{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.List
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as Vec (write)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Control.Arrow (returnA, (&&&), (>>>))
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ strategy sample relief
print $ strategy puzzle relief
relief = (`div` 3)
state = runRounds 20 . Vec.toList
initialState = fmap (Seq.fromList . monkeyItems)
strategy input rel = product . take 2 . reverse . sort . foldl1 (zipWith (+)) . evalState (state input rel) . initialState $ input
type WorryLevel = Int
type MonkeyIndex = Int
type MonkeyItems = Seq WorryLevel
type MonkeyMap = Vector MonkeyItems
type Activity = Int
type Inspect = Int -> Int
type WorryTest = Int -> Bool
type Relief = Int -> Int
type Throw = Bool -> Int
data Monkey = Monkey {
monkeyItems :: [Int]
, monkeyNumber :: Int
, monkeyOperation :: Inspect
, monkeyWorryTest :: WorryTest
, monkeyThrow :: Throw
tick :: Inspect -> Relief -> WorryTest -> Throw -> WorryLevel -> (MonkeyIndex, WorryLevel)
tick inspect relief test throw = relief . inspect >>> (throw . test) &&& returnA
throw :: MonkeyIndex -> WorryLevel -> State MonkeyMap ()
throw to level = do
monkeys <- get
let oldList = monkeys Vec.! to
let modified = Vec.modify (\v -> Vec.write v to (oldList Seq.|> level))
put $ modified monkeys
turn :: Monkey -> Relief -> State MonkeyMap Activity
turn current relief = do
monkeys <- get
let index = monkeyNumber current
let activity = length $ monkeys Vec.! index
let tick' = tick (monkeyOperation current) relief (monkeyWorryTest current) (monkeyThrow current)
let monkeyDecisions = fmap tick' $ monkeys Vec.! index
forM_ monkeyDecisions $ uncurry throw
turnDone index
pure activity
turnDone :: MonkeyIndex -> State MonkeyMap ()
turnDone index = modify (\m -> m Vec.// [(index, Seq.empty)])
gameRound :: [Monkey] -> Relief -> State MonkeyMap [Activity]
gameRound monkeys relief = do
forM monkeys $ \monkey -> do
turn monkey relief
runRounds :: Int -> [Monkey] -> Relief -> State MonkeyMap [[Activity]]
runRounds rounds monkeys relief = do
forM [1..rounds] $ \_ -> do
gameRound monkeys relief
mkWorryFunc :: Int -> Int -> Bool
mkWorryFunc x = (==0) . flip mod x
mkThrowFunc :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
mkThrowFunc x y = \case
True -> x
False -> y
sample :: Vector Monkey
sample = Vec.fromList
[Monkey {
monkeyItems = [79, 98],
monkeyNumber = 0,
monkeyOperation = (*19),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 23,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 2 3
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [54, 65, 75, 74],
monkeyNumber = 1,
monkeyOperation = (+6),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 19,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 2 0
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [79, 60, 97],
monkeyNumber = 2,
monkeyOperation = (^2),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 13,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 1 3
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [74],
monkeyNumber = 3,
monkeyOperation = (+3),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 17,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 0 1
puzzle :: Vector Monkey
puzzle = Vec.fromList
[Monkey {
monkeyItems = [56, 56, 92, 65, 71, 61, 79],
monkeyNumber = 0,
monkeyOperation = (*7),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 3,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 3 7
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [61, 85],
monkeyNumber = 1,
monkeyOperation = (+5),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 11,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 6 4
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [54, 96, 82, 78, 69],
monkeyNumber = 2,
monkeyOperation = (^2),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 7,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 0 7
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [57, 59, 65, 95],
monkeyNumber = 3,
monkeyOperation = (+4),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 2,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 5 1
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [62, 67, 80],
monkeyNumber = 4,
monkeyOperation = (*17),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 19,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 2 6
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [91],
monkeyNumber = 5,
monkeyOperation = (+7),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 5,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 1 4
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [79, 83, 64, 52, 77, 56, 63, 92],
monkeyNumber = 6,
monkeyOperation = (+6),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 17,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 2 0
Monkey {
monkeyItems = [50, 97, 76, 96, 80, 56],
monkeyNumber = 7,
monkeyOperation = (+3),
monkeyWorryTest = mkWorryFunc 13,
monkeyThrow = mkThrowFunc 3 5