;; Everything relation to navigation (file, buffers, windows .. is here
;; With fish, there are some troubles to run commands...
;; For example with projectile-find-file...
; remember recent files every 30 minutes
;; Show the end of a combination (useful for short memory....)
;; ------------------- Dired ---------------
;; No details by default, toggle back with (
;; No dotfiles either (activate back with C-x M-o
;; does not work
;; Open movies and ebooks in dired
;; -------------- other ------------------
;; Workspaces support: use tab-bar-mode instead (built in)
;; Manage pdfs
;; Nice modeline (support tab-mode too)
;; ------------------- Windows ---------------
;; Use windmove (built-in). Ace-windows is not *that* useful
;; S-left for going left andl so on
;; With repeat mode (emacs 28), we can easily switch windows with C-x o then o o o...
;;--------------------- Recentf -----------------
;; Every 10min