import Data.Attoparsec.Text (anyChar, endOfInput, parseOnly)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import Data.Either.Extra
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Options.Primer (PrimerCommand)
import qualified Options.Primer as PrimerOptions
import Control.Monad
import Text.Read (readEither)
import AlBhed (Primer, Volume)
import qualified AlBhed
import Location (Location)
import qualified Location
import Data.PrintableText (PrintableText)
import qualified Data.PrintableText as PrintableText
commandPrimer :: Parser PrimerCommand
commandPrimer = hsubparser
( command "add" (info parsePrimerAdd (progDesc "Add a primer location to the index"))
<> command "new" (info parsePrimerNew (progDesc "Add a new AlBhed Primer to the index"))
<> command "ls" (info (pure List) (progDesc "List all AlBhed Primers in the index"))
parsePrimerNew :: Parser PrimerCommand
parsePrimerNew = New <$> volume <*> char "FROM" <*> char "TO" <*> location
char = argument singleChar . metavar
singleChar :: ReadM Char
singleChar = eitherReader $
first parseError . (parseOnly oneChar . Text.pack)
parseError = const "Expecting a single character"
oneChar = anyChar <* endOfInput
parsePrimerAdd :: Parser PrimerCommand
parsePrimerAdd = Add <$> volume <*> location
volume :: Parser Volume
volume = argument parseVolume (metavar "VOLUME")
location :: Parser Location
location = Location.Location
<$> argument parsePrintableText (metavar "AREA")
<*> optional (argument parsePrintableText (metavar "SECTION"))
parseVolume :: ReadM Volume
parseVolume = eitherReader $
(first parseError . input) >=> volume
parseError = const "Failed to parse volume number"
input = readEither @Int
volume = maybeToEither "Volume must be 1 to 26" . AlBhed.toVolume
parsePrintableText :: ReadM PrintableText
parsePrintableText = eitherReader $
input >=> location
input = Right
location = maybeToEither "Location can't contain only whitespace" . PrintableText.fromText . Text.pack
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Options.Primer
( PrimerCommand (..)
, commands
) where
import Options.Applicative
import qualified Options.Parsers as Parser
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import Data.Either.Extra (maybeToEither)
import Control.Monad
import Text.Read (readEither)
import AlBhed (Primer, Volume)
import qualified AlBhed
import Location (Location)
import qualified Location
data PrimerCommand =
Add Volume Location
| New Volume Char Char Location
| List
deriving (Show)
commands :: Parser PrimerCommand
commands = hsubparser
( command "add" (info addCommand (progDesc "Add a primer location to the index"))
<> command "new" (info newCommand (progDesc "Add a new AlBhed Primer to the index"))
<> command "ls" (info (pure List) (progDesc "List all AlBhed Primers in the index"))
newCommand :: Parser PrimerCommand
newCommand = New <$> volume <*> char "FROM" <*> char "TO" <*> location
char = argument Parser.singleChar . metavar
addCommand :: Parser PrimerCommand
addCommand = Add <$> volume <*> location
volume :: Parser Volume
volume = argument parseVolume (metavar "VOLUME")
location :: Parser Location
location = Location.Location
<$> argument Parser.printableText (metavar "AREA")
<*> optional (argument Parser.printableText (metavar "SECTION"))
parseVolume :: ReadM Volume
parseVolume = eitherReader $
(first parseError . input) >=> volume
parseError = const "Failed to parse volume number"
input = readEither @Int
volume = maybeToEither "Volume must be 1 to 26" . AlBhed.toVolume
module Options.Parsers
( printableText
, singleChar
) where
import Options.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (anyChar, endOfInput, parseOnly)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import Data.Either.Extra (maybeToEither)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad
import Data.PrintableText (PrintableText)
import qualified Data.PrintableText as PrintableText
singleChar :: ReadM Char
singleChar = eitherReader $
first parseError . (parseOnly oneChar . Text.pack)
parseError = const "Expecting a single character"
oneChar = anyChar <* endOfInput
printableText :: ReadM PrintableText
printableText = eitherReader $
input >=> location
input = Right
location = maybeToEither "Location can't contain only whitespace" . PrintableText.fromText . Text.pack