# * pijul command line helpers, tested with bash. To install, run:
# . bashrc
# * Pijul command line aliases & usage notes, tested with bash.
# These help me use pijul more efficiently, by reducing typing and
# aligning with familiar commands from other VCS.
# If you'd like to try them:
# $ pijul clone https://nest.pijul.com/simonmichael/pijul-scripts
# $ . pijul-scripts/bashrc
pjchangesummary() { pj change "$1" | grep -E '^[0-9]'; }
# ** inspect changes
# pjshow [HASH] - show a change, like git show [HASH], darcs log -v -h HASH.
alias pjshow='pj change'
# pjshowstat [HASH] - show a change summary, like git show --stat [HASH], darcs log -v -h HASH.
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
pjshowstat() { pj change $1 | grep -E '^(message =|[0-9])'; }