on.keychord_press = function(chord, key) if Show_file_dialog then keychord_press_on_file_dialog(chord, key) return end if chord == 'C-=' then update_font_settings(Current_pane.editor_state.font_height+2) elseif chord == 'C--' then update_font_settings(Current_pane.editor_state.font_height-2) elseif chord == 'C-0' then update_font_settings(20) elseif not Show_code and chord == 'f3' then press_show_button() elseif Show_code then if chord == 'C-left' then press_previous_pane_button() elseif chord == 'C-right' then press_next_pane_button() elseif chord == 'f1' then press_run_button() elseif chord == 'f2' then press_stop_button() elseif chord == 'f3' then press_hide_button() elseif chord == 'f4' then press_save_button() elseif chord == 'f5' then press_load_button() elseif Current_pane.editor_state.cursor_x then -- send keys to editor if cursor is visible edit.keychord_press(Current_pane.editor_state, chord, key) end else -- editors hidden if car.keychord_press then call_protected(car.keychord_press, chord, key) end if car.keypressed then call_protected(car.keypressed, key) end end end