render_nodes_to_surface = function(font)
	-- design constraints:
	--   trees only, no graphs or DAGs
	--   parents above children
	--   a child shares its parent's column exactly only if it's an only child
	--   parents can overlap columns with children and more distant descendants
	--   siblings never share a column
	--   siblings never overlap columns
	--   siblings always occupy the same row
	--   cousins/aunts/nephews never overlap columns
	Surface = {}
	-- compute number of tracks needed
	for _,x in pairs(Nodes) do
		if x.ntracks == nil then
			x.ntracks = compute_ntracks(x)
	-- prepare the tracks
	-- each track is 600px + 20px of gutter between nodes
	render_node_and_descendants(, --[[y]] 0, --[[xlo]] 0, --[[xhi]] 620 * Root.ntracks, --[[grandparent surface node]] nil, font)