Better result. Capture is also in hg38 directly
Y.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio |
| INDEL | ALL | 4871 | 3461 | 1410 | 7048 | 1554 | 1987 | 193 | 346 | 0.710532 | 0.692946 | 0.281924 | 0.701629 | | | 1.6174985978687606 | 3.0674091441969518 |
| INDEL | PASS | 4871 | 3461 | 1410 | 7048 | 1554 | 1987 | 193 | 346 | 0.710532 | 0.692946 | 0.281924 | 0.701629 | | | 1.6174985978687606 | 3.0674091441969518 |
| SNP | ALL | 46032 | 39367 | 6665 | 44599 | 1186 | 4042 | 304 | 30 | 0.855209 | 0.970757 | 0.09063 | 0.909327 | 2.529551552318896 | 2.402150701647346 | 1.6206857273037931 | 1.6273423688862698 |
| SNP | PASS | 46032 | 39367 | 6665 | 44599 | 1186 | 4042 | 304 | 30 | 0.855209 | 0.970757 | 0.09063 | 0.909327 | 2.529551552318896 | 2.402150701647346 | 1.6206857273037931 | 1.6273423688862698 |
| Threshold | True-pos-baseline | True-pos-call | False-pos | False-neg | Precision | Sensitivi
ty | F-measure |
| 3.000 | 42789 | 42416 | 2598 | 8080 | 0.9423 | 0.8412 | 0.8889 |
| None | 42798 | 42425 | 2616 | 8071 | 0.9419 | 0.8413 | 0.8888 |
Indel avec le plus petit seuil : zcat NA12878.non_snp_roc.tsv.gz
Attention à inverser precision et recall !
zcat NA12878.non_snp_roc.tsv.gz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $7 $6}'
SNP avec le plus petit seuil : zcat NA12878.non_snp_roc.tsv.gz
Attention à inverser precision et recall !
$ zcat NA12878.snp_roc.tsv.gz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $7 $6}'
| Threshold | True-pos-baseline | True-pos-call | False-pos | False-neg | Precision | Sensitivity | F-measure |
| 1.000 | 44812 | 44812 | 2878 | 6057 | 0.9397 | 0.8809 | 0.9093 |
| None | 44813 | 44813 | 2882 | 6056 | 0.9396 | 0.8809 | 0.9093 |
$ zcat NA12878.snp_roc.tsv.gz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $7 $6}'
$ zcat NA12878.non_snp_roc.tsv.gz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $7 $6}'
| Type | Filter | TRUTH.TOTAL | TRUTH.TP | TRUTH.FN | QUERY.TOTAL | QUERY.FP | QUERY.UNK | | | METRIC.Recall | METRIC.Precision | METRIC.Frac_NA | METRIC.F1_Score | TRUTH.TOTAL.TiTv_ratio | QUERY.TOTAL.TiTv_ratio | TRUTH.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio | QUERY.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio |
| INDEL | ALL | 4871 | 3678 | 1193 | 7036 | 1299 | 2011 | 208 | 217 | 0.755081 | 0.741493 | 0.285816 | 0.748225 | | | 1.6174985978687606 | 2.5240506329113925 |
| INDEL | PASS | 4871 | 3678 | 1193 | 7036 | 1299 | 2011 | 208 | 217 | 0.755081 | 0.741493 | 0.285816 | 0.748225 | | | 1.6174985978687606 | 2.5240506329113925 |
| SNP | ALL | 46032 | 41138 | 4894 | 47694 | 1622 | 4930 | 362 | 31 | 0.893683 | 0.962071 | 0.103367 | 0.926617 | 2.529551552318896 | 2.4124463519313304 | 1.6206857273037931 | 1.6888675840288743 |
| SNP | PASS | 46032 | 41138 | 4894 | 47694 | 1622 | 4930 | 362 | 31 | 0.893683 | 0.962071 | 0.103367 | 0.926617 | 2.529551552318896 | 2.4124463519313304 | 1.6206857273037931 | 1.688867584028874 |
***** KILL Résultats sans trimming
CLOSED: [2023-06-25 Sun 15:53] SCHEDULED: <2023-06-26 Mon>
***** TODO Refaire : HiSeq4000 + agilent sureselect + génome "prêt à l'emploi"
SCHEDULED: <2023-06-25 Sun>
***** KILL Utiliser d'autres données brutes ?
CLOSED: [2023-06-25 Sun 15:58]
Capture en hg37 également. Serait intéressant mais pas le temps..
***** KILL Comparer avec UCSCS liftover
CLOSED: [2023-06-26 Mon 19:02] SCHEDULED: <2023-06-25 Sun>
Picard liftoverinterval est basé sur UCSCS
Mais on n'aurait pas la différence pour NA12878 qu'on voit...
**** TODO HG002 :hg002:hg38:
SCHEDULED: <2023-04-10 Mon>
NXF_OPTS=-D"${USER}" nextflow run workflows/ -profile standard,helios
NXF_OPTS=-D"${USER}" nextflow run -profile standard,helios -resume --input="/Work/Groups/bisonex/data/giab/GRCh38/HG002_{1,2}.fq.gz
Only the capture file differs. Results are better using the capture file given by Agilent, stored in data/
NXF_OPTS=-D"${USER}" nextflow run workflows/ -profile standard,helios -resume --outdir=compareHG002 --test.query=out/HG002_1/variantCalling/haplotypecaller/HG002_1.vcf.gz,happy --test.capture=data/AgilentSureSelectv05_hg38.bed
***** DONE Mauvais résultats
CLOSED: [2023-04-14 Fri 09:42]
avec vcfeval
Threshold True-pos-baseline True-pos-call False-pos False-neg Precision Sensitivity F-measure
0.000 24585 24390 10060 39415 0.7080 0.3841 0.4980
None 24585 24390 10060 39415 0.7080 0.3841 0.4980
La sortie du variantCalling est celle d'happy ???
On relance...
***** DONE Vérifier vcf en hg38
CLOSED: [2023-04-12 Wed 10:33] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-12 Wed>
***** KILL Capture en hg19 ?
CLOSED: [2023-04-13 Thu 09:46] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-12 Wed>
***** KILL Vraiment fichier de capture ou zone d'intérêt ?
CLOSED: [2023-04-13 Thu 09:45] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-12 Wed>
"target region" +/- 50bp
list file describing the variant calling regions (target regions extended with 50 bp on each end)
***** DONE .bed fourni par AGilent: sensbilité très mauvaise
CLOSED: [2023-04-13 Thu 09:46] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-13 Thu>
Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon V5 kit
Disponible en hg38
Threshold True-pos-baseline True-pos-call False-pos False-neg Precision Sensitivity F-measure
0.000 19653 19501 6410 21657 0.7526 0.4757 0.5830
None 19653 19501 6410 21657 0.7526 0.4757 0.5830
***** DONE Trier par nom avec samtools sort : bons résultats
CLOSED: [2023-04-14 Fri 09:25] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-13 Thu>
Avec capture fourni par GIAB
vcf eval
Threshold True-pos-baseline True-pos-call False-pos False-neg Precision Sensitivity F-measure
5.000 57443 57032 984 6557 0.9830 0.8975 0.9383
None 57457 57046 1009 6543 0.9826 0.8978 0.9383
Y.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio |
| INDEL | ALL | 4871 | 3461 | 1410 | 7048 | 1554 | 1987 | 193 | 346 | 0.710532 | 0.692946 | 0.281924 | 0.701629 | | | 1.6174985978687606 | 3.0674091441969518 |
| INDEL | PASS | 4871 | 3461 | 1410 | 7048 | 1554 | 1987 | 193 | 346 | 0.710532 | 0.692946 | 0.281924 | 0.701629 | | | 1.6174985978687606 | 3.0674091441969518 |
| SNP | ALL | 46032 | 39367 | 6665 | 44599 | 1186 | 4042 | 304 | 30 | 0.855209 | 0.970757 | 0.09063 | 0.909327 | 2.529551552318896 | 2.402150701647346 | 1.6206857273037931 | 1.6273423688862698 |
| SNP | PASS | 46032 | 39367 | 6665 | 44599 | 1186 | 4042 | 304 | 30 | 0.855209 | 0.970757 | 0.09063 | 0.909327 | 2.529551552318896 | 2.402150701647346 | 1.6206857273037931 | 1.6273423688862698 |
| Threshold | True-pos-baseline | True-pos-call | False-pos | False-neg | Precision | Sensitivity | F-measure |
| 3.000 | 42789 | 42416 | 2598 | 8080 | 0.9423 | 0.8412 | 0.8889 |
| None | 42798 | 42425 | 2616 | 8071 | 0.9419 | 0.8413 | 0.8888 |
Indel avec le plus petit seuil : zcat NA12878.non_snp_roc.tsv.gz
Attention à inverser precision et recall !
zcat NA12878.non_snp_roc.tsv.gz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $7 $6}'
SNP avec le plus petit seuil : zcat NA12878.non_snp_roc.tsv.gz
Attention à inverser precision et recall !
$ zcat NA12878.snp_roc.tsv.gz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $7 $6}'
| Threshold | True-pos-baseline | True-pos-call | False-pos | False-neg | Precision | Sensitivity | F-measure |
| 1.000 | 44812 | 44812 | 2878 | 6057 | 0.9397 | 0.8809 | 0.9093 |
| None | 44813 | 44813 | 2882 | 6056 | 0.9396 | 0.8809 | 0.9093 |
$ zcat NA12878.snp_roc.tsv.gz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $7 $6}'
$ zcat NA12878.non_snp_roc.tsv.gz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $7 $6}'
| Type | Filter | TRUTH.TOTAL | TRUTH.TP | TRUTH.FN | QUERY.TOTAL | QUERY.FP | QUERY.UNK | | | METRIC.Recall | METRIC.Precision | METRIC.Frac_NA | METRIC.F1_Score | TRUTH.TOTAL.TiTv_ratio | QUERY.TOTAL.TiTv_ratio | TRUTH.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio | QUERY.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio |
| INDEL | ALL | 4871 | 3678 | 1193 | 7036 | 1299 | 2011 | 208 | 217 | 0.755081 | 0.741493 | 0.285816 | 0.748225 | | | 1.6174985978687606 | 2.5240506329113925 |
| INDEL | PASS | 4871 | 3678 | 1193 | 7036 | 1299 | 2011 | 208 | 217 | 0.755081 | 0.741493 | 0.285816 | 0.748225 | | | 1.6174985978687606 | 2.5240506329113925 |
| SNP | ALL | 46032 | 41138 | 4894 | 47694 | 1622 | 4930 | 362 | 31 | 0.893683 | 0.962071 | 0.103367 | 0.926617 | 2.529551552318896 | 2.4124463519313304 | 1.6206857273037931 | 1.6888675840288743 |
| SNP | PASS | 46032 | 41138 | 4894 | 47694 | 1622 | 4930 | 362 | 31 | 0.893683 | 0.962071 | 0.103367 | 0.926617 | 2.529551552318896 | 2.4124463519313304 | 1.6206857273037931 | 1.688867584028874 |
***** KILL Résultats sans trimming
CLOSED: [2023-06-25 Sun 15:53] SCHEDULED: <2023-06-26 Mon>
***** DONE Refaire : HiSeq4000 + agilent sureselect + génome "prêt à l'emploi"
CLOSED: [2023-06-30 Fri 22:08] SCHEDULED: <2023-06-25 Sun>
nextflow run workflows/ -profile standard,helios --outdir=out/HG001-SRX11061486_SRR14724513-GRCh38 --query=out/HG001-SRX11061486_SRR14724513-GRCh38/callVariant/haplotypecaller/HG001-SRX11061486_SRR14724513-GRCh38.vcf.gz --compare=vcfeval,happy -lib lib --capture=capture/Agilent_SureSelect_All_Exons_v7_hg38_Regions.bed --id=HG001
Meilleurs résultats !
| Type | Filter | TRUTH.TOTAL | TRUTH.TP | TRUTH.FN | QUERY.TOTAL | QUERY.FP | QUERY.UNK | | | METRIC.Recall | METRIC.Precision | METRIC.Frac_NA | METRIC.F1_Score | TRUTH.TOTAL.TiTv_ratio | QUERY.TOTAL.TiTv_ratio | TRUTH.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio | QUERY.TOTAL.het_hom_ratio |
| INDEL | ALL | 549 | 489 | 60 | 899 | 64 | 340 | 8 | 17 | 0.89071 | 0.88551 | 0.378198 | 0.888102 | | | 1.86096256684492 | 2.247272727272727 |
| INDEL | PASS | 549 | 489 | 60 | 899 | 64 | 340 | 8 | 17 | 0.89071 | 0.88551 | 0.378198 | 0.888102 | | | 1.86096256684492 | 2.247272727272727 |
| SNP | ALL | 21973 | 21462 | 511 | 26285 | 563 | 4263 | 68 | 16 | 0.976744 | 0.974435 | 0.162184 | 0.975588 | 3.007110300820419 | 2.78468624064479 | 1.5918102430965306 | 1.8161449399656946 |
| SNP | PASS | 21973 | 21462 | 511 | 26285 | 563 | 4263 | 68 | 16 | 0.976744 | 0.974435 | 0.162184 | 0.975588 | 3.007110300820419 | 2.78468624064479 | 1.5918102430965306 | 1.8161449399656946 |
***** KILL Utiliser d'autres données brutes ?
CLOSED: [2023-06-25 Sun 15:58]
Capture en hg37 également. Serait intéressant mais pas le temps..
***** KILL Comparer avec UCSCS liftover
CLOSED: [2023-06-26 Mon 19:02] SCHEDULED: <2023-06-25 Sun>
Picard liftoverinterval est basé sur UCSCS
Mais on n'aurait pas la différence pour NA12878 qu'on voit...
**** TODO HG002 :hg002:hg38:
SCHEDULED: <2023-04-10 Mon>
NXF_OPTS=-D"${USER}" nextflow run workflows/ -profile standard,helios
NXF_OPTS=-D"${USER}" nextflow run -profile standard,helios -resume --input="/Work/Groups/bisonex/data/giab/GRCh38/HG002_{1,2}.fq.gz
Only the capture file differs. Results are better using the capture file given by Agilent, stored in data/
NXF_OPTS=-D"${USER}" nextflow run workflows/ -profile standard,helios -resume --outdir=compareHG002 --test.query=out/HG002_1/variantCalling/haplotypecaller/HG002_1.vcf.gz,happy --test.capture=data/AgilentSureSelectv05_hg38.bed
***** DONE Mauvais résultats
CLOSED: [2023-04-14 Fri 09:42]
avec vcfeval
Threshold True-pos-baseline True-pos-call False-pos False-neg Precision Sensitivity F-measure
0.000 24585 24390 10060 39415 0.7080 0.3841 0.4980
None 24585 24390 10060 39415 0.7080 0.3841 0.4980
La sortie du variantCalling est celle d'happy ???
On relance...
***** DONE Vérifier vcf en hg38
CLOSED: [2023-04-12 Wed 10:33] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-12 Wed>
***** KILL Capture en hg19 ?
CLOSED: [2023-04-13 Thu 09:46] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-12 Wed>
***** KILL Vraiment fichier de capture ou zone d'intérêt ?
CLOSED: [2023-04-13 Thu 09:45] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-12 Wed>
"target region" +/- 50bp
list file describing the variant calling regions (target regions extended with 50 bp on each end)
***** DONE .bed fourni par AGilent: sensbilité très mauvaise
CLOSED: [2023-04-13 Thu 09:46] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-13 Thu>
Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon V5 kit
Disponible en hg38
Threshold True-pos-baseline True-pos-call False-pos False-neg Precision Sensitivity F-measure
0.000 19653 19501 6410 21657 0.7526 0.4757 0.5830
None 19653 19501 6410 21657 0.7526 0.4757 0.5830
***** DONE Trier par nom avec samtools sort : bons résultats
CLOSED: [2023-04-14 Fri 09:25] SCHEDULED: <2023-04-13 Thu>
Avec capture fourni par GIAB
vcf eval
Threshold True-pos-baseline True-pos-call False-pos False-neg Precision Sensitivity F-measure
5.000 57443 57032 984 6557 0.9830 0.8975 0.9383
None 57457 57046 1009 6543 0.9826 0.8978 0.9383