;;------------ Languages -------------
;; 2 issues with project.el : straight.el use the local version
;; - Symbol’s value as variable is void: project-switch-commands (magit)
;; - Symbol’s value as variable is void: project-root (eglot)
;; So we have to install it by hand with `package-install` -> `project`
;;---------- Haskell
;; With egplot, we have haskell-server too
;; Project management with project.el (builtin)
;; ------------------- Completion ---------------
;; Selectrum replaces ivy (uses Emacs API)
;; Minimalist alternative to selectrum, fully compatible with Emacs api
;; We could use icomplete (vertical mode built-in in emacs 28) but it's less fluid
;; Use orderless to improve filtering (faster that prescient it seems)
;; --- Show more details in the minibuffer
;; Counsel alternative (Super uselful). Default mapping suggested from the authors
;; Lighter alternative to company, without backend to programming languages
;; With eglot, we should be fine
;; ------------- Others --------------
;; Do not use lispy, but built-in sexp
;; Do not use yasnippet but skeleton (builti)n
; Editable grep results <3
; Show matching parenthesis
;; Yank from mouse selection. By default, only available with mouse-2....
; Fish shell