rner les tests.
Il faut remplace bin/test_haplotypes par test_haplotypes dans src/sh/run_tests.sh
#+begin_src sh
HGREF=../genome/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta HCDIR=~/anaconda3/envs/py2/bin bash s
test_haplotypes: /opt/conda/conda-bld/work/hap.py-0.3.7/src/c++/lib/tools/Fasta.cpp:81: MMappedFastaFile::MMappedFastaFile(const string&): Assertion `fd != -1' failed.
unknown location(0): fatal error in "testVariantPrimitiveSplitter": signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested)
/opt/conda/conda-bld/work/hap.py-0.3.7/src/c++/test/test_align.cpp(298): last checkpoint
******** Chr21
HGREF=../genome/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta hap.py example/happy/PG_NA12878_chr21.vcf.gz example/happy/NA12878_chr21.vcf.gz -f example/happy/PG_Conf_chr21.bed.gz -o test
******* Helios
** TODO T2T :T2T:
Toutes les ressourcs sont décrites ici
Détails sur le pipeline
*** Liftover pipelines
:ID: d2280207-3f65-4a31-a291-41fa9a9658c2
Contient les chain files
*** DONE Alignement
CLOSED: [2023-06-26 Mon 19:42]
NXF_OPTS=-D"user.name=${USER}" nextflow run main.nf -profile standard,helios --input="/Work/Groups/bisonex/data/giab/*_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz" --id=NA12878-T2T -bg
SCHEDULED: <2023-06-14 Wed>
*** DONE Haplotypecaller
CLOSED: [2023-06-26 Mon 19:42] SCHEDULED: <2023-06-15 Thu>
*** DONE Faire fonctionner le filtre technical variant
CLOSED: [2023-08-03 Thu 14:24] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-03 Wed 10:30>
*** DONE Annotation vep seule
CLOSED: [2023-08-05 Sat 08:59] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-05 Sat>
T2T n'a pas
- de version merged
- polyphen
- gnomAD
On désactive l'annotation spip pour le moment
*** DONE Générer la base de donnée spip :spip:
CLOSED: [2023-08-09 Wed 21:41] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-03 Thu 11:30>
**** KILL Vérifier la génération du transcriptome en hg38: checksum différent
CLOSED: [2023-08-09 Wed 21:41]
- [X] Nettoyer et vérifier sur hg38 avec ediff les RData : différent
- [X] Sinon, ne pas nettoyer et générer: idem
**** DONE Récupérer ncbi RefSeq curated
CLOSED: [2023-08-07 Mon 22:59] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-06 Sun>
.txt sur UCSC mais pas en T2T: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/
Format: https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?hgsid=1173061381_UepaHnvaOKFZKMOV4o7DtcNUHGVa&hgta_doSchemaDb=chlSab2&hgta_doSchemaTable=ncbiRefSeqCurated
Ancient format vs nouveau
| 1 | bin | 1 | chrom |
| 2 | name | 2 | chromStart |
| 3 | chrom | 3 | chromEnd |
| 4 | strand | 4 | name |
| 5 | txStart | 5 | score |
| 6 | txEnd | 6 | strand |
| 7 | cdsStart | 7 | thickStart |
| 8 | cdsEnd | 8 | thickEnd |
| 9 | exonCount | 9 | reserved |
| 10 | exonStarts | 10 | blockCount |
| 11 | exonEnds | 11 | blockSizes |
| 12 | score | 12 | chromStarts |
| 13 | name2 | 13 | name2 |
| 14 | cdsStartStat | 14 | cdsStartStat |
| 15 | cdsEndStat | 15 | cdsEndStat |
| 16 | exonFrames | 16 | exonFrames |
| | | 17 | type |
| | | 18 | geneName |
| | | 19 | geneName2 |
| | | 20 | geneType |
En T2T, seulement au format bigBed : https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/gbdb/hs1/ncbiRefSeq/
Il y a un exécutable pour convertir en bed : http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/
Sous gentoo, il faut instaler mit-krb5 (pour libkrb5)
./bigBedToBed ncbiRefSeqCurated.bb ncbiRefSeqCurated.bed
chr1 7505 13582 NR_182076.1 0 - 13582 13582 0 2 5477,138, 0,5939, LOC127239154 none none -1,-1, NR_182076.1 LOC127239154
Dans R:
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
1 585 NR_046018 chr1 + 11873 14409 14409 14409 3 11873,12612,13220,
V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18
1 12227,12721,14409, 0 DDX11L1 none none -1,-1,-1, 354,109,1189, 0,739,1347,
Ne pas oublier les headers car ils sont dans un ordre différent:
Colonnes en GRGh38 =
3, 5, 6, 2, 12, 4, 7, 8, 12, 9, 17, 18, 13
Correspondance en T2T
1, 7, 8, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 5, ?, ?, ?, 13
En fait, il suffit d'avoir
- le gène
- le début du transcrit
- la fin du transcrit
- le brin
pour générer
***** KILL Tester correspondance partielle ?
CLOSED: [2023-08-07 Mon 22:58]
pas de CDS et pas de colonne 17 et 18
seules les colonnes (dans la nouvelle dataframe) 10,11,12 causent problèmes (9,17,18 dans les ancienne)
NB: on peut retrouver le nombre d'exons colonnes 9 à partir de la lons
***** DONE Correspondance totale
CLOSED: [2023-08-07 Mon 22:59]
> dataRefSeq[1,]
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12
1 chr1 11873 14409 NR_046018 0 + 14409 14409 0 3 354,109,1189, 0,739,1347,
1 DDX11L1
> source("pkgs/getRefSeqDatabaseT2T.r")
Use the URL: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/
read files...
> dataRefSeq[1,]
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V5.1 V10 V11 V12
1 chr1 7505 13582 NR_182076 0 - 13582 13582 0 2 5477,138, 0,5939,
1 LOC127239154
*** TODO Inclure génération refseq + transcriptom T2T dans dérivation nix :spip:
SCHEDULED: <2023-08-12 Sat 15:00>
**** TODO [#A] Tester nouvelle dérivation
SCHEDULED: <2023-08-12 Sat 15:00>
*** DONE Vérifier annotation SPIP sur variants confirmé
CLOSED: [2023-08-10 Thu 23:16] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-09 Wed>
**** DONE 5 variants patho tirés de l'article princips
CLOSED: [2023-08-10 Thu 23:00]
On trié par SQUIRLS décroissant
#+begin_src sh
***** DONE En hg38
CLOSED: [2023-08-09 Wed 22:01]
spip --input test-spip.txt --output test-spip.out --GenomeAssenbly hg38 --threads 1 --maxLines 1000
| varID | Interpretation | InterConfident | SPiPscore | strand | gNomen | varType | ntChange | ExonInfo | exonSize | transcript | gene | NearestSS | DistSS | RegType | SPiCEproba | SPiCEinter_2thr | deltaMES | BP | mutInPBarea | deltaESRscore | posCryptMut | sstypeCryptMut | probaCryptMut | classProbaCryptMut | nearestSStoCrypt | nearestPosSStoCrypt | nearestDistSStoCrypt | posCryptWT | probaCryptWT | classProbaCryptWT | posSSPhysio | probaSSPhysio | classProbaSSPhysio | probaSSPhysioMut | classProbaSSPhysioMut |
| NM_000051:c.2251-10T>G | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.986 | + | 108257471 | substitution | T>G | Intron 14 | 1140 | NM_000051 | ATM | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 108257471 | Acc | 0.024836003 | No | Acc | 108257480 | -10 | 0 | 0 | No | 108257480 | 0.006489079 | No | 0.000004368542 | No | |
| NM_000267:c.889-12T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 1.000 | + | 31200410 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 17756 | NM_000267 | NF1 | acceptor | -12 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 31200411 | Acc | 0.009082899 | No | Acc | 31200421 | -11 | 0 | 0 | No | 31200421 | 0.005160854 | No | 0.000003718518 | No | |
| NM_000059:c.8488-9T>G | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.994 | + | 32370947 | substitution | T>G | Intron 19 | 398 | NM_000059 | BRCA2 | acceptor |
rner les tests.
Il faut remplace bin/test_haplotypes par test_haplotypes dans src/sh/run_tests.sh
#+begin_src sh
HGREF=../genome/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta HCDIR=~/anaconda3/envs/py2/bin bash src/sh/run_tests.sh
test_haplotypes: /opt/conda/conda-bld/work/hap.py-0.3.7/src/c++/lib/tools/Fasta.cpp:81: MMappedFastaFile::MMappedFastaFile(const string&): Assertion `fd != -1' failed.
unknown location(0): fatal error in "testVariantPrimitiveSplitter": signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested)
/opt/conda/conda-bld/work/hap.py-0.3.7/src/c++/test/test_align.cpp(298): last checkpoint
******** Chr21
HGREF=../genome/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta hap.py example/happy/PG_NA12878_chr21.vcf.gz example/happy/NA12878_chr21.vcf.gz -f example/happy/PG_Conf_chr21.bed.gz -o test
******* Helios
** TODO T2T :T2T:
Toutes les ressourcs sont décrites ici
Détails sur le pipeline
*** Liftover pipelines
:ID: d2280207-3f65-4a31-a291-41fa9a9658c2
Contient les chain files
*** DONE Alignement
CLOSED: [2023-06-26 Mon 19:42]
NXF_OPTS=-D"user.name=${USER}" nextflow run main.nf -profile standard,helios --input="/Work/Groups/bisonex/data/giab/*_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz" --id=NA12878-T2T -bg
SCHEDULED: <2023-06-14 Wed>
*** DONE Haplotypecaller
CLOSED: [2023-06-26 Mon 19:42] SCHEDULED: <2023-06-15 Thu>
*** DONE Faire fonctionner le filtre technical variant
CLOSED: [2023-08-03 Thu 14:24] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-03 Wed 10:30>
*** DONE Annotation vep seule
CLOSED: [2023-08-05 Sat 08:59] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-05 Sat>
T2T n'a pas
- de version merged
- polyphen
- gnomAD
On désactive l'annotation spip pour le moment
*** DONE Générer la base de donnée spip :spip:
CLOSED: [2023-08-09 Wed 21:41] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-03 Thu 11:30>
**** KILL Vérifier la génération du transcriptome en hg38: checksum différent
CLOSED: [2023-08-09 Wed 21:41]
- [X] Nettoyer et vérifier sur hg38 avec ediff les RData : différent
- [X] Sinon, ne pas nettoyer et générer: idem
**** DONE Récupérer ncbi RefSeq curated
CLOSED: [2023-08-07 Mon 22:59] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-06 Sun>
.txt sur UCSC mais pas en T2T: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/
Format: https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?hgsid=1173061381_UepaHnvaOKFZKMOV4o7DtcNUHGVa&hgta_doSchemaDb=chlSab2&hgta_doSchemaTable=ncbiRefSeqCurated
Ancient format vs nouveau
| 1 | bin | 1 | chrom |
| 2 | name | 2 | chromStart |
| 3 | chrom | 3 | chromEnd |
| 4 | strand | 4 | name |
| 5 | txStart | 5 | score |
| 6 | txEnd | 6 | strand |
| 7 | cdsStart | 7 | thickStart |
| 8 | cdsEnd | 8 | thickEnd |
| 9 | exonCount | 9 | reserved |
| 10 | exonStarts | 10 | blockCount |
| 11 | exonEnds | 11 | blockSizes |
| 12 | score | 12 | chromStarts |
| 13 | name2 | 13 | name2 |
| 14 | cdsStartStat | 14 | cdsStartStat |
| 15 | cdsEndStat | 15 | cdsEndStat |
| 16 | exonFrames | 16 | exonFrames |
| | | 17 | type |
| | | 18 | geneName |
| | | 19 | geneName2 |
| | | 20 | geneType |
En T2T, seulement au format bigBed : https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/gbdb/hs1/ncbiRefSeq/
Il y a un exécutable pour convertir en bed : http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/
Sous gentoo, il faut instaler mit-krb5 (pour libkrb5)
./bigBedToBed ncbiRefSeqCurated.bb ncbiRefSeqCurated.bed
chr1 7505 13582 NR_182076.1 0 - 13582 13582 0 2 5477,138, 0,5939, LOC127239154 none none -1,-1, NR_182076.1 LOC127239154
Dans R:
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
1 585 NR_046018 chr1 + 11873 14409 14409 14409 3 11873,12612,13220,
V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18
1 12227,12721,14409, 0 DDX11L1 none none -1,-1,-1, 354,109,1189, 0,739,1347,
Ne pas oublier les headers car ils sont dans un ordre différent:
Colonnes en GRGh38 =
3, 5, 6, 2, 12, 4, 7, 8, 12, 9, 17, 18, 13
Correspondance en T2T
1, 7, 8, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 5, ?, ?, ?, 13
En fait, il suffit d'avoir
- le gène
- le début du transcrit
- la fin du transcrit
- le brin
pour générer
***** KILL Tester correspondance partielle ?
CLOSED: [2023-08-07 Mon 22:58]
pas de CDS et pas de colonne 17 et 18
seules les colonnes (dans la nouvelle dataframe) 10,11,12 causent problèmes (9,17,18 dans les ancienne)
NB: on peut retrouver le nombre d'exons colonnes 9 à partir de la lons
***** DONE Correspondance totale
CLOSED: [2023-08-07 Mon 22:59]
> dataRefSeq[1,]
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12
1 chr1 11873 14409 NR_046018 0 + 14409 14409 0 3 354,109,1189, 0,739,1347,
1 DDX11L1
> source("pkgs/getRefSeqDatabaseT2T.r")
Use the URL: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/
read files...
> dataRefSeq[1,]
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V5.1 V10 V11 V12
1 chr1 7505 13582 NR_182076 0 - 13582 13582 0 2 5477,138, 0,5939,
1 LOC127239154
*** DONE Inclure génération refseq + transcriptom T2T dans dérivation nix :spip:
CLOSED: [2023-08-12 Sat 18:08] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-12 Sat 15:00>
**** DONE [#A] Tester nouvelle dérivation
CLOSED: [2023-08-12 Sat 18:08] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-12 Sat 15:00>
***** DONE En hg38
CLOSED: [2023-08-12 Sat 17:59]
❯ ../result/bin/spip -I test-spip-hg38.txt -O test-spip-hg38.out -g hg38
| varID | Interpretation | InterConfident | SPiPscore | strand | gNomen | varType | ntChange | ExonInfo | exonSize | transcript | gene | NearestSS | DistSS | RegType | SPiCEproba | SPiCEinter_2thr | deltaMES | BP | mutInPBarea | deltaESRscore | posCryptMut | sstypeCryptMut | probaCryptMut | classProbaCryptMut | nearestSStoCrypt | nearestPosSStoCrypt | nearestDistSStoCrypt | posCryptWT | probaCryptWT | classProbaCryptWT | posSSPhysio | probaSSPhysio | classProbaSSPhysio | probaSSPhysioMut | classProbaSSPhysioMut | | | | | | | | |
| NM_000051:c.2251-10T>G | Alter | by | SPiCE | 98.41 | % | [91.47 | % | - | 99.96 | %] | 0.986 | + | 108257471 | substitution | T>G | Intron | 14 | 1140 | NM_000051 | ATM | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 108257471 | Acc | 0.024836003 | No | Acc | 108257480 | -10 | 0 | 0 | No | 108257480 | 0.006489079 | No | 0.000004368542 | No |
| NM_000267:c.889-12T>A | Alter | by | SPiCE | 98.41 | % | [91.47 | % | - | 99.96 | %] | 1.000 | + | 31200410 | substitution | T>A | Intron | 8 | 17756 | NM_000267 | NF1 | acceptor | -12 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 31200411 | Acc | 0.009082899 | No | Acc | 31200421 | -11 | 0 | 0 | No | 31200421 | 0.005160854 | No | 0.000003718518 | No |
| NM_000059:c.8488-9T>G | Alter | by | SPiCE | 98.41 | % | [91.47 | % | - | 99.96 | %] | 0.994 | + | 32370947 | substitution | T>G | Intron | 19 | 398 | NM_000059 | BRCA2 | acceptor | -9 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 32370947 | Acc | 0.004449623 | No | Acc | 32370955 | -9 | 0 | 0 | No | 32370955 | 0.005060308 | No | 0.000005609419 | No |
| NM_000249:c.589-10T>A | Alter | by | SPiCE | 98.41 | % | [91.47 | % | - | 99.96 | %] | 0.978 | + | 37012001 | substitution | T>A | Intron | 7 | 148 | NM_000249 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 37012002 | Acc | 0.009529819 | No | Acc | 37012010 | -9 | 0 | 0 | No | 37012010 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| NM_000249:c.791-7T>A | Alter | by | SPiCE | 98.41 | % | [91.47 | % | - | 99.96 | %] | 0.988 | + | 37017499 | substitution | T>A | Intron | 9 | 2961 | NM_000249 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 37017500 | Acc | 0.015564917 | No | Acc | 37017505 | -6 | 0 | 0 | No | 37017505 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
***** DONE En T2T
CLOSED: [2023-08-12 Sat 18:08]
****** DONE Sur 1 variant avec score 35.01%: ok
CLOSED: [2023-08-12 Sat 18:05]
##ALT=<ID=*,Description="Represents allele(s) other than observed.">
chr10 89894645 lol A G . . .
../result/bin/spip -I test-spip-T2T.vcf -O test-spip-T2T.out -g hs1
| CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO varID Interpretation InterConfident SPiPscore strand gNomen varType ntChange ExonInfo exonSize transcript gene NearestSS DistSS RegType SPiCEproba SPiCEinter_2thr deltaMES BP mutInPBarea deltaESRscore posCryptMut sstypeCryptMut probaCryptMut classProbaCryptMut nearestSStoCrypt nearestPosSStoCrypt nearestDistSStoCrypt posCryptWT probaCryptWT classProbaCryptWT posSSPhysio probaSSPhysio classProbaSSPhysio probaSSPhysioMut classProbaSSPhysioMut |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NM_000043:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 6 63 NM_000043 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NM_001320619:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 6 63 NM_001320619 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NM_152871:g.89894645:A>G NTR 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] 0.000 + 89894645 substitution A>G Intron 5 1398 NM_152871 FAS donor 160 DeepIntron 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No 10.00000 89894644 Don 0.0001360257829 No Don 89894485 159 0 0.0000000000000 No 89894485 0.07177992 Yes 0.07177992 Yes |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NM_152872:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 6 63 NM_152872 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NR_028033:g.89894645:A>G NTR 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] 0.000 + 89894645 substitution A>G Intron 4 1398 NR_028033 FAS donor 160 DeepIntron 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No 10.00000 89894644 Don 0.0001360257829 No Don 89894485 159 0 0.0000000000000 No 89894485 0.07177992 Yes 0.07177992 Yes |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NR_028034:g.89894645:A>G NTR 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] 0.000 + 89894645 substitution A>G Intron 3 1398 NR_028034 FAS donor 160 DeepIntron 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No 10.00000 89894644 Don 0.0001360257829 No Don 89894485 159 0 0.0000000000000 No 89894485 0.07177992 Yes 0.07177992 Yes |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NR_028035:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 4 63 NR_028035 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NR_028036:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 5 63 NR_028036 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NR_135313:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 5 63 NR_135313 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NM_001410956:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 6 63 NM_001410956 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NR_135314:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 6 63 NR_135314 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| chr10 89894645 lol A G . . . NR_135315:g.89894645:A>G Alter ESR 35.81 % [28.11 % - 44.1 %] 0.288 + 89894645 substitution A>G Exon 4 63 NR_135315 FAS acceptor 8 ExonESR 0 Outside SPiCE Interpretation 0 0 No -1.67753 89894644 Acc 0.0000003317384 No Acc 89894637 7 89894644 0.0000002205815 No 89894637 0.02545572 No 0.02545572 No |
| |
****** DONE 5 variants patho
CLOSED: [2023-08-12 Sat 18:08]
##ALT=<ID=*,Description="Represents allele(s) other than observed.">
chr11 108264994 lol T G . . .
chr17 32146124 lol T A . . .
chr3 31588185 lol T G . . .
chr3 37013346 lol T A . . .
chr3 37018844 lol T A . . .
../result/bin/spip -I test-spip-T2T.vcf -O test-spip-T2T.out -g hs1
| CHROM | POS | ID | REF | ALT | QUAL | FILTER | INFO | varID | Interpretation | InterConfident | SPiPscore | strand | gNomen | varType | ntChange | ExonInfo | exonSize | transcript | gene | NearestSS | DistSS | RegType | SPiCEproba | SPiCEinter_2thr | deltaMES | BP | mutInPBarea | deltaESRscore | posCryptMut | sstypeCryptMut | probaCryptMut | classProbaCryptMut | nearestSStoCrypt | nearestPosSStoCrypt | nearestDistSStoCrypt | posCryptWT | probaCryptWT | classProbaCryptWT | posSSPhysio | probaSSPhysio | classProbaSSPhysio | probaSSPhysioMut | classProbaSSPhysioMut |
| chr11 | 108264994 | lol | T | G | . | . | . | NM_000051:g.108264994:T>G | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.986 | + | 108264994 | substitution | T>G | Intron 14 | 1140 | NM_000051 | ATM | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 108264994 | Acc | 0.02483600258856 | No | Acc | 108265003 | -10 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 108265003 | 0.006489079 | No | 0.000004368542 | No |
| chr11 | 108264994 | lol | T | G | . | . | . | NM_001351834:g.108264994:T>G | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.986 | + | 108264994 | substitution | T>G | Intron 15 | 1140 | NM_001351834 | ATM | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 108264994 | Acc | 0.02483600258856 | No | Acc | 108265003 | -10 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 108265003 | 0.006489079 | No | 0.000004368542 | No |
| chr17 | 32146124 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_000267:g.32146124:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 1.000 | + | 32146124 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 17755 | NM_000267 | NF1 | acceptor | -12 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 32146125 | Acc | 0.00908289924996 | No | Acc | 32146135 | -11 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 32146135 | 0.005160854 | No | 0.000003718518 | No |
| chr17 | 32146124 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001128147:g.32146124:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 1.000 | + | 32146124 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 17755 | NM_001128147 | NF1 | acceptor | -12 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 32146125 | Acc | 0.00908289924996 | No | Acc | 32146135 | -11 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 32146135 | 0.005160854 | No | 0.000003718518 | No |
| chr17 | 32146124 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001042492:g.32146124:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 1.000 | + | 32146124 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 17755 | NM_001042492 | NF1 | acceptor | -12 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 32146125 | Acc | 0.00908289924996 | No | Acc | 32146135 | -11 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 32146135 | 0.005160854 | No | 0.000003718518 | No |
| chr3 | 31588185 | lol | T | G | . | . | . | NM_178862:g.31588185:T>G | NTR | 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] | 0.000 | + | 31588185 | substitution | T>G | Intron 3 | 16710 | NM_178862 | STT3B | donor | 5663 | DeepIntron | 0 | Outside SPiCE Interpretation | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 31588184 | Don | 0.00000002308527 | No | Don | 31582522 | 5662 | 31588181 | 0.00000000129731 | No | 31582522 | 0.071835522 | Yes | 0.071835521718 | Yes |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_000249:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_000249 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001167617:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001167617 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001167618:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001167618 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001167619:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 6 | 148 | NM_001167619 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001258271:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001258271 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001258273:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 6 | 148 | NM_001258273 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001258274:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 148 | NM_001258274 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354615:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 6 | 148 | NM_001354615 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354616:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 6 | 148 | NM_001354616 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354617:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354617 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354618:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354618 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354619:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 148 | NM_001354619 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354620:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354620 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354621:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354621 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354622:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354622 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354623:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 6 | 148 | NM_001354623 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354624:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354624 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354625:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 6 | 148 | NM_001354625 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354626:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354626 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354627:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354627 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354628:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354628 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354629:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 6 | 148 | NM_001354629 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37013346 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354630:g.37013346:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.978 | + | 37013346 | substitution | T>A | Intron 7 | 148 | NM_001354630 | MLH1 | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37013347 | Acc | 0.00952981867149 | No | Acc | 37013355 | -9 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37013355 | 0.028437574 | No | 0.000009275960 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_000249:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_000249 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001167617:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_001167617 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001167618:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_001167618 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001167619:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 2961 | NM_001167619 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001258271:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_001258271 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001258273:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 2961 | NM_001258273 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001258274:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 10 | 2961 | NM_001258274 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354615:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 2961 | NM_001354615 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354616:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 2961 | NM_001354616 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354617:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_001354617 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354618:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_001354618 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354619:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 10 | 2961 | NM_001354619 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354620:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_001354620 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354621:g.37018844:T>A | NTR | 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] | 0.000 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 8209 | NM_001354621 | MLH1 | acceptor | -2810 | DeepIntron | 0 | Outside SPiCE Interpretation | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37021653 | -2809 | 37018850 | 0.02399585516738 | No | 37021653 | 0.241893494 | Yes | 0.241893494461 | Yes |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354622:g.37018844:T>A | NTR | 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] | 0.000 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 5764 | NM_001354622 | MLH1 | acceptor | -2810 | DeepIntron | 0 | Outside SPiCE Interpretation | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37021653 | -2809 | 37018850 | 0.02399585516738 | No | 37021653 | 0.241893494 | Yes | 0.241893494461 | Yes |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354623:g.37018844:T>A | NTR | 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] | 0.000 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 5764 | NM_001354623 | MLH1 | acceptor | -2810 | DeepIntron | 0 | Outside SPiCE Interpretation | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37021653 | -2809 | 37018850 | 0.02399585516738 | No | 37021653 | 0.241893494 | Yes | 0.241893494461 | Yes |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354624:g.37018844:T>A | NTR | 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] | 0.000 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 11091 | NM_001354624 | MLH1 | donor | 2955 | DeepIntron | 0 | Outside SPiCE Interpretation | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Don | 37015889 | 2956 | 37018850 | 0.02399585516738 | No | 37026980 | 0.028353019 | No | 0.028353019047 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354625:g.37018844:T>A | NTR | 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] | 0.000 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 11091 | NM_001354625 | MLH1 | donor | 2955 | DeepIntron | 0 | Outside SPiCE Interpretation | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Don | 37015889 | 2956 | 37018850 | 0.02399585516738 | No | 37026980 | 0.028353019 | No | 0.028353019047 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354626:g.37018844:T>A | NTR | 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] | 0.000 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 11091 | NM_001354626 | MLH1 | donor | 2955 | DeepIntron | 0 | Outside SPiCE Interpretation | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Don | 37015889 | 2956 | 37018850 | 0.02399585516738 | No | 37026980 | 0.028353019 | No | 0.028353019047 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354627:g.37018844:T>A | NTR | 00 % [00 % - 00.92 %] | 0.000 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 11091 | NM_001354627 | MLH1 | donor | 2955 | DeepIntron | 0 | Outside SPiCE Interpretation | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Don | 37015889 | 2956 | 37018850 | 0.02399585516738 | No | 37026980 | 0.028353019 | No | 0.028353019047 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354628:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_001354628 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354629:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 2961 | NM_001354629 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
| chr3 | 37018844 | lol | T | A | . | . | . | NM_001354630:g.37018844:T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.988 | + | 37018844 | substitution | T>A | Intron 9 | 2961 | NM_001354630 | MLH1 | acceptor | -7 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0 | No | 10 | 37018845 | Acc | 0.01556491731833 | No | Acc | 37018850 | -6 | 0 | 0.00000000000000 | No | 37018850 | 0.023995855 | No | 0.000022606476 | No |
*** DONE Vérifier annotation SPIP sur variants confirmé
CLOSED: [2023-08-10 Thu 23:16] SCHEDULED: <2023-08-09 Wed>
**** DONE 5 variants patho tirés de l'article princips
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On trié par SQUIRLS décroissant
#+begin_src sh
***** DONE En hg38
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spip --input test-spip.txt --output test-spip.out --GenomeAssenbly hg38 --threads 1 --maxLines 1000
| varID | Interpretation | InterConfident | SPiPscore | strand | gNomen | varType | ntChange | ExonInfo | exonSize | transcript | gene | NearestSS | DistSS | RegType | SPiCEproba | SPiCEinter_2thr | deltaMES | BP | mutInPBarea | deltaESRscore | posCryptMut | sstypeCryptMut | probaCryptMut | classProbaCryptMut | nearestSStoCrypt | nearestPosSStoCrypt | nearestDistSStoCrypt | posCryptWT | probaCryptWT | classProbaCryptWT | posSSPhysio | probaSSPhysio | classProbaSSPhysio | probaSSPhysioMut | classProbaSSPhysioMut |
| NM_000051:c.2251-10T>G | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.986 | + | 108257471 | substitution | T>G | Intron 14 | 1140 | NM_000051 | ATM | acceptor | -10 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 108257471 | Acc | 0.024836003 | No | Acc | 108257480 | -10 | 0 | 0 | No | 108257480 | 0.006489079 | No | 0.000004368542 | No | |
| NM_000267:c.889-12T>A | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 1.000 | + | 31200410 | substitution | T>A | Intron 8 | 17756 | NM_000267 | NF1 | acceptor | -12 | IntronCons | 1 | high | 0 | 0No | 10 | 31200411 | Acc | 0.009082899 | No | Acc | 31200421 | -11 | 0 | 0 | No | 31200421 | 0.005160854 | No | 0.000003718518 | No | |
| NM_000059:c.8488-9T>G | Alter by SPiCE | 98.41 % [91.47 % - 99.96 %] | 0.994 | + | 32370947 | substitution | T>G | Intron 19 | 398 | NM_000059 | BRCA2 | acceptor |