* Test couverture :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: test-couverture :END: #+begin_src test.config ## [required] fasta reference file from which reads will be sampled ref = ../genome/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna ## [required] a model file generated by "seqToProfile" utility profile = na12878-bisonex-grch38.model ## [optional] files defining the variations (indel, SNV and CNV) to simulate variation = ./variations.txt ## [optional] file defining target regions for sequencing. If the argument is not specified, sequencing data of all chromosomes defined in the reference will be produced. target = ./test.bed ## [required] popolation names (comma-separated). name = test ## [required] output directory output = ./simuscop ## [optional] sequence layout, should be "SE" for single end or "PE" for paired-end (default: "SE") layout = PE ## [optional] the number of threads to use (default: 1) threads = 2 ## [optional] print the intermediate information, should be 0 or 1 (default: 1) verbose = 1 ## [required] sequencing coverage coverage = 100 ## [optional] insert size for paired end sequencing (default: 350, only effective when the "layout" is set to "PE") insertSize = 200 #+end_src #+begin_example ../result/bin/simuRead test.config bwa mem ../GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna simuscop/test_1.fq simuscop/test_2.fq | samtools sort -o test.sorted.bam - #+end_example Sur le premier intervalle du bed Twist exome core, simuscop fait une "gaussienne" sur l'exon. Les données Cento ont un trou au milieu de l'exon entre 2 pics... ** Comparaison de variant : sanger sur NA12878 :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: comparaison-de-variant-sanger-sur-na12878 :END: ["filter", "haplotypecaller"] | each {|e| rsync -avz \("meso:/Work/Users/apraga/bisonex/run-simuscop/out/call_variant/(\)e)/NA12878-sanger-simuscop-GRCh38” \("out/call_variant/(\)e)/” } rtg vcfeval -b ~/research/bisonex/code/varben/sanger.vcf.gz -c ~/code/bisonex/out/call_variant/haplotypecaller/NA12878-sanger-simuscop-GRCh38/NA12878-sanger-simuscop-GRCh38.haplotypecaller.vcf.gz -t genome/sdf -o sanger-simuscop --output-mode=annotate