Write-Host "Build Common Loading"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0
$global:buildCommonSelfPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$cleanCookerOutput = Join-Path -Path $global:buildCommonSelfPath "clean_cooker_output.ps1"
Write-Host "Sourcing $cleanCookerOutput"
. $cleanCookerOutput
# list of all native script packages
$global:nativescriptpackages = @("XComGame", "Core", "Engine", "GFxUI", "AkAudio", "GameFramework", "UnrealEd", "GFxUIEditor", "IpDrv", "OnlineSubsystemPC", "OnlineSubsystemLive", "OnlineSubsystemSteamworks", "OnlineSubsystemPSN")
$global:def_robocopy_args = @("/S", "/E", "/COPY:DAT", "/PURGE", "/MIR", "/NP", "/R:1000000", "/W:30")
$global:invarCulture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture
class BuildProject {
[string] $modNameCanonical
[string] $modNameFull
[string] $projectRoot
[string] $sdkPath
[string] $gamePath
[string] $finalModPath
[string] $contentOptionsJsonFilename
[long] $publishID = -1
[bool] $debug = $false
[bool] $final_release = $false
[string[]] $include = @()
[string[]] $clean = @()
[object[]] $preMakeHooks = @()
# internals
[hashtable] $macroDefs = @{}
[object[]] $timings = @()
# lazily set
[string] $modSrcRoot
[string] $modX2projPath
[string] $devSrcRoot
[string] $stagingPath
[string] $xcomModPath
[string] $commandletHostPath
[string] $buildCachePath
[string] $cookerOutputPath
[string] $makeFingerprintsPath
[string[]] $modScriptPackages
[bool] $isHl
[bool] $cookHL
[PSCustomObject] $contentOptions
[string] $sdkEngineIniPath
[string] $sdkEngineIniContent
$this.modNameFull = $mod
$this.modNameCanonical = $mod -Replace '[\s;]',''
$this.projectRoot = $projectRoot
$this.sdkPath = $sdkPath
$this.gamePath = $gamePath
[void]SetContentOptionsJsonFilename($filename) {
$this.contentOptionsJsonFilename = $filename
[void]SetWorkshopID([long] $publishID) {
if ($publishID -le 0) { ThrowFailure "publishID must be >0" }
$this.publishID = $publishID
[void]EnableFinalRelease() {
$this.final_release = $true
[void]EnableDebug() {
$this.debug = $true
[void]AddPreMakeHook([Action[]] $action) {
$this.preMakeHooks += $action
[void]AddToClean([string] $modName) {
$this.clean += $modName
[void]IncludeSrc([string] $src) {
if (!(Test-Path $src)) { ThrowFailure "include path $src doesn't exist" }
$this.include += $src
[void]InvokeBuild() {
try {
$fullStopwatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
if ($this._HasScriptPackages()) {
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._CleanAdditional() }, "Cleaning", "Cleaned", "additional mods")
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._CopyModToSdk() }, "Mirroring", "Mirrored", "mod to SDK")
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._ConvertLocalization() }, "Converting", "Converted", "Localization UTF-8 -> UTF-16")
if ($this._ShouldCompileBase()) {
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._CopyToSrc() }, "Populating", "Populated", "Development\Src folder")
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._RunPreMakeHooks() }, "Running", "Ran", "Pre-Make hooks")
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._CheckCleanCompiled() }, "Verifying", "Verified", "compiled script packages")
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._RunMakeBase() }, "Compiling", "Compiled", "base-game script packages")
if ($this._HasScriptPackages()) {
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._RunMakeMod() }, "Compiling", "Compiled", "mod script packages")
if ($this._ShouldCompileBase()) {
if ($this._HasScriptPackages()) {
if ($this.isHl) {
if (-not $this.debug) {
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._RunCookHL() }, "Cooking", "Cooked", "Highlander packages")
} else {
Write-Host "Skipping HL cooking as debug build"
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._CopyScriptPackages() }, "Copying", "Copied", "compiled script packages")
# The shader step needs to happen before asset cooking - precompiler gets confused by some inlined materials
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._PrecompileShaders() }, "Precompiling", "Precompiled", "shaders")
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._RunCookAssets() }, "Cooking", "Cooked", "mod assets")
# Do this last as there is no need for it earlier - the cooker obviously has access to the game assets
# and precompiling shaders seems to do nothing (I assume they are included in the game's GlobalShaderCache)
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._CopyMissingUncooked() }, "Copying", "Copied", "requested uncooked packages")
$this._PerformStep({ ($_)._FinalCopy() }, "Copying", "Copied", "built mod to game directory")
SuccessMessage "*** SUCCESS! ($(FormatElapsed $fullStopwatch.Elapsed)) ***" $this.modNameCanonical
catch {
[void]_PerformStep([scriptblock]$stepCallback, [string]$progressWord, [string]$completedWord, [string]$description) {
Write-Host "$($progressWord) $($description)..."
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
# HACK: Set $_ for $stepCallback with Foreach-Object on only one object
$this | ForEach-Object $stepCallback
$record = [PSCustomObject]@{
Description = "$($progressWord) $($description)"
Seconds = $sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
$this.timings += $record
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen "$($completedWord) $($description) in $(FormatElapsed $sw.Elapsed)"
[void]_ReportTimings([Diagnostics.Stopwatch]$fullStopwatch) {
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:X2MBC_REPORT_TIMINGS)) {
$fullTime = $fullStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
$accountedTime = $this.timings | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Seconds | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
$this.timings += [PSCustomObject]@{
Description = "Total Duration"
Seconds = $fullTime
$this.timings += [PSCustomObject]@{
Description = "Unaccounted time"
Seconds = $fullTime - $accountedTime
$this.timings | Sort-Object -Descending -Property { $_.Seconds } | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Share" -NotePropertyValue ($_.Seconds / $fullTime).ToString("0.00%", $global:invarCulture)
$_.Seconds = $_.Seconds.ToString("0.00s", $global:invarCulture)
} | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host
[void]_CheckFlags() {
if ($this.debug -eq $true -and $this.final_release -eq $true)
ThrowFailure "-debug and -final_release cannot be used together"
[void]_ConfirmPaths() {
Write-Host "SDK Path: $($this.sdkPath)"
Write-Host "Game Path: $($this.gamePath)"
# Check if the user config is set up correctly
if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.sdkPath) -or $this.sdkPath -eq '${config:xcom.highlander.sdkroot}') -or ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.gamePath) -or $this.gamePath -eq '${config:xcom.highlander.gameroot}'))
ThrowFailure "Please set up user config xcom.highlander.sdkroot and xcom.highlander.gameroot"
elseif (!(Test-Path $this.sdkPath)) # Verify the SDK and game paths exist before proceeding
ThrowFailure ("The path '{}' doesn't exist. Please adjust the xcom.highlander.sdkroot variable in your user config and retry." -f $this.sdkPath)
elseif (!(Test-Path $this.gamePath))
ThrowFailure ("The path '{}' doesn't exist. Please adjust the xcom.highlander.gameroot variable in your user config and retry." -f $this.gamePath)
[void]_SetupUtils() {
$this.modSrcRoot = "$($this.projectRoot)\$($this.modNameFull)"
$this.modX2projPath = "$($this.modSrcRoot)\$($this.modNameFull).x2proj"
$this.stagingPath = "$($this.sdkPath)\XComGame\Mods\$($this.modNameCanonical)"
$this.xcomModPath = "$($this.stagingPath)\$($this.modNameCanonical).XComMod"
$this.finalModPath = "$($this.gamePath)\XComGame\Mods\$($this.modNameCanonical)"
$this.devSrcRoot = "$($this.sdkPath)\Development\Src"
$this.commandletHostPath = "$($this.sdkPath)/binaries/Win64/XComGame.com"
# build package lists we'll need later and delete as appropriate
# the mod's packages
$modSrcPath = "$($this.modSrcRoot)/Src"
if (Test-Path $modSrcPath) {
$this.modScriptPackages = @(Get-ChildItem "$($this.modSrcRoot)/Src" -Directory)
} else {
# No scripts to compile
$this.modScriptPackages = @()
if (!$this._HasScriptPackages()) {
if ($this.clean.Length -gt 0) {
ThrowFailure "AddToClean is not supported when no script packages to compile"
if ($this.include.Length -gt 0) {
ThrowFailure "IncludeSrc is not supported when no script packages to compile"
if ($this.preMakeHooks.Length -gt 0) {
ThrowFailure "AddPreMakeHook is not supported when no script packages to compile"
if ($this.debug) {
ThrowFailure "Debug build enabled but no script packages to compile"
$this.isHl = $this._HasNativePackages()
$this.cookHL = $this.isHl -and -not $this.debug
if (-not $this.isHl -and $this.final_release) {
ThrowFailure "-final_release only makes sense if the mod in question is a Highlander"
$this.cookerOutputPath = [io.path]::combine($this.sdkPath, 'XComGame', 'Published', 'CookedPCConsole')
$this.buildCachePath = [io.path]::combine($this.projectRoot, 'BuildCache')
if (!(Test-Path $this.buildCachePath))
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path $this.buildCachePath
$this.sdkEngineIniPath = "$($this.sdkPath)/XComGame/Config/DefaultEngine.ini"
$this.sdkEngineIniContent = Get-Content $this.sdkEngineIniPath | Out-String
$this.makeFingerprintsPath = "$($this.sdkPath)\XComGame\lastBuildDetails.json"
$lastBuildDetails = if (Test-Path $this.makeFingerprintsPath) {
Get-Content $this.makeFingerprintsPath | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
@("buildMode", "globalsHash", "coreTimestamp") | ForEach-Object {
if(-not (Get-Member -InputObject $lastBuildDetails -name $_ -Membertype Properties)) {
$lastBuildDetails | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $_ -NotePropertyValue "unknown"
$lastBuildDetails | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $this.makeFingerprintsPath
[void]_LoadContentOptions() {
Write-Host "Preparing content options"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.contentOptionsJsonFilename))
$this.contentOptions = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$contentOptionsJsonPath = Join-Path $this.modSrcRoot $this.contentOptionsJsonFilename
if (!(Test-Path $contentOptionsJsonPath)) {
ThrowFailure "ContentOptionsJsonPath $contentOptionsJsonPath doesn't exist"
$this.contentOptions = Get-Content $contentOptionsJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "Loaded $($contentOptionsJsonPath)"
if (($this.contentOptions.PSobject.Properties | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -notcontains "missingUncooked")
Write-Host "No missing uncooked"
$this.contentOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'missingUncooked' -Value @()
if (($this.contentOptions.PSobject.Properties | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -notcontains "sfStandalone")
Write-Host "No packages to make SF"
$this.contentOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'sfStandalone' -Value @()
if (($this.contentOptions.PSobject.Properties | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -notcontains "sfMaps")
Write-Host "No umaps to cook"
$this.contentOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'sfMaps' -Value @()
if (($this.contentOptions.PSobject.Properties | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -notcontains "sfCollectionMaps")
Write-Host "No collection maps to cook"
$this.contentOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'sfCollectionMaps' -Value @()
[void]_CopyModToSdk() {
$xf = @("*.x2proj")
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.contentOptionsJsonFilename)) {
$xf += $this.contentOptionsJsonFilename
Write-Host "Copying mod project to staging..."
Robocopy.exe "$($this.modSrcRoot)" "$($this.stagingPath)" *.* $global:def_robocopy_args /XF @xf /XD "ContentForCook"
Write-Host "Copied project to staging."
if ($this._HasScriptPackages()) {
New-Item "$($this.stagingPath)/Script" -ItemType Directory
# read mod metadata from the x2proj file
Write-Host "Reading mod metadata from $($this.modX2ProjPath)"
[xml]$x2projXml = Get-Content -Path "$($this.modX2ProjPath)"
$xmlPropertyGroup = $x2projXml.Project.PropertyGroup
$modProperties = if ($xmlPropertyGroup -is [array]) { $xmlPropertyGroup[0] } else { $xmlPropertyGroup }
$publishedId = $modProperties.SteamPublishID
if ($this.publishID -ne -1) {
$publishedId = $this.publishID
Write-Host "Using override workshop ID of $publishedId"
$title = $modProperties.Name
$description = $modProperties.Description
Write-Host "Read."
Write-Host "Writing mod metadata..."
Set-Content "$($this.xcomModPath)" "[mod]`npublishedFileId=$publishedId`nTitle=$title`nDescription=$description`nRequiresXPACK=true"
Write-Host "Written."
# Create CookedPCConsole folder for the mod
if ($this.cookHL) {
New-Item "$($this.stagingPath)/CookedPCConsole" -ItemType Directory
[void]_CleanAdditional() {
# clean
foreach ($modName in $this.clean) {
$cleanDir = "$($this.sdkPath)/XComGame/Mods/$($modName)"
if (Test-Path $cleanDir) {
Write-Host "Cleaning $($modName)..."
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $cleanDir
[void]_ConvertLocalization() {
Get-ChildItem "$($this.stagingPath)\Localization" -Recurse -File |
Foreach-Object {
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName -Encoding UTF8
$content | Out-File $_.FullName -Encoding Unicode
[void]_CopyToSrc() {
# mirror the SDK's SrcOrig to its Src
Write-Host "Mirroring SrcOrig to Src..."
Robocopy.exe "$($this.sdkPath)\Development\SrcOrig" "$($this.devSrcRoot)" *.uc *.uci $global:def_robocopy_args
Write-Host "Mirrored SrcOrig to Src."
# Copy dependencies
Write-Host "Copying dependency sources to Src..."
foreach ($depfolder in $this.include) {
Get-ChildItem "$($depfolder)" -Directory -Name | Write-Host
Write-Host "Copied dependency sources to Src."
if ($this._HasScriptPackages()) {
# copying the mod's scripts to the script staging location
Write-Host "Copying the mod's sources to Src..."
Write-Host "Copied mod sources to Src."
[void]_CopySrcFolder([string] $includeDir) {
Copy-Item "$($includeDir)\*" "$($this.devSrcRoot)\" -Force -Recurse -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$extraGlobalsFile = "$($includeDir)\extra_globals.uci"
if (Test-Path $extraGlobalsFile) {
# append extra_globals.uci to globals.uci
"// Macros included from $($extraGlobalsFile)" | Add-Content "$($this.devSrcRoot)\Core\Globals.uci"
Get-Content $extraGlobalsFile | Add-Content "$($this.devSrcRoot)\Core\Globals.uci"
[void]_ParseMacroFile([string]$file) {
$lines = Get-Content $file
# check for dupes
$redefine = $false
$lineNr = 1
foreach ($line in $lines) {
$defineMatch = $line | Select-String -Pattern '^\s*`define\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)'
if ($null -ne $defineMatch -and $defineMatch.Matches.Success) {
[string]$macroName = $defineMatch.Matches.Groups[1]
$prevDef = $this.macroDefs[$macroName]
if ($null -ne $prevDef -and
-not $redefine -and
$prevDef.file -ne $file) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error: Implicit redefinition of macro $($macroName)"
$defineWord = if ($prevDef.redefine) { "redefined" } else { "defined" }
Write-Host " Note: Previously $($defineWord) at $($prevDef.file)($($prevDef.lineNr))"
Write-Host " Note: Implicitly redefined at $($file)($($lineNr))"
Write-Host " Help: Rename the macro, or add ``// X2MBC-Redefine`` above to explicitly redefine and silence this warning."
ThrowFailure "Implicit macro redefinition."
$macroDef = [PSCustomObject]@{
file = $file
lineNr = $lineNr
redefine = $redefine
$this.macroDefs[$macroName] = $macroDef
} elseif ($line -match '^\s*`define') {
ThrowFailure "Unrecognized macro at $($file)($($line)). This is a bug in X2ModBuildCommon."
$redefine = $line -match "X2MBC-Redefine"
$lineNr += 1
[void]_RunPreMakeHooks() {
foreach ($hook in $this.preMakeHooks) {
[string]_GetCoreMtime() {
if (Test-Path "$($this.sdkPath)/XComGame/Script/Core.u") {
return Get-Item "$($this.sdkPath)/XComGame/Script/Core.u" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LastWriteTime
} else {
return "missing"
[void]_CheckCleanCompiled() {
# #16: Switching between debug and release causes an error in the make commandlet if script packages aren't deleted.
# #20: Changes to Globals.uci aren't tracked by UCC, so we must delete script packages if Globals.uci changes.
$lastBuildDetails = Get-Content $this.makeFingerprintsPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$buildMode = if ($this.debug -eq $true) { "debug" } else { "release" }
$globalsHash = Get-FileHash "$($this.sdkPath)\Development\Src\Core\Globals.uci" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Hash
$coreTimeStamp = $this._GetCoreMtime()
$rebuild = if ($lastBuildDetails.buildMode -ne $buildMode) {
Write-Host "Detected switch between debug and non-debug build."
} elseif ($lastBuildDetails.coreTimestamp -ne $coreTimeStamp) {
Write-Host "Detected previous external rebuild."
} elseif ($lastBuildDetails.globalsHash -ne $globalsHash) {
Write-Host "Detected change in macros (Globals.uci)."
} else {
# Order: Deleting first cannot cause an issue because the compiler will just rebuild.
if ($rebuild) {
Write-Host "Cleaning all compiled scripts from $($this.sdkPath)/XComGame/Script to avoid compiler error..."
Remove-Item "$($this.sdkPath)/XComGame/Script/*.u"
Write-Host "Cleaned."
$lastBuildDetails.buildMode = $buildMode
$lastBuildDetails.globalsHash = $globalsHash
# Similarly, recording the previous invocation fingerprints before the build is complete
# cannot cause an issue because the compiler will simply continue an interrupted build.
$lastBuildDetails | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $this.makeFingerprintsPath
[void]_RecordCoreTimestamp() {
# Unfortunately, ModBuddy with Fxs' plugin can rebuild the packages under our nose.
# As a last resort, record the Core.u timestamp
$lastBuildDetails = Get-Content $this.makeFingerprintsPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$lastBuildDetails.coreTimestamp = $this._GetCoreMtime()
$lastBuildDetails | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $this.makeFingerprintsPath
[void]_RunMakeBase() {
# build the base game scripts
$scriptsMakeArguments = "make -nopause -unattended"
if ($this.final_release -eq $true)
$scriptsMakeArguments = "$scriptsMakeArguments -final_release"
if ($this.debug -eq $true)
$scriptsMakeArguments = "$scriptsMakeArguments -debug"
$handler = [MakeStdoutReceiver]::new($this)
$handler.processDescr = "compiling base game scripts"
$this._InvokeEditorCmdlet($handler, $scriptsMakeArguments, 50)
# If we build in final release, we must build the normal scripts too
if ($this.final_release -eq $true)
Write-Host "Compiling base game scripts without final_release..."
$scriptsMakeArguments = "make -nopause -unattended"
$handler = [MakeStdoutReceiver]::new($this)
$handler.processDescr = "compiling base game scripts"
$this._InvokeEditorCmdlet($handler, $scriptsMakeArguments, 50)
[void]_RunMakeMod() {
# build the mod's scripts
$scriptsMakeArguments = "make -nopause -mods $($this.modNameCanonical) $($this.stagingPath)"
if ($this.debug -eq $true)
$scriptsMakeArguments = "$scriptsMakeArguments -debug"
$handler = [MakeStdoutReceiver]::new($this)
$handler.processDescr = "compiling mod scripts"
$this._InvokeEditorCmdlet($handler, $scriptsMakeArguments, 50)
[bool]_HasNativePackages() {
# Check if this is a Highlander and we need to cook things
$anynative = $false
foreach ($name in $this.modScriptPackages)
if ($global:nativescriptpackages.Contains($name)) {
$anynative = $true
return $anynative
[bool] _HasScriptPackages () {
return $this.modScriptPackages.Length -gt 0
[bool] _ShouldCompileBase () {
if ($this._HasScriptPackages()) {
return $true
# We need to compile base game scripts if cooking assets, otherwise the cooker will just crash if the SDK was cleaned beforehand
if ($this._AnyAssetsToCook()) {
return $true
return $false
[void]_CopyScriptPackages() {
# copy packages to staging
foreach ($name in $this.modScriptPackages) {
if ($this.cookHL -and $global:nativescriptpackages.Contains($name))
# This is a native (cooked) script package -- copy important upks
Copy-Item "$($this.cookerOutputPath)\$name.upk" "$($this.stagingPath)\CookedPCConsole" -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Copy-Item "$($this.cookerOutputPath)\$name.upk.uncompressed_size" "$($this.stagingPath)\CookedPCConsole" -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "$($this.cookerOutputPath)\$name.upk"
# Or this is a non-native package
Copy-Item "$($this.sdkPath)\XComGame\Script\$name.u" "$($this.stagingPath)\Script" -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "$($this.sdkPath)\XComGame\Script\$name.u"
[void]_PrecompileShaders() {
Write-Host "Checking the need to PrecompileShaders"
$contentfiles = @()
# We don't need to consider
# .umaps - they will never contain material (instances) objects - only reference them
# ContentForCook - seekfree packages have an inlined shader cache
if (Test-Path "$($this.modSrcRoot)/Content")
$contentfiles += Get-ChildItem "$($this.modSrcRoot)/Content" -Include *.upk -Recurse -File
if ($contentfiles.length -eq 0) {
Write-Host "No content files, skipping PrecompileShaders."
# for ($i = 0; $i -lt $contentfiles.Length; $i++) {
# Write-Host $contentfiles[$i]
# }
$need_shader_precompile = $false
$shaderCacheName = "$($this.modNameCanonical)_ModShaderCache.upk"
$cachedShaderCachePath = "$($this.buildCachePath)/$($shaderCacheName)"
# Try to find a reason to precompile the shaders
if (!(Test-Path -Path $cachedShaderCachePath))
$need_shader_precompile = $true
elseif ($contentfiles.length -gt 0)
$shader_cache = Get-Item $cachedShaderCachePath
foreach ($file in $contentfiles)
if ($file.LastWriteTime -gt $shader_cache.LastWriteTime -Or $file.CreationTime -gt $shader_cache.LastWriteTime)
$need_shader_precompile = $true
if ($need_shader_precompile)
# build the mod's shader cache
Write-Host "Precompiling Shaders..."
$precompileShadersFlags = "precompileshaders -nopause platform=pc_sm4 DLC=$($this.modNameCanonical)"
$handler = [PassthroughReceiver]::new()
$handler.processDescr = "precompiling shaders"
$this._InvokeEditorCmdlet($handler, $precompileShadersFlags, 10)
Write-Host "Generated Shader Cache."
Copy-Item -Path "$($this.stagingPath)/Content/$shaderCacheName" -Destination $this.buildCachePath
Write-Host "No reason to precompile shaders, using existing"
Copy-Item -Path $cachedShaderCachePath -Destination "$($this.stagingPath)/Content"
[void]_RunCookAssets() {
$step = [ModAssetsCookStep]::new($this)
[void]_RunCookHL() {
# Cook it
# Normally, the mod tools create a symlink in the SDK directory to the game CookedPCConsole directory,
# but we'll just be using the game one to make it more robust
$cookedpcconsoledir = [io.path]::combine($this.gamePath, 'XComGame', 'CookedPCConsole')
[System.String[]]$files = "GuidCache.upk", "GlobalPersistentCookerData.upk", "PersistentCookerShaderData.bin"
foreach ($name in $files) {
if(-not(Test-Path ([io.path]::combine($this.cookerOutputPath, $name))))
Write-Host "Copying $name..."
Copy-Item ([io.path]::combine($cookedpcconsoledir, $name)) $this.cookerOutputPath
# Ideally, the cooking process wouldn't modify the big *.tfc files, but it does, so we don't overwrite existing ones (/XC /XN /XO)
# In order to "reset" the cooking direcory, just delete it and let the script recreate them
Write-Host "Copying Texture File Caches..."
Robocopy.exe "$cookedpcconsoledir" "$($this.cookerOutputPath)" *.tfc /NJH /XC /XN /XO
Write-Host "Copied Texture File Caches."
# Prepare editor args
$cook_args = @("cookpackages", "-platform=pcconsole", "-quickanddirty", "-modcook", "-sha", "-multilanguagecook=INT+FRA+ITA+DEU+RUS+POL+KOR+ESN", "-singlethread", "-nopause")
if ($this.final_release -eq $true)
$cook_args += "-final_release"
# The CookPackages commandlet generally is super unhelpful. The output is basically always the same and errors
# don't occur -- it rather just crashes the game. Hence, we just buffer the output and present it to user only
# if something went wrong
# TODO: Filter more lines for HL cook? `Hashing`? `SHA: package not found`? `Couldn't find localized resource`?
# `Warning, Texture file cache waste exceeds`? `Warning, Package _ is not conformed`?
$handler = [BufferingReceiver]::new()
$handler.processDescr = "cooking native packages"
# Cook it!
Write-Host "Invoking CookPackages (this may take a while)"
$this._InvokeEditorCmdlet($handler, $cook_args, 10)
[void] _EnsureCookerOutputDirExists () {
if(-not(Test-Path $this.cookerOutputPath)) {
Write-Host "Creating Published/CookedPCConsole directory..."
New-Item $this.cookerOutputPath -ItemType Directory
[void]_CopyMissingUncooked() {
if ($this.contentOptions.missingUncooked.Length -lt 1)
Write-Host "Skipping Missing Uncooked logic"
Write-Host "Including MissingUncooked"
$missingUncookedPath = [io.path]::Combine($this.stagingPath, "Content", "MissingUncooked")
$sdkContentPath = [io.path]::Combine($this.sdkPath, "XComGame", "Content")
if (!(Test-Path $missingUncookedPath))
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path $missingUncookedPath
foreach ($fileName in $this.contentOptions.missingUncooked)
(Get-ChildItem -Path $sdkContentPath -Filter $fileName -Recurse).FullName | Copy-Item -Destination $missingUncookedPath
[void]_FinalCopy() {
# copy all staged files to the actual game's mods folder
# TODO: Is the string interpolation required in the robocopy calls?
Robocopy.exe "$($this.stagingPath)" "$($this.finalModPath)" *.* $global:def_robocopy_args
[string[]] _PrepareBuildCacheEngineIniWithAdditions ([string] $fileNamePrefix, [array] $lines) {
$localDefaultEngineIniPath = [io.path]::combine($this.buildCachePath, $fileNamePrefix + "_DefaultEngine.ini")
$localXComEngineIniPath = [io.path]::combine($this.buildCachePath, $fileNamePrefix + "_XComEngine.ini")
$newEngineIniContent = $this.sdkEngineIniContent + "`n" + ($lines -join "`n") + "`n"
$newEngineIniContent | Set-Content $localDefaultEngineIniPath -NoNewline
return @($localDefaultEngineIniPath, $localXComEngineIniPath)
[void]_InvokeEditorCmdlet([StdoutReceiver] $receiver, [string] $makeFlags, [int] $sleepMsDuration) {
# Create a ProcessStartInfo object to hold the details of the make command, its arguments, and set up
# stdout/stderr redirection.
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = $this.commandletHostPath
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = $makeFlags
$pinfo.WorkingDirectory = $this.commandletHostPath | Split-Path
# Set the exited flag on our exit object on process exit.
# We need another object for the Exited event to set a flag we can monitor from this function.
$exitData = New-Object psobject -property @{ exited = $false }
$exitAction = {
$event.MessageData.exited = $true
# An action for handling data written to stderr. The Cmdlets don't seem to write anything here,
# or at least not diagnostics, so we can just pass it through.
$errAction = {
$errTxt = $Event.SourceEventArgs.Data
Write-Host $errTxt
$messageData = New-Object psobject -property @{
handler = $receiver
# Create an stdout filter action delegating to the actual implementation
$outAction = {
[StdoutReceiver] $handler = $event.MessageData.handler
[string] $outTxt = $Event.SourceEventArgs.Data
# Create the process and register for the various events we care about.
$process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $process -EventName OutputDataReceived -Action $outAction -MessageData $messageData | Out-Null
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $process -EventName ErrorDataReceived -Action $errAction | Out-Null
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $process -EventName Exited -Action $exitAction -MessageData $exitData | Out-Null
$process.StartInfo = $pinfo
# All systems go!
$process.Start() | Out-Null
# Wait for the process to exit. This is horrible, but using $process.WaitForExit() blocks
# the powershell thread so we get no output from make echoed to the screen until the process finishes.
# By polling we get regular output as it goes.
try {
if ($sleepMsDuration -lt 1) {
while (!$exitData.exited) {
# Just spin
} else {
while (!$exitData.exited) {
Start-Sleep -m $sleepMsDuration
finally {
# If we are stopping MSBuild hosted build, we need to kill the editor manually
if (!$exitData.exited) {
Write-Host "Killing $($receiver.processDescr) tree"
KillProcessTree $process.Id
$exitCode = $process.ExitCode
[bool] _AnyAssetsToCook () {
return ($this.contentOptions.sfStandalone.Length -gt 0) -or ($this.contentOptions.sfMaps.Length -gt 0) -or ($this.contentOptions.sfCollectionMaps.Length -gt 0)
class ModAssetsCookStep {
[BuildProject] $project
[string] $xpackTfcSuffix = '_XPACK_'
[string] $actualTfcSuffix
[string] $contentForCookPath
[string] $collectionMapsPath
[string] $sdkContentModsDir
[string] $sdkContentModsOurDir
[string[]] $dirtyMaps
[string[]] $cookedMaps
[string[]] $sfCollectionOnlyMaps
[string] $engineIniDefaultPath
[string] $engineIniXComPath
[string] $editorArgs
[string] $cookerOutputTrackerPath
[object] $cookerOutputTracker
ModAssetsCookStep ([BuildProject] $project) {
$this.project = $project
[void] Execute() {
if (!$this.project._AnyAssetsToCook()) {
Write-Host "No asset cooking is requested, skipping"
# TODO: Check if there are any assets in ContentForCook when no cooking is configured
Write-Host "Initializing assets cooking"
Write-Host "Preparing assets cooking"
$this._VerifyCachedTfcsNotAltered() # Needs to be after _PrepareProjectCache (CollectionMaps are created) and _PrepareSdkFolders (otherwise Get-ChildItem for TFCs fails)
Write-Host "Starting assets cooking"
Write-Host "Assets cook completed"
[void] _Init() {
$this.actualTfcSuffix = "_$($this.project.modNameCanonical)_DLCTFC$($this.xpackTfcSuffix)"
$this.contentForCookPath = "$($this.project.modSrcRoot)\ContentForCook"
$this.collectionMapsPath = [io.path]::combine($this.project.buildCachePath, 'CollectionMaps')
$this.sdkContentModsDir = [io.path]::combine($this.project.sdkPath, 'XComGame', 'Content', 'Mods')
$this.sdkContentModsOurDir = [io.path]::combine($this.sdkContentModsDir, $this.project.modNameCanonical)
$this.cookedMaps = @($this.project.contentOptions.sfMaps)
foreach ($mapDef in $this.project.contentOptions.sfCollectionMaps) {
$this.cookedMaps += $mapDef.name
$this.sfCollectionOnlyMaps = @()
foreach ($mapDef in $this.project.contentOptions.sfCollectionMaps) {
if ($null -eq (Get-ChildItem -Path $this.contentForCookPath -Filter $mapDef.name -Recurse)) {
$this.sfCollectionOnlyMaps += $mapDef.name
$this.cookerOutputTrackerPath = [io.path]::combine($this.project.buildCachePath, 'AssetsCookerOutputTracker.json')
if (Test-Path $this.cookerOutputTrackerPath) {
$this.cookerOutputTracker = Get-Content $this.cookerOutputTrackerPath | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
$this.cookerOutputTracker = [PSCustomObject]@{
tfcFiles = @() # Assume no TFCs if no info is stored. This will cause a full recook if any are found
sfPackages = @()
[void] _VerifyProjectAndSdk() {
# TODO: consider removing this requirement.
# It might be legitimate use case to cook a "secondary" vanilla package or a collection map that consists of only vanilla packages
if (-not(Test-Path $this.contentForCookPath))
ThrowFailure "Asset cooking is requested, but no ContentForCook folder is present"
if (Test-Path $this.sdkContentModsOurDir) {
# If we have any files, then something is happening here - abort
if ($null -ne (Get-ChildItem -Path $this.sdkContentModsOurDir -Force -Recurse)) {
ThrowFailure "$($this.sdkContentModsOurDir) is already in use (not empty)"
# The DLC cooker needs to read/copy the shipped GPCD
$shippedGpcdPath = [io.path]::combine($this.project.sdkPath, 'XComGame', 'CookedPCConsole', 'GlobalPersistentCookerData.upk')
if (!(Test-Path $shippedGpcdPath)) {
ThrowFailure "$shippedGpcdPath does not exist. Please verify your that your SDK is configured correctly"
[void] _PrepareProjectCache() {
# Prep the folder for the collection maps
# Not the most efficient approach, but there are bigger time saves to be had
Remove-Item $this.collectionMapsPath -Force -Recurse -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path $this.collectionMapsPath
foreach ($map in $this.sfCollectionOnlyMaps) {
# Important: we cannot use .umap extension here - git lfs (if in use) gets confused during git subtree add
# See https://github.com/X2CommunityCore/X2ModBuildCommon/wiki/Do-not-use-.umap-for-files-in-this-repo
Copy-Item "$global:buildCommonSelfPath\EmptyUMap" "$($this.collectionMapsPath)\$map.umap"
[void] _VerifyCachedTfcsNotAltered () {
if (!$this._CheckCachedTfcsNotAltered()) {
Write-Host "Performing a full recook"
CleanModAssetCookerOutput $this.project.sdkPath $this.project.modNameCanonical @($this.contentForCookPath, $this.collectionMapsPath)
# Save that everything is deleted
$this.cookerOutputTracker.tfcFiles = @()
[bool] _CheckCachedTfcsNotAltered () {
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $currentTfcs = @($this._GetOurTfcFiles() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
foreach ($trackedFileData in $this.cookerOutputTracker.tfcFiles) {
if (!$currentTfcs.Contains($trackedFileData.fullFileName)) {
Write-Host "$($trackedFileData.fullFileName) is missing"
return $false
$path = [io.path]::combine($this.project.cookerOutputPath, $trackedFileData.fullFileName)
$file = Get-Item $path
if ($file.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks -ne $trackedFileData.lastUpdatedUtc) {
Write-Host "$($trackedFileData.fullFileName) timestamp mismatch"
return $false
if ($currentTfcs.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Unexpected TFCs found: $currentTfcs"
return $false
return $true
# Why is this needed?
# It's technically fine to cook the same package from multiple mods.
# However, if the package ends up having any textures that point to a TFC file,
# they will be pointing to a TFC that we will not ship (as it is of a different DLC)
# which at runtime will at best cause missing mip levels, and at worst, crash the game.
[void] _VerifyCachedSfPackagesNotAltered () {
# Delete tracked if timestamp doesn't match
foreach ($trackedFileData in $this.cookerOutputTracker.sfPackages) {
$path = [io.path]::combine($this.project.cookerOutputPath, $trackedFileData.fullFileName)
if (Test-Path $path) {
$file = Get-Item $path
if ($file.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks -ne $trackedFileData.lastUpdatedUtc) {
Write-Host "$($trackedFileData.fullFileName) timestamp mismatch - deleting"
Remove-Item $path -Force
# Delete supposed-to-cook if they exist but are not tracked
foreach ($fileName in $this._GetDesiredOutputPackageFileNames()) {
$path = [io.path]::combine($this.project.cookerOutputPath, $fileName)
$trackedFileData = $this._GetSfPackageTrackerData($fileName)
if ($null -eq $trackedFileData -and (Test-Path $path)) {
Write-Host "$fileName exists, but is not tracked - deleting"
Remove-Item $path -Force
[void] _DetermineDirtyMaps () {
$this.dirtyMaps = @()
# Check the dev-made maps
# Not the best (doesn't take into account the dependencies - FIXME) but will suffice for now.
foreach ($map in $this.cookedMaps) {
if ($this.sfCollectionOnlyMaps.Contains($map)) { continue; }
$cookedPath = [io.path]::combine($this.project.cookerOutputPath, "$map.upk")
if (!(Test-Path $cookedPath)) {
Write-Host "$map has no cooked version"
$this.dirtyMaps += $map
else {
$original = Get-ChildItem -Path $this.contentForCookPath -Include "$map.umap" -Recurse
if ($original.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Item $cookedPath).LastWriteTime) {
$this.dirtyMaps += $map
Write-Host "$map original was updated"
# Check the collection maps
foreach ($mapDef in $this.project.contentOptions.sfCollectionMaps) {
$map = $mapDef.name
$cookedPath = [io.path]::combine($this.project.cookerOutputPath, "$map.upk")
if ($this.dirtyMaps.Contains($map)) { continue; }
if (!(Test-Path $cookedPath)) {
Write-Host "$map has no cooked version"
$this.dirtyMaps += $map
else {
$existingCooked = Get-Item $cookedPath
foreach ($package in $mapDef.packages) {
if (((Get-ChildItem -Path $this.contentForCookPath -Include "$package.upk" -Recurse).LastWriteTime) -gt $existingCooked.LastWriteTime) {
Write-Host "$map dependency was updated ($package)"
$this.dirtyMaps += $map
[void] _PrepareEngineIni() {
$this.engineIniDefaultPath, $this.engineIniXComPath =
$this.project._PrepareBuildCacheEngineIniWithAdditions("AssetsCook", $this._PrepareEngineIniAdditions())
[string[]] _PrepareEngineIniAdditions () {
$lines = @()
# "Inject" our assets into the SDK to make them visible to the cooker
$lines += "[Core.System]"
$lines += "+Paths=$($this.contentForCookPath)"
$lines += "-Paths=..\..\XComGame\Content\Mods" # Do not actually load the packages from there
if ($this.sfCollectionOnlyMaps.Length -gt 0) {
$lines += "+Paths=$($this.collectionMapsPath)"
# Stop all the "Adding [...]" garbage
# TODO: our maps here?
$lines += "[Engine.X2DirectoriesToSkipEnumeration]"
$lines += ".Directory=..\..\XComGame"
$lines += ".Directory=..\..\Engine"
# Collection maps
# TODO: Switch + to .
$lines += "[Engine.PackagesToForceCookPerMap]"
foreach ($mapDef in $this.project.contentOptions.sfCollectionMaps) {
$lines += "+Map=$($mapDef.name)"
foreach ($package in $mapDef.packages) {
$lines += "+Package=$package"
return $lines
[void] _PrepareSdkFolders () {
if (-not(Test-Path $this.sdkContentModsOurDir)) {
Write-Host "Creating $($this.sdkContentModsOurDir) directory..."
New-Item $this.sdkContentModsOurDir -ItemType Directory
[void] _PrepareEditorArgs () {
$cookerFlags = "-platform=pcconsole -skipmaps -TFCSUFFIX=$($this.xpackTfcSuffix) -singlethread -unattended -DLCName=$($this.project.modNameCanonical)"
$mapsString = $this.dirtyMaps -join " "
$this.editorArgs = "CookPackages $mapsString $cookerFlags -DEFENGINEINI=""$($this.engineIniDefaultPath)"" -ENGINEINI=""$($this.engineIniXComPath)"""
[void] _ExecuteCore () {
# This try block needs to be kept as small as possible as it puts the SDK into a (temporary) invalid state
try {
if ($this.project.contentOptions.sfStandalone.Length -gt 0) {
# Create iterator guard (the first package alphabetically is always skipped)
# Create dummy files for each of the seekfree standalone packages
foreach ($package in $this.project.contentOptions.sfStandalone) {
finally {
Write-Host "Cleaning up the asset cooking hacks"
$cleanupFailed = $false
try {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$($this.sdkContentModsOurDir)\*"
Write-Host "Emptied $($this.sdkContentModsOurDir)"
catch {
FailureMessage "Failed to empty $($($this.sdkContentModsOurDir))"
FailureMessage $_
$cleanupFailed = $true
if ($cleanupFailed) {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
ThrowFailure "Failed to clean up the asset cooking hacks - your SDK is now in a corrupted state. Please preform the cleanup manually before building a mod or opening the editor."
[void] _CreateMarkerPackageFile ([string] $packageName) {
New-Item -Path $this.sdkContentModsOurDir -Name "$packageName.upk" -ItemType File
[void] _InvokeAssetCooker ([string] $editorArguments) {
Write-Host $editorArguments
$handler = [ModcookReceiver]::new()
$handler.processDescr = "cooking mod packages"
# Even a sleep of 1 ms causes a noticable delay between cooker being done (files created)
# and output completing. So, just spin
$this.project._InvokeEditorCmdlet($handler, $editorArguments, 0)
[void] _WarnTfcGrowth () {
$tfcs = $this._GetOurTfcFiles()
$growthEntries = @()
foreach ($file in $tfcs) {
$trackedFileData = $this._GetTfcTrackerData($file.Name)
if ($null -eq $trackedFileData) {
# New file - ignore
if ($file.Length -eq $trackedFileData.originalSize) {
$increase = $file.Length / $trackedFileData.originalSize
$growthEntries += [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $file.Name
OriginalSize = FormatFileSize($trackedFileData.originalSize)
CurrentSize = FormatFileSize($file.Length)
Increase = "${increase}x"
if ($growthEntries.Length -gt 0) {
$growthEntries | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host
Write-Host "WARNING: TFC files grew since initial creation. This could indicate data duplication."
Write-Host "Your mod will still function normally, but the file size might be larger than needed"
Write-Host "(i.e. useless data present). See above for details."
Write-Host "You should consider doing a full rebuild before distributing your mod (e.g. via the workshop)."
Write-Host ""
# TODO: current logic doesn't account for case when a package (which has/had textures) is removed from the seekfree list.
# We will keep shipping the TFC (with useless data) in this case without any warnings
[void] _RecordCookerOutputTracker () {
# TFCs
$tfcs = $this._GetOurTfcFiles()
foreach ($file in $tfcs) {
$trackedFileData = $this._GetTfcTrackerData($file.Name)
if ($null -eq $trackedFileData) {
# Write-Host "New file: $($file.Name)"
$this.cookerOutputTracker.tfcFiles += [PSCustomObject]@{
fullFileName = $file.Name
originalSize = $file.Length
lastUpdatedUtc = $file.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks
# Not a new file - just store the new last updated time
$trackedFileData.lastUpdatedUtc = $file.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks
# SF packages
$sfPackageFilesNames = $this._GetDesiredOutputPackageFileNames()
# Write-Host "sfPackages: $sfPackageFilesNames"
# SF packages (removed)
$this.cookerOutputTracker.sfPackages = @($this.cookerOutputTracker.sfPackages | Where-Object { $sfPackageFilesNames.Contains($_.fullFileName) })
# SF packages (new/updated)
foreach ($fileName in $sfPackageFilesNames) {
$file = Get-Item "$($this.project.cookerOutputPath)\$fileName"
$trackedFileData = $this._GetSfPackageTrackerData($file.Name)
if ($null -eq $trackedFileData) {
# Write-Host "New file: $($file.Name)"
$this.cookerOutputTracker.sfPackages += [PSCustomObject]@{
fullFileName = $file.Name
lastUpdatedUtc = $file.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks
# Not a new file - just store the new last updated time
$trackedFileData.lastUpdatedUtc = $file.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks
# Write the file
$this.cookerOutputTracker | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $this.cookerOutputTrackerPath
[string[]] _GetDesiredOutputPackageFileNames () {
$sfPackageFilesNames = @($this.project.contentOptions.sfStandalone | Foreach-Object { "${_}_SF" })
$sfPackageFilesNames += $this.cookedMaps
return @($sfPackageFilesNames | Foreach-Object { "$_.upk" })
[PSCustomObject] _GetTfcTrackerData ([string] $fullFileName) {
foreach ($fileData in $this.cookerOutputTracker.tfcFiles) {
if ($fullFileName -eq $fileData.fullFileName) {
return $fileData
return $null
[PSCustomObject] _GetSfPackageTrackerData ([string] $fullFileName) {
foreach ($fileData in $this.cookerOutputTracker.sfPackages) {
if ($fullFileName -eq $fileData.fullFileName) {
return $fileData
return $null
[void] _StageArtifacts () {
# Prepare the folder for cooked stuff
$stagingCookedDir = [io.path]::combine($this.project.stagingPath, 'CookedPCConsole')
if (!(Test-Path $stagingCookedDir)) {
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path $stagingCookedDir
# Copy over the TFC files
$this._GetOurTfcFiles() | Copy-Item -Destination $stagingCookedDir
# Copy over the maps
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $this.cookedMaps.Length; $i++)
$umap = $this.cookedMaps[$i];
Copy-Item "$($this.project.cookerOutputPath)\$umap.upk" -Destination $stagingCookedDir
# Copy over the SF packages
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $this.project.contentOptions.sfStandalone.Length; $i++)
$package = $this.project.contentOptions.sfStandalone[$i];
$dest = [io.path]::Combine($stagingCookedDir, "${package}.upk");
# We need to remove the _SF suffix, otherwise the game won't find the package
Copy-Item "$($this.project.cookerOutputPath)\${package}_SF.upk" -Destination $dest
[System.IO.FileInfo[]] _GetOurTfcFiles () {
return @(Get-ChildItem -Path $this.project.cookerOutputPath -Filter "*$($this.actualTfcSuffix).tfc")
class StdoutReceiver {
[bool] $crashDetected = $false
[string] $processDescr = ""
[void]ParseLine([string] $outTxt) {
if ($outTxt.Contains("Crash Detected") -or $outTxt.Contains("(filename not found)")) {
$this.crashDetected = $true
[void]Finish([int] $exitCode) {
if ($this.crashDetected) {
ThrowFailure "Crash detected while $($this.processDescr)"
if ($exitCode -ne 0) {
ThrowFailure "Failed $($this.processDescr)"
class PassthroughReceiver : StdoutReceiver {
[void]ParseLine([string] $outTxt) {
Write-Host $outTxt
[void]Finish([int] $exitCode) {
class BufferingReceiver : StdoutReceiver {
[object] $logLines
$this.logLines = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
[void]ParseLine([string] $outTxt) {
[void]Finish([int] $exitCode) {
if (($exitCode -ne 0) -or $this.crashDetected) {
foreach ($line in $this.logLines) {
Write-Host $line
class MakeStdoutReceiver : StdoutReceiver {
[BuildProject] $proj
[string[]] $reversePaths
$this.proj = $proj
# Since later paths overwrite earlier files, check paths in reverse order
$this.reversePaths = @("$($this.proj.sdkPath)\Development\SrcOrig") +
$this.proj.include + @("$($this.proj.modSrcRoot)\Src")
[void]ParseLine([string] $outTxt) {
$messagePattern = "^(.*)\(([0-9]*)\) : (.*)$"
if (($outTxt -Match "Error|Warning") -And ($outTxt -Match $messagePattern)) {
# extract original path from $matches automatic variable created by above -Match
$origPath = $matches[1]
# create regex pattern specifically from the part we're interested in replacing
$pattern = [regex]::Escape("$($this.proj.sdkPath)\Development\Src")
$found = $false
foreach ($checkPath in $this.reversePaths) {
$testPath = $origPath -Replace $pattern,$checkPath
# if the file exists, it's certainly the one that caused the error
if (Test-Path $testPath) {
# Normalize path to get rid of `..`s
$testPath = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath($testPath)
# this syntax works with both VS Code and ModBuddy
$outTxt = $outTxt -Replace $messagePattern, ($testPath + '($2) : $3')
$found = $true
if (-not $found) {
$outTxt = $outTxt -Replace $messagePattern, ($origPath + '($2) : $3')
$summPattern = "^(Success|Failure) - ([0-9]+) error\(s\), ([0-9]+) warning\(s\) \(([0-9]+) Unique Errors, ([0-9]+) Unique Warnings\)"
if (-Not ($outTxt -Match "Warning/Error Summary") -And $outTxt -Match "Warning|Error") {
if ($outTxt -Match $summPattern) {
$numErr = $outTxt -Replace $summPattern, '$2'
$numWarn = $outTxt -Replace $summPattern, '$3'
if (([int]$numErr) -gt 0) {
$clr = "Red"
} elseif (([int]$numWarn) -gt 0) {
$clr = "Yellow"
} else {
$clr = "Green"
} else {
if ($outTxt -Match "Error") {
$clr = "Red"
} else {
$clr = "Yellow"
Write-Host $outTxt -ForegroundColor $clr
} else {
Write-Host $outTxt
[void]Finish([int] $exitCode) {
class ModcookReceiver : StdoutReceiver {
[bool] $lastLineWasAdding = $false
[void]ParseLine([string] $outTxt) {
$permitLine = $true # Default to true in case there is something we don't handle
if ($outTxt.StartsWith("GFx movie package")) {
$permitLine = $false
if (!$this.lastLineWasAdding) {
Write-Host "[GFx movie packages ...]"
$this.lastLineWasAdding = $true
} else {
$this.lastLineWasAdding = $false
$permitLine = $true
if ($permitLine) {
Write-Host $outTxt
[void]Finish([int] $exitCode) {
function FailureMessage($message)
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor "Red"
function ThrowFailure($message)
throw $message
function SuccessMessage($message, $modNameCanonical)
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor "Green"
Write-Host "$modNameCanonical ready to run." -ForegroundColor "Green"
function FormatElapsed($elapsed) {
return $elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.00s", $global:invarCulture)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/55942155/2588539
# $process.Kill() works but we really need to kill the child as well, since it's the one which is actually doing work
# Unfotunately, $process.Kill($true) does nothing
function KillProcessTree ([int] $ppid) {
Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | Where-Object { $_.ParentProcessId -eq $ppid } | ForEach-Object { KillProcessTree $_.ProcessId }
Stop-Process -Id $ppid
# https://superuser.com/a/468795/673577
Function FormatFileSize () {
Param ([int64]$size)
If ($size -gt 1TB) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} TB", $size / 1TB)}
ElseIf ($size -gt 1GB) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} GB", $size / 1GB)}
ElseIf ($size -gt 1MB) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} MB", $size / 1MB)}
ElseIf ($size -gt 1KB) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} kB", $size / 1KB)}
ElseIf ($size -gt 0) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} B", $size)}
Else {""}