save_graph_to_disk = function() local data = {next=First_available_id} -- save a copy of Nodes with various fields deleted local kvs = {} for k,v in pairs(Nodes) do v = table.copy(v) = {} for i,l in ipairs(v.editor.lines) do table.insert(, end v.editor = nil v.show_cursor = nil table.insert(kvs, {k, v}) end -- sort the copy to avoid spurious diffs in version control table.sort(kvs, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) data.nodes = Nodes local f = App.open_for_writing(Filename) f:write('{ "next" : '..First_available_id..', "nodes" : {\n') for i,kv in ipairs(kvs) do if i > 1 then f:write(',') end f:write('"'..kv[1]..'": '..json.encode(kv[2])..'\n') end f:write('}}\n') f:close() end