// FILE: Help.uc
// AUTHOR: Iridar -- 20/04/2022
// PURPOSE: Helper class for static functions and script snippet repository.
class Help extends Object abstract;
### Creating and Submitting a Game State
local XComGameState NewGameState;
NewGameState = class'XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer'.static.CreateChangeState("Optional Debug Comment");
### Random Number Generation
FRand() returns a random `float` value from the [0; 1] range.
int(x * FRand()) - returns a random `int` value from [0; x] range.
FRand() can only return 32 768 distinct results. (c) robojumper
`SYNC_FRAND() - returns a random `flaot` value from [0; 1) range
`SYNC_RAND(x) - returns a random `int` value from [0; x) range.
`SYNC_VRAND() - returns a random `vector`, each component of the vector will have value from (-1; 1) range.
`SYNC_VRAND() * x - return a random `vector` where each component is from the (-x; x) range.
### Action Points
### Ability Icon Colors
'eAbilitySource_Perk': yellow
'eAbilitySource_Debuff': red
'eAbilitySource_Psionic': purple
'eAbilitySource_Commander': green
'eAbilitySource_Item': blue
'eAbilitySource_Standard': blue
### Persistent Effects applied to Units
if (UnitState.IsUnitAffectedByEffectName('NameOfTheEffect'))
// Do stuff
# Get an effect's Effect State from unit
local XComGameState_Effect EffectState;
EffectState = UnitState.GetUnitAffectedByEffectState('NameOfTheEffect');
if (EffectState != none)
// Do stuff
# Iterate over all effects on unit
local StateObjectReference EffectRef;
local XComGameStateHistory History;
local XComGameState_Effect EffectState;
foreach UnitState.AffectedByEffects(EffectRef)
EffectState = XComGameState_Effect(History.GetGameStateForObjectID(EffectRef.ObjectID));
// Do stuff with EffectState
### Working with ClassDefaultObjects
class'XComEngine'.static.GetClassDefaultObject(class SeachClass);
class'XComEngine'.static.GetClassDefaultObjectByName(name ClassName);
// This method will give you an array of CDOs for the specified class and all of its subclasses, in case you need to handle them as well.
class'XComEngine'.static.GetClassDefaultObjects(class SeachClass);
class'Engine'.static.FindClassDefaultObject(string ClassName)
### Check if a Unit can see a Location
local XComGameState_Unit UnitState;
local TTile TileLocation;
if (class'X2TacticalVisibilityHelpers'.static.CanUnitSeeLocation(UnitState.ObjectID, TileLocation))
// Do stuff
### Modnames of commonly required mods
static final function XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom GetAndPrepXComHQ(XComGameState NewGameState)
local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom XComHQ;
foreach NewGameState.IterateByClassType(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', XComHQ)
if (XComHQ == none)
XComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(`XCOMHISTORY.GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom'));
XComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(NewGameState.ModifyStateObject(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', XComHQ.ObjectID));
return XComHQ;
static final function bool IsModActive(name ModName)
local XComOnlineEventMgr EventManager;
local int Index;
for (Index = EventManager.GetNumDLC() - 1; Index >= 0; Index--)
if (EventManager.GetDLCNames(Index) == ModName)
return true;
return false;
static final function bool AreModsActive(const array<name> ModNames)
local name ModName;
foreach ModNames(ModName)
if (!IsModActive(ModName))
return false;
return true;
static final function bool IsInStrategy()
return `HQPRES != none;
static final function bool ReallyIsInStrategy()
return `HQGAME != none && `HQPC != None && `HQPRES != none;
// Sound managers don't exist in Shell, have to do it by hand.
static final function PlayStrategySoundEvent(string strKey, Actor InActor)
local string SoundEventPath;
local AkEvent SoundEvent;
foreach class'XComStrategySoundManager'.default.SoundEventPaths(SoundEventPath)
if (InStr(SoundEventPath, strKey) != INDEX_NONE)
SoundEvent = AkEvent(`CONTENT.RequestGameArchetype(SoundEventPath));
if (SoundEvent != none)
// For using hex color.
static function string ColourText(string strValue, string strColour)
return "<font color='#" $ strColour $ "'>" $ strValue $ "</font>";
static final function int GetForceLevel()
local XComGameStateHistory History;
local XComGameState_BattleData BattleData;
BattleData = XComGameState_BattleData(History.GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_BattleData', true));
if (BattleData == none)
`AMLOG("WARNING :: No Battle Data!" @ GetScriptTrace());
return -1;
return BattleData.GetForceLevel();
static final function AddItemToHQInventory(const name TemplateName)
local XComGameState NewGameState;
local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom XComHQ;
local XComGameState_Item ItemState;
local X2ItemTemplate ItemTemplate;
local X2ItemTemplateManager ItemMgr;
ItemMgr = class'X2ItemTemplateManager'.static.GetItemTemplateManager();
ItemTemplate = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate(TemplateName);
if (ItemTemplate != none)
NewGameState = class'XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer'.static.CreateChangeState("Adding item to HQ Inventory");
XComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(NewGameState.ModifyStateObject(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', `XCOMHQ.ObjectID));
ItemState = ItemTemplate.CreateInstanceFromTemplate(NewGameState);
// XComHQ.PutItemInInventory() is unable to work with infinite items. Use XComHQ.AddItemToHQInventory(ItemState) for those.
XComHQ.PutItemInInventory(NewGameState, ItemState);
// Get Bond Level between two soldiers
static final function int GetBondLevel(const XComGameState_Unit SourceUnit, const XComGameState_Unit TargetUnit)
local SoldierBond BondInfo;
if (SourceUnit.GetBondData(SourceUnit.GetReference(), BondInfo))
if (BondInfo.Bondmate.ObjectID == TargetUnit.ObjectID)
return BondInfo.BondLevel;
return 0;
// Check if a Unit has a Weapon of specified WeaponCategory equipped
static final function bool HasWeaponOfCategory(const XComGameState_Unit UnitState, const name WeaponCat, optional XComGameState CheckGameState)
local XComGameState_Item Item;
local StateObjectReference ItemRef;
foreach UnitState.InventoryItems(ItemRef)
Item = UnitState.GetItemGameState(ItemRef, CheckGameState);
if (Item != none && Item.GetWeaponCategory() == WeaponCat)
return true;
return false;
// Similar check, but also for a specific slot:
static final function bool HasWeaponOfCategoryInSlot(const XComGameState_Unit UnitState, const name WeaponCat, const EInventorySlot Slot, optional XComGameState CheckGameState)
local XComGameState_Item Item;
local StateObjectReference ItemRef;
foreach UnitState.InventoryItems(ItemRef)
Item = UnitState.GetItemGameState(ItemRef, CheckGameState);
if (Item != none && Item.GetWeaponCategory() == WeaponCat && Item.InventorySlot == Slot)
return true;
return false;
// Check if a Unit has one of the specified items equipped
static final function bool UnitHasItemEquipped(const XComGameState_Unit UnitState, const array<name> ItemNames, optional XComGameState CheckGameState)
local XComGameState_Item Item;
local StateObjectReference ItemRef;
foreach UnitState.InventoryItems(ItemRef)
Item = UnitState.GetItemGameState(ItemRef, CheckGameState);
if (Item != none && ItemNames.Find(Item.GetMyTemplateName()) != INDEX_NONE)
return true;
return false;
static final function int TileDistanceBetweenUnitAndTile(const XComGameState_Unit UnitState, const TTile TileLocation)
local XComWorldData WorldData;
local vector UnitLoc, TargetLoc;
local float Dist;
local int Tiles;
if (UnitState.TileLocation == TileLocation)
return 0;
WorldData = `XWORLD;
UnitLoc = WorldData.GetPositionFromTileCoordinates(UnitState.TileLocation);
TargetLoc = WorldData.GetPositionFromTileCoordinates(TileLocation);
Dist = VSize(UnitLoc - TargetLoc);
Tiles = Dist / WorldData.WORLD_StepSize;
return Tiles;
// Calculate Tile Distance Between Tiles
static final function int GetTileDistanceBetweenTiles(const TTile TileA, const TTile TileB)
local XComWorldData WorldData;
local vector LocA;
local vector LocB;
local float Dist;
local int TileDistance;
WorldData = `XWORLD;
LocA = WorldData.GetPositionFromTileCoordinates(TileA);
LocB = WorldData.GetPositionFromTileCoordinates(TileB);
Dist = VSize(LocA - LocB);
TileDistance = Dist / WorldData.WORLD_StepSize;
return TileDistance;
// Rank = 0 for Squaddie
// Note: ModifyEarnedSoldierAbilities DLC hook is usually better for non-temporary ability granting.
static function GiveSoldierAbilityToUnit(const name AbilityName, const int Rank, XComGameState_Unit UnitState, XComGameState NewGameState)
local SoldierClassAbilityType AbilityStruct;
local int Index;
AbilityStruct.AbilityName = AbilityName;
Index = UnitState.AbilityTree[Rank].Abilities.Length - 1;
UnitState.BuySoldierProgressionAbility(NewGameState, Rank, Index, 0); // 0 = ability points cost
The GetLocalizedString() function is a helper with the purpose similar to that of the Config Engine:
make using localized strings more convenient without having to explicitly declare localized them as variables.
It relies on using Localize() function, which probably is far from optimal in terms of performance,
so you probably shouldn't use it *too much*, especially in performance-sensitive code.
Set localized value:
# Setting:
StringName = "Wow fancy localized string!"
# Getting:
YourString = class'Help'.static.GetLocalizedString('StringName');
Or with global macro for brevity:
YourString = `GetLocalizedString('StringName');
static final function string GetLocalizedString(const coerce string StringName)
return Localize("Help", StringName, "TCObridgeSMG");
// Create a single big string out of an array of smaller strings, separated by an optional delimiter.
static final function string JoinStrings(array<string> Arr, optional string Delim = "")
local string ReturnString;
local int i;
// Handle it this way so there's no delim after the final member.
for (i = 0; i < Arr.Length - 1; i++)
ReturnString $= Arr[i] $ Delim;
if (Arr.Length > 0)
ReturnString $= Arr[Arr.Length - 1];
return ReturnString;
static final function array<XComGameState_Unit> GetSquadUnitStates()
local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom XComHQ;
local StateObjectReference SquadUnitRef;
local array<XComGameState_Unit> UnitStates;
local XComGameState_Unit UnitState;
local XComGameStateHistory History;
foreach XComHQ.Squad(SquadUnitRef)
UnitState = XComGameState_Unit(History.GetGameStateForObjectID(SquadUnitRef.ObjectID));
if (UnitState != none)
return UnitStates;
static final function bool AreItemTemplatesMutuallyExclusive(const X2ItemTemplate TemplateA, const X2ItemTemplate TemplateB)
return TemplateA.ItemCat == TemplateB.ItemCat ||
X2WeaponTemplate(TemplateA) != none && X2WeaponTemplate(TemplateB) != none &&
X2WeaponTemplate(TemplateA).WeaponCat == X2WeaponTemplate(TemplateB).WeaponCat;
static final function bool IsItemUniqueEquipInSlot(X2ItemTemplateManager ItemMgr, const X2ItemTemplate ItemTemplate, const EInventorySlot Slot)
local X2WeaponTemplate WeaponTemplate;
if (class'X2TacticalGameRulesetDataStructures'.static.InventorySlotBypassesUniqueRule(Slot))
return false;
WeaponTemplate = X2WeaponTemplate(ItemTemplate);
return ItemMgr.ItemCategoryIsUniqueEquip(ItemTemplate.ItemCat) || WeaponTemplate != none && ItemMgr.ItemCategoryIsUniqueEquip(WeaponTemplate.WeaponCat);