import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Command
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Development.Shake.Util

siteExe :: String
siteExe = "_build/hakyll-site"

-- This only works in Gentoo with packages installed globally
-- TODO: add a switch to use cabal (cabal build and cabal run) outside gentoo
-- Note: nix-build fails with some encoding issues (hGetConts).
-- Nix flakes builds several GHC version...
main :: IO ()
main = shakeArgs shakeOptions{shakeFiles="_build"} $ do
    want ["_build/notes/index.html"]

    "_build/notes/index.html" %> \out -> do
        let src = "notes/"
        org <- getDirectoryFiles "" ["notes/medecine/*.org"]
        let html = ["_build" </> n -<.> "html" | n <- org]
        need html
        cmd "pandoc" src "--filter ./filterOrgRoam -o" [out]

    "_build/notes/medecine/*.html" %> \out -> do
        let org = dropDirectory1 $ out -<.> "org"
        putInfo org
        putInfo out
        cmd "pandoc" [org] "--filter ./filterOrgRoam -o" [out]

  --   want ["build", "hut"]

  --   siteExe  %> \out -> do

  --     let src = "src/Main.hs"
  --     need [src, "notes/"]
  --     cmd_ "ghc --make -o" [out] [src]

  --   -- Shake cannot use directories
  --   phony "build" $ do
  --       need [siteExe]
  --       cmd_ siteExe "build"

    phony "clean" $ do
        -- putInfo "Cleaning site "
  --       cmd_ siteExe "clean"
        putInfo "Cleaning files in _build"
        removeFilesAfter "_build" ["//*"]

  --   phony "hut" $ do
  --       putInfo "Upload to blog hosted by sourcehut"
  --       need ["archive"]
  --       cmd_ "hut pages publish _build/site.tar.gz -d"

  --   phony "archive" $ do
  --       need ["build"]
  --       cmd_ "tar cvzf " ["_build/site.tar.gz"] "-C _site ."

  -- -- z option is important to avoid re-uploading everything
  --   phony "free" $ do
  --       putInfo "Upload to blog hosted by Free"
  --       cmd_ "ncftpput -z -f login.cfg -R . _site/*"
  --       cmd_ "ncftpput -z -f login.cfg -R . files/*"

  --   phony "watch" $ do
  --       putInfo "Generate site locally"
  --       cmd_ "_build/hakyll-site watch"