[?2004h[?1049h(B[?7h[?1h=[?1h=[?25l(B(B[ Reading... ](B(B[ Read 25 lines ](B(B  GNU nano 4.8                         /tmp/.tmp6xCkmz                                    (B
(B^G(B Get Help    (B^O(B Write Out   (B^W(B Where Is    (B^K(B Cut Text    (B^J(B Justify     (B^C(B Cur Pos
(B^X(B Exit(B^R(B Read File   (B^\(B Replace     (B^U(B Paste Text  (B^T(B To Spell    (B^_(B Go To Line
(Bmessage = ''
timestamp = '2020-12-28T20:29:56.770864700Z'
name = 'GarettWithOneR'
full_name = 'Garett Cooper'
email = 'garett@garettcooper.com'
[?12l[?25h[?25l(B[ line 1/26 (3%), col 1/13 (7%), char 0/426 (0%) ](B
qmessage = ''
   * Record all diffs from the pristine as a nmessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78
Mew change* @param message The message for the message = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78
new change*/async recordAllChanges (messagemessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l: string): Promise<void> {
    await this._pijul.emessage = ''
timestamp = '2020-12-28T20:29:56.770864700Z'
[?12l[?25h[?25lexec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', memessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25lssage]);
  }message = ''
timestamp = '2020-12-28T20:29:56.770864700Z'
   * Record all diffs from the pristine as a nmessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ew change* @param message The message for the message = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78
new change*/async recordAllChanges (messagemessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

: string): Promise<void> {await this._pijul.emessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25lexec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', memessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ssage]);}message = ''
}/** * Record all diffs from the pristine as a nmessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ew change* @param message The message for the message = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78
new change*/async recordAllChanges (messagemessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

: string): Promise<void> {await this._pijul.emessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25lexec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', memessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ssage]);}message = ''
}/** * Record all diffs from the pristine as a nmessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ew change* @param message The message for the message = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78
new change*/async recordAllChanges (messagemessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

: string): Promise<void> {await this._pijul.emessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25lexec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', memessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ssage]);}message = ''
}/** * Record all diffs from the pristine as a nmessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ew change* @param message The message for the message = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78
new change*/async recordAllChanges (messagemessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

: string): Promise<void> {await this._pijul.emessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25lexec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', memessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ssage]);}message = ''
  }[?12l[?25h[?25l(B[ line 31/56 (55%), col 4/16 (25%), char 1311/1737 (75%) ](B
}/** * Record all diffs from the pristine as a nmessage = ''

ew change* @param message The message for the message = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78
new change*/async recordAllChanges (messagemessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

: string): Promise<void> {await this._pijul.emessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25lexec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', memessage = ''[?12l[?25h[?25l78

ssage]);}message = ''
  }[?12l[?25h[?25l(B[ line 37/62 (59%), col 4/16 (25%), char 1573/1999 (78%) ](B
[?1l>[?1049h[?12l[?25h]104(B[?7h(B  GNU nano 4.8                         /tmp/.tmp6xCkmz                          Modified  (Bawait this._pijul.exec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', message]);}/*** Record all diffs from the pristine as a new change* @param message The message for the new change*/async recordAllChanges (message: string): Promise<void> {await this._pijul.exec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', message]);}message = '' (B[ line 37/62 (59%), col 4/16 (25%), char 1573/1999 (78%) ]
^G(B Get Help    (B^O(B Write Out   (B^W(B Where Is    (B^K(B Cut Text    (B^J(B Justify     (B^C(B Cur Pos
(B^X(B Exit(B^R(B Read File   (B^\(B Replace     (B^U(B Paste Text  (B^T(B To Spell    (B^_(B Go To Line[?2004h[?1h=[?1h=(B  GNU nano 4.8                         /tmp/.tmp6xCkmz                          Modified  (Bawait this._pijul.exec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', message]);}/*** Record all diffs from the pristine as a new change* @param message The message for the new change*/async recordAllChanges (message: string): Promise<void> {await this._pijul.exec(this.repositoryRoot, ['record', '-a', '-m', message]);}message = ''

(B^G(B Get Help    (B^O(B Write Out   (B^W(B Where Is    (B^K(B Cut Text    (B^J(B Justify     (B^C(B Cur Pos
(B^X(B Exit(B^R(B Read File   (B^\(B Replace     (B^U(B Paste Text  (B^T(B To Spell    (B^_(B Go To Line