all right thanks Dean thanks everyone

this is my first software a conference

ever simple little impressed or I'm

going to talk about the project I've

been working on for about a year now

it's called people from the name of the

Spanish bird it's we're trying to do

same version control and by saying like

I'm going to like this talk mostly about

what sane means and what vertical should

be like so it all started because I was

trying to surf long Baker my coop in

this project myself we're trying to

convince our co-authors and an academic

paper to use version control instead of

just emails and like like reserving

files for a week and analytic file right

so so but well flow happens to be one of

the core darks developers which is a

like rather old ish version control

system and so we couldn't really

convince him to use anything else so we

try to convince our co-authors to start

installing darks and windows and then

like setting up SSH keys and pushing to

pushing patches and pulling stuff and

that didn't really work out so well also

turns out it's darks has performance

problems and get as simplicity problems

so well I wasn't really easy to do

anything about this and that's pretty

much the situation with vertical roll

today like most people most non hackers

don't even use it so it's write widely

regardless of hackers thing most people

like use extremely basic version

cultural even like top like world

experts in in computer science still use

like fight locking in emails and that

makes us lose a significant amount of

data and or time and even the situation

with programmers and sorry say isn't

much better because like as soon as

distributed version controls for

invented their like if they were so

complicated and hard to use that like

business is even started to resent

relies them and use the use the use them

in a centralized way in order to master

the Beast and

Pramod this functional programming as

finally convincing people that they can

really tackle everything like all feel

the computer science that were that were

previously regarded as like elite field

just like Ashley showed us for operating

systems we're trying to replace C++ with

rust recently also JavaScript it's like

it's trying trying to get replaced by

Elm package managers and Linux

distributions are getting replaced by

like nicks it's not widely accepted so

far but and so these talks about letting

adenine other functional tool to that

collection and it's called

we start out to replace gets probably

this goal is as ambitious as for us to

replace it C++ or maybe more but but

anyway so before starting this talk I

just want you all to like get give some

basic concepts about what I well I think

functional programming is so most people

have their own definition feel free to

agree or not with this so I think

functional so by what I like in

functional languages like rust is that

there are static types so we don't like

we can reason about code easily there's

fine control of immutability it's like

we're not mutating some some states all

the time we're just thinking about

transforms and stuff in functions most

operations are atomic which is what most

people use when they use like any

software at all and it's something

that's not really happening in most most

software Mo's tools and we also like

memory safe seaweed we don't want like

you just corrupt our back hand or

correct our storage our files or

something we don't want to lose data

just because we're using it like using

types in the wrong way so how does that

apply to has there any beneficial to

version control well because the way we

use version call today has mostly about

States we're talking about comets

if we use gifts we're talking about

comments and coming so state fool

they're just basically a hash like a

patch to like make it easier to expect

but it's just in optimizations just to

make it easier to store and and their

hash of the whole state the repository

that's where the comment is and will you

commit something you just advance the

head of the repository bye-bye one small

notch and you has to all state of the

repository that's the name of your new

new comment and that's quite different

from patches so patches are all about

transforms they are all about like

bringing like any stays like applying

when you apply a patch you can basically

apply a patch to a file and it's like

that's what most people think um it's

our with the first first discover guess

but but then they realize it's not

that's not the case and so this can have

major benefits like for instance in like

any system that uses three-way merge

such as like git mercurial lesbian CVS

and like most others they don't have

that really cool property that we call

the sensitivity in algebra and that

property is the following so if you have

two of two people at least in Bob and

you're not really good communication

right you're a couple

well at least bride's like the red patch

here and Bob in thrall that writes that

like first a blue patch and then a great

green patch well depending on the order

in which you merge things depending on

what like your merge strategy you might

get different results in three-way merge

like if the patch are exactly the same I

like first I try to merge the blue patch

first and then the green patch

I might guess in get sometimes I might

get different results then if I do the

other you have a theme like on the image

on the top if I merge the two branches I

may get one result and if I merge the

two like the exact same patches and they

are not conflicting they are not like

they are not weird the situation like

you're dealing they're really different

parts of the file sometimes

Bob's patches might get merged in parts

of the files is never seen and when you

consider applying tools like that to

like highly sensitive code such that

it's like cryptography libraries it's

kind of scary but it's like what

everyone does and so

so what's even worse is that you can

actually you can actually tell when this

hits you like if you're a gates user and

this happened to you there's no way it

doesn't wait to tell get says yeah I've

merged it's fine it works and you don't

you don't notice it maybe it maybe it

even complies like there are real-world

examples of this this thing it's not

just an implementation bug that can be

worked around it's like a fundamental

problem in the three-way merge algorithm

all right so we're we're not the first

ones to believe this is wrong there was

another version called system I talked

about in my intro slide which was called

darks it's still still called darks by

the way so they so they are their main

their main principle is that you say two

patches are okayed of like fighting with

each other down conflicts if they

commute so with that that means it's

simply that you can apply them in the

order well then you're like oh they

almost commute it's not exactly like if

for you would like do W RL into algebra

it's not really commuting because you

sometimes you may have to change the

like line numbers like for instance if

Bob at the line called which containing

just F and main and slang one and at

least adds a line that like line 10

saying println hello world when you

merge them well you might have to merge

at least Elise's line after Bob's line

at line 11 instead of 10 but that's what

that's kind of commuting anyway so

that's our that's the situation with

darks when it commutes it's fine

what if it doesn't commute which happens

sometimes well it's an under commanded

part the algorithm so no one really

knows what it does flow home my

co-author on people is one of the core

darks developers and he told me like I

was pretty confident in darks before

they told me at some point yeah

we have no absolutely no clue what it

does it seems to work most of the time

it's like it's highlights conflicts but

we don't really know other than that so

that praises obviously issues about

correctness so the situation with darks

not much much better than we were kids

well at least highlights complex and

warns the user about complex

but then what it does no one knows

another problem is slightly bigger

that's the main reason why darks was in

but I've been done even though it came

before before get is that it sometimes

exponentially slow so exponentially slow

in the size of history number of patches

in their position and so that some

people to device the like merge over

that we can work through where you like

try to synchronize all the patches you

made during the week and instead of

synchronizing like while you're working

on it you're just like waiting for

Friday night to arrive start to merge

like booster patches and well hopefully

by Monday morning when you come back to


well the patches are merged but

sometimes not so this is this is no this

makes it kind of like not really

acceptable and this is also one of the

reasons why we could not convince our

colleagues to out to use it because they

tried to use it

naively thought yeah well patches well

we cannot understand what they are so

let's try to push about bunch of patches

repository and well they were surprised

to have to wait for like half an hour

merge so it's not usually like that like

when we write we're developing people

were using darks to develop it and it's

like we've never had we've never ever

runs you that's brought that problem but

that's also because we're like we know

how it works we know what the drawbacks

are we know when the exponentially is

slow merges happen so but that's not

acceptable like that it's it's not like

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and

that's where people comes in so we try

to after our day trying to convince our

colleagues to use this we just like grab

grab a beer and started discussing about

like the here if patchy is what which

could be like what what good way would

be like you have a cool patch algebra we

could use and that would be simple and

easy to use and that's where we're

starting to learning about category

theory so we don't exactly started

learning learning it back then because

it's a kind of it's now it's not the

easiest theory on earth on earth but

well so whether it is what it is

basically it's a general theory of


of things so clearly theorists like to

see it as like the general theory of

everything the there are numerous

attempts to rewrite all mathematics in a

categorical language and I think it's

pretty successful except that no one can

understand this so it's already well

written we have all mathematics in there

but no one knows what it does all right

so but it's pretty good for us though

because it's a so we're trying to talk

about changes and files and this is a

theory of changes of on things so one

particularly cool concept so this you

can you see all like I I should like

these things in darks these are

commutative diagrams and category

theories try like drawing them basically

all day long if several colleagues

working mates they have their whiteboard

through that these diagrams sometimes in

3d sometimes it like we are interleaved

arrows and no one knows but what they

are doing because they're yeah they're

talking about transformations on things

all right so in particular when very

cool concepts of category theory is the

concept of push out so push have is a

depreciated of two patches is like for

in our particular case the push out of

two patches would be a file such that no

matter what you do after these two

patches that yield the common States

like a common file so if at least in Bob

write some stuff and then later they can

find some patches to agree in a common


well the via star here is a we call it

the push out if you can reach the car

you can reach any common state state in

the future from that star that clear

alright so anything you can do to reach

common stage you can also reach it from

the Prashad so that means the push out

is kind of a minimal common state that

can be like that you that you really

need to reach leg and it's really watch

what we want in a version control system

we really want push out we want minimum

common states that any further

developments any further work in the

repository can also be reached from that

common States that's what a merge

really is and it's it's it's it's so the

run problem is that it's not the case at

all categories have push outs have all -

shouts like we see that like the

translation of that in English is it's

not clear than any editing any - of any

couple of editing operations on a file

will always be merge about like

sometimes we have conflicts we all know

like most programmers know bits are in

conflicts so it's not the case that

tries have piles and patches have old -

shouts but what's cool but category

theory is that there's a solution you

just need to dig into them like pretty

big books of like abstract diagrams that

I don't fit in but then you can

ultimately find something called the

free conservative code completion of a

category and that's a way to

artificially add all push outs into the

category so that means when you when you

have a category of files and passes

between files the free conservative code

completion is a construction that will

automatically give you a category like a

generalized generalization of files so

that's like that generalization will

have all push outs so in people if we

translate it into like files and patches

for instance if Bob adds the line

country like saying just print a line

Bob and at least at the lines in just

print a line at least when they merge

that in people what they get is just a

graph of lines where the two lines are

added they're not comparable if not yet

said what like how they should compare

and how they they should relate to each

other in the file you may be at least is

write anybody's right maybe you're both

right maybe they're both right but in a

different order

you don't mean oh that's a conflict and

so what that theory or the category

theory gives you here as a

generalization of files its which is

well in most cases a little more complex

that gets more the the benefits for a

three lines file or maybe not obvious

but when files get really large it's

it's really great to have that sound

theory that backs you up and right so

that's that's what people is about

that's that's how it works so I want to

say before moving on that this is quite

different from see our LEDs sociology's

are conflict-free replicated data types

and people is more like conflict

tolerant replicated data types so we're

not resolving all the conflicts all the

time we're just rather than that we're

just like accepting conflicts as part of

the system like the data structure can

handle like it can it can represent

conflicts doesn't have to resolve them

all the time and so that's what makes it

fast that's what makes people really

fast because you can apply many patches

they are conflicting but that's alright

and then once you are done applying a

bunch of patches you're you can just

like detect conflicts and I'll put the

files and that's it so what what would

the situation be with theologies if we

were trying to apply your leans to this

problem of like merging patches well in

theory oddities you need to always order

so the way it gets real complex is by

ordering all operation determine

deterministically so it finds whatever

solution like whatever deterministic

merge algorithm they can find to like

just order order things all their

operations in an arbitrary but

deterministic order like for instance we

can have a rule same lease Elisa's

patches always can always come first and

when there are two conflicting patches

from at least I'll just take like take

them in alphabetical order for instance

and so you know in our case that would

like lead to the following file like two

lines one saying print a line at least

one same printer and Bob and the user

would barely see anything they would be

like yeah that's that's it the merge has

succeeded but that doesn't that isn't

really right because that like it the

user should that be we at least be

warned that there's a conflict and they

should do something about it all right

so the end result of that it's well the

fury is a slightly more complicated in

what I've explained but not much more

the result of that is that we developed

a sound theory of fashions

sound the giraffe patches it has the


very cool properties so bear with me for

a moment what I'm right like saying

these like bad words so they're the the

fury is like the or algebra is


it means you can like if pet cheese

don't depend on each other you can apply

them in any order so that's that's what

you would expect from that cheese right

it's associative so we resolved the

initial the initial problem and started

this talk with so you can you can

basically like no matter how you merge

patches if the merge is right like

there's only one solution to merge and

you're not you're like you're not

getting into trouble like by you're

never like do you're never doing what

get does which is like merging things

from Bob in parts of the fight is never

seen that's what associativity is about

and also one very cool property is that

all past is about semantic inverse which

means when you're when you've read in a

patch you can you can derive in other

patch permits that has the like the

opposite effects and then like push it

to other predators you cancel previous

patches the thing is you can since you

can it's it's all commits all

commutative so you can basically compute

an inverse for pets you boost like 1,000

patches ago and it all just works and it

it does even better than just working

it's also pretty fast so merging and

applying patches it's basically the same

operation in our system

well it's possibly the last complicated

slide I've written like there I'll move

on to like easier stuff after that so

our complexity for people we know

complexity here our complexity is like

linear inside of the patch and the guy

with make in the size of history so it's

like it doesn't like you can have an

arbitrarily big history it's not it

doesn't really matter like you can you

can apply the new patch your new patch P

after an arbitrary alerts arbitrarily

large number of patches it doesn't

matter it always works the same like

almost and this is this is actually that

was surprising to us but it's actually

better than three-way merge which also

adds in a like square factor of the size

of the file

that's actually really also observed

that in real world cases where we're

trying to benchmark like in early stages

of our development we were trying to

burnish mark it against like really fast

competitors such as yet and as file size

increase we not we actually noticed the

difference in performance to the point

that people who was actually faster and

get when merging really large patches on

really large price which I'm not really

sure is a real-world case but anyway and

so that brings me to the last part of

this talk so why what made Russ a cool

tool to work with what did we like and

rust and how it helped us build this

this cool new system so one thing is

we're working on our algorithms

mathematical objects and that means we

need types we need to be able to reason

about our code and that's very important

to us like we couldn't really like we

want to develop a sound theory of

patches and we couldn't like the

implement it and then rely on like our

intuition to build correct CC Curcio C++

code that would be like yeah maybe the

theory is correct then what about the

implementation so because we have types

and rust that makes it easy to do so but

we also want to be fast like as I said

like the complexity theory stuff tells

us that we have the we have the

potential to become faster than gates

and we really want to exploit that

potential and we really want to to have

like to be as fast as we can and rust

that I was also asked to do that because

we can add like we can use a like fast

back hands we can add like roll pointers

to like the parameter memory like I'm

Maps and what now

that's really cool and that wasn't the

case in the early prototypes that were

really not in other languages but also

more maybe more importantly so we

started doing that because we couldn't

convince Windows users to install dark

cinder machines and and that's and and

our goal was to be as inclusive as

possible was to like green version

control to everyone but we cannot really

do that if

can only tell you a small portion of

computer users which are like expert

Linux users and so what we really loved

in rust is that we can write clients and

servers for real word protocols so I had

to write some of that myself but it was

actually quite pleasant right but also

yeah there was a there's a Lord unit an

HTTP stack working out pretty well and I

wrote the message library alright and so

we finally got Windows support and so

I'd like to thank the rust developers

for that that's that's really awesome

thanks ok so as part of like what needed

to be Bradon because rust pretty young

language there aren't that many

libraries so there are I just wanted to

conclude with two really hard things

like two really two things that I really

did didn't put didn't think I would have

to write when I when I started its

projects so when as a as a project that

I call sonically I'll just finish word

for dictionary there was infinite time

well security has a transactional on

this b3 with like many others like LM DB

if you know an MV like many other

database backends but it's particularly

is that it has a fork operation that

trends in logarithmic time like a fast

for corporation

so for cooperation means you can clone

the database in like log log in time and

then have two copies of the database

behave as two different databases so I

needed that to implement branches and

still work in progress because it's

really hard to do I'm coming back to it

in a minute

and then there's a another bacterial

agent just like crossed fingers like I

crossed it's called fresh it's nested

current and server library they wrote

it's it's been made like it's really

entirely in rust and it's been it's

gotten rid of all unsafe blocks two

weeks ago thanks to our brian smith

who's not

okay so the trickiest parts the

trickiest thing that I had to do in

where this is sanic area so why was it

tricky well because rust always wants to

free everything before the program

closes and when you're writing a

database back-end it doesn't really

sound right you won't like something to

remain on disk after the program closes

so that was really hard so you have to

do like manual memory management you're

like--you're yourself and that's not

really when you're used to a functional

programming high scale or cameras like

coming back to manual memory management

isn't free Pleasants so how does it work

so I'm going to explain anyway how rust

helped us do that so how does it work

it's just not going to be very technical

here but like most database and Giants

are like sorry some cool database is

enjoying that I liked are based on be

trees so B trees are basically like

trees made of blocks in each block yours

there are like ordered elements there's

no word list of elements there's a

constant number of elements and between

these elements you have pointers to

other other blocks to children blocks

and it's so insertion happens it

believes and then while the blocks plate

when they're gonna get too big but

that's well that's how B trees work

there's a good B tree library in the

standard brush library so now that's

cool but we can actually use it to like

it doesn't allocate inside the files so

yeah it's allocates the program's memory

so we have to write a like a different

like a new library for B trees that

would work in files and so the main

thing I've wish I knew when I started

writing that as about iterators so wait

I'm coming back to it so when when

sometimes in B trees you have to merge

blocks when they're when they get to

like well when they get to like under

fool we have to merge them and something

I wasn't doing in the beginning because

like since since I was doing manual

memory management I figured I could like

like the root

habits came back and I was like okay

let's do manual like manual stuff roll

pointers and manual things and that's

not really the right solution Rus

because you can use like cool right

things anyway even if you have to roll

pointers so main thing I've learned

while doing this is iterators and how to

use them so merging pages like merging

blocks like this can be done in the

following way

so if right you're basically right in

each other like two iterators one for

each page there will like give you yield

like all elements all successive

elements in the two pages and you can

then chain them and add other elements

in the middle that's exactly what you

want to do with your merchant pages and

well deletions and B trees are usually

pretty tricky and that allows you to our

get tested really easily and so the main

reason why I've why I really like this

is that when you're prototyping usually

your your head is kind of in a messy

state and you really don't know what

you're going to so most of the lines

you're writing will be deleted in the

end and you really don't know how to

proceed what to do and so this kind of

hurry concise and and short sorts of

statements allow you to uh to get that

phase and get like production ready code

much much faster because the prototype

start working much much faster another

thing is that I've learned is that well

then I was like oh yeah

so we can have saved I've tried like we

can have cool attractions anyway so then

there has Carol reflexes came back and I

was like oh yeah let's do recursion

let's put in record recursion everywhere

and one thing I've learned is that it's

not always so in Russ you can't you can

write very concise code but the

recursive way is not as surely the most

concise you can do so in sanik area for

instance sometimes we need so it's on

these cried so there's a every time you

load something from this from this kit

like cost you a lot so you want to avoid

like do you avoid doing that at all cost

like and any time you can avoid loading

your page it's a map right so anytime

you can avoid loading your page to the

program's memory you won't really want

to avoid it

and so in order to do that the solutions

that will do things lazily so we're

instead of deleting something or adding

like I think new element to the sabitri

what we're doing is just like we're

doing it lazily that means we're we're

just saying well next time you want to

do something you have to copy too you

have to copy the page and update

everything but just at the time of doing

it not right now because we we don't

really know what we're going through

this page maybe we will merge it maybe

we'll drop it and it would be a huge

waste of time to copy it and then edit

it or or copy it and then merge it that

would be like we would have to copy the

page twice instead of just once so in

order to do that we need to have like

write actually something that looks like

a recursive function well we just have

to the that function which we have

access to several consecutive elements

in the programs call stack and that's

not really easy when you're writing a

like writing it's really recursively so

the way it's done actually at the moment

it's there's a fake call stack it's just

basically an array and the fact that B

trees are well balanced means that there

are not actually they're not actually

going to eat up the world memory of the

computer so you know that the the the

death is not going to be larger than 64

so you can allocate an array on the

stack and and write like how does fall

off a stack pointer so you're basically

simulating the program stack and so that

these are the two main things I wish I

knew when I started writing something

yeah so just why do thank you

especially you're a spell trust

organizers this conference is awesome

we're really enjoying us and if you have

questions I'm really happy you're

answering Thanks
