$ pjh
# * Pijul command line aliases.
# pjh - show help for these aliases.
# pj [CMD] - run a pijul command or show pijul's help.
# ** pijul setup/uninstall helpers
# pjkeygen - generate a patch-signing key for current user.
# pjconfrm - erase current user's pijul config and keys.
# ** list recorded patches in current repo
# pjl - standard list.
# pjlv - list with full descriptions. (?)
# pjlh - list just the hashes.
# pjls - list with summary of file changes.
# ** inspect a patch
# pjshow [HASH] - show a patch in full.
# pjshowstat [HASH] - summarise a patch.
# ** show unrecorded changes
# pjd - show unrecorded changes (except added files).
# pjs - summarise unrecorded changes (except added files). Add -u to see untracked files.
# ** record changes
# pjrecam 'MSG' [PATHS] - record pending changes with the given message.
# pjamenda [HASH] [PATHS] - add pending changes to the last recorded or specified patch.