Game Design Document
Typst Design Template

by Jengamon 2024-04-21

Usage (after import):

#show: gdd.with(
  title: [Game Title Here],
  authors: (
      name: "Game Designer 1",
      url: "https://homepage.example.com",
      name: "Game Designer 2"

NOTE: If only 1 author, make sure it looks like
    name: "Author"
  ), <-- this comma is v important
#let gdd(
  title: none,
  authors: (),
) = {
  set text(font: "Iosevka")
  set par(justify: true)
  show link: it => { text(fill: blue)[#it] }

  let join_authors(authors) = authors.join(", ", last: " & ")
  set document(
    title: (title, " Game Design Doc").join(),
    author: join_authors(authors.map(d => d.name)),

  let started = state("started", false)
  set page(
    numbering: "(i)",
    header: context {
      let headers = query(heading.where(level: 1))
      let current = counter(page).get()
      let page-here-or-before(m) = counter(page).at(m.location()) <= current
      let has-header = headers.any(page-here-or-before)
      let title = smallcaps(title)
      if not has-header or not started.get() {
        align(right, title)
      } else {
        let body = headers.rev().find(page-here-or-before).body
        title + h(1fr) + emph(body)

  // Document title and authors
    #text(24pt, strong(title)) \
    #text(15pt, smallcaps([*Game Design Document*])) \
    _#text(13pt, smallcaps[by #join_authors(authors.map(d => if "url" in d {link(d.url, d.name)} else {d.name}))])_
  line(length: 100%)

  show outline.entry.where(
    level: 1
  ): it => {
    v(12pt, weak: true)
  outline(title: [], indent: auto, depth: 2)

  set heading(numbering: "1-1.")
  set page(numbering: "1 / 1")
  show heading.where(level: 1): it => {
    pagebreak(weak: true)


#let small(body) = text(4pt)[#body]
#let code_term(term) = box(fill: silver, outset: 2.5pt, raw(term))
#let ymd(year, month, day) = datetime(year: year, month: month, day: day).display()
#let dev_timeline_event(
  completed: false,
  name: "",
  date: "",
) = (
  if completed {sym.checkmark} else [], date, name, desc
#let dev_timeline(..events) = {
  show table.cell.where(y: 0): set text(weight: "bold")
  let frame(stroke) = (x, y) => (
    left: if x > 0 and y < 0 { 0pt } else { stroke },
    right: stroke,
    top: if y < 2 { stroke } else { 0pt },
    bottom: stroke,
  set table(
    stroke: frame(rgb("21222c"))
    columns: (0.1fr, 0.3fr, 0.6fr, 1fr),
