Fork of for live programming; useful starting point for further forks
# Example "freewheeling" app that can be modified without being restarted

[![0 dependencies!]]

Running this repo in isolation won't be very helpful. If you haven't yet,
first check out [the driver app]
This repo is a template you can copy to create your own live apps that juggle
text editor widgets. The editors support copy/paste, search, infinite undo,
etc. You can't modify editor functionality live (yet?).

[Some reference documentation on how to create your own apps.]

This repo is an example of a [Freewheeling App],
designed above all to be easy to run, easy to modify and easy to share.

## Getting started

Install [LÖVE] It's just a 5MB download, open-source and
extremely well-behaved.

[Run the app using LÖVE.]

## Hacking

To modify it live without restarting the app each time, download [the driver
app]( Here's an example session
using a fork of this repo:

![making changes without restarting the app]assets/2.gif

If the app being modified by the driver lives in a .love file, your changes
will go into the [save directory]
If it lives in a directory (like this repo), your changes will go straight
into the same directory.

## Keyboard shortcuts

Up to you! But within the included editor widget if you use it:

* `ctrl+f` to find patterns within a file
* `ctrl+c` to copy, `ctrl+x` to cut, `ctrl+v` to paste
* `ctrl+z` to undo, `ctrl+y` to redo
* `ctrl+=` to zoom in, `ctrl+-` to zoom out, `ctrl+0` to reset zoom
* `alt+right`/`alt+left` to jump to the next/previous word, respectively
* mouse drag or `shift` + movement to select text, `ctrl+a` to select all

Exclusively tested so far with a US keyboard layout. If
you use a different layout, please let me know if things worked, or if you
found anything amiss:

## Known issues

* This approach puts one top-level definition per file, and so obscures the
  order in which definitions are loaded. In particular, initializing a global
  table to contain other global definitions will fail if you originally
  authored the other global definitions after the table.

  I never initialize global tables with other definitions. That kind of thing
  happens in `on.initialize` (akin to `love.load`; see or

* Don't start the driver app while multiple freewheeling apps are running. If
  you have a driver app running with one app, shut it down before you switch

* No support yet for Unicode graphemes spanning multiple codepoints.

* No support yet for right-to-left languages.

* Can't scroll while selecting text with mouse.

* No scrollbars yet. That stuff is hard.

## Mirrors and Forks

This repo is a fork of [], an
editor for plain text where you can also seamlessly insert line drawings.
Its immediate upstream is [],
a version without support for line drawings. Updates to it can be downloaded
from the following mirrors:

* (using the Pijul version control system)

Further forks are encouraged. If you show me your fork, I'll link to it here.

* - a lightweight environment for
  writing small, throwaway programs on computer or phone.
* - a "browser" for a Lua-based
  markup language, loosely analogous to HTML except it's all Lua.
* - a toy environment for working with
  [BF] programs.
* - a multi-column paginator that
  uses all available width while remaining readable.
* - for all-play-all tournaments.

## Feedback

[Most appreciated.] Messages, PRs, patches,
forks, it's all good.