import init, { encrypt_or_decrypt_files2, password, sanitize_base64, base64_to_vec,vec_to_base64, uuid_generate, encode_base64 } from 'my-crate';
import './style.css'
import $ from 'jquery';
import iro from '@jaames/iro';
import Plyr from 'plyr';
import { Polybase } from "@polybase/client";
import Recorder from "yiyi-audio-recorder";
import { uniqueNamesGenerator, adjectives, colors, animals } from 'unique-names-generator';

import { Connection, Keypair, PublicKey, sendAndConfirmTransaction, SystemProgram, Transaction, TransactionInstruction, TransactionMessage, VersionedTransaction } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
window.Buffer = Buffer;

// import * as algosdk from 'algosdk';
// import { use} from "@maticnetwork/maticjs"
// import { Web3ClientPlugin } from '@maticnetwork/maticjs-ethers'
// import { ethers } from 'ethers';
// import { createWeb3Modal, defaultWagmiConfig } from '@web3modal/wagmi';
// import { polygonZkEvm } from '@wagmi/core/chains';
// import { watchAccount, disconnect, getAccount } from '@wagmi/core'

// import { ArweaveWebWallet } from 'arweave-wallet-connector'
// import Arweave from 'arweave';

// const arweave = Arweave.init({
//   host: '', // Hostname or IP address for a Arweave host
//   port: 443,           // Port
//   protocol: 'https',   // Network protocol http or https
//   timeout: 20000,      // Network request timeouts in milliseconds
//   logging: false,      // Enable network request logging
// });


// declare let ethereum: any;

// 1. Define constants
// const projectId = 'e7f3d5f95dacb65d61e3e69e66285f2a'
// const metadata = {
//     name: 'chat_psc',
//   }

// 2. Create wagmiConfig
// const chains = [polygonZkEvm];
// const wagmiConfig = defaultWagmiConfig({
//   chains,
//   projectId,
//   metadata,
// });

// 3. Create modal
// const modal = createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains });
// const wallet = new ArweaveWebWallet({ // Initialize the wallet as soon as possible to get instant auto reconnect
// 	name: 'philiaSocial Collective',
// 	logo: ''
// });
declare global {
  interface Window {
    glow: any;

// function connect() {
//     if (getAccount().isConnected) {
//         disconnect();
//     } else {
//     }
// }

const btnEl = document.getElementById('btn');
const userEl = document.getElementById('account_connected');
btnEl.innerText = 'Connect';
userEl.innerText = 'Wallet Not Connected';

btnEl.addEventListener('click', () => {
  if (btnEl.innerText === 'Connect') {
  } else {

// function to update UI based on connection status
function updateUI(isConnected: boolean, address: string) {
  userEl.innerText = isConnected ? address : 'Wallet Not Connected';
  btnEl.innerText = isConnected ? 'Disconnect' : 'Connect';

async function disconnect() {
  try {
    await window.glow.disconnect();
    updateUI(false, "");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error disconnecting wallet:', error);
let wallet;
// modify your connect function
async function connect() {
  try {
     wallet = await window.glow.connect();
    if (wallet && wallet.address) {
      updateUI(true, wallet.address);
    } else {
      updateUI(false, "");
  } catch (error) {
    userEl.innerText = 'Please Download Glow Wallet';
    const glowInstalled = window.glow != null;
    if (!glowInstalled) {"", "_blank");

// // modify your connect function
// async function connect() {

//   try {
//     console.dir(window.glow);

//     const resp = await window.glow.connect();
//   // console.log(resp)

//     if (resp) {

//       // wallet.disconnect();  // assume disconnect is a method on wallet
//       updateUI(true, resp.address); 
//   } else {
//       // wallet.setUrl('')
//       // await wallet.connect();
//       updateUI(false, "");
//       // assume getAddress is a method on wallet
//   }
// } catch (error) {

//   userEl.innerText = 'Please Download Glow Wallet';
//   const glowInstalled = window.glow != null;
//   if (!glowInstalled) {
//"", "_blank");
//   }
// }
//   // if (wallet.connected) {
//   //     wallet.disconnect();  // assume disconnect is a method on wallet
//   //     updateUI(false, "");
//   // } else {
//   //     wallet.setUrl('')
//   //     await wallet.connect();
//   //     updateUI(true, wallet.address);  // assume getAddress is a method on wallet
//   // }

// }

// btnEl.addEventListener('click', connect);
// let connectedAddress = wallet.address;

// Listening for account changes
// watchAccount(account => {
//     connectedAddress = account.address ?? '';  // Update the connected address
//     if (account.isConnected) {
//         userEl.innerText = connectedAddress;
//         btnEl.innerText = 'Disconnect';
//     } else {
//         userEl.innerText = 'Wallet not connected';  // Set placeholder text when not connected
//         btnEl.innerText = 'Connect';
//     }
// });

// use(Web3ClientPlugin);

const db = new Polybase({
  defaultNamespace: "data_space",
  signer: (data) => {
    // Enter your condition to skip the signing process. 
      return null;


const collectionReference = db.collection("cid");

const decoder = new TextDecoder();

let uploadedFiles = [];

// $("#container_algorand").hide();
  $( "#love_matchings" ).on('click', function() {
    // Open the new window after the transition or animation has completed
    setTimeout(function() {"", '_blank');
    }, 500);

  $( "#infinity_nomads" ).on('click', function() {
    // Open the new window after the transition or animation has completed
    setTimeout(function() {"", '_blank');
    }, 500);

  $( "#info_riddles" ).on('click', function() {
    // Open the new window after the transition or animation has completed
    setTimeout(function() {

        //info_riddles modal

        $('#modal_riddle_info').css('display', 'block');

        $('#ok_closing').on('click', function(){



        //info_riddles modal
    }, 400);

  $( "#info_pop" ).on('click', function() {
    if($('#info_box').length == 0){

      <div id='info_box'>
        <div id='title_steps'>Guidance</div>
        <div class="line-break0"></div>
        <div class='first_step'>If you require a translator, we enjoy using this <a href="" target="_blank">Deep Learning model</a>.</div>
        <div class="line-break0"></div>
        <div class='first_step'>If you require a place to store your notes securely and privaely, we enjoy using this <a href="" target="_blank">Protected Text</a>.</div>
        <div class="line-break0"></div>
        <div class='first_step'>For mobile notifications, we use the decentralized messenger, <a href="" target="_blank">xx messenger</a>. In our personal workflows, in practice, we first send the message within the philiSocial Chat, and then sent a @ or ! within xx messenger to notify our contacts.</div>
        <div class="line-break0"></div>
        <div class='first_step'>PhiliaSocial Chat uses Aes256Gcm; for further reading visit this <a href="" target="_blank">Rust crate.</a></div>
        <div class="line-break0"></div>
        <div class='first_step'>The locally encrypted messages and files are uploaded to the <a href="" target="_blank">Arweave network</a> using the <a href="" target="_blank">Irys Network</a>. The CIDs of your data are then stored on <a href="" target="_blank">Polybase</a>, within Polybase, the CIDs are stored under a single "collection"; this adds a "lost in the crowd" complexity to the message route. Please be mindful that the encrypted files are not guaranteed to be available indefinitely due the beta nature of PhiliaSocial Chat.</div>
        <div class="line-break0"></div>
        <div class='first_step'>On another note, use <a href="" target="_blank">Giphy</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Tenor</a> to insert GIF-links into your Chat-space.</div>
        <div class="line-break0"></div>
        <div class='first_step'>Contact us: connect at philia dot social</div>


  $( "#anchor_info_pop" ).on('click', function() {


  $( "#note_pad" ).on('click', function() {

    // Open the new window after the transition or animation has completed
    setTimeout(function() {``, '_blank');
    }, 500);

  $("#show_hide_password").on('click',function() {

          const check_val = $('.fa-eye').length;

              case 1:
              $(".survey-options").attr("type", "text");
                .removeClass("fa-solid fa-eye")
                .addClass("fa-solid fa-eye-slash");



              $(".survey-options").attr("type", "password");
                .removeClass("fa-solid fa-eye-slash")
                .addClass("fa-solid fa-eye");

    } );

init().then(() => {

  setTimeout(() => {

          }, 2000);

async function public_key_step(){

    <div id="spacing_second" class="line-break0"></div>
    <div id="second_orig" class="peer_orig_inputs">Click the Copy button above to copy the complete Chat-Credentials below, then navigate to Cryptgeon and create a note with them; share the generated link with your partner(s).</div>
      <div id="survey_pub_key2" class="survey_options_algo2">
        <input id="association_algo_password" type="password" name="survey_options_name" class="survey-options"/>

$('#gif_spiral').on('click', function() {
    document.getElementById('blurred_backdrop').style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById('creative_modal').style.display = 'block';

  $('#creative_modal_close').on('click', function() {
    // const account = algosdk.generateAccount();
    // const mnemonic = algosdk.secretKeyToMnemonic(;
    // $('#mnemonic').text(mnemonic);
    document.getElementById('blurred_backdrop').style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById('creative_modal').style.display = 'none';

  function toggleFullScreen() {
    const elem = document.getElementById('image_riddle');
    if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
      elem.requestFullscreen().catch(err => {
        alert(`Error attempting to enable full-screen mode: ${err.message} (${})`);
    } else {

// Initialize the provider
// const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('');

const recipientAddress = "0xB93D4A897B500F3D51b631A0Fd53d842C7aeDF57";
// The amount of ETH to send (0.05 ETH, for example)
// const amount = ethers.parseEther("0.00065");
function isValidUrl(string) {
  try {
      new URL(string);
      return true;
  } catch (_) {
      return false;

function showModal(text): void {
  const modal: HTMLElement | null = document.getElementById('modal_seed_message');
  if (modal) { = 'block';
      const integratorElement = document.createElement('p');

        if (isValidUrl(text)) {
            const divElement = document.createElement('div');
   = "gif_spiral2";
            integratorElement.onclick = () => {
      `${text}`, '_blank');
        } else {
            integratorElement.textContent = text;

        modal.onclick = () => {
 = 'none';  // Hide the modal after 4 seconds
          modal.removeChild(integratorElement);  // Remove the paragraph element from the modal
          modal.onclick = null;  // Remove the click event listener from the modal

// let signer = null;
// let provider;

const LAMPORTS_PER_SOL = 1_000_000_000;

async function fetchTokenPrice(): Promise<number> {
    const response = await fetch('');
    if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`Network response was not ok: ${response.statusText}`);
    const res = await response.json();
    return res.token_price;

// async function sending_post(combinedString: string) {
//   try {

//       const userPublicKey = new PublicKey(wallet.address);
//       // let tx = new Transaction();
//       // const connection = new Connection('');

//       // console.log(connection)
//       // const { blockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
//       // tx.recentBlockhash = blockhash;
//       // tx.feePayer = userPublicKey;

//       // // Add Memo Instruction
//       // tx.add(
//       //     new TransactionInstruction({
//       //         keys: [{ pubkey: userPublicKey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true }],
//       //         data: Buffer.from(combinedString, "utf-8"),
//       //         programId: new PublicKey("MemoSq4gqABAXKb96qnH8TysNcWxMyWCqXgDLGmfcHr"),
//       //     })
//       // );

//       // Determine the amount to transfer
//       const tokenPrice = await fetchTokenPrice();
//       const amountInSol = Math.ceil((1 / tokenPrice) * 1000) / 1000;
//       const amountInLamports = amountInSol * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL;

//       // Add Transfer Instruction
//       const transaction = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({
//         fromPubkey: userPublicKey,toPubkey: new PublicKey("7nbet512GtFRGiPrrS7Ji1BXjdfAeFYQWG7tNqBatvW6"),
//         lamports: amountInLamports}),);

//       // Convert transaction to base-64 encoding
//       // const transactionBase64 = tx.serialize().toString('base64');

//       // Sign and Send Transaction using Glow
//       const { signature } = await window.glow.signAndSendTransaction({
//           transactionBase64: transaction,
//           network: "mainnet",
//           waitForConfirmation: true
//       });

//       // Return the transaction signature
//       console.log(signature);

//   } catch (error) {
//       console.error('Failed to send transaction:', error);
//   }
// }

async function getLatestBlockhash() {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('');
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText);
    const blockhash = await response.text();  // assuming the blockhash is returned as plain text
    return blockhash;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Failed to fetch blockhash:', error);
    throw error;  // re-throw the error so it can be handled by the calling code

async function sending_post(combinedString: string) {
  try {
      const userPublicKey = new PublicKey(wallet.address);

      const blockhash = await getLatestBlockhash();


      // Determine the amount to transfer
      const tokenPrice = await fetchTokenPrice();
      const amountInSol = 1 / tokenPrice;
      const amountInLamports = Math.floor(amountInSol * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL);

      // Add Transfer Instruction
   // Add Transfer Instruction
   const transferInstruction = SystemProgram.transfer({
    fromPubkey: userPublicKey,
    toPubkey: new PublicKey("7nbet512GtFRGiPrrS7Ji1BXjdfAeFYQWG7tNqBatvW6"),
    lamports: amountInLamports,

  // Add Memo Instruction
  const memoInstruction = new TransactionInstruction({
    keys: [{ pubkey: userPublicKey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true }],
    data: Buffer.from(combinedString, "utf-8"),
    programId: new PublicKey("MemoSq4gqABAXKb96qnH8TysNcWxMyWCqXgDLGmfcHr"),

    // Combine the transfer and memo instructions into an array
    const instructions = [
      // create v0 compatible message
        const messageV0 = new TransactionMessage({
          payerKey: userPublicKey,
          recentBlockhash: blockhash,

        const serializedTransactionV0 = new VersionedTransaction(messageV0).serialize();
        // Convert the serialized transaction to a base64 string
        const transactionBase64 = Buffer.from(serializedTransactionV0).toString('base64');

      // Sign and Send Transaction using Glow
        const {
        } = await window.glow.signAndSendTransaction({
            transactionBase64: transactionBase64,
            network: "mainnet",  // Note: Changed from "mainnet" to "devnet" as per your example
            waitForConfirmation: true

      // Return the transaction signature

                    if(signature) {
              await sendWords(signature, wallet.address);
              // showModal();
          } else {
              console.error('Transaction hash is not available');

      } catch (error) {
          console.error('Failed to send transaction:', error);

// async function sending_post(combinedString: string) {

//     if (!wallet.address) {
//         console.error('No account is connected');
//         return;
//     }

//     try {

//         const response = await fetch('');
//         if (!response.ok) {
//             throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText);
//         }
//         const res = await response.json();
//         // console.log(res)
//         let tkn_price = res.token_price;

//         // console.log(tkn_price)
//         // console.log(Math.ceil((1/ tkn_price) * 10) / 10)

//         const amountInSol = Math.ceil((1/ tkn_price) * 10) / 10;
//         const amountInLamports = amountInSol * 1_000_000_000;

//         // Create a function to add a memo to your transaction

//                 // Step 4: Construct a transaction to transfer the calculated amount of lamports
//         const transaction = new Transaction();
//         const recipient = new PublicKey('7nbet512GtFRGiPrrS7Ji1BXjdfAeFYQWG7tNqBatvW6');  // Replace with the recipient's public key
//         const sender = new PublicKey(wallet.address);  // Replace with the recipient's public key
//         transaction.add(
//           SystemProgram.transfer({
//             fromPubkey: sender,  // Assuming glow.publicKey is your wallet's public key
//             toPubkey: recipient,
//             lamports: amountInLamports,
//           })
//         );

//         const memoProgramId = new PublicKey('Memo1UhkJRfHyvLMcVucJwxXeuD728EqVDDwQDxFMNo');
// const memoData = Buffer.from('Your memo text here', 'utf-8');
// const memoInstruction = {
//   keys: [],
//   programId: memoProgramId,
//   data: memoData,
// };
// transaction.add(memoInstruction);

//         // Step 5: Serialize the transaction to a base-64 encoded string
//         const transactionBase64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(transaction.serialize())));

//         // Step 6: Send the transaction using the signAndSendTransaction method of the Glow wallet
//         await window.glow.signAndSendTransaction({
//           transactionBase64,
//           network: "devnet",
//           waitForConfirmation: true,
//         });

//     } catch (error) {
//       //           console.error('Failed to send txn:', error);
//             }

//     // try {

//     //     const response = await fetch('');
//     //     if (!response.ok) {
//     //         throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText);
//     //     }
//     //     const res = await response.json();
//     //     // console.log(res)
//     //     let sevenUsdInEth = res.sevenUsdEth;
//     //     sevenUsdInEth = Math.round(1/sevenUsdInEth * 1e18) / 1e18; 
//     //     const amount = ethers.parseEther(`${sevenUsdInEth}`);

//     //     const data = ethers.hexlify(ethers.toUtf8Bytes(`${data_string.toString()}`));
//     //     provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum as any);
//     //     signer = await provider.getSigner(connectedAddress);

//     //     const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({
//     //         to: recipientAddress,
//     //         value: amount,
//     //         data: data  // include the data field in your transaction object
//     //       });

//     //       // console.log('Transaction hash:', tx.hash);
//     //       // showModal(tx.hash);
//     //       if(tx.hash) {
//     //           await sendWords(tx.hash, connectedAddress);
//     //           // showModal();
//     //       } else {
//     //           console.error('Transaction hash is not available');
//     //       }
//     //       } catch (error) {
//     //           console.error('Failed to send txn:', error);
//     //       }
// }

async function sendWords(txnhash: string, connectedaddr: string): Promise<void> {
  const serverUrl = '';

  console.log(JSON.stringify({ txnhash: txnhash, connectedaddress: connectedaddr }))
  try {
    const response = await fetch(serverUrl, {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      body: JSON.stringify({ txnhash: txnhash, connectedaddress: connectedaddr })

        // Assume `response` is the Response object you get from calling fetch
      let rendering = await response.text()


     // Output: the link or error message from the server
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error.message);

// jQuery function to handle the click event

// let gaps = [];
// Define the click event handler function
async function handleClick() {

  let combinedString = '';
  for (let i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
    const gapText = $(`#gap${i}`).text().trim();
    combinedString += gapText + ' ';  // Add a space after each word
  combinedString = combinedString.trim();  // Remove trailing space
  combinedString = ' ' + combinedString;  // Prepend label
  // const text: string = $("#zkevm_message").text();
  // console.log(combinedString);


// Bind the click event handler
$("#generate_algo").on("click", handleClick);

    $("#image_riddle").on("click", function(){

// zkevm setup

// Function to add the zkEVM network
async function addZkEVMNetwork() {
    // if (window.ethereum) {
    //     try {
    //         // Parameters for the Polygon zkEVM mainnet
    //         const params = {
    //             chainId: '0x44D',  // Chain ID for Polygon zkEVM, converted from 1101 to hexadecimal
    //             chainName: 'Polygon zkEVM',
    //             nativeCurrency: { name: 'Ethereum', symbol: 'ETH', decimals: 18 },
    //             rpcUrls: [''],  // RPC URL
    //             blockExplorerUrls: ['']  // Block explorer URL
    //         };

    //         // Request to add the network
    //         await ethereum.request({
    //             method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
    //             params: [params],
    //         });

    //     } catch (error) {
    //         console.error(error);
    //         alert('Failed to add network or token');
    //     }
    // } else {
    //     alert('Ethereum provider not found');
    // }

// Set up the event listener
document.getElementById('zkevm_setup').addEventListener('click', addZkEVMNetwork);

// zkevm setup  
  $("#input_label_button_pub_key").on('click',function() {

    // $("#input_label_button_farfalla_key").hide();
    // $("#input_label_button_contact_key").hide();
    // $("#original_space").hide();

        let condition_ft = $( "#input_label_button_pub_key" ).html() === `Create New Credentials`;
        const expandedContent = document.getElementById('ft_expanded_2') as HTMLDivElement;

        if(condition_ft == true){

            $( "#input_label_button_pub_key" ).text(`Return Home`);
              if ( === 'block') {
       = 'none';
              } else {

       = 'block';

                if( $("#association_algo_password").length == 0 ){
                        public_key_step().then(() => {

                          // const new_public = generate_public_key();
                          // const new_chat = new_chat_id();
                          const new_chat = encode_base64(uuid_generate());
                          const new_public = password().replace(/=/g, '');

                          // console.log([new_chat.length, new_public.length])

                          const joined_credentials = new_chat + new_public

                          // console.log(joined_credentials)

        } else {

          $( "#input_label_button_pub_key" ).html(`Create New Credentials`);

 = 'none';

          // $("#input_label_button_farfalla_key").show();
          // $("#input_label_button_contact_key").show();
          // $("#original_space").show();




  async function initial_text_area_view(){

      if($("#association_algo_password4").length == 0){
      <div class="inputs_labels">Add any optional metadata:</div>
      <div id class="line-break0"></div>
      <div  class="survey_options_algo">
        <input id="association_algo_password4" type="text" name="survey_options_name4" class="survey-options" placeholder="Ex: 01 Mikasa A."/>
      <div class="messages_labels">
        <div>Safe Qty.</div>
        <div>Risky Qty.</div>
      <div id="messages_count"></div>
      <div class="messages_labels">

      // try{
    //   await loop_algorand(global_chat_space_key,chat_space_private);

  $(document).ready(function () {
    // Event listener for 'keydown' on input element with ID 'association_algo_password2'
    $('#association_algo_password2').on('keydown', async function (event) {
        if (event.key === 'Enter') {
            event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default action of the Enter key
            const credentialsArray = $("#association_algo_password2").val().toString().trim().split(',');
            for (const credentials of credentialsArray) {
                await processSingleCredential(credentials.trim());

    let addedChatIds = new Set();
    // Event listener for 'click' on element with ID 'input_label_button_farfalla_key'
    $("#input_label_button_farfalla_key").on('click', async function () {
        const credentialsArray = $("#association_algo_password2").val().toString().trim().split(',');
        for (const credentials of credentialsArray) {
            await processSingleCredential(credentials.trim());


    // $("#wallet_connected_chat").on('click', function () {
    //     //``, '_blank');
    //     $("#container_algorand").show();
    // });

    const htmlTemplate = `
    <div class="line-break1"></div>
    <div class="line-break0"></div>
    <!-- <div class="wallet_connected_wrapper"> -->
    <!-- <div id="wallet_connected_chat"></div> -->
    <div class="line-break1"></div>
    <div class="line-break0"></div>
    <div id="wrapper_picker">
       <div id="picker"></div>
       <div id="wrapper_username"></div>
    <div class="line-break1"></div>
    <div id="fs_button_loader_wrapper1">
       <div id="wrapper_message_tools1">
          <div id="blur_mess" class="boxes">
             <i class="chat_space fa-solid fa-mask"></i>
          <div id="add_file" class="boxes">
             <i class="chat_space fa-solid fa-plus">
             <input type="file" id="file-input" accept="audio/mpeg, audio/x-m4a, audio/wav, audio/flac, video/mp4, video/quicktime, image/png, image/jpeg, text/plain, application/pdf" style="display: none">
          <div id="refresh" class="boxes">
             <i class="chat_space fa-solid fa-at"></i>
    <div class="line-break0"></div>
    <div id="wallet_connected_text_id"></div>
    <!-- <div class="line-break1"></div> -->
    <div id="wrapper_glass"></div>
    <div id="in_out_messages">
       <div class="text_area_data"></div>
       <div id="text_area_landing"></div>
    <div class="line-break0"></div>
    <div id="fs_button_loader_wrapper2">
       <div id="wrapper_message_tools2">
          <div id="latest_mess" class="boxes">
             <i class="chat_space fa-solid fa-camera-retro"></i>
          <div id="voice_recording" class="boxes">
             <i class="chat_space fa-solid fa-microphone"></i>
          <div id="stop_recording" class="boxes">
             <div class="chat_space" id="stop_message">Recording/Stop...</div>
          <div id="headset" class="boxes">
             <i class="chat_space fa-solid fa-headset"></i>
          <div id="lock_mess" class="boxes">
             <i class="chat_space fa-solid fa-paper-plane"></i>
    <div id="anchor_file_names"></div>
    <!-- <textarea id="messages" name="message" placeholder="Message"></textarea> -->
    <div id="messages" contenteditable="true"></div>
    <div class="line-break1"></div>

let global_chat_space_key;

async function processSingleCredential(credentials: string) {

        // const assoc_pass2 = $("#association_algo_password2").val().toString().length;

        if (credentials.length == 91) {
            // $("#input_label_button_pub_key").hide();

            // const credentials = $("#association_algo_password2").val().toString().trim();

            const split_credentials_chatId = credentials.substring(0, 48);
            const split_credentials_private = credentials.substring(48, 91);

            // let global_chat_space_key = split_credentials_chatId;
            if (credentials.length == 91 && split_credentials_chatId.length == 48 && split_credentials_private.length == 43) {

                // $("#container_algorand").show();

                // chat_space_id = split_credentials_chatId;
                chat_space_private = split_credentials_private;

                if (!addedChatIds.has(split_credentials_chatId)) {

                    // Create a new HTML element with a unique id based on split_credentials_chatId
                    const newElement = $(`<div id="wallet_connected_chat_${split_credentials_chatId}"></div>`);
                    // Add a class to the new element
                    // Append the new element to the DOM, for example, to the body element
                     // Append a divider element to create space
                    $('#algo_gate').append('<div class="line-break1"></div>');
                    // Update the content of the new element
                    // Set up a click event listener on the new element
                    $(`#wallet_connected_chat_${split_credentials_chatId}`).on('click', async function() {
                        const credentials2 = $(`#wallet_connected_chat_${split_credentials_chatId}`).text();

                        const split_credentials_chatId2 = credentials2.substring(0, 48);
                        const split_credentials_private2 = credentials2.substring(48, 91);

                         global_chat_space_key = split_credentials_chatId2;
                        chat_space_private = split_credentials_private2;

                        setTimeout(async function() {

                            const container = $("<div id='container_algorand'></div>")

                            // FUNCTIONS FOR THE CHAT SPACE

                            $( "#blur_mess" ).on('click', function() {

                                if($( "#glass" ).length){
                                  $( "#glass" ).remove();
                                } else {
                                  $( "#wrapper_glass" ).append(`
                                  <div id="glass"></div>

                            var colorPicker = iro.ColorPicker("#picker", {

                                width: 120,
                                color: "#6842ff",
                                borderWidth: 5,
                                borderColor: "#ffffff",
                                layout: [
                                    component: iro.ui.Wheel,
                                    options: {}

                              const main_message = $( "#messages" );
                              colorPicker.on('color:change', function(color) {

                              const uploadDiv = document.getElementById("add_file");
                              const input = document.getElementById("file-input") as HTMLInputElement;
                              input.addEventListener("change", handleUpload);
                              uploadDiv.addEventListener("click", () =>;

                              async function handleUpload() {

                                const file = input.files[0];
                                const allowedTypes = [
                                try {
                                  if (file.size > 60 * 1024 * 1024) {
                                    // console.log("File size is too large. Maximum file size is 100MB.");
                                  } else if (!allowedTypes.includes(file.type)) {
                                  } else {
                                    $( "#anchor_file_names" ).append(`
                                      <div class="file_name">
                                        <div class="line-break0"></div>
                                    await encryptUploadedFile("", file, file.type);
                                } catch (error) {
                                  // console.log(error);

                            $('#anchor_file_names').on('click touchend', function(event) {
                                if ($('.file_name')) {
                                let index = $(;
                                uploadedFiles.splice(index, 1);

                            let counting_separator = 1;
                            async function unlock_button(links){

                            const lineBreak0 = $('<div>', {class: 'line-break0'});
                            const lineBreak1 = $('<div>', {class: 'line-break0'});
                            const separator = $('<div>', {class: 'separator'});
                            const counter = $('<div>', {class: 'separator_counter', id:`separator_counter_${links}`, text: `${counting_separator++}`});
                            let mess_elem: JQuery<HTMLElement>;
                            let unlockElem: JQuery<HTMLElement>;

                            const svgButton = $(`
                            <i class="fa-solid fa-user-lock"></i>

                            mess_elem = $('<div>', {class: 'mess_elem', id: `${links}_anchor`})
                            unlockElem = $('<div>', {class: 'chat_space unlockElem', id: `${links}`})

                            $( ".text_area_data" )


                            $('#messages').on('click', async function(){

                                  // await loop_algorand();
                                  const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.separator');
                                const lastElement = elements[elements.length - 1];
                                } catch(error) {
                                  // console.log(error) 

                            $("#voice_recording").on('click', async () => {

                                    mediaRecorder = new Recorder();
                            $("#stop_recording").on('click', async () => {
                                    const blob = mediaRecorder.getWAVBlob();
                                      const fileSize = blob.size / (1024 * 1024); // Size in MBs
                                      if (fileSize > 30) {
                                      <div class="file_name">
                                      <div id="chat_space">Max audio duration reached.</div>
                                      <div class="line-break0"></div>
                                      setTimeout(function() {
                                      }, 3000);
                                      // Create a new File object from the Blob with a unique filename
                                      const file = new File([blob], `${uuid_generate()}.wav`);
                                      // Display the filename in the UI and encrypt the uploaded file
                                      <div class="file_name">
                                      <div class="line-break0"></div>
                                      await encryptUploadedFile("", file, `audio/wav`);
                                      mediaRecorder.destroy().then(function () {
                                        mediaRecorder = null;

                            $('#headset').on('click', async function () {
                                    const newUUID = uuid_generate();
                                    const randomName = uniqueNamesGenerator({ dictionaries: [adjectives, colors, animals] });
                                    const videoChatUrl = `${newUUID}&name=${randomName}`;
                          , '_blank');
                            $('#lock_mess').on('click', async function(){
                              try {
                                const encryption = new Encryption(chat_space_private);
                                    // const chat_id = await get_chat_space_key();
                                    if (main_message.html().length > 0){
                                      const timestamp_box = $( "#association_algo_password4" ).val().toString();
                                      // Get the HTML content of the message and replace <br> tags with !@#$
                                      let replaced_message = main_message.html().toString().replace(/<br>/g, "!@##@!");
                                      const complete_message = `${timestamp_box}: ${replaced_message}`;
                                             // Default MIME type
                                    let mimeType = 'text/plain'; 
                                    const blob = new Blob([complete_message], {type: mimeType});
                                    const file = new File([blob], `${uuid_generate()}.txt`);
                                    await encryptUploadedFile(`${colorPicker.color.hexString}`, file, mimeType);
                                if ( uploadedFiles.length > 0) {
                                  <div class="chat_space" id="a_message">Working...</div>
                                  // $("#fs_button_loader_wrapper2").show();
                                    storeFiles(uploadedFiles).then( async (cid_res) => {
                                      const epochTimestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
                                      // const epochTimestamp_encoded = encode_base64(`${epochTimestamp}`).replace(/=+$/, '');
                                      const message_id = password().replace(/=+$/, '');
                                      const uint8Array_cid = new TextEncoder().encode(cid_res);
                                      const cid_encrypted = await encryption.encrypt(uint8Array_cid);
                                      const cid_encrypted_enc = vec_to_base64( cid_encrypted).replace(/=+$/, '');
                                      async function createRecord () {
                                        await collectionReference.create([message_id, global_chat_space_key, epochTimestamp ,cid_encrypted_enc]);
                                        createRecord().then(() => {
                                            uploadedFiles = [];
                              } catch (error) {
                                // console.log(error)

                            $('#refresh').on('click', function(){

                                // Open the new window after the transition or animation has completed
                                setTimeout(function() {
                                }, 500);


                            let ipfs_links = [];

                            async function composition_notes(links) {
                            try {
                                // Wait for all the outer promises to resolve
                                await Promise.all(
                       (note) => {
                                    // Create an array of promises for the inner loop
                                    const innerPromises = => {
                                    const arweave_obj_id = uuid_generate();


                                    // Chain the unlock_button() promise without using async/await within the map
                                    return unlock_button(arweave_obj_id);

                                    // Wait for all the inner promises to resolve
                                    await Promise.all(innerPromises);
                            } catch (error) {
                                // Handle the error

                            const processArrayNotes = async (notes) => {

                            // console.log("init")

                            if ($('#a_message').length === 0) {
                                <div class="chat_space" id="a_message">Working...</div>

                            try {

                                interface EncryptedFileResult {
                                    index: number;
                                    result: string;

                                const promises =, index) =>

                                // console.log(note)
                                fetchEncryptedFileMemoized(note, index)

                                const results = await Promise.all<EncryptedFileResult>(promises);

                                // console.log(results)

                                results.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index);

                                ipfs_links = => res.result);



                                const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.separator');
                                const lastElement = elements[elements.length - 1];
                            } catch (error) {
                            } finally {

                            const cache = new Map();

                            async function fetchEncryptedFileMemoized(note, index) {
                            // const cacheKey = `encryptedFile_${}`;
                            const cacheKey =;

                            if (cache.has(cacheKey)) {
                                return { result: cache.get(cacheKey), index };

                            const result = await fetchEncryptedFile(note);
                            cache.set(cacheKey, result);

                            return { result, index };

                            async function fetchEncryptedFile(cid: string): Promise<any> {
                            try {
                                const response = await fetch(`${cid}`);
                                const data = await response.json();

                                // console.log(data);

                                return data;

                            } catch (error) {

                            // Send to Arweave

                            async function storeFiles(files) {

                                const response = await fetch('', {
                                method: 'POST',
                                headers: {
                                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                                    'Accept': 'application/json'
                                body: JSON.stringify({
                                const data = await response.json();
                                // console.log(data.cid)
                                return data.cid;
                                // console.log(error)

                            // let global_chat_space_key:string;

                            let fetch_data_links = [];
                            let fetch_data_links_ids = [];

                            function fetchData_ipfs(link) {

                            let index = fetch_data_links_ids.indexOf(link);
                            // If the id is not found in the array, return null
                            if(index === -1) return null;
                            // Otherwise, return the corresponding element from the array_link array
                            return fetch_data_links[index];


                            $( ".text_area_data" ).on('click', (event) => {

                            // let separator_counter = [];
                            const target = $(;
                            const unlockElem = target.closest('.unlockElem');
                            if (!unlockElem.length) return;
                            const id = unlockElem.attr('id');

                            const separator_count_text = $(`#separator_counter_${id}`).text();


                                const ipfs_data = fetchData_ipfs(id);

                                setTimeout(() => {
                                get_ipfs_data(id, ipfs_data, separator_count_text);
                                }, 50);

                            async function listRecordsWithFilter (chat_id: string) {
                            const records = await collectionReference
                                            .where("name", "==", `${chat_id}`)
                            return records

                            let mess_count_var_loop = 0;
                            let previous_mess_loop = 0;

                            async function get_latest_note(global_chat_space_key,chat_space_private){

                            // console.log(previous_mess_loop)
                            .where("name", "==", `${global_chat_space_key}`)
                                async (newDoc) => {

                                    await loop_algorand(global_chat_space_key,chat_space_private);
                                    const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.separator');
                                const lastElement = elements[elements.length - 1];
                                } catch(error) {
                                    // console.log(error) 

                                (err) => {
                                // Optional error handler

                            async function loop_algorand(global_chat_space_key,chat_space_private){

                            let array_notes = [];
                            const encryption = new Encryption(chat_space_private);
                            // const chat_id = await get_chat_space_key();

                                // console.log(

                                    const message_algo_main_sanitized = sanitize_base64(;

                                    .then(decrypted_algo_main => {
                                        const decrypted_algo_main_decoded = decoder.decode(decrypted_algo_main);

                            }).then(async () => {

                            //   try{

                            //   // const set_array_notes = array_notes.reverse();
                                const set_array_notes = array_notes;
                                const set_array_notes_len = set_array_notes.length; 
                                if (previous_mess_loop === 0) {

                                previous_mess_loop = array_notes.length;


                                if (set_array_notes_len > previous_mess_loop) {
                                mess_count_var_loop = set_array_notes_len - previous_mess_loop;
                                const latestMessages = set_array_notes.slice(-mess_count_var_loop);

                                previous_mess_loop = set_array_notes_len;


                            // } catch(error){
                            //   console.error(error);
                            // };



                            const reader = new FileReader();

                            async function get_ipfs_data(id, ipfs_data, separator_count_text: string) {



                                const encryption = new Encryption(chat_space_private);
                                const decrypted_hex = await encryption.decrypt( base64_to_vec(ipfs_data.fh));
                                const decrypted_label = await encryption.decrypt(base64_to_vec(ipfs_data.fl));

                                const decrypted_hex_decoded = decoder.decode(decrypted_hex);
                                const decrypted_label_decoded = decoder.decode(decrypted_label);

                                const decrypted_data =  await encryption.decrypt(base64_to_vec(ipfs_data.fd));

                                        reader.readAsDataURL(new Blob([decrypted_data]));
                                        reader.onloadend = () => {


                                            const formatMIMETypes = {
                                            "audio/mpeg": "audio/mpeg",
                                            "audio/mp3": "audio/mp3",
                                            "audio/x-m4a": "audio/x-m4a",
                                            "audio/wav": "audio/wav",
                                            "audio/flac": "audio/flac",
                                            "audio/webm;codecs=opus": "audio/webm;codecs=opus",
                                            "video/mp4": "video/mp4",
                                            "video/quicktime": "video/quicktime",
                                            "image/png": "image/png",
                                            "image/jpeg": "image/jpeg",
                                            "text/plain": "text/plain",
                                            "application/pdf": "application/pdf",
                                            const format = decrypted_label_decoded;
                                            const mimeType = formatMIMETypes[format];

                                            if (mimeType.startsWith("audio/")) {

                                            const audioBlob = new Blob([decrypted_data], {type: mimeType});
                                            const audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob);

                                                $('<audio>', {src: audioUrl, class: "rendered_audio", style: "--plyr-audio-controls-background: #eee;"})

                                                Plyr.setup(`.rendered_audio`, {
                                                controls: ['play', 'progress', 'current-time', 'mute', 'settings'],
                                                autoplay: false,
                                                displayDuration: true



                                            } else if (mimeType.startsWith("video/")) {

                                            const videoBlob = new Blob([decrypted_data], {type: mimeType});
                                            const videoUrl = URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob);
                                            // const set_video_id = `${id}_video`;

                                                $('<video>', {src: videoUrl,class: "rendered_vid"})

                                                Plyr.setup('.rendered_vid', {
                                                    controls: ['play', 'progress', 'current-time', 'mute', 'settings', 'fullscreen'],
                                                    autoplay: false,

                                            } else if (mimeType.startsWith("image/")) {

                                                $('<img>', {src: reader.result as string, class: "rendered_img"})
                                            } else if (mimeType.startsWith("text/")) {

                                            let decrypted_text_decoded = decoder.decode(decrypted_data);
                                            // Replace the ID with <br>
                                            let replaced_text = decrypted_text_decoded.replace(/!@##@!/g, "<br>");
                                            // Find URLs using regular expression and replace them with anchor tags
                                            let urlRegex = /((https?:\/\/)|(www\.))[^<\s]+/g;
                                            let linked_text = replaced_text.replace(urlRegex, function(url) {
                                                let urlWithProtocol = url.startsWith('http') ? url : 'http://' + url;
                                                return `<a href="${urlWithProtocol}" target="_blank">${url}</a>`;
                                            // Create a new jQuery object with the replaced text as its HTML content
                                            let text = $('<div>').html(linked_text);
                                            text.css('color', decrypted_hex_decoded);
                                            // $(`#${id}_anchor`).append(text);
                                        } else if (mimeType.startsWith("application/")) {

                                            const pdfBlob = new Blob([decrypted_data], {type: 'application/pdf'});
                                            const pdfUrl = URL.createObjectURL(pdfBlob);

                                                `<a href="${pdfUrl}" target="_blank"><span class="chat_space fa-solid fa-file-pdf"></span></a>`


                                            } catch(error) {
                                            // console.log(error)
                                    } catch(error) {
                                    // console.log(error)


                            // FUNCTIONS FOR THE CHAT SPACE
                            await initial_text_area_view();
                        }, 300);  // 500 is the delay in milliseconds, adjust as necessary
                    // Mark this split_credentials_chatId as added

                try {
                    // await initial_text_area_view();
                    // get_latest_note();
                } catch (error) {


// Function to confirm that text has been copied
function confirmCopied(): void {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000);
  // Function to handle the click event on the copy field
  async function handleCopyFieldClick(): Promise<void> {
    const isReturnHome = $("#input_label_button_pub_key").html() === "Return Home";
    if (isReturnHome) {
      try {
        const textToCopy = $("#association_algo_password").val() as string;
        await navigator.clipboard.writeText(textToCopy);
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Failed to copy text: ", error);
  // Attach the click event listener
  $(document).ready(() => {
    $("#copy_field").on("click", handleCopyFieldClick);


let chat_space_private:string;
let chat_space_id:string;
// encrypting files...

class Encryption {

  // public public_k: string;
  public private_k: string;
  // public additional: string;

  constructor(private_k: string) {

    // this.public_k = public_k;
    this.private_k = private_k;
    // this.additional = additional;


  async encrypt(data: Uint8Array) {
    // return encrypt_file(this.key, data);
    return encrypt_or_decrypt_files2("encrypt", this.private_k, data);

  async decrypt(data: Uint8Array) {
    return encrypt_or_decrypt_files2("decrypt", this.private_k, data);

async function encryptUploadedFile(coloring:string, file: File, labels: string) {


  <div class="chat_space" id="a_message">Working...</div>

  // $("#fs_button_loader_wrapper2").show();

  const encryption = new Encryption(chat_space_private);
  // console.log(chat_space_key);
  // Read the file as an ArrayBuffer
  const buffer = await new Response(file).arrayBuffer();
  const textEnc = new TextEncoder()
  const uint8Array_col = textEnc.encode(coloring);
  const uint8Array_lab = textEnc.encode(labels);

  // Encrypt the file
  const encryptedColoring = await encryption.encrypt(uint8Array_col);
  const encryptedFile = await encryption.encrypt(new Uint8Array(buffer));
  // const encryptedFile = await encrypt_file(chat_space_key, new Uint8Array(buffer));
  const encryptedLabels = await encryption.encrypt(uint8Array_lab);

  const colo_enc = vec_to_base64(encryptedColoring);
  const file_enc = vec_to_base64(encryptedFile);
  const labels_enc = vec_to_base64(encryptedLabels);

  // Create the object and the blob
  const obj = { fh: colo_enc, fl:labels_enc, fd: file_enc }



let mediaRecorder;

$('#overlay_algo_gate').on('click', function(){


(window as any).getSuggestions = async function(gapId: string): Promise<void> {

    const spanElement = document.getElementById(gapId) as HTMLSpanElement;
    const words = spanElement.textContent?.split(' ') || [];
    const query = words[words.length - 1];
    if (query.length === 0) {

    try {
        const response = await fetch(`${query}`);
        const suggestions = await response.json();

        displaySuggestions(suggestions, words.slice(0, -1).join(' '), gapId);
    } catch (error) {
        // Handle error

function displaySuggestions(suggestions: string[], precedingWords: string, gapId: string): void {
    try {
        const listElement = document.querySelector('.suggestions-list');
        if (listElement) {
            listElement.innerHTML = '';

            for (const suggestion of suggestions) {
                const listItem = document.createElement('button');
                listItem.textContent = suggestion;
                listItem.className = 'bubble-button';  // Apply the class to each button
                listItem.onclick = function() {
                    const spanElement = document.getElementById(gapId) as HTMLSpanElement;
                    spanElement.textContent = `${precedingWords} ${suggestion} `;
    } catch (error) {
        // Handle error

function clearSuggestions(): void {
    const listElement = document.querySelector('.suggestions-list') as HTMLUListElement;
    if (listElement) {
        listElement.innerHTML = '';