A knowledge garden with pijul as the change backend
# Pijul Garden

This is an example knowledge garden using pijul as a change management backend. 

## Reasoning

I use Obsidian with my files stored in a git repo. This works great for me, but is more problematic for family members who are not as technically savvy. This seems like a perfect use case for me to run pijul through some real world scenarios  This repo is a test of creating an repository of plain text markdown files to create a knowledge garden. 

## Specific features I need to recreate:

 - [ ] build/deploy 1 or more hugo sites. This normally deploys to a gitlab or github pages
 - [ ] automate the "git add .; git commit -m "bad message"; git push;" for pijul. This is required for non technical folks, I like that pijul is focused on making it easier for them to understand, but for my audience I need to remove as much day to day friction as possible. For obsidian, I use [https://github.com/denolehov/obsidian-git]https://github.com/denolehov/obsidian-git, but a simple bash script that runs every minute should do.

## Stretch goals

- [ ] mirror the repo on github/gitlab. Specifically this would allow me to use the free pages features of those platforms. It could be useful for reach as well if my pijul repos/projects were visible from git based sites.
- [ ] I want to have a publicly viewable "channel" that contains a bare template of the garden. Then have a set of changes (i think a new channel?) that contains the template, filled with realistic mock data. Then another private set of changes/channel with my personal code/data. IDK if that is possible. I will document what I find. Maybe that would be yet another channel! I am thinking of so many different perspectives for these same files and am very hopeful of what pijul may offer!