// Detail of the part
$fn = 50;
// Minimum thickness of anything
min_thickness = 1.2;
// Tolerance for inside gaps
tol = 0.1;
// Part to generate
part = "m"; // [m: Main Body, t:Top]
module hide_params() {}
function inch(x) = x * 25.4;
jr_upper_width = inch(1 + 3 / 4);
jr_upper_depth = inch(2 + 3 / 8);
jr_lower_width = inch(1 + 23 / 32);
jr_lower_depth = inch(2 + 11 / 32);
connector_hole_width = inch(7 / 64);
connector_hole_depth = inch(15 / 32);
connector_right_x_offset = inch(3 / 16);
connector_bottom_y_offset = inch(1 / 8);
jr_height = inch(3 / 4);
rim_width = 2;
rim_height = 2;
chamfer_d = 2;
top_interference = 1;
latch_width = 1.8;
latch_depth = 9 / 16 * 25.4;
latch_lug_rim_height = 3;
latch_lug_z_offset = 17;
latch_cutout_width = latch_width + min_thickness;
latch_cutout_depth = latch_depth + min_thickness * 2;
latch_max_angle = 6;
latch_gap = 1;
sma_thread_d = inch(1/4) + 2 *tol;
sma_thread_length = inch(7/16);
sma_hex_small_d = inch(5/16) + 2 * tol;
sma_hex_height = 3;
sma_mount_thickness = 2;
module copy_mirror(vec = [ 0, 1, 0 ]) {
mirror(vec) children();
module chamfer_tool(d, flat_top = false, no_bottom = false) {
if (no_bottom) {
cylinder(d / 2, d / 2, 0, $fn = 4);
} else {
union() {
cube_edge_length = sqrt(pow(d / 2, 2) * 2);
if (flat_top) {
rotate([ 0, 0, 45 ])
translate([ -cube_edge_length / 2, -cube_edge_length / 2, 0 ])
cube([ cube_edge_length, cube_edge_length, d / 2 ]);
copy_mirror([ 0, 0, 1 ]) rotate([ 180, 0, 0 ])
cylinder(d / 2, d / 2, 0, $fn = 4);
// uses child passed to it as chamfer tool
module block(upper_width, lower_width, upper_depth, lower_depth, height,
chamfer_d = 0) {
function linear(x, y_1, y_2, h) = y_1 + x * (y_2 - y_1) / h;
scale = [ upper_width / lower_width, upper_depth / lower_depth ];
if (chamfer_d == 0) {
linear_extrude(height, scale = scale)
square([ lower_width, lower_depth ], center = true);
} else {
base_width =
linear(chamfer_d / 2, lower_width, upper_width, height) - chamfer_d;
base_depth =
linear(chamfer_d / 2, lower_depth, upper_depth, height) - chamfer_d;
new_scale = (scale - [ 1, 1 ]) * ((height - chamfer_d) / height) + [ 1, 1 ];
translate([ 0, 0, chamfer_d / 2 ]) minkowski() {
linear_extrude(height - chamfer_d, scale = new_scale)
square([ base_width, base_depth ], center = true);
module jr_module() {
function dimension_at(height, lower, upper) =
lower + (uper - lower) * (height - jr_height);
difference() {
// main body
block(jr_upper_width, jr_lower_width, jr_upper_depth, jr_lower_depth,
jr_height, chamfer_d) {
// connector cutout
jr_lower_width / 2 - connector_hole_width - connector_right_x_offset,
-jr_lower_depth / 2 + connector_bottom_y_offset, 0
connector_hole_width, connector_hole_depth, jr_height + rim_height
module latch(base_support = false, angle = 0) {
base_support_d = latch_gap / 2;
start_height = chamfer_d;
latch_height = jr_height + rim_height;
translate([ -latch_width, latch_depth / 2, +start_height ])
rotate([ 0, -angle, 0 ]) translate([ 0, 0, -start_height ])
rotate([ 90, 0, 0 ]) union() {
ramp_points = [
[ 0, start_height ],
[ 0, 7.5 ],
[ 0.5, latch_lug_z_offset - 2.5 ],
[ 1.25, latch_lug_z_offset ],
[ 0, latch_lug_z_offset ],
[ 0, latch_lug_z_offset + latch_lug_rim_height + 2 * tol ],
[ min_thickness, latch_lug_z_offset + latch_lug_rim_height + 2 * tol ],
[ min_thickness, latch_height ],
linear_extrude(latch_depth) polygon(concat(
[ 0, latch_height],
[ 0, start_height ],
[for (p = ramp_points)[latch_width + p[0], p[1]]]));
if (base_support) {
]) linear_extrude(latch_depth)
[[latch_width + base_support_d, base_support_d],
[base_support_d, base_support_d], [0, 0], [0, -start_height],
[latch_width + base_support_d - chamfer_d / 2, -start_height],
[latch_width + base_support_d, -start_height + chamfer_d / 2]]);
module latch_cutout() {
module custom_chamfer_tool() {
hull() {
translate([ 0, 0, latch_gap / 2 + tol ]) chamfer_tool(d = latch_gap);
translate([ 0, 0, latch_gap / 2 + tol + jr_height ])
chamfer_tool(d = latch_gap);
copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) translate([ jr_lower_width / 2, 0, 0 ]) hull() {
minkowski() {
latch(base_support = false, angle = -latch_max_angle);
minkowski() {
latch(base_support = false, angle = latch_max_angle);
module sma_mount(cut_tool=false){
sma_hex_big_d = sma_hex_small_d * (2/sqrt(3));
// length of the flexible tail of the SMA
sma_tail_length = 20;
sma_pocket_height = 3;
angle = 22.5;
horizontal_hex_length = cut_tool ? sma_hex_height : sma_hex_height + sma_mount_thickness;
tmp = sma_hex_height+sma_tail_length;
// straight part
translate([0, 0, -horizontal_hex_length+sma_hex_height])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=horizontal_hex_length);
if (cut_tool){
rotate([0, 180, 0])
cylinder(d=sma_thread_d, h=sma_thread_length);
// bent part
translate([0, -sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_big_d/2])
rotate([0, -90, 180])
translate([sma_hex_big_d/2, 0])
circle($fn=6, d = sma_hex_big_d);
// angeled part
translate([0, -sma_hex_height + 1e-5, -sma_hex_big_d/2]) // TODO this is an ugly hack
rotate([angle, 0, 0])
translate([0, 0, sma_hex_big_d/2])
rotate([90,30, 0])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=sma_tail_length);
rotate([0, 0, 180])
translate([-sma_hex_small_d/2, sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_big_d/2-sma_pocket_height])
cube([sma_hex_small_d, sma_tail_length, tol]);
let (
height = 100,
depth = sma_tail_length+sma_mount_thickness + sma_hex_height
) // TODO adjust dimensions
translate([0, -depth/2, -sma_hex_big_d/2-sma_pocket_height -height/2])
cube([sma_hex_small_d , depth , height], center = true);
module inside_pocket(height = 13) {
mid_width = 33.8 + 2 * tol;
upper_lower_width = 40.6 + 3 * tol;
mid_depth = 21 - 2 * tol;
total_depth = 54.6 + 2 * tol;
floor_height = min_thickness;
saddle_height = 3;
difference() {
// main body
union() {
translate([ -mid_width / 2, -mid_depth / 2, floor_height ])
cube([ mid_width, mid_depth, height ]);
copy_mirror([ 0, 1, 0 ]) translate(
[ -upper_lower_width / 2, mid_depth / 2, floor_height ])
cube([ upper_lower_width, (total_depth - mid_depth) / 2, height ]);
// button hole
translate([ -upper_lower_width / 2, -total_depth / 2 ]) {
translate([ 13 / 16 * 25.4, 9, floor_height + saddle_height ])
cylinder(d = 6.5 + 2 * tol, h = 19);
// rotary hole
translate([ 8.5, 9, floor_height + saddle_height ])
cylinder(d = 9, h = 15.5);
// led hole
copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) translate(
[ 5 / 2, -total_depth / 2 + 18, floor_height + saddle_height ])
cylinder(d = 3, h = 12);
// saddle cuts
translate([ 0, 0, floor_height ]) linear_extrude(saddle_height) {
// lower left
translate([ -upper_lower_width / 2, -total_depth / 2 ]) square([ 5, 10 ]);
// lower right
translate([ upper_lower_width / 2 - 15, -total_depth / 2 ])
square([ 6, 4 ]);
// lower mid
translate([ -upper_lower_width / 2 + 9, -total_depth / 2 ])
square([ 3, 10 ]);
// mid left
translate([ -mid_width / 2, -mid_depth / 2 ]) square([ 3, 15 ]);
// mid right
translate([ mid_width / 2 - 7.5, -mid_depth / 2 ]) square([ 7.5, 10 ]);
// mid both
copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) translate([ -mid_width / 2, -mid_depth / 2 ])
square([ 2, mid_depth ]);
// top
translate([ -upper_lower_width / 2, total_depth / 2 - 6 ])
square([ upper_lower_width, 6 ]);
module top_plate() {
width = jr_upper_width + 2 * rim_width;
depth = jr_upper_depth + 2 * rim_width;
height = rim_height;
vertical_offset = jr_height + rim_height / 2;
sma_hex_big_d = sma_hex_small_d * (2/sqrt(3));
// length of the flexible tail of the SMA
sma_tail_length = 20;
sma_pocket_height = 3;
sma_offset = [0,2*min_thickness + jr_upper_depth/2 - sma_hex_height - min_thickness, vertical_offset + sma_hex_big_d/2];
assert(rim_height >= chamfer_d);
difference() {
// actual top plate
hull() copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) copy_mirror([ 0, 1, 0 ]) translate([
jr_upper_width / 2 + rim_width - chamfer_d / 2,
jr_upper_depth / 2 + rim_width - chamfer_d / 2, vertical_offset
]) chamfer_tool(chamfer_d);
// sma mount
chamfer_tool(d=min_thickness * 2);
rotate([0, 0, 180]) {
width = sma_hex_small_d + 2 * min_thickness - chamfer_d;
height = sma_hex_big_d + 2 * min_thickness- chamfer_d;
translate([-width/2, -min_thickness, -height/2])
cube([width, sma_tail_length + sma_hex_height + 2 * min_thickness, height ]);
chamfer_tool(chamfer_d, no_bottom = true);
translate([0, 13, 0])
cube([15, 30, 10], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -sma_hex_height])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=sma_hex_height);
cylinder(d=sma_thread_d, h=sma_thread_length);
translate([0, sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_small_d/2])
rotate([0, -90, 0])
rotate_extrude($fn=100, angle=45)
translate([sma_hex_small_d/2, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 30])
circle($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d);
translate([0, sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_small_d/2])
rotate([-45, 0, 0])
translate([0, 0, sma_hex_small_d/2])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=20);// TODO fix ugly value
// cut tool for SMA
tmp = sma_hex_height+sma_tail_length;
translate(sma_offset) rotate([0,0,180]){ rotate([90,30,0]){
translate([0, 0, -tmp])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=tmp);
cylinder(d=sma_thread_d, h=sma_thread_length);
translate([-sma_hex_small_d/2, sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_big_d/2-sma_pocket_height])
cube([sma_hex_small_d, sma_tail_length, sma_hex_big_d/2 + sma_pocket_height]);
// main body notch
minkowski() {
projection() inside_pocket();
cube(2 * tol, center = true);
if (part == "m") {
union() {
difference() {
inside_pocket(height = 20);
copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) translate([ jr_lower_width / 2, 0, 0 ])
latch(base_support = true);
} else if (part == "t") {
// Detail of the part
$fn = 50;
// Minimum thickness of anything
min_thickness = 1.2;
// Tolerance for inside gaps
tol = 0.1;
// Part to generate
part = "m"; // [m: Main Body, t:Top]
module hide_params() {}
function inch(x) = x * 25.4;
jr_upper_width = inch(1 + 3 / 4);
jr_upper_depth = inch(2 + 3 / 8);
jr_lower_width = inch(1 + 23 / 32);
jr_lower_depth = inch(2 + 11 / 32);
connector_hole_width = inch(7 / 64);
connector_hole_depth = inch(15 / 32);
connector_right_x_offset = inch(3 / 16);
connector_bottom_y_offset = inch(1 / 8);
jr_height = inch(3 / 4);
rim_width = 2;
rim_height = 2;
chamfer_d = 2;
top_interference = 1;
latch_width = 1.8;
latch_depth = 9 / 16 * 25.4;
latch_lug_rim_height = 3;
latch_lug_z_offset = 17;
latch_cutout_width = latch_width + min_thickness;
latch_cutout_depth = latch_depth + min_thickness * 2;
latch_max_angle = 6;
latch_gap = 1;
sma_thread_d = inch(1/4) + 2 *tol;
sma_thread_length = inch(7/16);
sma_hex_small_d = inch(5/16) + 2 * tol;
sma_hex_height = 3;
sma_mount_thickness = 2;
module copy_mirror(vec = [ 0, 1, 0 ]) {
mirror(vec) children();
module chamfer_tool(d, flat_top = false, no_bottom = false) {
if (no_bottom) {
cylinder(d / 2, d / 2, 0, $fn = 4);
} else {
union() {
cube_edge_length = sqrt(pow(d / 2, 2) * 2);
if (flat_top) {
rotate([ 0, 0, 45 ])
translate([ -cube_edge_length / 2, -cube_edge_length / 2, 0 ])
cube([ cube_edge_length, cube_edge_length, d / 2 ]);
copy_mirror([ 0, 0, 1 ]) rotate([ 180, 0, 0 ])
cylinder(d / 2, d / 2, 0, $fn = 4);
// uses child passed to it as chamfer tool
module block(upper_width, lower_width, upper_depth, lower_depth, height,
chamfer_d = 0) {
function linear(x, y_1, y_2, h) = y_1 + x * (y_2 - y_1) / h;
scale = [ upper_width / lower_width, upper_depth / lower_depth ];
if (chamfer_d == 0) {
linear_extrude(height, scale = scale)
square([ lower_width, lower_depth ], center = true);
} else {
base_width =
linear(chamfer_d / 2, lower_width, upper_width, height) - chamfer_d;
base_depth =
linear(chamfer_d / 2, lower_depth, upper_depth, height) - chamfer_d;
new_scale = (scale - [ 1, 1 ]) * ((height - chamfer_d) / height) + [ 1, 1 ];
translate([ 0, 0, chamfer_d / 2 ]) minkowski() {
linear_extrude(height - chamfer_d, scale = new_scale)
square([ base_width, base_depth ], center = true);
module jr_module() {
function dimension_at(height, lower, upper) =
lower + (uper - lower) * (height - jr_height);
difference() {
// main body
block(jr_upper_width, jr_lower_width, jr_upper_depth, jr_lower_depth,
jr_height, chamfer_d) {
// connector cutout
jr_lower_width / 2 - connector_hole_width - connector_right_x_offset,
-jr_lower_depth / 2 + connector_bottom_y_offset, 0
connector_hole_width, connector_hole_depth, jr_height + rim_height
module latch(base_support = false, angle = 0) {
base_support_d = latch_gap / 2;
start_height = chamfer_d;
latch_height = jr_height + rim_height;
translate([ -latch_width, latch_depth / 2, +start_height ])
rotate([ 0, -angle, 0 ]) translate([ 0, 0, -start_height ])
rotate([ 90, 0, 0 ]) union() {
ramp_points = [
[ 0, start_height ],
[ 0, 7.5 ],
[ 0.5, latch_lug_z_offset - 2.5 ],
[ 1.25, latch_lug_z_offset ],
[ 0, latch_lug_z_offset ],
[ 0, latch_lug_z_offset + latch_lug_rim_height + 2 * tol ],
[ min_thickness, latch_lug_z_offset + latch_lug_rim_height + 2 * tol ],
[ min_thickness, latch_height ],
linear_extrude(latch_depth) polygon(concat(
[ 0, latch_height],
[ 0, start_height ],
[for (p = ramp_points)[latch_width + p[0], p[1]]]));
if (base_support) {
]) linear_extrude(latch_depth)
[[latch_width + base_support_d, base_support_d],
[base_support_d, base_support_d], [0, 0], [0, -start_height],
[latch_width + base_support_d - chamfer_d / 2, -start_height],
[latch_width + base_support_d, -start_height + chamfer_d / 2]]);
module latch_cutout() {
module custom_chamfer_tool() {
hull() {
translate([ 0, 0, latch_gap / 2 + tol ]) chamfer_tool(d = latch_gap);
translate([ 0, 0, latch_gap / 2 + tol + jr_height ])
chamfer_tool(d = latch_gap);
copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) translate([ jr_lower_width / 2, 0, 0 ]) hull() {
minkowski() {
latch(base_support = false, angle = -latch_max_angle);
minkowski() {
latch(base_support = false, angle = latch_max_angle);
module sma_mount(cut_tool=false){
sma_hex_big_d = sma_hex_small_d * (2/sqrt(3));
// length of the flexible tail of the SMA
sma_tail_length = 20;
sma_pocket_height = 3;
angle = 22.5;
horizontal_hex_length = cut_tool ? sma_hex_height : sma_hex_height + sma_mount_thickness;
tmp = sma_hex_height+sma_tail_length;
// straight part
translate([0, 0, -horizontal_hex_length+sma_hex_height])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=horizontal_hex_length);
if (cut_tool){
rotate([0, 180, 0])
cylinder(d=sma_thread_d, h=sma_thread_length);
// bent part
translate([0, -sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_big_d/2])
rotate([0, -90, 180])
translate([sma_hex_big_d/2, 0])
circle($fn=6, d = sma_hex_big_d);
// angeled part
translate([0, -sma_hex_height + 1e-5, -sma_hex_big_d/2]) // TODO this is an ugly hack
rotate([angle, 0, 0])
translate([0, 0, sma_hex_big_d/2])
rotate([90,30, 0])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=sma_tail_length);
rotate([0, 0, 180])
translate([-sma_hex_small_d/2, sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_big_d/2-sma_pocket_height])
cube([sma_hex_small_d, sma_tail_length, tol]);
let (
height = 100,
depth = sma_tail_length+sma_mount_thickness + sma_hex_height
) // TODO adjust dimensions
translate([0, -depth/2, -sma_hex_big_d/2-sma_pocket_height -height/2])
cube([sma_hex_small_d , depth , height], center = true);
module inside_pocket(height = 13) {
mid_width = 33.8 + 2 * tol;
upper_lower_width = 40.6 + 3 * tol;
mid_depth = 21 - 2 * tol;
total_depth = 54.6 + 2 * tol;
floor_height = min_thickness;
saddle_height = 3;
difference() {
// main body
union() {
translate([ -mid_width / 2, -mid_depth / 2, floor_height ])
cube([ mid_width, mid_depth, height ]);
copy_mirror([ 0, 1, 0 ]) translate(
[ -upper_lower_width / 2, mid_depth / 2, floor_height ])
cube([ upper_lower_width, (total_depth - mid_depth) / 2, height ]);
// button hole
translate([ -upper_lower_width / 2, -total_depth / 2 ]) {
translate([ 13 / 16 * 25.4, 9, floor_height + saddle_height ])
cylinder(d = 6.5 + 2 * tol, h = 19);
// rotary hole
translate([ 8.5, 9, floor_height + saddle_height ])
cylinder(d = 9, h = 15.5);
// led hole
copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) translate(
[ 5 / 2, -total_depth / 2 + 18, floor_height + saddle_height ])
cylinder(d = 3, h = 12);
// saddle cuts
translate([ 0, 0, floor_height ]) linear_extrude(saddle_height) {
// lower left
translate([ -upper_lower_width / 2, -total_depth / 2 ]) square([ 5, 10 ]);
// lower right
translate([ upper_lower_width / 2 - 15, -total_depth / 2 ])
square([ 6, 4 ]);
// lower mid
translate([ -upper_lower_width / 2 + 9, -total_depth / 2 ])
square([ 3, 10 ]);
// mid left
translate([ -mid_width / 2, -mid_depth / 2 ]) square([ 3, 15 ]);
// mid right
translate([ mid_width / 2 - 7.5, -mid_depth / 2 ]) square([ 7.5, 10 ]);
// mid both
copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) translate([ -mid_width / 2, -mid_depth / 2 ])
square([ 2, mid_depth ]);
// top
translate([ -upper_lower_width / 2, total_depth / 2 - 6 ])
square([ upper_lower_width, 6 ]);
module top_plate() {
width = jr_upper_width + 2 * rim_width;
depth = jr_upper_depth + 2 * rim_width;
height = rim_height;
vertical_offset = jr_height + rim_height / 2;
sma_hex_big_d = sma_hex_small_d * (2/sqrt(3));
// length of the flexible tail of the SMA
sma_tail_length = 20;
sma_pocket_height = 3;
sma_offset = [0,2*min_thickness + jr_upper_depth/2 - sma_hex_height - min_thickness, vertical_offset + sma_hex_big_d/2];
assert(rim_height >= chamfer_d);
difference() {
// actual top plate
hull() copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) copy_mirror([ 0, 1, 0 ]) translate([
jr_upper_width / 2 + rim_width - chamfer_d / 2,
jr_upper_depth / 2 + rim_width - chamfer_d / 2, vertical_offset
]) chamfer_tool(chamfer_d);
// sma mount
chamfer_tool(d=min_thickness * 2);
rotate([0, 0, 180]) {
width = sma_hex_small_d + 2 * min_thickness - chamfer_d;
height = sma_hex_big_d + 2 * min_thickness- chamfer_d;
translate([-width/2, -min_thickness, -height/2])
cube([width, sma_tail_length + sma_hex_height + 2 * min_thickness, height ]);
chamfer_tool(chamfer_d, no_bottom = true);
translate([0, 13, 0])
cube([15, 30, 10], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -sma_hex_height])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=sma_hex_height);
cylinder(d=sma_thread_d, h=sma_thread_length);
translate([0, sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_small_d/2])
rotate([0, -90, 0])
rotate_extrude($fn=100, angle=45)
translate([sma_hex_small_d/2, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 30])
circle($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d);
translate([0, sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_small_d/2])
rotate([-45, 0, 0])
translate([0, 0, sma_hex_small_d/2])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=20);// TODO fix ugly value
// cut tool for SMA
tmp = sma_hex_height+sma_tail_length;
translate(sma_offset) rotate([0,0,180]){ rotate([90,30,0]){
translate([0, 0, -tmp])
cylinder($fn=6, d=sma_hex_big_d, h=tmp);
cylinder(d=sma_thread_d, h=sma_thread_length);
translate([-sma_hex_small_d/2, sma_hex_height, -sma_hex_big_d/2-sma_pocket_height])
cube([sma_hex_small_d, sma_tail_length, sma_hex_big_d/2 + sma_pocket_height]);
// main body notch
minkowski() {
projection() inside_pocket();
cube(2 * tol, center = true);
if (part == "m") {
union() {
difference() {
inside_pocket(height = 20);
copy_mirror([ 1, 0, 0 ]) translate([ jr_lower_width / 2, 0, 0 ])
latch(base_support = true);
} else if (part == "t") {