import Builtin
import Algebra.Relation.Equivalence
import Algebra.Control.Functor
import Algebra.Control.Applicative
import Algebra.Control.Monad
import Algebra.Group.Magma
import Algebra.Group.Semigroup
import Algebra.Group.Monoid
%default total
infixr 7 ::
public export
data LinkedList t = Nil | (::) t (LinkedList t)
data LinkedListEquiv : Equivalence t => (a, b : LinkedList t) -> Type where
BothEmpty : (e : Equivalence t) => LinkedListEquiv @{e} Nil Nil
EquivHeadAndTail : (e : Equivalence t) => {a, b : t} -> {x, y : LinkedList t}
-> (ok1: Equiv a b) -> (ok2: LinkedListEquiv x y)
-> LinkedListEquiv @{e} (a :: x) (b :: y)
public export
(e : Equivalence a) => Uninhabited (LinkedListEquiv @{e} Nil (h :: t)) where
uninhabited BothEmpty impossible
uninhabited (EquivHeadAndTail h t) impossible
public export
(e : Equivalence a) => Uninhabited (LinkedListEquiv @{e} (h :: t) Nil) where
uninhabited BothEmpty impossible
uninhabited (EquivHeadAndTail h t) impossible
public export
fromNotEquivHead : (e : Equivalence t) => {a, b : t} -> (ok: Not (Equiv a b))
-> Not (LinkedListEquiv @{e} (a :: x) (b :: y))
fromNotEquivHead ctr (EquivHeadAndTail prf _) = ctr prf
public export
fromNotEquivTail : (e : Equivalence t) => (ok: Not (LinkedListEquiv @{e} x y))
-> Not (LinkedListEquiv @{e} (a :: x) (b :: y))
fromNotEquivTail ctr (EquivHeadAndTail _ prf) = ctr prf
import public Data.LinkedList.Basic
decLinkedListEquiv : (e : Equivalence t) => (a, b : LinkedList t) -> Dec (LinkedListEquiv @{e} a b)
decLinkedListEquiv Nil Nil = Yes BothEmpty
decLinkedListEquiv Nil (_::_) = No absurd
decLinkedListEquiv (_::_) Nil = No absurd
decLinkedListEquiv @{e} (h1::t1) (h2::t2) =
case (decEquiv @{e} h1 h2, decLinkedListEquiv t1 t2) of
(Yes prf1, Yes prf2) => Yes $ EquivHeadAndTail prf1 prf2
(Yes prf1, No ctra2) => No $ fromNotEquivTail @{e} ctra2
(No ctra1, _) => No $ fromNotEquivHead @{e} ctra1
import public Data.LinkedList.Equivalence
public export
(Equivalence t) => Equivalence (LinkedList t) where
Equiv = LinkedListEquiv
decEquiv = decLinkedListEquiv
public export
concat : LinkedList t -> LinkedList t -> LinkedList t
concat Nil y = y
concat (x::xs) y = x :: concat xs y
import public Data.LinkedList.Group
public export
concatNil : (l : LinkedList t) -> concat l Nil = l
concatNil Nil = Refl
concatNil (x::xs) = rewrite concatNil xs in Refl
public export
Magma (LinkedList t) where
(<>) = concat
public export
Semigroup (LinkedList t) where
proofAssociative Nil _ _ = Refl
proofAssociative (x::xs) y z = rewrite proofAssociative xs y z in Refl
public export
Monoid (LinkedList t) where
id = Nil
proofLeftIdentity Nil = Refl
proofLeftIdentity (x::xs) = rewrite Monoid.proofLeftIdentity xs in Refl
proofRightIdentity Nil = Refl
proofRightIdentity (y::ys) = rewrite Monoid.proofRightIdentity ys in Refl
public export
Functor LinkedList where
_ <$> Nil = Nil
f <$> (h::t) = f h :: f <$> t
proofIdentity Nil = Refl
proofIdentity (_::t) with (proofIdentity t)
proofIdentity (_::_) | prf = rewrite prf in Refl
proofComposition f g Nil = Refl
proofComposition f g (_::t) = rewrite proofComposition f g t in Refl
public export
app : LinkedList (a -> b) -> LinkedList a -> LinkedList b
app Nil _ = Nil
app (f::fs) l = (f <$> l) <> app fs l
public export
appNil : (f : LinkedList (a -> b)) -> f `app` Nil = Nil
appNil Nil = Refl
appNil (f::fs) = rewrite appNil fs in Refl
public export
Applicative LinkedList where
pure x = [x]
(<*>) = app
proofIdentity Nil = Refl
proofIdentity (_::xs) with (Functor.proofIdentity xs)
proofIdentity (_::xs) | prf =
rewrite concatNil (identity <$> xs) in
rewrite prf in Refl
proofHomomorphism f x = Refl
proofInterchange Nil x = Refl
proofInterchange (f::fs) x = rewrite proofInterchange fs x in Refl
proofComposition Nil Nil _ = Refl
proofComposition Nil (_::gs) _ =
rewrite appNil gs in
-- rewrite concatNil ((.) <$> gs) in
proofComposition (f::fs) gs _ =
-- rewrite concatNil ((.) <$> gs) in
public export
Monad LinkedList where
Nil >>= _ = Nil
(x::xs) >>= f = f x <> (xs >>= f)
proofLeftIdentity x f = rewrite concatNil (f x) in Refl
proofRightIdentity Nil = Refl
proofRightIdentity (x::xs) with (Monad.proofRightIdentity xs)
proofRightIdentity (_::_) | prf = rewrite prf in Refl
proofAssociative Nil f g = Refl
proofAssociative (x::xs) f g with (f x)
proofAssociative (x::xs) f g | Nil = rewrite proofAssociative xs f g in Refl
proofAssociative (x::xs) f g | (r::rs) = ?holeAssociative
import public Data.LinkedList.Functor
import public Data.LinkedList.Applicative
import public Data.LinkedList.Monad
module Data.LinkedList.Monad
import Builtin
import Algebra.Control.Applicative
import Algebra.Control.Monad
import public Data.LinkedList.Basic
import public Data.LinkedList.Applicative
public export
Monad LinkedList where
Nil >>= _ = Nil
(x::xs) >>= f = f x `concat` (xs >>= f)
proofLeftIdentity x f = rewrite proofConcatRightIdentity (f x) in Refl
proofRightIdentity Nil = Refl
proofRightIdentity (x::xs) with (Monad.proofRightIdentity xs)
proofRightIdentity (_::_) | prf = rewrite prf in Refl
proofAssociative Nil f g = Refl
proofAssociative (x::xs) f g = case f x of
Nil => ?holeAssociative1
(r::rs) => ?holeAssociative2
module Data.LinkedList.Group
import Builtin
import Algebra.Group.Magma
import Algebra.Group.Semigroup
import Algebra.Group.Monoid
import public Data.LinkedList.Basic
%default total
public export
Magma (LinkedList t) where
(<>) = concat
public export
Semigroup (LinkedList t) where
proofAssociative Nil _ _ = Refl
proofAssociative (x::xs) y z = rewrite proofAssociative xs y z in Refl
public export
Monoid (LinkedList t) where
id = Nil
proofLeftIdentity Nil = Refl
proofLeftIdentity (x::xs) = rewrite Monoid.proofLeftIdentity xs in Refl
proofRightIdentity Nil = Refl
proofRightIdentity (y::ys) = rewrite Monoid.proofRightIdentity ys in Refl
module Data.LinkedList.Functor
import Builtin
import Algebra.Control.Functor
import public Data.LinkedList.Basic
public export
Functor LinkedList where
_ <$> Nil = Nil
f <$> (h::t) = f h :: f <$> t
proofIdentity Nil = Refl
proofIdentity (_::t) with (proofIdentity t)
proofIdentity (_::_) | prf = rewrite prf in Refl
proofComposition f g Nil = Refl
proofComposition f g (_::t) = rewrite proofComposition f g t in Refl
module Data.LinkedList.Equivalence
import Builtin
import Algebra.Relation.Equivalence
import public Data.LinkedList.Basic
%default total
public export
data LinkedListEquiv : Equivalence t => (a, b : LinkedList t) -> Type where
BothEmpty : (e : Equivalence t) => LinkedListEquiv @{e} Nil Nil
EquivHeadAndTail : (e : Equivalence t) => {a, b : t} -> {x, y : LinkedList t}
-> (ok1: Equiv a b) -> (ok2: LinkedListEquiv x y)
-> LinkedListEquiv @{e} (a :: x) (b :: y)
public export
(e : Equivalence a) => Uninhabited (LinkedListEquiv @{e} Nil (h :: t)) where
uninhabited BothEmpty impossible
uninhabited (EquivHeadAndTail h t) impossible
public export
(e : Equivalence a) => Uninhabited (LinkedListEquiv @{e} (h :: t) Nil) where
uninhabited BothEmpty impossible
uninhabited (EquivHeadAndTail h t) impossible
public export
fromNotEquivHead : (e : Equivalence t) => {a, b : t} -> (ok: Not (Equiv a b))
-> Not (LinkedListEquiv @{e} (a :: x) (b :: y))
fromNotEquivHead ctr (EquivHeadAndTail prf _) = ctr prf
public export
fromNotEquivTail : (e : Equivalence t) => (ok: Not (LinkedListEquiv @{e} x y))
-> Not (LinkedListEquiv @{e} (a :: x) (b :: y))
fromNotEquivTail ctr (EquivHeadAndTail _ prf) = ctr prf
decLinkedListEquiv : (e : Equivalence t) => (a, b : LinkedList t)
-> Dec (LinkedListEquiv @{e} a b)
decLinkedListEquiv Nil Nil = Yes BothEmpty
decLinkedListEquiv Nil (_::_) = No absurd
decLinkedListEquiv (_::_) Nil = No absurd
decLinkedListEquiv @{e} (h1::t1) (h2::t2) =
case (decEquiv @{e} h1 h2, decLinkedListEquiv t1 t2) of
(Yes prf1, Yes prf2) => Yes $ EquivHeadAndTail prf1 prf2
(Yes prf1, No ctra2) => No $ fromNotEquivTail @{e} ctra2
(No ctra1, _) => No $ fromNotEquivHead @{e} ctra1
public export
(Equivalence t) => Equivalence (LinkedList t) where
Equiv = LinkedListEquiv
decEquiv = decLinkedListEquiv
module Data.LinkedList.Basic
import Builtin
%default total
infixr 7 ::
public export
data LinkedList t = Nil | (::) t (LinkedList t)
public export
concat : LinkedList t -> LinkedList t -> LinkedList t
concat Nil y = y
concat (x::xs) y = x :: concat xs y
proofConcatRightIdentity : (l : LinkedList t) -> concat l Nil = l
proofConcatRightIdentity Nil = Refl
proofConcatRightIdentity (x::xs) = rewrite proofConcatRightIdentity xs in Refl
module Data.LinkedList.Applicative
import Builtin
import Algebra.Control.Functor
import Algebra.Control.Applicative
import public Data.LinkedList.Basic
import public Data.LinkedList.Functor
%default total
public export
app : LinkedList (a -> b) -> LinkedList a -> LinkedList b
app Nil _ = Nil
app (f::fs) l = (f <$> l) `concat` app fs l
public export
appNil : (f : LinkedList (a -> b)) -> f `app` Nil = Nil
appNil Nil = Refl
appNil (f::fs) = rewrite appNil fs in Refl
public export
Applicative LinkedList where
pure x = [x]
(<*>) = app
proofIdentity Nil = Refl
proofIdentity (_::xs) with (Functor.proofIdentity xs)
proofIdentity (_::xs) | prf =
rewrite proofConcatRightIdentity (identity <$> xs) in
rewrite prf in Refl
proofHomomorphism f x = Refl
proofInterchange Nil x = Refl
proofInterchange (f::fs) x = rewrite proofInterchange fs x in Refl
proofComposition Nil Nil _ = Refl
proofComposition Nil (_::gs) _ =
rewrite appNil gs in
-- rewrite proofConcatRightIdentity ((.) <$> gs) in
proofComposition (f::fs) gs _ =
-- rewrite proofConcatRightIdentity ((.) <$> gs) in