* Performances :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: performances :END: Statistiques pour tout le pipeline - montrer le timeline report (à partir du trace report) - regarder execution report https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/tracing.html#execution-report ** BWA mem :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: bwa-mem :END: Le plus simple est d'utiliser hyperfine pour lancer des runs successifs en faisant varier le numbre de threads. Il est trop long de tester plusieurs fois chaque possibilité. Test sur 3 runs en séquentiel (50G mémoire) #+begin_example Time (mean ± σ): 13725.110 s ± 42.090 s [User: 13870.522 s, System: 12.543 s] Range (min … max): 13677.219 s … 13756.226 s 3 runs #+end_example Donc un seul run par configuration avec une demande de 32 coeurs et 50G (en prod, 24 coeurs et 50G) de manière décroissante #+begin_example #!/bin/bash -l # Fichier submission.SBATCH #SBATCH --job-name="speedup-bwa" #SBATCH --output=%x.%J.out ## %x=job name, %J=job id #SBATCH --error=%x.%J.out # walltime (hh:mm::ss) max is 8 days #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 #SBATCH --partition=smp #SBATCH -c 32 ## request 16 cores (MAX is 32) #SBATCH --mem=50G ## (MAX is 96G) #SBATCH --mail-user=apraga@chu-besancon.fr #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # notify when job end/fail module load nix/2.11.0 # Requires a working directory by nextflow cd /Work/Users/apraga/bisonex/work/8c/cf49fd4508404faa6986ca4b211e49 INDEX=`find -L ./ -name "*.amb" | sed 's/\.amb$//'` # 1 run for each numbers of threads # JSON output is needed to have the stats for each run # Don't do all configuration and starts from the more expensive hyperfine --export-json hyperfine.json -L threads 32,24,16,8,4,2,1 --runs 1 "bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t {threads} $INDEX k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz" #+end_example Note : il faut bien avoir le JSON en format de sortie pour avoir le temps de chaque run et pas seulement les statitistiques. Note : penser à bien remplacer le nombre de threads ! Résultat dans research/bisonex/code/plot/speedup-bwa.json #+begin_example Benchmark 1: bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 32 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz Time (abs ≡): 684.408 s [User: 18007.678 s, System: 115.024 s] Benchmark 2: bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 24 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz Time (abs ≡): 760.921 s [User: 17606.845 s, System: 102.416 s] Benchmark 3: bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 16 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz Time (abs ≡): 1115.368 s [User: 17417.684 s, System: 115.360 s] Benchmark 4: bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 8 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz Time (abs ≡): 2149.281 s [User: 17083.367 s, System: 91.516 s] Benchmark 5: bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 4 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz Time (abs ≡): 4262.605 s [User: 16936.132 s, System: 177.830 s] Benchmark 6: bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 2 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz Time (abs ≡): 8313.601 s [User: 16411.816 s, System: 332.537 s] Benchmark 7: bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 1 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz Time (abs ≡): 15049.006 s [User: 15075.411 s, System: 134.121 s] Summary bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 32 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz ran 1.11 times faster than bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 24 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz 1.63 times faster than bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 16 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz 3.14 times faster than bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 8 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz 6.23 times faster than bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 4 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz 12.15 times faster than bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 2 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz 21.99 times faster than bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:sample\tSM:sample\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPM:Miseq\tCN:CHU_Minjoz\tLB:definition_to_add' -t 1 ./bwa/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna k12\:15b90d6813adf03787af0b2b90d708f1.fastq.gz k12\:9c41c3effaeead78e1becee8a49cb0ea.fastq.gz## Haplotypecaller #+end_example ** Haplotypecaller :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: haplotypecaller :END: Pour haplotypecaller, il n'y a plus moyen de spécifier les threads avec la version 4... Est-ce vraiment parallélisé ? PairHMM au moins est parallélisé avec OpenMP. On teste avec #+begin_example #!/bin/bash -l # Fichier submission.SBATCH #SBATCH --job-name="speedup-haplo" #SBATCH --output=%x.%J.out ## %x=job name, %J=job id #SBATCH --error=%x.%J.out # walltime (hh:mm::ss) max is 8 days #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 #SBATCH --partition=smp #SBATCH -c 16 ## request 16 cores (MAX is 32) #SBATCH --mem=16G ## (MAX is 96G) #SBATCH --mail-user=apraga@chu-besancon.fr #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # notify when job end/fail module load nix/2.11.0 cd /Work/Users/apraga/bisonex/work/d4/5b6f4963533a6319c3c67d4731e511 hyperfine --export-json hyperfine-haplo -L threads 12,6,4,2,1 --runs 1 "gatk --java-options \"-Xmx13107M\" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2" #+end_example Résultat dans research/bisonex/code/plot/speedup-haplo.json #+begin_example Benchmark 1: gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 12) Time (abs ≡): 14428.832 s [User: 14399.964 s, System: 213.747 s] Benchmark 2: gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 6) Time (abs ≡): 14164.462 s [User: 14128.192 s, System: 198.870 s] Benchmark 3: gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 4) Time (abs ≡): 14215.604 s [User: 14214.320 s, System: 216.795 s] Benchmark 4: gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 2) Time (abs ≡): 14308.381 s [User: 14294.416 s, System: 213.043 s] Benchmark 5: gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 1) Time (abs ≡): 14136.094 s [User: 14064.118 s, System: 175.672 s] Summary gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 1) ran 1.00 times faster than gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 6) 1.01 times faster than gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 4) 1.01 times faster than gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 2) 1.02 times faster than gatk --java-options "-Xmx13107M" HaplotypeCaller --input HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.recal.bam --output HG001-HiSeq4000-Agilentv7-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz --reference GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna --dbsnp GCF_000001405.40.gz --tmp-dir . --max-mnp-distance 2 (threads = 12)# Reproductibilité #+end_example On utilise nix 23.05 dans un flake : les version ne bougent donc pas. Liste des versions données par #+begin_example nix profile list | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F '-' '{print "|" $2" | "$3}' #+end_example | Logiciels | Version validée | |------------+-----------------| | R | 4.2.3 | | bwa | unstable | | rtg-tools | ?s | | gatk | | | spip | | | awscli2 | 2.11.20 | | fastqc | | | hap.py | | | htslib | 1.17 | | multiqc | 1.15 | | picard | ? | | python3 | 3.10.12 | | zoxide | 0.9.2 | | bcftools | 1.17 | | bedtools | 2.31.0 | | dos2unix | 7.4.4 | | ensembl | perl5.36.0 + ? | | mosdepth | 0.3.3 | | nextflow | 22.10.6 | | samtools | 1.17 | | spliceai | 1.3.1 | | vcftools | 0.1.16 | | ensembl | perl5.36.0 | | sratoolkit | 2.11.3 |