# CatWaiter - Working Title

I'm making this because of something from a Signal chat.

The central idea is:
you are a cat trying to make ends meet, and save your sick owner for the disease digging away at them.
you found a job at a local restaurant, serving plates to patrons for tips and your measly daily wage.

Casual horror
- you can sell body parts to make ends meet after you sign a waiver with the Merchant, it may make it
harder to get tips tho! Sell too much, you won't look as cute, and you risk getting fired!
- you can run off with meals or small stuff from patrons, but might make them angry, and they might report you,
getting you fired! (The higher you are and the more wage you make, the *easier* it is to get fired this way).
- don't get a game over (let your owner die) (it should shift to full-blown horror then close)
- the tone throughout the game should be consistenly corporately cheery. The only horror comes from your
experience if you let your owner die. The horror should come from how callously cheery everything remains.
you might die, but the machine must grind on :3c.