//! ### Required Methods
//! * `fn default(error: &Error) -> Self` - For constructing default context while
//! allowing special case handling depending on the content of the error you're
//! wrapping.
//! This is essentially `Default::default` but more flexible, for example, the
//! `eyre::DefaultContext` type provide by this crate uses this to only capture a
//! `Backtrace` if the inner `Error` does not already have one.
//! ```rust,compile_fail
//! fn default(error: &(dyn StdError + 'static)) -> Self {
//! let backtrace = backtrace_if_absent!(error);
//! Self { backtrace }
//! }
//! ```
//! * `fn debug(&self, error: &(dyn Error + 'static), f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt Result`
//! it's companion `display` version. - For formatting the entire error chain and
//! the user provided context.
//! When overriding the context it no longer makes sense for `eyre::ErrReport` to
//! provide the `Display` and `Debug` implementations for the user, becase we
//! cannot predict what forms of context you will need to display along side your
//! chain of errors. Instead we forward the implementations of `Display` and
//! `Debug` to these methods on the inner `EyreContext` type.
//! This crate does provide a few helpers to assist in writing display
//! implementations, specifically the `Chain` type, for treating an error and its
//! sources like an iterator, and the `Indented` type, for indenting multi line
//! errors consistently without using heap allocations.
//! **Note**: best practices for printing errors suggest that `{}` should only
//! print the current error and none of its sources, and that the primary method of
//! displaying an error, its sources, and its context should be handled by the
//! `Debug` implementation, which is what is used to print errors that are returned
//! from `main`. For examples on how to implement this please refer to the
//! implementations of `display` and `debug` on `eyre::DefaultContext`
//! ### Optional Methods
//! * `fn member_ref(&self, typeid TypeID) -> Option<&dyn Any>` - For extracting
//! arbitrary members from a context based on their type and `member_mut` for
//! getting a mutable reference in the same way.
//! This method is like a flexible version of the `fn backtrace(&self)` method on
//! the `Error` trait. The main `ErrReport` type provides versions of these methods
//! that use type inference to get the typeID that should be used by inner trait fn
//! to pick a member to return.
//! **Note**: The `backtrace()` fn on `ErrReport` relies on the implementation of
//! this function to get the backtrace from the user provided context if one
//! exists. If you wish your type to guaruntee that it captures a backtrace for any
//! error it wraps you **must** implement `member_ref` and provide a path to return
//! a `Backtrace` type like below.
//! Here is how the `eyre::DefaultContext` type uses this to return `Backtrace`s.
//! ```rust,compile_fail
//! fn member_ref(&self, typeid: TypeId) -> Option<&dyn Any> {
//! if typeid == TypeId::of::<Backtrace>() {
//! self.backtrace.as_ref().map(|b| b as &dyn Any)
//! } else {
//! None
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Once you've defined a custom Context type you can use it throughout your
//! application by defining a type alias.
//! ```rust,compile_fail
//! type ErrReport = eyre::ErrReport<MyContext>;
//! // And optionally...
//! type Result<T, E = eyre::ErrReport<MyContext>> = core::result::Result<T, E>;
//! ```
//! <br>