* Prédiction bioinformatique ** Épissage *** Aberrant splicing prediction across human tissues :PROPERTIES: :TITLE: Aberrant splicing prediction across human tissues :BTYPE: article :CUSTOM_ID: wagner2023aberrant :AUTHOR: Wagner, Nils and {\c{C}}elik, Muhammed H and H{\"o}lzlwimmer, Florian R and Mertes, Christian and Prokisch, Holger and Y{\'e}pez, Vicente A and Gagneur, Julien :JOURNAL: Nature genetics :VOLUME: 55 :NUMBER: 5 :PAGES: 861--870 :YEAR: 2023 :PUBLISHER: Nature Publishing Group US New York :URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-023-01373-3 :END: