import * as Pixi from "pixi.js"; import { PixiPointFrom } from "../../lib/pixi/pixify"; import { Vector2 } from "../../lib/util/geometry/vector2"; import { UpdaterGeneratorType2 } from "../../lib/util/updaterGenerator"; import { engageLifecycle, LifecycleHandlerBase } from "./LifecycleHandler"; type Props = { args: { markForceUpdate: (childInstance: any) => void, }, hitArea: Pixi.IHitArea; text: string; delaySeconds?: number; } type State = { isActive: boolean; } /** * For a interesting reference implementation, see */ class TooltippableAreaComponent extends LifecycleHandlerBase<Props, State> { public state: State public container: Pixi.Container; private stateUpdaters: UpdaterGeneratorType2<State> protected fireStateUpdaters: () => void public hitAreaDrawn?: Pixi.Graphics; // debug tooltipContainer: Pixi.Container | null; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.container = new Pixi.Container(); this.container.interactive = true; this.container.buttonMode = true; this.container.hitArea = props.hitArea; this.container.zIndex = 2; // this.container.hitArea = new Pixi.Rectangle( // - RenderedChunkConstants.NODE_HITAREA_PX / 2, // - RenderedChunkConstants.NODE_HITAREA_PX / 2, // RenderedChunkConstants.NODE_HITAREA_PX, // RenderedChunkConstants.NODE_HITAREA_PX, // ); // this.hitAreaDrawn = new Pixi.Graphics(); // this.hitAreaDrawn.beginFill(0xffffff); // this.hitAreaDrawn.drawRect( // - RenderedChunkConstants.NODE_HITAREA_PX / 2, // - RenderedChunkConstants.NODE_HITAREA_PX / 2, // RenderedChunkConstants.NODE_HITAREA_PX, // RenderedChunkConstants.NODE_HITAREA_PX, // ); // this.container.addChild(this.hitAreaDrawn); this.tooltipContainer = null; ({ state: this.state, stateUpdaters: this.stateUpdaters, fireStateUpdaters: this.fireStateUpdaters } = this.useState<State, TooltippableAreaComponent>(this, { isActive: false })); } protected renderSelf(props: Props) { // if (this.state.isActive) { // this.hitAreaDrawn.tint = 0x888888; // } else { // this.hitAreaDrawn.tint = 0xffffff; // } if (this.state.isActive) { if (this.tooltipContainer === null) { // if doesnt exist, construct it this.tooltipContainer = new Pixi.Container(); this.tooltipContainer.sortableChildren = true; const text = new Pixi.Text(props.text, { fontFamily: 'PixelMix', padding: 4, // -- otherwise on first load the text bounding box is calculated to be too small and the tops of the f's get cut off fontSize: 26, // use 26 then scale down 50% results in sharper letters than 13 // align: 'center' }); text.scale = PixiPointFrom(new Vector2(0.5, 0.5)); text.x = 10; text.y = 10; text.zIndex = 1; this.tooltipContainer.addChild(text); const box = new Pixi.Graphics(); box.lineStyle(1, 0x222222, 1); box.beginFill(0xEEEEEE); box.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, text.width + 18, text.height + 18, 4); box.zIndex = 0; this.tooltipContainer.addChild(box); this.container.addChild(this.tooltipContainer); } } else { if (this.tooltipContainer) { // remove it this.container.removeChild(this.tooltipContainer); this.tooltipContainer.destroy(); this.tooltipContainer = null; } } } protected didMount() { // TODO(bowei): move these listeners to the parent so that hitArea can be unified // TODO(bowei): move this object to somewhere else in pixi e.g. the parent hud layer to resolve hiding issues // using worldtransform: this.container.addListener('pointerover', this.onPointerOver); this.container.addListener('pointerout', this.onPointerOut); } public onPointerOver = (event: Pixi.InteractionEvent) => { // console.log('got onPointerOver in toolltippable'); this._staleProps.args.markForceUpdate(this); this.stateUpdaters.isActive.enqueueUpdate(() => { // console.log('fired onPointerOver in toolltippable'); return true; }); } public onPointerOut = (event: Pixi.InteractionEvent) => { this._staleProps.args.markForceUpdate(this); // console.log('got onPointerOut in tooltippable') this.stateUpdaters.isActive.enqueueUpdate(() => { // console.log('fired onPointerOut in tooltippable') return false; }); } } const wrapped = engageLifecycle(TooltippableAreaComponent); // eslint-disable-next-line type wrapped = TooltippableAreaComponent; export { wrapped as TooltippableAreaComponent }; export type { Props as TooltippableAreaComponentProps };