create or replace function valid_line_item_as_of_now() returns trigger as $$
proposed_gram_equivalency_line_item decimal;
gram_equivalency_in_cart decimal;
held integer;
_stock integer;
if new.quantity < 1 then
delete from line_item where line_item.cart_id = new.cart_id and line_item.menu_item_id = new.menu_item_id;
delete from cart where cart_id = new.cart_id and (select count(*) from line_item where line_item.cart_id = new.cart_id) = 0;
return null;
select new.quantity * case
when type in ('oil', 'spray', 'capsule') then gram_equivalency
else portions * variant.quantity / case
when type in ('flower', 'preroll') then 1
when type in ('cartridge', 'disposable') then .25
else 15
end into strict proposed_gram_equivalency_line_item
from menu_item inner join variant using (variant_id) inner join product using (product_id)
where menu_item.menu_item_id = new.menu_item_id;
select coalesce(sum(case
when type in ('oil', 'spray', 'capsule') then gram_equivalency
else portions * variant.quantity / case
when type in ('flower', 'preroll') then 1
when type in ('cartridge', 'disposable') then .25
else 15
end * line_item.quantity), 0)
into strict gram_equivalency_in_cart
from line_item inner join menu_item using (menu_item_id) inner join variant using (variant_id) inner join product using (product_id)
where line_item.cart_id = new.cart_id and line_item.menu_item_id != new.menu_item_id;
select coalesce(sum(line_item.quantity), 0)
into strict held
from cart inner join line_item using (cart_id)
where status <= 'ready' and cart.cart_id != new.cart_id and line_item.menu_item_id = new.menu_item_id;
select stock
into strict _stock
from menu_item
where menu_item.menu_item_id = new.menu_item_id;
--raise exception 'Value: %, %, %, %', proposed_gram_equivalency_line_item, gram_equivalency_in_cart, held, stock;
if proposed_gram_equivalency_line_item + gram_equivalency_in_cart > 30 then
raise exception 'exceeded 30g limit';
elsif _stock - held < new.quantity then
raise exception 'out of stock';
return new;
end if;
end if;
end $$ language plpgsql volatile;
drop trigger if exists valid_line_item_as_of_now_trigger on line_item;
create trigger valid_line_item_as_of_now_trigger before insert or update on line_item for each row execute function valid_line_item_as_of_now();
create or replace function modifycart (
_menu_item_id integer,
qty smallint = 1,
_user_id integer = null,
cart_ids integer[] = null,
out rtn integer
) as $$
tmp integer;
if _user_id is null and cart_ids is null then
with ins1 as (--let's hope qty < 1 will revert the transaction and cart won't exist.
insert into cart (store_id) values ((
select store_id
from menu_item
where menu_item_id = _menu_item_id
)) returning cart_id
insert into line_item (cart_id, menu_item_id, quantity)
select cart_id, _menu_item_id, qty from ins1
returning cart_id into rtn;
elsif _user_id is null then--implies cart_ids is not null
insert into line_item (cart_id, menu_item_id, quantity)
select cart_id, _menu_item_id, qty
from cart inner join store using (store_id) inner join menu_item using (store_id)
cart_id = any(cart_ids) and
user_id is null and
status = 'active' and
menu_item_id = _menu_item_id
on conflict (cart_id, menu_item_id) do update
set quantity = excluded.quantity
where line_item.quantity != excluded.quantity;
--todo: what should be returned?
elsif cart_ids is null then--implies _user_id is not null
insert into cart (user_id, store_id)
select _user_id, store_id from menu_item where menu_item_id = _menu_item_id
on conflict (user_id, store_id) where status <= 'ready' do nothing
returning cart_id into tmp;
if tmp is null then
select cart_id
from cart
user_id = _user_id and
store_id = (select store_id from menu_item where menu_item_id = _menu_item_id) and
status = 'active'
into tmp;
end if;
if tmp is null then
raise exception 'failed to add to cart. you already have an order in progress with this store.';
insert into line_item (cart_id, menu_item_id, quantity)
values (tmp, _menu_item_id, qty)
on conflict (cart_id, menu_item_id) do update
set quantity = excluded.quantity
where line_item.quantity != excluded.quantity;
--todo: what should be returned?
end if;
raise exception 'I dont know what 2 do poop';
end if;
end $$ language plpgsql volatile;
create or replace function vuecart (
_user_id integer = null,
cart_ids integer[] = null
) returns table (
store_id integer,
store_name text,
taxes json,
line_items json
) as $$
(select coalesce(json_agg(json_build_object(
'name', name,
'rate', rate::text
)), '[]') from store_tax where store_id = store.store_id),
'product_id', product_id,
'variant_id', variant_id,
'menu_item', menu_item_id,
'producer', producer,
'brand', brand,
'name', product.display_name,
'type', product.type,
'strain', strain.display_name,
'portions', portions,
'quantity', variant.quantity::text,
'flavor', flavor,
'gram_equivalency', gram_equivalency::text,
'thc', thc,
'cbd', cbd,
'price', price::text,
'howmany', line_item.quantity,
'image', destination
inner join store using (store_id)
inner join line_item using (cart_id)
inner join menu_item using (menu_item_id)
inner join variant using (variant_id)
inner join product using (product_id)
left outer join strain using (strain_id)
left outer join (
select distinct on(product_id)--
--order by rank
) as product_image using (product_id)
(user_id = _user_id or _user_id is null) and
(cart_id = any(cart_ids) or cart_ids is null) and
status = 'active'
group by
$$ language sql stable;