1. TODO Version interactive
1. Structure
[applyCmdCommon](~/code/darcs/src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Apply.hs::applyCmdCommon patchApplier patchProxy opts bundle repository = do)
- la liste interactives des patches créé par runSelection
[runSelection](~/code/darcs/src/Darcs/UI/SelectChanges.hs::runSelection _ PSC { splitter = Just _ } =)
[runInvertibleSelection](/home/alex/code/darcs/src/Darcs/UI/SelectChanges.hs::runInvertibleSelection :: forall p wX wY .)
[textSelect](~/code/darcs/src/Darcs/UI/SelectChanges.hs::textSelect lps' pcs =)
qui pose les questions à l\'utilisateur
- le merge qui contient la nouvelle stratégie du merge, appelé
applyPatches, instancié dans
[standardApplyPatches](~/code/darcs/src/Darcs/UI/ApplyPatches.hs::standardApplyPatches :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree))
[mergeAndTest](~/code/darcs/src/Darcs/UI/ApplyPatches.hs::mergeAndTest :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree))
qui contient l\'option mirroir
2. Rajouter une 2eme phase de sélection avec liste des patches à
3. Merge standard si tous les patches ne sont pas sélectionnés
4. -a/--all affecte les 2 phases ou non ?
### TODO --mirror {#mirror}
\[\[notmuch:id:shf0ni\$h6s\$1\@ciao.gmane.io\]\[Email from Ben Franksen:
Re: \[darcs-users\] Darcs equivalent of force-pushing and branching\]\]
## TODO Regarder pourquoi OPTION~RADIO~ ne passe pas (cf test) {#regarder-pourquoi-optionradio-ne-passe-pas-cf-test}
DEADLINE: \<2021-09-08 Wed> SCHEDULED: \<2021-09-07 Tue>
## Darcs
Faire les version faciles (refactoring prévu)
### TODO Lire commentary {#lire-commentary}
### [DONE]{.done .DONE} STRT Lire <https://www.aosabook.org/en/ghc.html> {#strt-lire-httpswww.aosabook.orgenghc.html}
## Panopticum {#panopticum category="panopticum"}
### TODO [20261](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/20261) {#section}
1. WAIT Rebase
# Snippets
## Date -> nombre de secondes depuis 1970
import Date.Time
import Date.Time.Clock.POSIX
toSeconds x = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds time
time = UTCTime (fromJust day) hour
day = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" x :: Maybe Day
hour = timeOfDayToTime (TimeOfDay 14 0 0)
# Livres
## KILL Learn Haskell for your greater good
## STRT [Haskell programming from first principles](books.org::Haskell Programming From First Principles)
# Contributing
## GHC {#ghc category="ghc"}
### TODO Get back to the real-world example and make it a complete Cabal project. {#get-back-to-the-real-world-example-and-make-it-a-complete-cabal-project.}
### [DONE]{.done .DONE} [Testing](https://mmhaskell.com/testing/test-driven-development) {#testing}
## Cabal vs stack
Stack: facile à utiliser mais parfois non à jour Cabal: utiliser avec
ghcup NB: Sous archlinux, le linking dynamique est utilisé par défaut et
ne semble pas marcher avec cabal. Par exemple, wreq ne trouve pas le
Prelude.. On peut installer ghc-static ou bien utiliser ghcup
[ici](https://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine/issues/1647) )
- [x] installer avec ghcup
- [x] Tester sur getbook
- [x] Tester sur askhistorians
### TODO Relax for a few days and watch how interactive programs are being composed {#relax-for-a-few-days-and-watch-how-interactive-programs-are-being-composed}
### TODO real-world example {#real-world-example}
- [x] Database
- [ ] API
2. TODO [Part 2](http://blog.ezyang.com/2017/01/try-backpack-cabal-packages/)
### [DONE]{.done .DONE} [Bifunctors](https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-practical-uses-of-bifunctors-in-Haskell/answer/James-Bowen-13) {#bifunctors}
## [Monday Morning Haskell - Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/npxfba/ive_tried_to_learn_haskell_several_times_but_keep/h084wwa?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)
### [DONE]{.done .DONE} Foundational building blocks {#foundational-building-blocks}
- [x] Functor <https://mmhaskell.com/monads/functors>
- [x] <https://mmhaskell.com/monads/applicatives>
- [x] <https://mmhaskell.com/monads/tutorial>
- [x] <https://mmhaskell.com/monads/reader-writer>
- [x] <https://mmhaskell.com/monads/state>
- [x] <https://mmhaskell.com/monads/transformers>
- [ ] <https://mmhaskell.com/monads/laws>
1. TODO [Part 1](http://blog.ezyang.com/2016/10/try-backpack-ghc-backpack/)
### TODO Backpack {#backpack}
2. [DONE]{.done .DONE} [Getting a little fancy with Haskell\'s kinds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy_yxVkO8no)
1. [DONE]{.done .DONE} [An introduction to Haskell\'s kinds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JleVecHAad4)
# Learning Haskell
## Libraries
### [DONE]{.done .DONE} Shelly {#shelly}
### TODO Xmonad {#xmonad}
1. TODO Récup de l\'écran
2. TODO Faire un projet cabal
## Concepts
### Functional dependencies
{- stack script
--resolver lts-14.18
stak script simple.hs --resolver lts-14.18
On peut aussi le mettre dans le code source :
# Astuces
Compiler rapidement un script haskell: