I fixed the first issue by upgrading pijul to the latest version (1.0.0-beta.9), by building it from source. The document for the installation is not up-to-date because the latest version uses a new identity mechanism. So, after installing the Rust tool chain:
> cargo install pijul --version "~1.0.0-beta.9"
> pijul --version
> pijul identity new
After that, pijul record -a -m my_msg
does not require a password.
I try to use this extension, but I ran into 2 problems:
pijul record
When I click “Record all current changes”, nothing happens. The pijul log shows :
When I run the same command in the terminal, it asks for my password. Presumably, the error arises because pijul has no way to ask for the password within the extension.
quotes in the change log
The change log shows the changes, and the files impacted in each change. However, it adds quotes around the name of the files that have replacements (it does not for the file that have been added). When trying to see the changes of such a file, an editor opens but it can’t open the file because of the extra quotes.