits, &numSplits);
while (ip <= ilimit) {
size_t mLength;
U32 const curr = (U32)(ip - base);
size_t forwardMatchLength = 0, backwardMatchLength = 0;
ldmEntry_t* bestEntry = NULL;
if (ip != istart) {
rollingHash = ZSTD_rollingHash_rotate(rollingHash, lastHashed[0],
} else {
rollingHash = ZSTD_rollingHash_compute(ip, minMatchLength);
for (n = 0; n < numSplits; n++) {
BYTE const* const split = ip + splits[n] - minMatchLength;
U64 const xxhash = XXH64(split, minMatchLength, 0);
U32 const hash = (U32)(xxhash & (((U32)1 << hBits) - 1));
candidates[n].split = split;
candidates[n].hash = hash;
candidates[n].checksum = (U32)(xxhash >> 32);
candidates[n].bucket = ZSTD_ldm_getBucket(ldmState, hash, *params);
/* Do not insert and do not look for a match */
if (ZSTD_ldm_getTag(rollingHash, hBits, hashRateLog) != ldmTagMask) {
for (n = 0; n < numSplits; n++) {
size_t forwardMatchLength = 0, backwardMatchLength = 0,
bestMatchLength = 0, mLength;
BYTE const* const split = candidates[n].split;
U32 const checksum = candidates[n].checksum;
U32 const hash = candidates[n].hash;
ldmEntry_t* const bucket = candidates[n].bucket;
ldmEntry_t const* cur;
ldmEntry_t const* bestEntry = NULL;
ldmEntry_t newEntry;
newEntry.offset = (U32)(split - base);
newEntry.checksum = checksum;
/* If a split point would generate a sequence overlapping with
* the previous one, we merely register it in the hash table and
* move on */
if (split < anchor) {
ZSTD_ldm_insertEntry(ldmState, hash, newEntry, *params);
/* Get the best entry and compute the match lengths */
ldmEntry_t* const bucket =
ZSTD_ldm_getSmallHash(rollingHash, hBits),
ldmEntry_t* cur;
size_t bestMatchLength = 0;
U32 const checksum = ZSTD_ldm_getChecksum(rollingHash, hBits);
curBackwardMatchLength = ZSTD_ldm_countBackwardsMatch_2segments(
split, anchor, pMatch, lowMatchPtr, dictStart, dictEnd);
curBackwardMatchLength =
ZSTD_ldm_countBackwardsMatch_2segments(ip, anchor,
pMatch, lowMatchPtr,
dictStart, dictEnd);
curTotalMatchLength = curForwardMatchLength +
/* Match found */
mLength = forwardMatchLength + backwardMatchLength;
U32 const offset = (U32)(split - base) - bestEntry->offset;
rawSeq* const seq = rawSeqStore->seq + rawSeqStore->size;
/* No match found -- continue searching */
if (bestEntry == NULL) {
ZSTD_ldm_makeEntryAndInsertByTag(ldmState, rollingHash,
hBits, curr,
/* Out of sequence storage */
if (rawSeqStore->size == rawSeqStore->capacity)
return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
seq->litLength = (U32)(split - backwardMatchLength - anchor);
seq->matchLength = (U32)mLength;
seq->offset = offset;
/* Match found */
mLength = forwardMatchLength + backwardMatchLength;
ip -= backwardMatchLength;
/* Insert the current entry into the hash table --- it must be
* done after the previous block to avoid clobbering bestEntry */
ZSTD_ldm_insertEntry(ldmState, hash, newEntry, *params);
/* Store the sequence:
* ip = curr - backwardMatchLength
* The match is at (bestEntry->offset - backwardMatchLength)
U32 const matchIndex = bestEntry->offset;
U32 const offset = curr - matchIndex;
rawSeq* const seq = rawSeqStore->seq + rawSeqStore->size;
anchor = split + forwardMatchLength;
/* Out of sequence storage */
if (rawSeqStore->size == rawSeqStore->capacity)
return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
seq->litLength = (U32)(ip - anchor);
seq->matchLength = (U32)mLength;
seq->offset = offset;
/* Fill the hash table from lastHashed+1 to ip+mLength*/
/* Heuristic: don't need to fill the entire table at end of block */
if (ip + mLength <= ilimit) {
rollingHash = ZSTD_ldm_fillLdmHashTable(
ldmState, rollingHash, lastHashed,
ip + mLength, base, hBits, *params);
lastHashed = ip + mLength - 1;
ip += mLength;
anchor = ip;
#define ZSTD_NO_CLEVEL 0
* Initializes the cctxParams from params and compressionLevel.
* @param compressionLevel If params are derived from a compression level then that compression level, otherwise ZSTD_NO_CLEVEL.
static void ZSTD_CCtxParams_init_internal(ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams, ZSTD_parameters const* params, int compressionLevel)
ZSTD_memset(cctxParams, 0, sizeof(*cctxParams));
cctxParams->cParams = params->cParams;
cctxParams->fParams = params->fParams;
/* Should not matter, as all cParams are presumed properly defined.
* But, set it for tracing anyway.
cctxParams->compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
ZSTD_CCtxParams_init_internal(cctxParams, ¶ms, ZSTD_NO_CLEVEL);
ZSTD_memset(cctxParams, 0, sizeof(*cctxParams));
cctxParams->cParams = params.cParams;
cctxParams->fParams = params.fParams;
cctxParams->compressionLevel = ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT; /* should not matter, as all cParams are presumed properly defined */
* Sets cctxParams' cParams and fParams from params, but otherwise leaves them alone.
* @param param Validated zstd parameters.
static void ZSTD_CCtxParams_setZstdParams(
ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams, const ZSTD_parameters* params)
/* ZSTD_assignParamsToCCtxParams() :
* params is presumed valid at this stage */
static ZSTD_CCtx_params ZSTD_assignParamsToCCtxParams(
const ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams, const ZSTD_parameters* params)
cctxParams->cParams = params->cParams;
cctxParams->fParams = params->fParams;
/* Should not matter, as all cParams are presumed properly defined.
* But, set it for tracing anyway.
cctxParams->compressionLevel = ZSTD_NO_CLEVEL;
ret.cParams = params->cParams;
ret.fParams = params->fParams;
ret.compressionLevel = ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT; /* should not matter, as all cParams are presumed properly defined */
return ret;
zc->ldmState.bucketOffsets = ZSTD_cwksp_reserve_buffer(ws, numBuckets);
ZSTD_memset(zc->ldmState.bucketOffsets, 0, numBuckets);
zc->ldmState.bucketOffsets = ZSTD_cwksp_reserve_buffer(ws, ldmBucketSize);
ZSTD_memset(zc->ldmState.bucketOffsets, 0, ldmBucketSize);
/* ZSTD_writeSkippableFrame_advanced() :
* Writes out a skippable frame with the specified magic number variant (16 are supported),
* from ZSTD_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START to ZSTD_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START+15, and the desired source data.
* Returns the total number of bytes written, or a ZSTD error code.
size_t ZSTD_writeSkippableFrame(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned magicVariant) {
BYTE* op = (BYTE*)dst;
RETURN_ERROR_IF(dstCapacity < srcSize + ZSTD_SKIPPABLEHEADERSIZE /* Skippable frame overhead */,
dstSize_tooSmall, "Not enough room for skippable frame");
RETURN_ERROR_IF(srcSize > (unsigned)0xFFFFFFFF, srcSize_wrong, "Src size too large for skippable frame");
RETURN_ERROR_IF(magicVariant > 15, parameter_outOfBound, "Skippable frame magic number variant not supported");
MEM_writeLE32(op, (U32)(ZSTD_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START + magicVariant));
MEM_writeLE32(op+4, (U32)srcSize);
ZSTD_memcpy(op+8, src, srcSize);
ZSTD_CCtx_params cctxParams;
ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams_internal(compressionLevel, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN, dictSize, ZSTD_cpm_noAttachDict);
ZSTD_CCtxParams_init_internal(&cctxParams, ¶ms, (compressionLevel == 0) ? ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT : compressionLevel);
ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams_internal(compressionLevel, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN, dictSize, ZSTD_cpm_noAttachDict);
ZSTD_CCtx_params const cctxParams =
ZSTD_assignParamsToCCtxParams(&cctx->requestedParams, ¶ms);
void ZSTD_CCtx_trace(ZSTD_CCtx* cctx, size_t extraCSize)
if (cctx->traceCtx) {
int const streaming = cctx->inBuffSize > 0 || cctx->outBuffSize > 0 || cctx->appliedParams.nbWorkers > 0;
ZSTD_Trace trace;
ZSTD_memset(&trace, 0, sizeof(trace));
trace.version = ZSTD_VERSION_NUMBER;
trace.streaming = streaming;
trace.dictionaryID = cctx->dictID;
trace.dictionarySize = cctx->dictContentSize;
trace.uncompressedSize = cctx->consumedSrcSize;
trace.compressedSize = cctx->producedCSize + extraCSize;
trace.params = &cctx->appliedParams;
trace.cctx = cctx;
ZSTD_trace_compress_end(cctx->traceCtx, &trace);
cctx->traceCtx = 0;
static size_t ZSTD_compress_internal (ZSTD_CCtx* cctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
const void* dict,size_t dictSize,
const ZSTD_parameters* params)
ZSTD_CCtx_params const cctxParams =
ZSTD_assignParamsToCCtxParams(&cctx->requestedParams, params);
DEBUGLOG(4, "ZSTD_compress_internal");
return ZSTD_compress_advanced_internal(cctx,
dst, dstCapacity,
src, srcSize,
dict, dictSize,
ZSTD_CCtxParams_init_internal(&cctxParams, ¶ms, ZSTD_NO_CLEVEL);
return ZSTD_compress_advanced_internal(cctx,
dst, dstCapacity,
src, srcSize,
dict, dictSize,
return ZSTD_compress_internal(cctx,
dst, dstCapacity,
src, srcSize,
dict, dictSize,
ZSTD_CCtx_params cctxParams;
ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams_internal(compressionLevel, srcSize, dict ? dictSize : 0, ZSTD_cpm_noAttachDict);
assert(params.fParams.contentSizeFlag == 1);
ZSTD_CCtxParams_init_internal(&cctxParams, ¶ms, (compressionLevel == 0) ? ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT: compressionLevel);
ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams_internal(compressionLevel, srcSize, dict ? dictSize : 0, ZSTD_cpm_noAttachDict);
ZSTD_CCtx_params cctxParams = ZSTD_assignParamsToCCtxParams(&cctx->requestedParams, ¶ms);
ZSTD_CCtxParams_init_internal(&cctxParams, ¶ms, cdict->compressionLevel);
/* Increase window log to fit the entire dictionary and source if the
* source size is known. Limit the increase to 19, which is the
* window log for compression level 1 with the largest source size.
if (pledgedSrcSize != ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) {
U32 const limitedSrcSize = (U32)MIN(pledgedSrcSize, 1U << 19);
U32 const limitedSrcLog = limitedSrcSize > 1 ? ZSTD_highbit32(limitedSrcSize - 1) + 1 : 1;
params.cParams.windowLog = MAX(params.cParams.windowLog, limitedSrcLog);
params.fParams = fParams;
return ZSTD_compressBegin_internal(cctx,
NULL, 0, ZSTD_dct_auto, ZSTD_dtlm_fast,
¶ms, pledgedSrcSize,
/* Increase window log to fit the entire dictionary and source if the
* source size is known. Limit the increase to 19, which is the
* window log for compression level 1 with the largest source size.
if (pledgedSrcSize != ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) {
U32 const limitedSrcSize = (U32)MIN(pledgedSrcSize, 1U << 19);
U32 const limitedSrcLog = limitedSrcSize > 1 ? ZSTD_highbit32(limitedSrcSize - 1) + 1 : 1;
cctxParams.cParams.windowLog = MAX(cctxParams.cParams.windowLog, limitedSrcLog);
return ZSTD_compressBegin_internal(cctx,
NULL, 0, ZSTD_dct_auto, ZSTD_dtlm_fast,
&cctxParams, pledgedSrcSize,
printf("update with");
for(unsigned long i = prevOutPos; i < outTmp.pos; i++) {
BYTE* b = (BYTE*) outTmp.dst;
printf(" %d", b[i]);
printf("\n%d\n", outTmp.pos - prevOutPos);
XXH64_update(&zs->xxhState, (BYTE*)outTmp.dst + prevOutPos,
1); // outTmp.pos - prevOutPos);
XXH64_update(&zs->xxhState, (BYTE*)outTmp.dst + prevOutPos,
outTmp.pos - prevOutPos);
fn pijul_change() {
let change = include_bytes!("../.pijul/changes/IH/334Q5ACWE4TNQYYOOF6GWV6CRXOEM6542NVNPA6HRIZ3CBFKEAC.change");
use serde_derive::*;
pub struct Offsets {
pub version: u64,
pub hashed_len: u64,
pub unhashed_off: u64,
pub unhashed_len: u64,
pub contents_off: u64,
pub contents_len: u64,
pub total: u64,
let off0 = std::mem::size_of::<Offsets>();
let offsets: Offsets = bincode::deserialize(&change[..off0]).unwrap();
let mut s = Seekable::init_buf(
&change[off0..offsets.unhashed_off as usize],
let mut buf_ = Vec::new();
buf_.resize(offsets.hashed_len as usize, 0);
s.decompress(&mut buf_[..], 0).unwrap();