# Document Title

arXiv:1311.3903v1 [cs.LO] 13 Nov 2013
A Categorical Theory of Patches
Samuel Mimram Cinzia Di Giusto
When working with distant collaborators on the same documents, one
often uses a version control system, which is a program tracking the history
of files and helping importing modifications brought by others as patches.
The implementation of such a system requires to handle lots of situations
depending on the operations performed by users on files, and it is thus
difficult to ensure that all the corner cases have been correctly addressed.
Here, instead of verifying the implementation of such a system, we adopt
a complementary approach: we introduce a theoretical model, which is
defined abstractly by the universal property that it should satisfy, and
work out a concrete description of it. We begin by defining a category of
files and patches, where the operation of merging the effect of two coinitial
patches is defined by pushout. Since two patches can be incompatible,
such a pushout does not necessarily exist in the category, which raises
the question of which is the correct category to represent and manipulate
files in conflicting state. We provide an answer by investigating the free
completion of the category of files under finite colimits, and give an explicit
description of this category: its objects are finite sets labeled by lines
equipped with a transitive relation and morphisms are partial functions
respecting labeling and relations.
1 Introduction
It is common nowadays, when working with distant collaborators on the same
files (multiple authors writing an article together for instance), to use a program
which will track the history of files and handle the operation of importing mod-
ifications of other participants. These software called version control systems
(vcs for short), like git or Darcs, implement two main operations. When a user
is happy with the changes it has brought to the files it can record those changes
in a patch (a file coding the differences between the current version and the last
recorded version) and commit them to a server, called a repository. The user
can also update its current version of the file by importing new patches added
by other users to the repository and applying the corresponding modifications
to the files. One of the main difficulties to address here is that there is no global
notion of “time”: patches are only partially ordered. For instance consider a
repository with one file A and two users u1 and u2. Suppose that u1 modifies
file A into B by committing a patch f , which is then imported by u2, and
∗This work was partially supported by the French project ANR-11-INSE-0007 REVER.
then u1 and u2 concurrently modify the file B into C (resp. D) by committing
a patch g (resp. h). The evolution of the file is depicted on the left and the
partial ordering of patches in the middle:
❆❆❆ h
f O O
g h
✿✿✿ A A ✄✄✄
h/g > > ⑥⑥⑥ D
❆❆❆ h
f O O
Now, suppose that u2 imports the patch g or that u1 imports the patch h.
Clearly, this file resulting from the merging of the two patches should be the
same in both cases, call it E. One way to compute this file, is to say that there
should be a patch h/g, the residual of h after g, which transforms C into E and
has the “same effect” as h once g has been applied, and similarly there should be
a patch g/h transforming D into E. Thus, after each user has imported changes
from the other, the evolution of the file is as pictured on the right above. In
this article, we introduce a category L whose objects are files and morphisms
are patches. Since residuals should be computed in the most general way, we
formally define them as the arrows of pushout cocones, i.e. the square in the
figure on the right should be a pushout.
However, as expected, not every pair of coinitial morphisms have a pushout
in the category L: this reflects the fact that two patches can be conflicting (for
instance if two users modify the same line of a file). Representing and handling
such conflicts in a coherent way is one of the most difficult part of implementing
a vcs (as witnessed for instance by the various proposals for Darcs: mergers,
conflictors, graphictors, etc. [10]). In order to be able to have a representation
for all conflicting files, we investigate the free completion of the category L
under all pushouts, this category being denoted P, which corresponds to adding
all conflicting files to the category, in the most general way as possible. This
category can easily be shown to exist for general abstract reasons, and one
of the main contributions of this work is to provide an explicit description by
applying the theory of presheaves. This approach paves the way towards the
implementation of a vcs whose correctness is deduced from universal categorical
Related work. The Darcs community has investigated a formalization of pat-
ches based on commutation properties [10]. Operational transformations tackle
essentially the same issues by axiomatizing the notion of residual patches [9].
In both cases, the fact that residual should form a pushout cocone is never
explicitly stated, excepting in informal sentences saying that “g/f should have
the same effect as g once f has been applied”. We should also mention another
interesting approach to the problem using inverse semigroups in [4]. Finally,
Houston has proposed a category with pushouts, similar to ours, in order to
model conflicting files [3], see Section 6.
Plan of the paper. We begin by defining a category L of files and patches in
Section 2. Then, in Section 3, we abstractly define the category P of conflicting
files obtained by free finite cocompletion. Section 4 provides a concrete descrip-
tion of the construction in the simpler case where patches can only insert lines.
We give some concrete examples in Section 5 and adapt the framework to the
general case in Section 6. We conclude in Section 7.
2 Categories of files and patches
In this section, we investigate a model for a simplified vcs: it handles only one
file and the only allowed operations are insertion and deletion of lines (modi-
fication of a line can be encoded by a deletion followed by an insertion). We
suppose fixed a set L = {a, b, . . .} of lines (typically words over an alphabet of
characters). A file A is a finite sequence of lines, which will be seen as a function
A : [n] → L for some number of lines n ∈ N, where the set [n] = {0, 1, . . . , n − 1}
indexes the lines of the files. For instance, a file A with three lines such that
A(0) = a, A(1) = b and A(2) = c models the file abc. Given a ∈ L, we some-
times simply write a for the file A : [1] → L such that A(0) = a. A morphism
between two files A : [m] → L and B : [n] → L is an injective increasing partial
function f : [m] → [n] such that ∀i ∈ [m], B ◦ f (i) = A(i) whenever f (i) is
defined. Such a morphism is called a patch.
Definition 1. The category L has files as objects and patches as morphisms.
Notice that the category L is strictly monoidal with [m] ⊗ [n] = [m + n] and
for every file A : [m] → L and B : [n] → L, (A ⊗ B)(i) = A(i) if i < m and
(A ⊗ B)(i) = B(i − m) otherwise, the unit being the empty file I : [0] → L, and
tensor being defined on morphisms in the obvious way. The following proposition
shows that patches are generated by the operations of inserting and deleting a
Proposition 2. The category L is the free monoidal category containing L as
objects and containing, for every line a ∈ L, morphisms ηa : I → a (insertion
of a line a) and εa : a → I (deletion of a line a) such that εa ◦ ηa = idI (deleting
an inserted line amounts to do nothing).
Example 3. The patch corresponding to transforming the file abc into dadeb,
by deleting the line c and inserting the lines labeled by d and e, is modeled by
the partial function f : [3] → [5] such that f (0) = 1 and f (1) = 4 and f (2) is
undefined. Graphically,
The deleted line is the one on which f is not defined and the inserted lines are
those which are not in the image of f . In other words, f keeps track of the
unchanged lines.
In order to increase readability, we shall consider the particular case where L
is reduced to a single element. In this unlabeled case, the objects of L can be
identified with integers (the labeling function is trivial), and Proposition 2 can
be adapted to achieve the following description of the category, see also [6].
Proposition 4. If L is reduced to a singleton, the category L is the free category
whose objects are integers and morphisms are generated by sn
i : n → n + 1 and
i : n + 1 → n for every n ∈ N and i ∈ [n + 1] (respectively corresponding to
insertion and deletion of a line at i-th position), subject to the relations
i sn
j = sn+1
j+1 sn
i dn
i sn
i = idn dn
i dn+1
j = dn
j dn+1
i+1 (1)
whenever 0 ≤ i ≤ j < n.
We will also consider the subcategory L+ of L, with same objects, and to-
tal injective increasing functions as morphisms. This category models patches
where the only possible operation is the insertion of lines: Proposition 2 can be
adapted to show that L+ is the free monoidal category containing morphisms
ηa : I → a and, in the unlabeled case, Proposition 4 can be similarly adapted
to show that it is the free category generated by morphisms sn
i : n → n + 1
satisfying sn+1
i sn
j = sn+1
j+1 sn
i with 0 ≤ i ≤ j < n.
3 Towards a category of conflicting files
Suppose that A is a file which is edited by two users, respectively applying
patches f1 : A → A1 and f2 : A → A2 to the file. For instance,
a c c b f1
←− a b f2
−→ a b c d (2)
Now, each of the two users imports the modification from the other one. The
resulting file, after the import, should be the smallest file containing both mod-
ifications on the original file: accbcd. It is thus natural to state that it should
be a pushout of the diagram (2). Now, it can be noticed that not every diagram
in L has a pushout. For instance, the diagram
a c b f1
←− a b f2
−→ a d b (3)
does not admit a pushout in L. In this case, the two patches f1 and f2 are said
to be conflicting.
In order to represent the state of files after applying two conflicting patches,
we investigate the definition of a category P which is obtained by completing
the category L under all pushouts. Since, this completion should also contain
an initial object (i.e. the empty file), we are actually defining the category P as
the free completion of L under finite colimits: recall that a category is finitely
cocomplete (has all finite colimits) if and only if it has an initial object and is
closed under pushouts [6]. Intuitively, this category is obtained by adding files
whose lines are not linearly ordered, but only partially ordered, such as on the
left of a


 ❁❁❁ d

<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> 5c55...
which would intuitively model the pushout of the diagram (3) if it existed,
indicating that the user has to choose between c and d for the second line.
Notice the similarities with the corresponding textual notation in git on the
right. The name of the category L reflects the facts that its objects are files
whose lines are linearly ordered, whereas the objects of P can be thought as files
whose lines are only partially ordered. More formally, the category is defined
as follows.
Definition 5. The category P is the free finite conservative cocompletion of L:
it is (up to equivalence of categories) the unique finitely cocomplete category
together with an embedding functor y : L → P preserving finite colimits, such
that for every finitely cocomplete category C and functor F : L → C preserv-
ing finite colimits, there exists, up to unique isomorphism, a unique functor
˜F : P → C preserving finite colimits and satisfying ˜F ◦ y = F :
F / / C
P ˜F
Above, the term conservative refers to the fact that we preserve colimits which
already exist in L (we will only consider such completions here). The “standard”
way to characterize the category P, which always exists, is to use the following
folklore theorem, often attributed to Kelly [5, 1]:
Theorem 6. The conservative cocompletion of the category L is equivalent to
the full subcategory of ˆL whose objects are presheaves which preserve finite limits,
i.e. the image of a limit in Lop (or equivalently a colimit in L) is a limit in Set
(and limiting cones are transported to limiting cones). The finite conservative
cocompletion P can be obtained by further restricting to presheaves which are
finite colimits of representables.
Example 7. The category FinSet of finite sets and functions is the conservative
cocompletion of the terminal category 1.
We recall that the category ˆL of presheaves over L, is the category of functors
Lop → Set and natural transformations between them. The Yoneda functor
y : L → ˆL defined on objects n ∈ L by yn = L(−, n), and on morphisms
by postcomposition, provides a full and faithful embedding of L into the cor-
responding presheaf category, and can be shown to corestrict into a functor
y : L → P [1]. A presheaf of the form yn for some n ∈ L is called representable.
Extracting a concrete description of the category P from the above propo-
sition is a challenging task, because we a priori need to characterize firstly all
diagrams admitting a colimit in L, and secondly all presheaves in ˆL which pre-
serve those diagrams. This paper introduces a general methodology to build
such a category. In particular, perhaps a bit surprisingly, it turns out that
we have to “allow cycles” in the objects of the category P, which will be de-
scribed as the category whose objects are finite sets labeled by lines together with
a transitive relation and morphisms are partial functions respecting labels and
4 A cocompletion of files and insertions of lines
In order to make our presentation clearer, we shall begin our investigation of the
category P in a simpler case, which will be generalized in Section 6: we compute
the free finite cocompletion of the category L+ (patches can only insert lines)
in the case where the set of labels is a singleton. To further lighten notations,
in this section, we simply write L for this category.
We sometimes characterize the objects in L as finite colimits of objects in a
subcategory G of L. This category G is the full subcategory of L whose objects
are 1 and 2: it is the free category on the graph 1 / / / / 2 , the two arrows
being s1
0 and s1
1. The category ˆG of presheaves over G is the category of graphs:
a presheaf P ∈ ˆG is a graph with P (1) as vertices, P (2) as edges, the functions
P (s1
1) and P (s1
0) associate to a vertex its source and target respectively, and
morphisms correspond to usual morphisms of graphs. We denote by x ։ y a
path going from a vertex x to a vertex y in such a graph. The inclusion functor
I : G → L induces, by precomposition, a functor I∗ : ˆL → ˆG. The image
of a presheaf in ˆL under this functor is called its underlying graph. By well
known results about presheaves categories, this functor admits a right adjoint
I∗ : ˆG → ˆL: given a graph G ∈ ˆG, its image under the right adjoint is the
presheaf G∗ ∈ ˆL such that for every n ∈ N, G∗(n + 1) is the set of paths of
length n in the graph G, with the expected source maps, and G∗(0) is reduced
to one element.
Recall that every functor F : C → D induces a nerve functor NF : D → ˆC
defined on an object A ∈ C by NF (A) = D(F −, A) [7]. Here, we will consider
the nerve NI : L → ˆG associated to the inclusion functor I : G → L. An easy
computation shows that the image NI (n) of n ∈ L is a graph with n vertices,
so that its objects are isomorphic to [n], and there is an arrow i → j for every
i, j ∈ [n] such that i < j. For instance,
NI (3) = 0 / / 6 6 1 / / 2 NI (4) = 0 / / ( ( 4 4 1 / / ( ( 2 / / 3
It is, therefore, easy to check that this embedding is full and faithful, i.e. mor-
phisms in L correspond to natural transformations in ˆG. Moreover, since NI (1)
is the graph reduced to a vertex and NI (2) is the graph reduced to two vertices
and one arrow between them, every graph can be obtained as a finite colimit of
the graphs NI (1) and NI (2) by “gluing arrows along vertices”. For instance, the
initial graph NI (0) is the colimit of the empty diagram, and the graph NI (3) is
the colimit of the diagram
NI (2) NI (2)
NI (1)
NI (s1 ) , , ❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳
NI (s1 ) 6 6❧❧❧❧ NI (1)
NI (s0 )hh❘❘❘❘ NI (s1) 6 6❧❧❧❧ NI (1)
NI (s0 )hh❘❘❘❘
NI (s0 )rr❢❢❢❢❢❢❢❢❢❢❢❢❢❢
NI (2)
which may also be drawn as on the left of
: ✈✈✈✈ f f ◆◆◆◆ 8 8 ♣♣♣♣ d d ❍❍❍❍
2 2
✁✁✁ 1
❂❂❂ @ @ ✁✁✁ 1
by drawing the graphs NI (0) and NI (1). Notice, that the object 3 is the col-
imit of the corresponding diagram in L (on the right), and this is generally
true for all objects of L, moreover this diagram is described by the functor
El(NI (3)) π
−→ L. The notation El(P ) refers to the category of elements of a
presheaf P ∈ ˆC, whose objects are pairs (A, p) with A ∈ C and p ∈ P (A)
and morphisms f : (A, p) → (B, q) are morphisms f : A → B in C such that
P (f )(q) = p, and π is the first projection functor. The functor I : G → L is
thus a dense functor in the sense of Definition 9 below, see [7] for details.
Proposition 8. Given a functor F : C → D, with D cocomplete, the associated
nerve NF : D → ˆC admits a left adjoint RF : ˆC → D called the realization
along F . This functor is defined on objects P ∈ ˆC by
RF (P ) = colim(El(P ) π
−→ C F
−→ D)
Proof. Given a presheaf P ∈ ˆC and an object D, it can be checked directly that
morphisms P → NF D in ˆC with cocones from El(P ) D
−→ to D, which in turn
are in bijection with morphisms RF (P ) → D in D, see [7].
Definition 9. A functor F : C → D is dense if it satisfies one of the two
equivalent conditions:
(i) the associated nerve functor NF : D → ˆC is full and faithful,
(ii) every object of D is canonically a colimit of objects in C: for every D ∈ D,
D ∼= colim(El(NF D) π
−→ C F
−→ D) (5)
Since the functor I is dense, every object of L is a finite colimit of objects
in G, and G does not have any non-trivial colimit. One could expect the free
conservative finite cocompletion of L to be the free finite cocompletion P of G.
We will see that this is not the case because the image in L of a non-trivial
diagram in G might still have a colimit. By Theorem 6, the category P is the
full subcategory of ˆL of presheaves preserving limits, which we now describe
explicitly. This category will turn out to be equivalent to a full subcategory
of ˆG (Theorem 15). We should first remark that those presheaves satisfy the
following properties:
Proposition 10. Given a presheaf P ∈ ˆL which is an object of P,
1. the underlying graph of P is finite,
2. for each non-empty path x ։ y there exists exactly one edge x → y (in
particular there is at most one edge between two vertices),
3. P (n + 1) is the set of paths of length n in the underlying graph of P ,
and P (0) is reduced to one element.
Proof. We suppose given a presheaf P ∈ P, it preserves limits by Theorem 6.
The diagram on the left
2 = = ③③③ 2
❉❉❉ s1
P (3)
P (2)
P (s2
P (2)
P (s2
0 )▼▼
P (1)
&P (s1
▼▼ x x P (s1
1 )
is a pushout in L, or equivalently the dual diagram is a pullback in Lop. There-
fore, writing D for the diagram 2 1
oo s1
1 / / 2 in L, a presheaf P ∈ P should satisfy
P ((colim D)op) ∼= lim P (Dop), i.e. the above pushout diagram in L should be
transported by P into the pullback diagram in Set depicted on the right of the
above figure. This condition can be summarized by saying that P should satisfy
the isomorphism P (3) ∼= P (2) ×P (1) P (2) (and this isomorphism should respect
obvious source and target maps given by the fact that the functor P should
send a limiting cone to a limiting cone). From this fact, one can deduce that
the elements α of P (3) are in bijection with the paths x → y → z of length 2
in the underlying graph of P going from x = P (s2
1)(α) to z = P (s2
0)(α). In
particular, this implies that for any path α = x → y → z of length 2 in the
underlying graph of P , there exists an edge x → z, which is P (s2
1)(α). More
generally, given any integer n > 1, the object n + 1 is the colimit in L of the
2 2 2 2
1 ; ; ①①① 1
0cc❋❋❋ s1
1 ; ; ①①① s1
0aa❈❈❈❈ . . .
1 = = ④④④④ 1
0cc❋❋❋ s1
1 ; ; ①①① 1
0cc❋❋❋ (6)
with n + 1 occurrences of the object 1, and n occurrences of the object 2.
Therefore, for every n ∈ N, P (n+ 1) is isomorphic to the set of paths of length n
in the underlying graph. Moreover, since the diagram
2 2 2 2
1 , , ❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩
1 < < ②②② 1
0bb❊❊❊ s1
1 < < ②②② s1
0``❇❇❇ . . .
1 > > ⑤⑤⑤ 1
0bb❊❊❊ s1
1 < < ②②② 1
with n + 1 occurrences of the object 1 also admits the object n + 1 as colimit,
we should have P (n + 1) ∼= P (n + 1) × P (2) between any two vertices x and y,
i.e. for every non-empty path x ։ y there exists exactly one edge x → y. Also,
since the object 0 is initial in L, it is the colimit of the empty diagram. The
set P (0) should thus be the terminal set, i.e. reduced to one element. Finally,
since I is dense, P should be a finite colimit of the representables NI (1) and
NI (2), the set P (1) is necessarily finite, as well as the set P (2) since there is at
most one edge between two vertices.
Conversely, we wish to show that the conditions mentioned in the above
proposition exactly characterize the presheaves in P among those in ˆL. In order
to prove so, by Theorem 6, we have to show that presheaves P satisfying these
conditions preserve finite limits in L, i.e. that for every finite diagram D : J → L
admitting a colimit we have P (colim D) ∼= lim(P ◦ Dop). It seems quite difficult
to characterize the diagrams admitting a colimit in L, however the following
lemma shows that it is enough to check diagrams “generated” by a graph which
admits a colimit.
Lemma 11. A presheaf P ∈ ˆL preserves finite limits if and only if it sends the
colimits of diagrams of the form
El(G) πG
−−→ G I
−→ L (8)
to limits in Set, where G ∈ ˆG is a finite graph such that the above diagram
admits a colimit. Such a diagram in L is said to be generated by the graph G.
Proof. In order to check that a presheaf P ∈ ˆL preserves finite limits, we have
to check that it sends colimits of finite diagrams in L which admit a colimit
to limits in Set, and therefore we have to characterize diagrams which admit
colimits in L. Suppose given a diagram K : J → L. Since I is dense, every
object of linear is a colimit of a diagram involving only the objects 1 and 2 (see
Definition 9). We can therefore suppose that this is the case in the diagram K.
Finally, it can be shown that diagram K admits the same colimits as a diagram
containing only s1
0 and s1
1 as arrows (these are the only non-trivial arrows in L
whose source and target are 1 or 2), in which every object 2 is the target of
exactly one arrow s1
0 and one arrow s1
1. For instance, the diagram in L below
on the left admits the same colimits as the diagram in the middle.
2 3
2 s1
1 @ @ ✁✁✁ 1

2 2 2
1 @ @ ✁✁✁ 1
1 @ @ ✁✁✁
1 & & ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 1
1 @ @ ✁✁✁ 1
0 / / 1 / / 6 6 2 / / 3
Any such diagram K is obtained by gluing a finite number of diagrams of the
form 1 s1
1 / / 2 1
oo along objects 1, and is therefore of the form El(G) π
−→ G I
−→ L
for some finite graph G ∈ ˆG: the objects of G are the objects 1 in K, the edges of
G are the objects 2 in K and the source and target of an edge 2 are respectively
given by the sources of the corresponding arrows s1
1 and s1
0 admitting it as target.
For instance, the diagram in the middle above is generated by the graph on the
right. The fact that every diagram is generated by a presheaf (is a discrete
fibration) also follows more abstractly and generally from the construction of
the comprehensive factorization system on Cat [8, 11].
Among diagrams generated by graphs, those admitting a colimit can be
characterized using the following proposition:
Lemma 12. Given a graph G ∈ ˆG, the associated diagram (8) admits a colimit
in L if and only if there exists n ∈ L and a morphism f : G → NI n in ˆL
such that every morphism g : G → NI m in ˆL, with m ∈ L, factorizes uniquely
through NI n: G f/ /
2 2
NI n / / NI m
Proof. Follows from the existence of a partially defined left adjoint to NI , in
the sense of [8], given by the fact that I is dense (see Definition 9).
We finally arrive at the following concrete characterization of diagrams admit-
ting colimits:
Lemma 13. A finite graph G ∈ ˆG induces a diagram (8) in L which admits a
colimit if and only if it is “tree-shaped”, i.e. it is
1. acyclic: for any vertex x, the only path x ։ x is the empty path,
2. connected: for any pair of vertices x and y there exists a path x ։ y or a
path y ։ x.
Proof. Given an object n ∈ L, recall that NI n is the graph whose objects are
elements of [n] and there is an arrow i → j if and only if i < j. Given a finite
graph G, morphisms f : G → NI n are therefore in bijection with functions
f : VG → [n], where VG denotes the set of vertices of G, such that f (x) < f (y)
whenever there exists an edge x → y (or equivalently, there exists a non-empty
path x ։ y).
Consider a finite graph G ∈ ˆG, by Lemma 12, it induces a diagram (8)
admitting a colimit if there is a universal arrow f : G → NI n with n ∈ L. From
this it follows that the graph is acyclic: otherwise, we would have a non-empty
path x ։ x for some vertex x, which would imply f (x) < f (x). Similarly,
suppose that G is a graph with vertices x and y such that there is no path
x ։ y or y ։ x, and there is an universal morphism f : G → NI n for some
n ∈ L. Suppose that f (x) ≤ f (y) (the case where f (y) ≤ f (x) is similar). We
can define a morphism g : G → NI (n + 1) by g(z) = f (z) + 1 if there is a path
x ։ z, g(y) = f (x) and g(z) = f (z) otherwise. This morphism is easily checked
to be well-defined. Since we always have f (x) ≤ f (y) and g(x) > g(y), there is
no morphism h : NI n → NI (n + 1) such that h ◦ f = g.
Conversely, given a finite acyclic connected graph G, the relation ≤ defined
on morphisms by x ≤ y whenever there exists a path x ։ y is a total order.
Writing n for the number of vertices in G, the function f : G → NI n, which to
a vertex associates the number of vertices strictly below it wrt ≤, is universal
in the sense of Lemma 12.
Proposition 14. The free conservative finite cocompletion P of L is equiva-
lent to the full subcategory of ˆL whose objects are presheaves P satisfying the
conditions of Proposition 10.
Proof. By Lemma 11, the category P is equivalent to the full subcategory of ˆL
whose objects are presheaves preserving limits of diagrams of the form (8) gen-
erated by some graph G ∈ ˆG which admits a colimit, i.e. by Lemma 13 the finite
graphs which are acyclic and connected. We write Gn for the graph with [n]
as vertices and edges i → (i + 1) for 0 ≤ i < n − 1. It can be shown that any
acyclic and connected finite graph can be obtained from the graph Gn, for some
n ∈ N, by iteratively adding an edge x → y for some vertices x and y such
that there exists a non-empty path x ։ y. Namely, suppose given an acyclic
and connected finite graph G. The relation ≤ on its vertices, defined by x ≤ y
whenever there exists a path x ։ y, is a total order, and therefore the graph G
contains Gn, where n is the number of edges of G. An edge in G which is not
in Gn is necessarily of the form x → y with x ≤ y, otherwise it would not be
acyclic. Since by Proposition 10, see (7), the diagram generated by a graph of
the form . . .
is preserved by presheaves in P (which corresponds to adding an edge between
vertices at the source and target of a non-empty path), it is enough to show
that presheaves in P preserve diagrams generated by graphs Gn. This follows
again by Proposition 10, see (6).
One can notice that a presheaf P ∈ P is characterized by its underlying
graph since P (0) is reduced to one element and P (n) with n > 2 is the set of
paths of length n in this underlying graph: P ∼= I∗(I∗P ). We can therefore
simplify the description of the cocompletion of L as follows:
Theorem 15. The free conservative finite cocompletion P of L is equivalent to
the full subcategory of the category ˆG of graphs, whose objects are finite graphs
such that for every non-empty path x ։ y there exists exactly one edge x → y.
Equivalently, it can be described as the category whose objects are finite sets
equipped with a transitive relation <, and functions respecting relations.
In this category, pushouts can be explicitly described as follows:
Proposition 16. With the last above description, the pushout of a diagram in
P (B, <B ) f
←− (A, <A) g
−→ (C, <C ) is B ⊎ C/ ∼ with B ∋ b ∼ c ∈ C whenever
there exists a ∈ A with f (a) = b and f (a) = c, equipped with the transitive
closure of the relation inherited by <B and <C .
Lines with labels. The construction can be extended to the labeled case (i.e. L is
not necessarily a singleton). The forgetful functor ˆL → Set sending a presheaf P
to the set P (1) admits a right adjoint ! : Set → ˆL. Given n ∈ N∗ the elements
of !L(n) are words u of length n over L, with !L(sn−1
i )(u) being the word ob-
tained from u by removing the i-th letter. The free conservative finite cocomple-
tion P of L is the slice category L/!L, whose objects are pairs (P, ℓ) consisting
of a finite presheaf P ∈ ˆL together with a labeling morphism ℓ : P → !L of
presheaves. Alternatively, the description of Proposition 15 can be straightfor-
wardly adapted by labeling the elements of the objects by elements of L (labels
should be preserved by morphisms), thus justifying the use of labels for the
vertices in following examples.
5 Examples
In this section, we give some examples of merging (i.e. pushout) of patches.
Example 17. Suppose that starting from a file ab, one user inserts a line a′ at
the beginning and c in the middle, while another one inserts a line d in the
middle. After merging the two patches, the resulting file is the pushout of
which is
c d
Example 18. Write G1 for the graph with one vertex and no edges, and G2 for
the graph with two vertices and one edge between them. We write s, t : G1 → G2
for the two morphisms in P. Since P is finitely cocomplete, there is a coproduct
G1 + G1 which gives, by universal property, an arrow seq : G1 + G1 → G2:
s 8 8 rrrrr / / G1 + G1
seq O O
tff▲▲▲▲▲ or graphically s
< < ②②②②②②②② / /
o t
that we call the sequentialization morphism. This morphism corresponds to the
following patch: given two possibilities for a line, a user can decide to turn them
into two consecutive lines. We also write seq′ : G1 + G1 → G2 for the morphism
obtained similarly by exchanging s and t in the above cocone. Now, the pushout
of seq
←−− seq′
−−→ is
which illustrates how cyclic graphs appear in P during the cocompletion of L.
Example 19. With the notations of the previous example, by taking the co-
product of two copies of idG1 : G1 → G1, there is a universal morphism
G1 + G1 → G1, which illustrates how two independent lines can be merged
by a patch (in order to resolve conflicts).
< < ②②②②②②②②② / /
o id•
6 Handling deletions of lines
All the steps performed in previous sections in order to compute the free con-
servative finite cocompletion of the category L+ can be adapted in order to
compute the cocompletion P of the category L as introduced in Definition 1,
thus adding support for deletion of lines in patches. In particular, the general-
ization of the description given by Theorem 15 turns out to be as follows.
Theorem 20. The free conservative finite cocompletion P of the category L
is the category whose objects are triples (A, <, ℓ) where A is a finite set of
lines, < is a transitive relation on A and ℓ : A → L associates a label to
each line, and morphisms f : (A, <A, ℓA) → (B, <B , ℓB ) are partial functions
f : A → B such that for every a, a′ ∈ A both admitting an image under f , we
have ℓB (f (a)) = ℓA(a), and a <A a′ implies f (a) <B f (a′).
Similarly, pushouts in this category can be computed as described in Proposi-
tion 16, generalized in the obvious way to partial functions.
Example 21. Suppose that starting from a file abc, one user inserts a line d
after a and the other one deletes the line b. The merging of the two patches
(in P′) is the pushout of
which is
i.e. the file adc. Notice that the morphism f2 is partial: b has no image.
Interestingly, a category very similar to the one we have described in The-
orem 20 was independently proposed by Houston [3] based on a construction
performed in [2] for modeling asynchronous processes. This category is not
equivalent to ours because morphisms are reversed partial functions: it is thus
not the most general model (in the sense of being the free finite cocomple-
tion). As a simplified explanation for this, consider the category FinSet which
is the finite cocompletion of 1. This category is finitely complete (in addition
to cocomplete), thus FinSetop is finitely cocomplete and 1 embeds fully and
faithfully in it. However, FinSetop is not the finite cocompletion of 1. Another
way to see this is that this category does not contain the “merging” morphism
of Example 19, but it contains a dual morphism “duplicating” lines.
7 Concluding remarks and future works
In this paper, we have detailed how we could derive from universal constructions
a category which suitably models files resulting from conflicting modifications.
It is finitely cocomplete, thus the merging of any modifications of the file is
We believe that the interest of our methodology lies in the fact that it adapts
easily to other more complicated base categories L than the two investigated
here: in future works, we should explain how to extend the model in order
to cope with multiple files (which can be moved, deleted, etc.), different file
types (containing text, or more structured data such as xml trees). Also, the
structure of repositories (partially ordered sets of patches) is naturally modeled
by event structures labeled by morphisms in P, which will be detailed in future
works, as well as how to model usual operations on repositories: cherry-picking
(importing only one patch from another repository), using branches, removing
a patch, etc. It would also be interesting to explore axiomatically the addition
of inverses for patches, following other works hinted at in the introduction.
Once the theoretical setting is clearly established, we plan to investigate
algorithmic issues (in particular, how to efficiently represent and manipulate the
conflicting files, which are objects in P). This should eventually serve as a basis
for the implementation of a theoretically sound and complete distributed version
control system (no unhandled corner-cases as in most current implementations
of vcs).
Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank P.-A. Melli`es, E. Haucourt,
T. Heindel, T. Hirschowitz and the anonymous reviewers for their enlightening
comments and suggestions.
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A A geometric interpretation of presheaves on L+
Since presheaf categories are sometimes a bit difficult to grasp, we recall here the
geometric interpretation that can be done for presheaves in ˆL+. We forget about
labels of lines and for simplicity suppose that the empty file is not allowed (the
objects are strictly positive integers). In this section, we denote this category
by L. The same reasoning can be performed on the usual category L+, and
even L, but the geometrical explanation is a bit more involved to describe.
In this case, the presheaves in ˆL can easily be described in geometrical
terms: the elements P of ˆL are presimplicial sets. Recall from Proposition 4
that the category L is the free category whose objects are strictly positive
natural integers, containing for every integers n ∈ N∗ and i ∈ [n + 1] mor-
phisms sn
i : n → n + 1, subject to the relations sn+1
i sn
j = sn+1
j+1 sn
i when-
ever 0 ≤ i ≤ j < n. Writing y : L → ˆL for the Yoneda embedding, a repre-
sentable presheaf y(n + 1) ∈ ˆLfin
+ can be pictured geometrically as an n-simplex:
a 0-simplex is a point, a 1-simplex is a segment, a 2-simplex is a (filled) triangle,
a 3-simplex is a (filled) tetrahedron, etc.:
y(1) y(2) y(3) y(4)
Notice that the n-simplex has n faces which are (n − 1)-dimensional simplices,
and these are given by the image under y(sn
i ), with i ∈ [n], of the unique el-
ement of y(n + 1)(n + 1): the i-th face of an n-simplex is the (n − 1)-simplex
obtained by removing the i-th vertex from the simplex. More generally, a
b c
j α
presheaf P ∈ ˆLfin
+ (a finite presimplicial set) is a finite colimit
of representables: every such presheaf can be pictured as a glu-
ing of simplices. For instance, the half-filled square on the right
corresponds to the presimplicial set P with P (1) = {a, b, c, d},
P (2) = {f, g, h, i, j}, P (3) = {α} with faces P (s1
1)(f ) = a,
P (s1
0)(f ) = b, etc.
Similarly, in the labeled case, a labeled presheaf (P, ℓ) ∈ L/! can be pic-
tured as a presimplicial set whose vertices (0-simplices) are labeled by elements
of L. The word labeling of higher-dimensional simplices can then be
deduced by concatenating the labels of the vertices it has as iterated
faces. For instance, an edge (a 1-simplex) whose source is labeled
by a and target is labeled by b is necessarily labeled by the word
ab, etc.
More generally, presheaves in L+ can be pictured as augmented presimplicial
sets and presheaves in L as augmented simplicial sets, a description of those can
for instance be found in Hatcher’s book Algebraic Topology.
B Proofs of classical propositions
In this section, we briefly recall proofs of well-known propositions as our proofs
rely on a fine understanding of those. We refer the reader to [7] for further
Proposition 8 Given a functor F : C → D, with D cocomplete, the associated
nerve NF : D → ˆC admits a left adjoint RF : ˆC → D called the realization
along F . This functor is defined on objects P ∈ ˆC by
RF (P ) = colim(El(P ) π
−→ C F
−→ D)
Proof. In order to show the adjunction, we have to construct a natural family of
isormorphisms D(RF (P ), D) ∼= ˆC(P, NF D) indexed by a presheaf P ∈ ˆC and an
object D ∈ D. A natural transformation θ ∈ ˆC(P, NF D) is a family of functions
(θC : P C → NF DC)C∈C such that for every morphism f : C′ → C in C the
P (C)
P (f )  
θC / / D(F C, D)
D(F f,D)
P (C′) θC′
/ / D(F C′, D)
commutes. It can also be seen as a family (θC (p) : F C → D)(C,p)∈El(P ) of
morphisms in D such that the diagram
F C θC (p)
F C′
F f
θC′ (P (f )(p))
or equivalently
F πP (C, p) θC (p)
F πP (C′, p′)
F πP f
θC′ (p′ )
commutes for every morphism f : C′ → C in C. This thus defines a co-
cone from F πP : El(P ) → D to D, and those cocones are in bijection with
morphisms RF (P ) → D by definition of RF (P ) as a colimit: we have shown
D(RF (P ), D) ∼= ˆC(P, NF (D)), from which we conclude.
The equivalence between the two conditions of Definition 9 can be shown as
Proposition 22. Given a functor F : C → D, the two following conditions are
(i) the associated nerve functor NF : D → ˆC is full and faithful,
(ii) every object of D is canonically a colimit of objects in C: for every D ∈ D,
D ∼= colim(El(NF D) π
−→ C F
−→ D)
Proof. In the case where D is cocomplete, the nerve functor NF : D → ˆC admits
RF : ˆC → D as right adjoint, and the equivalence amounts to showing that the
right adjoint is full and faithful if and only if the counit is an isomorphism,
which is a classical theorem [6, Theorem IV.3.1]. The construction can be
adapted to the general case where D is not necessarily cocomplete by considering
colim(El(−) π
−→ C F
−→ D) : ˆC → D as a partially defined left adjoint (see [8]) and
generalizing the theorem.
C Proofs of the construction of the finite cocom-
Lemma 11 A presheaf P ∈ ˆL preserves finite limits, if and only if it sends the
colimits of diagrams of the form
El(G) πG
−−→ G I
−→ L
to limits in Set, where G ∈ ˆG is a finite graph such that the above diagram
admits a colimit. Such a diagram in L is said to be generated by the graph G.
Proof. In order to check that a presheaf P ∈ ˆL preserves finite limits, we have
to check that it sends colimits of finite diagrams in L which admit a colimit
to limits in Set, and therefore we have to characterize diagrams which admit
colimits in L. The number of diagrams to check can be reduced by using the
facts that limits commute with limits [6]. For instance, the inclusion functor
I : G → L is dense, which implies that every object n ∈ L is canonically a
colimit of the objects 1 and 2 by the formula n ∼= colim(El(NI n) π
−→ G I
−→ L),
see Definition 9. Thus, given a finite diagram K : J → L, we can replace any
object n different from 1 and 2 occurring in the diagram by the corresponding
diagram El(NI n) π
−→ G I
−→ L, thus obtaining a new diagram K′ : J → L which
admits the same colimit as K. This shows that P will preserve finite limits if
and only if it preserves limits of finite diagrams in L in which the only occurring
objects are 1 and 2. Since the only non-trivial arrows in L between the objects
1 and 2 are s1
0, s1
1 : 1 → 2, and removing an identity arrow in a diagram does
not change its colimit, the diagram K can thus be assimilated to a bipartite
graph with vertices labeled by 1 or 2 and edges labeled by s1
0 or s1
1, all edges
going from vertices 1 to vertices 2.
We can also reduce the number diagrams to check by remarking that some
pairs of diagrams are “equivalent” in the sense that their image under P have
the same limit, independently of P . For instance, consider a diagram in which
an object 2 is the target of two arrows labeled by s1
0 (on the left). The diagram
obtained by identifying the two arrows along with the objects 1 in their source
(on the right) can easily be checked to be equivalent by constructing a bijection
between cocones of the first and cocones of the second.
2 ... 2 2 2 ... 2
5 ...
@ 1
8 1
^ s1
✁✁✁ 1s1
❂❂❂ @ @ 8 8
f ...
@ 1
2 ... 2 2 2 ... 2
8 ...
@ 1
@ 1
O @ @
8 1
^ ...
@ 1
More precisely, if we write K : J ′ → L and K : J → L for the two diagrams and
J : J ′ → J for the obvious functor, the canonical arrow colim(K◦J) → colim(K)
is an isomorphism, i.e. the functor J is final. The same reasoning of course also
holds with s1
1 instead of s1
0. We can therefore restrict ourselves to considering
diagrams in which 2 is the target of at most one arrow s1
0, and of at most one
arrow s1
1. Conversely, if an object 2 is the target of no arrow s1
0 (on the left),
then we can add a new object 1 and a new arrow from this object to the object
2 (on the right) and obtain an equivalent diagram:
2 2 ... 2
^ ...
@ 1
2 2 ... 2
O O 1
^ ...
@ 1
The same reasoning holds with s1
1 instead of s1
0 and we can therefore restrict
ourselves to diagrams in which every object 2 is the target of exactly one arrow s1
and one arrow s1
Any such diagram K is obtained by gluing a finite number of diagrams of
the form
1 @ @ ✁✁✁ 1
along objects 1, and is therefore of the form El(G) π
−→ G I
−→ L for some finite
graph G ∈ ˆG: the objects of G are the objects 1 in K, the edges of G are the
objects 2 in K and the source and target of an edge 2 are respectively given by
the sources of the corresponding arrows s1
1 and s1
0 admitting it as target. For
instance, the diagram on the left
2 2 2
1 @ @ ✁✁✁ 1
1 @ @ ✁✁✁
1 & & ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 1
1 @ @ ✁✁✁ 1
0 / / 1 / / 6 6 2 / / 3
is generated by the graph on the right.
Lemma 12 Given a graph G ∈ ˆG, the associated diagram (8) admits a colimit
in L if and only if there exists n ∈ L and a morphism f : G → NI n in ˆL
such that every morphism g : G → NI m in ˆL, with m ∈ L, factorizes uniquely
through NI n:
G f/ /
2 2
NI n / / NI m
Proof. We have seen in proof of Proposition 8 that morphisms in ˆL(G, NI n) are
in bijection with cocones in L from El(G) πG
−−→ G I
−→ L to n, and moreover given
a morphism h : n → m in G the morphism ˆL(G, NI n) → ˆL(G, NI m) induced by
post-composition with NI h is easily checked to correspond to the usual notion of
morphism between n-cocones and m-cocones induced by NI h (every morphism
NI n → NI m is of this form since NI is full and faithful). We can finally conclude
using the universal property defining colimiting cocones.
D Proofs for deletions of lines
In this section, we detail proofs of properties mentioned in Section 6.
D.1 Sets and partial functions
Before considering the conservative finite cocompletion of the category L, as
introduced in Definition 1, it is enlightening to study the category PSet of sets
and partial functions. A partial function f : A → B can always be seen
1. as a total function f : A → B ⊎ {⊥A} where ⊥A is a fresh element wrt A,
where given a ∈ A, f (a) = ⊥A means that the partial function is undefined
on A,
2. alternatively, as a total function f : A ⊎ {⊥A} → B ⊎ {⊥B} such that
f (⊥A) = ⊥B .
This thus suggests to consider the following category:
Definition 23. The category pSet of pointed sets has pairs (A, a) where A
is a set and a ∈ A as objects, and morphisms f : (A, a) → (B, b) are (total)
functions f : A → B such that f (a) = b.
Point (ii) of the preceding discussion can be summarized by saying that a partial
function can be seen as a pointed function and conversely:
Proposition 24. The category PSet of sets and partial functions is equivalent
to the category pSet of pointed sets.
It is easily shown that the forgetful functor U : pSet → Set, sending a
pointed set (A, a) to the underlying set A, admits a left adjoint F : Set → pSet,
defined on objects by F A = (A ⊎ {⊥A}, ⊥A). This adjunction induces a monad
T = U F on Set, from which point (i) can be formalized:
Proposition 25. The category PSet is equivalent to the Kleisli category SetT
associated to the monad T : Set → Set.
Finally, it turns out that the category pSet of pointed sets might have been
discovered from PSet using “presheaf thinking” as follows. We write G for the
full subcategory of PSet containing two objects: the empty set 0 = ∅ and a
set 1 = {∗} with only one element, and two non-trivial arrows ⋆ : 0 → 1 and
⊥ : 1 → 0 (the undefined function) such that ⊥◦⋆ = id0. We write I : G → PSet
for the inclusion functor. Consider the associated nerve functor NI : PSet → ˆG.
Given a set A the presheaf NI A ∈ ˆG is such that:
• NI A0 = PSet(I0, A) ∼= {⋆}: the only morphism 0 → A in PSet is noted
• NI A1 = PSet(I1, A) ∼= A ⊎ {⊥A}: a morphism 1 → A is characterized
by the image of ∗ ∈ A which is either an element of A or undefined,
• NI A⋆ : NI A1 → NI A0 is the constant function whose image is ⋆,
• NI A⊥ : NI A0 → NI A1 is the function such that the image of ⋆ is ⊥A.
Moreover, given A, B ∈ PSet a natural transformation from NI A to NI B is a
pair of functions f : A ⊎ {⊥A} → B ⊎ {⊥B} and g : {⋆} → {⋆} such that the
A ⊎ {⊥A} f / /
NI A⋆  
B ⊎ {⊥B}
{⋆} g / / {⋆}
A ⊎ {⊥A} f / / ⊎{⊥B }
{⋆} g / /
commutes. Since {⋆} is the terminal set, such a natural transformation is char-
acterized by a function f : A ⊎ {⊥A} → B ⊎ {⊥B} such that f (⊥A) = ⊥B . The
functor NI : PSet → ˆG is thus dense and its image is equivalent to pSet.
D.2 A cocompletion of L
The situation with regards to the category L is very similar. We follow the
plan of Section 4 and first investigate the unlabeled case: L is the category with
integers as objects and partial injective increasing functions f : [m] → [n] as
morphisms f : m → n.
We write G for the full subcategory of L whose objects are 0, 1 and 2. This
is the free category on the graph
0 s0
0 / / 1
0 / /
1 / / 2d1
subject to the relations
0 = s1
0 d0
0 = id1 d1
0 = id2 d1
1 = id2 d0
0 = d0
1 (9)
(see Proposition 4). We write I : G → L for the embedding and consider the
associated nerve functor NI : L → ˆG. Suppose given an object n ∈ L, the
associated presheaf NI n can be described as follows. Its sets are
• NI n0 = L(I0, n) ∼= {⋆},
• NI n1 = L(I1, n) ∼= [n] ⊎ {⊥},
• NI n2 = L(I2, n) ∼=
{(i, j) ∈ [n] × [n] | i < j} ⊎ {(⊥, i) | i ∈ [n]} ⊎ {(i, ⊥) | i ∈ [n]} ⊎ {(⊥, ⊥)}:
a partial function f : 2 → n is characterized by the pair of images
(f (0), f (1)) of 0, 1 ∈ [n], where ⊥ means undefined.
and morphisms are
• NI ns0
0 : NI n1 → NI n0 is the constant function whose image is ⋆,
• NI nd0
0 : NI n0 → NI n1 is the function whose image is ⊥,
• NI ns1
0 : NI n2 → NI n1 is the second projection,
• NI ns1
1 : NI n2 → NI n1 is the first projection,
• NI nd1
0 : NI n1 → NI n2 sends i ∈ [n] ⊎ {⊥} to (⊥, i)
• NI nd1
1 : NI n1 → NI n2 sends i ∈ [n] ⊎ {⊥} to (i, ⊥)
Such a presheaf can be pictured as a graph with NI n1 as set of vertices, NI n2 as
set of edges, source and target being respectively given by the functions NI ns1
and NI ns1
0 1 2
. . .
n − 1
Its vertices are elements of [n] ⊎ {⊥} and edges are of the form
• i → j with i, j ∈ [n] such that i < j,
• i → ⊥ for i ∈ [n]
• ⊥ → i for i ∈ [n]
• ⊥ → ⊥
Morphisms are usual graphs morphisms which preserve the vertex ⊥. We are
thus naturally lead to define the following categories of pointed graphs and
graphs with partial functions. We recall that a graph G = (V, s, t, E) consists of
a set V of vertices, a set E of edges and two functions s, t : E → V associating
to each edge its source and its target respectively.
Definition 26. We define the category pGraph of pointed graphs as the cat-
egory whose objects are pairs (G, x) with G = (V, E) and x ∈ V such that for
every vertex there is exactly one edge from and to the distinguished vertex x,
and morphisms f : G → G′ are usual graph morphisms consisting of a pair
(fV , fE ) of functions fV : VG → VG′ and fE : EG → EG′ such that for every
edge e ∈ EG, fV (s(e)) = s(fE (e)) and fV (t(e)) = t(fE (e)), which are such that
the distinguished vertex is preserved by fV .
Definition 27. We define the category PGraph of graphs and partial mor-
phisms as the category whose objects are graphs and morphisms f : G → G′
are pairs (fV , fE ) of partial functions fV : VG → VG′ and fE : EG → EG′ such
• for every edge e ∈ EG such that fE (e) is defined, fV (s(e)) and fV (t(e))
are both defined and satisfy fV (s(e)) = s(fE (e)) and fV (t(e)) = t(fE (e)),
• for every edge e ∈ EG such that fV (s(e)) and fV (t(e)) are both defined,
fE (e) is also defined.
More briefly: a morphism is defined on an edge if and only it is defined on its
source and on its target.
Similarly to previous section, a partial morphism of graph can be seen as a
pointed morphism of graph and conversely:
Proposition 28. The categories pGraph and PGraph are equivalent.
Now, notice that the category L is isomorphic to the full subcategory of PGraph
whose objects are the graphs whose set of objects is [n] for some n ∈ N, and
such that there is an edge i → j precisely when i < j. Also notice that the
full subcategory of pGraph whose objects are the graphs NI n (with ⊥ as
distinguished vertex) with n ∈ N is isomorphic to the full subcategory of ˆG
whose objects are the NI n with n ∈ N. And finally, the two categories are
equivalent via the isomorphism of Proposition 28. From this, we immediately
deduce that the functor NI : L → ˆG is full and faithful, i.e.
Proposition 29. The functor I : G → L is dense.
We can now follow Section 4 step by step, adapting each proposition as nec-
essary. The conditions satisfied by presheaves in P introduced in Proposition 10
are still valid in our new case:
Proposition 30. Given a presheaf P ∈ ˆL which is an object of P,
1. the underlying graph of P is finite,
2. for each non-empty path x ։ y there exists exactly one edge x → y,
3. P (n + 1) is the set of paths of length n in the underlying graph of P ,
and P (0) is reduced to one element.
Proof. The diagrams of the form (6) and (7) used in proof of Proposition 10
still admit the same colimit n + 1 with the new definition of L and 0 is still
initial. It can be checked that the limit of the image under a presheaf P ∈ ˆL
of a diagram (6) is still the set of paths of length n in the underlying graph
of P .
Lemma 11 is also still valid:
Lemma 31. A presheaf P ∈ ˆL preserves finite limits, if and only if it sends the
colimits of diagrams of the form
El(G) πG
−−→ G I
−→ L
to limits in Set, where G ∈ ˆG is a finite pointed graph such that the above
diagram admits a colimit. Such a diagram in L is said to be generated by the
pointed graph G.
Proof. The proof of Lemma 11 was done “by hand”, but we mentioned a more
abstract alternative proof. In the present case, a similar proof can be done but
would be really tedious, so we provide the abstract one. In order to illustrate
why we have to do so, one can consider the category of elements associated to
the presheaves representable by 0 and 1, which are clearly much bigger than in
the case of Section 4:
El(NI 0) ∼= ⋆ s0
0 / / ⊥
0 / /
1 / / (⊥, ⊥)d1
El(NI 1) ∼=
(⊥, ⊥)
rrrrrr d1
9 9 rrrrrrrrrrr s1
1 / /
(⊥, 1)
; ✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈
/ 1
1 / / (1, ⊥)
subject to relations which follow directly from (9).
Before going on with the proof, we need to introduce a few notions. A func-
tor F : C → D is called final if for every category E and diagram G : D → E
the canonical morphism colim(G ◦ F ) → colim(G) is an isomorphism [6]: re-
stricting a diagram along F does not change its colimit. Alternatively, these
functors can be characterized as functors such that for every object D ∈ D the
category is non-empty and connected (there is a zig-zag of morphisms between
any two objects). A functor F : C → D is called a discrete fibration if for any
object C ∈ C and morphism g : D → F C in D there exists a unique mor-
phism f : C′ → C in C such that F f = g called the lifting of g. To any such
discrete fibration one can associate a presheaf P ∈ ˆD defined on any D ∈ D
by P D = F −1(D) = {C ∈ C | F C = D} and on morphisms g : D′ → D
as the function P g which to C ∈ P D associates the source of the lifting of g
with codomain C. Conversely, any presheaf P ∈ ˆD induces a discrete fibration
El(P ) π
−→ D, and these two operations induce an equivalence of categories be-
tween the category ˆD and the category of discrete fibrations over D. It was
shown by Par´e, Street and Walters [8, 11] that any functor F : C → D factorizes
as final functor J : C → E followed by a discrete fibration K : E → D, and
this factorization is essentially unique: this is called the comprehensive factor-
ization of a functor. More explicitly, the functor K can be defined as follows.
The inclusion functor Set → Cat which send a set to the corresponding dis-
crete category admits a left adjoint Π0 : Cat → Set, sending a category to its
connected components (its set of objects quotiented by the relation identifying
two objects linked by a zig-zag of morphisms). The discrete fibration part K
above can be defined as El(P ) π
−→ D where P ∈ ˆD is the presheaf defined by
P = Π0(−/F ). In this precise sense, every diagram F in D is “equivalent” to
one which is “generated” by a presheaf P on D (we adopted this informal termi-
nology in the article in order to avoid having to introduce too many categorical
In our case, we can thus restrict to diagrams in L generated by presheaves
on L. Finally, since I : G → L is dense, we can further restrict to diagrams
generated by presheaves on G by interchange of colimits.
Lemma 13 applies almost as in Section 4: since the morphism f : G → NI n (seen
as a partial functions between graphs) has to satisfy the universal property of
Lemma 12, by choosing for every vertex x of G a partial function gx : G → NI m
which is defined on x (such a partial function always exists), it can be shown
that the function f has to be total. The rest of the proof can be kept unchanged.
Similarly, Proposition 14 applies with proof unchanged.
Finally, we have that
Theorem 32. The free conservative finite cocompletion P of L is equivalent to
the full subcategory of ˆL whose objects are presheaves P satisfying the conditions
of Proposition 30. Since its objects P satisfy I∗I∗(P ) ∼= P , it can equivalently
be characterized as the full subcategory of ˆG whose objects P are
1. finite,
2. transitive: for each non-empty path x ։ y there exists exactly one edge
x → y,
3. pointed: P (0) is reduced to one element.
From this characterization (which can easily be extended to the labeled case),
along with the correspondence between pointed graphs and graphs with par-
tial functions (Proposition 28), the category is shown to be equivalent to the
category described in Theorem 20: the relation is defined on vertices x, y of a
graph G by x < y whenever there exists a path x ։ y.
As in case of previous section, the forgetful functor pGraph → Graph
admits a left adjoint, thus inducing a monad on Graph. The category pGraph
is equivalent to the Kleisli category associated to this monad, which is closely
related to the exception monad as discussed in [3].
E Modeling repositories
We briefly detail here the modeling of repositories evoked in Section 7. As
explained in the introduction, repositories can be modeled as partially ordered
sets of patches, i.e. morphisms in L. Since some of them can be incompatible,
it is natural to model them as particular labeled event structures.
Definition 33. An event structure (E, ≤, #) consists of a set E of events, a
partial order relation ≤ on E and incompatibility relation on events. We require
1. for any event e, the downward closure of {e} is finite and
2. given e1, e′
1 and e2 such that e1 ≤ e′
1 and e1#e2, we have e′
Two events e1 and e2 are compatible when they are not incompatible, and
independent when they are compatible and neither e1 ≤ e2 nor e2 ≤ e1. A
configuration x is a finite downward-closed set of compatible events. An event
e2 is a successor of an event e1 when e1 ≤ e2 and there is no event in between.
Given an event e we write ↓e for the configuration, called the cause of e, obtained
as the downward closure of {e} from which e was removed. A morphism of
event structures f : (E, ≤, #) → (E′, ≤′, #′) is an injective function f : E → E′
such that the image of a configuration is a configuration. We write ES for the
category of event structures.
To every event structure E, we can associate a trace graph T (E) whose
vertices are configurations and edges are of the form x e
−→ x ⊎ {e} where x
is a configuration such that e 6 ∈ x and x ⊎ {e} is a configuration. A trace is
a path x ։ y in this graph. Notice that two paths x ։ y are of the same
length. Moreover, given two configurations x and y such that x ⊆ y, there
exists necessarily a path x ։ y. It can be shown that this operation provides a
faithful embedding T : ES → Graph from the category of event structures to
the category of graphs, which admits a right adjoint.
Example 34. An event structure with five events is pictured on the left (arrows
represent causal dependencies and ∼ incompatibilities). The associated trace
graph is pictured on the right.
f & f & f & f
✄✄✄ c
❀❀❀❀ / o
❂❂❂ @ @ ✁✁✁
7 ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
{a, b, c, d}
{a, b, c}
d O O
{a, b, c′} {a, b}
o c 7 7 ♦♦♦♦♦ {a, c}
{a, c′}
bgg❖❖❖❖❖❖ c
7 ♦♦♦♦♦
a O O
Definition 35. A categorical event structure (E, λ) in a category C with an
initial object consists of an event structure equipped with a labeling functor
λ : (T E)∗ → C, where (T E)∗ is the free category generated by the graph T E,
such that λ∅ is the initial object of C and the image under λ of every square
e2 = = ⑤⑤⑤⑤ y2
❇❇❇ e2
in T E is a pushout in C.
The following proposition shows that a categorical event structure is char-
acterized by a suitable labeling of events of E by morphisms of C.
Proposition 36. The functor λ is characterized, up to isomorphism, by the
image of the transitions ↓e e
−→ ↓e ⊎ {e}.
We can now define a repository to be simply a finite categorical event struc-
ture (E, ≤, #, λ : T (E) → L). Such a repository extends to a categorical event
structure (E, ≤, #0, I ◦ λ : T (E) → P), where #0 is the empty conflict rela-
tion. The state S of such an event structure is the file obtained as the image
S = I ◦ λ(E) of the maximal configuration: this is the file that the users is
currently editing given his repository. Usual operations on repositories can be
modeled in this context, for instance importing the patches of another reposi-
tory is obtained by a pushout construction (the category of repositories is finitely