uh hi everyone first of all thank you so

much for coming

this is a project I've been thinking

about and working on for a couple years

and this is the first time I'm

presenting it at a conference and I'm

excited and nervous and I really

appreciate your interest um if you're

watching this at home thank you so much

for watching this video I watched tons

of these NDC videos myself


so before I start

there is if this wouldn't work oh I got

it there we go you've seen this

uh disclaimer on Twitter and whatever

else like I need to kind of double down

on it before I start because yes I work

for GitHub and yes I'm talking about

Source control but this is a side

project this is a personal project I'm

not announcing anything on behalf of

GitHub today at all don't get me in


and uh

my friend here is watching you so don't

don't get it wrong

uh here's what we're going to talk about

you know a lot of these uh kind of tech

presentations they're either product

presentations where it's about here's

what the product does and then there's


presentations and there's code

presentation that gives you a little bit

of all three and talk about why it's

important to be working on Source

control right now

I'm going to talk about of course Grace

and what I've done with it and talk

about the architecture of it do a little

demo and then I'm going to talk there's

a product for it then I'm going to talk

philosophy about why I chose F sharp and

why I love it it's my favorite language

and then we're going to look at some

code at the end and and hopefully it all

makes sense

so why on Earth am I doing a source

control system I mean

git has won right

like what's wrong with me uh like with

all due respect to get to honorable

competitors like git has wiped the floor

with everyone and you know we all use it

by default it handles almost every

Source control scenario like large files

are a problem as you probably know

um I think get one because it's

branching mechanics or really brilliant

compared to the the old the older other

source control systems in the past the

lightweight branches are great I love

the ephemeral working directory and git

of course GitHub is a big part of why

get one and you know Linus Torvalds I've

heard he's famous so that clearly had

part of it and and

you know in in terms of doing a new

source control system I I have to

uh I have to talk about some of the

things I don't like about git

um so I have to say some mean things

about git

on the next slide but before I do

um I just want to really clearly say how

much I respect get and how much I

respect its maintainers I'm privileged

to be at GitHub and to know some of the

some of the core maintainers of git and

they are brilliant Engineers like I you

know one day I hope to grow up and be

half as good as they are they do world

changing engineering they're super

professional there I mean they're just

amazing their blog posts if you ever

want to read the stuff from Taylor Blau

and Derek Stoli on the GitHub blog

they're like mandatory reading they're

great I I really deeply respect git



git has terrible ux just absolutely

terrible terrible no good horrible yeah

it's designed by a kernel developer

like I don't want my ux designed by a

kernel developer ever

I mean like my my second programming

language when I was 11 was 6502 assembly

like I've done three kinds of assembler

like I get it I love being down to the

metal it's super interesting but

I don't want them designing my ux and

really get was designed for 2005's

Computing conditions which was you know

much lower bandwidth on networks smaller

computers smaller disks smaller networks

and like

we don't have those constraints anymore

we all have if you're here at NDC if

you're watching this video odds are you

have abundant bandwidth abundant disk

space you have connection to the cloud a

lot of us can't even do our jobs without

an internet connection anymore

so you know things have moved on I also

I mean there's tons of research on how

confusing git is but what I Really Wanna

I kind of pound the table on is that we

need to stop blaming users for not

understanding it git is really hard to


there's this really interesting quote

from this research paper from Google

from I don't know 10 years ago or


even one of the more experienced git

users requested that someone else

perform an operation because quote it

scares the out of me so like that's

it it's not just me saying this by the

way Mark racinovich is a pretty smart


git is the bane of my development


so so being smart is not the ticket out

of understanding it right

um an incantation known only to the git

Wizards who share their spells

um you know who else knows git is hard


this is what you see when you go to

download GitHub desktop focus on what

matters instead of fighting with get

so we know

um here's some interesting questions

from quora this is like from a year ago

I was doing this research and some of

these questions are kind of funny like

why is it so hard to learn

what makes you hate git

is get poorly designed


uh kid is awful that's plain enough but

you know things are funny and there's

pain in these questions

two which I really feel but this one

this one broke my heart

if I think it is too hard to learn

does it mean that I don't have the

potential to be a developer

and and I just like imagine some young

person who's just getting started

messing around with some JavaScript or

python or something and they're and

they're thinking wow like I think I

could do this like this seems fun and

then someone hands them git

and and they go what what am I what is

this you know and and like like

we deserve better

like we need to do better and

um and instead of complaining about it

I've decided to devote pretty much all

my free time for the last couple years

to doing something I also just want to

point out that we're in an industry

where everything changes like nothing

lasts forever and git right now is so

dominant that it's hard to imagine

something new coming along and replacing

it but if we don't imagine it we can't

get there

um I just want to say that we're driven

by Trends just as much as we are by good

technology and


I've had a little bit of an education on

Trend analysis I'm I'm very lucky my um

my my partner was a fashion designer was

a clothing designer and

um and her job for 15 years was to think

about what women would want to wear a

year and a half two years from now have

really to think about what women would

want to feel like a year and a half two

years from now and then design clothes

for it and she was very successful she's

very good at it and just in like the

conversations over all the years we've

been together I've

I've picked up a few things I picked up

that perspective she sold way better

Earth than I'll ever be

um and you know some of our Trends have

shorter Cycles like web UI Frameworks

right they come and go every six months

or whatever I mean it's stabilized now


um and some are longer like you know for

20 years I think when you said the word

database what you meant was relational


and now there's key value there's

document there's you know I mean really

with Hadoop we got mapreduce so like

things things do change

um most importantly no product that's

ever gotten to 90 has just like gotten

there and stayed there forever


it is currently according to the stack

Overflow developer survey there should

be a new developer survey coming out in

about a month or so

um gets it 93.9 percent and something

with ux that bad is not going to be the

thing that breaks the trend like git is

going to go


there will be Source control after git

like there will be

um and what I want to say about it is

that it won't be like git plus plus I've

had this discussion a lot over the last

couple years well can't you put another

layer on top of git can't you maybe use

git as a back end and put a new front

end on it like that's been tried a

number of times over the last many years

and none of them have gotten any market

share so I feel like people once you go

through the um

challenge of learning Git You Don't Want

To re-challenge Yourself by learning

something else just to use the thing you

already know and I want to say adding

features to git won't prevent git from

being replaced it's not about well if

git make some changes it'll extend its

lifespan it just it won't it's too late

for that

um I do think that whatever replaces get

will have to be Cloud native because

oh look it's 2023.


and I think the thing that that will

attract users to use the new thing is

that it has to have features that git

doesn't have or git can't have and I've

tried to build some

um okay

let's talk about Grace


Source control is easy and helpful

imagine that

that's really what I've tried to do my

north star from the first

evening that I was sitting on my porch

dreaming during pandemic during lockdown

just sitting on my front porch thinking

about it I thought how can I make

something super easy

something that actually my inspiration

believe it or not was the OneDrive sync

client and if you like the OneDrive

syncline used to be problematic a few

years ago it's like really starting

about three four years ago it's been

great it's like Rock Solid it just works

I really like it and you substitute

Dropbox iCloud whatever you want but

like those things just work they're easy

they sync I was thinking about like how

do I get stuff off my machine onto into

the cloud so anyway Grace has features

that make being a developer easier

not just Source control but try things

that try to make your life easier every

day and it feels lightweight and

automatic that's what I'm mostly going


it hopefully reduces merge conflicts

which in Grace you'll see here called

promotion conflicts

and yes of course it's Cloud native

thanks to dapper

so let's just talk about the basic usage

real quick I'm going to show you lots of

pictures and demos I'll show you a short

demo so the first thing is Grace watch

and Grace watch you can think of that as

like the thing that runs in the system

tray and windows in the lower right hand

corner on a Mac it runs with that with

that little icon near the clock so just

a background process that watches your

working directory for any changes and

every time you save a file it uploads

that file to the cloud to the repo and

marks it as a save so that you get a

full new version of the repo like in a

new root directory version with a new

computed shawl every single time you see

the file and it's just automatic it just

works in the background I'll show you

some detailed examples of that aside

from that background process the sort of

main commands you're going to see here

Grace save save is that thing that Grace

watch is going to run to upload after

every save on disk

checkpoint and commit so in git commit

is an overloaded concept right commit

means I'm partially done like git commit

minus M I'm done with part one of the pr

I'm done with part two and then you do a

final git commit I'm ready for the pr

and then we have this debate about do we

squash right there's no squashing in

grease you don't need to checkpoint is

the is that intermediate step and that's

just for you

it's for you to mark your own time uh it

doesn't matter you know it doesn't

affect anyone else but you can mark this

version as this this version is that and

because of that we can do some cool

things I'll talk about later

um there is a Grace commit of course

commit is a candidate for merge or what

I call Promotion and eventually when

you're ready to promote you do a Grace

promote I'm going to show you how the

branching Works in a little bit

there's also of course a Grace tag which

is the label if you want to label a

particular version like this is version

three of our production code so those

five things save checkpoint commit

promote and tag or what I call a

reference and a reference in Greece is

something that just points to you a

specific root version of the repo and

those root versions just come and come

and go of course there's other commands

you need a status Grace switch to switch

branches Grace refs to list the

references that you've been working on

all your saves and checkpoints and

commits you can list just your

checkpoints and gesture commands and

whatever there's of course a diff

there's a rebase there's going to be a

gray share command gray share is kind of

interesting because it'll I haven't

written it yet some of this stuff I'm

talking about I haven't written yet this

is an early Alpha just to be clear I

should have said that it's an early


it it kind of works um

um but gray shares this idea where like

I'm working on my code I have a problem

and I might want to you know get in chat

with a team member and go hey could you

look at this code for me and you said

gray share and it'll spit out a command

line that you can just copy and paste

and give to that person and because with

Grace everything's automatically

uploaded and the status of your repo is

always saved you don't ever need to


and you can just literally take that

command paste it hit enter and now your

version of the repo is exactly the one

that your teammate was working on and

when you're ready you just do great

switch back to your own branch

so that's the kind of workflow I'm

trying to enable


a quick like General overview so locally

with Grace Grace watch I said you know

is this background is file system

launcher that watches your directory

switching branches is really fast and

lightweight I love that about git I kept


um of course like I have a doc Grace

Grace directory like a DOT get directory

and I have objects in it and config and

stuff so that's the local side your

working directory is still totally


um gray server is actually just a web

API there's nothing fancy there's no

special tightly packed binary protocols

it's just a web API you can code against

it too I use Dapper if you're familiar

with Dapper to enable it to run on any

cloud or any infrastructure

um and because if you're everyone's

running Grace watch and you don't have

to run gracewatch but you really want to

um the server kind of has a real-time

view of what everyone's up to and that

enables some really interesting features

to be built


there is because everything that happens

in Grace is an event

that gets saved


it immediately gives you an Eventing

model that you can automate from and I

just want to say the system is written

almost entirely in F sharp and I'll talk

about that of course

now some of you might be thinking wait

just a damn minute

you're uploading every save that seems

like a lot and the answer is yeah but we

don't keep them for very long unless you

specifically checkpoint or commit or

promote your saves after

like by default I'm starting with seven

days I don't know if that's the right

number maybe it's three maybe it's 30

whatever it is we'll figure it out and

it's going to be settable in the repo

but I didn't like to say seven days we

just delete the saves

so they're there for you to look back on

when you want to and then they just go

away commits and promotions are kept

forever and that sort of like gets me to

thinking what features can we build well

one thing I wanted to build was if

you've used like mac backup the time

machine and that that interface that was

sort of an inspiration I had in my head

I'm not going to quite do design it like

that but this idea where you can just go

back and look at the the diffs of the

changes that you've made and hopefully

do some cool stuff like reload stayed in

your mind faster you know that is that

they're often quoted number of it takes

18 minutes to reload state in your head

after an interruption well like what if

we could use Source control to get that

down to two minutes where you could just

quickly just Leaf through the one leaf

through them and go oh I see I see I see

what I was doing


you can also do cool stuff like if the

server can see what everyone's doing and

it sees that Alice is working in a

particular file and Bob is working in

the same file right now well that's a

possible conflict

so we can notify both of them in real

time and go hey your teammate is working

in the same file maybe you want to

here's here's a link to look at the

version that your teammates changing

maybe it's in a totally different part

of the file you don't care about maybe

it's in the same part and now you get on

chat and talk about it before before you

get to a conflict when you think you're

done with your work like I hate merge

conflicts I hate them so much right I'm

sure I'm alone in that

um another thing we can do is when there

is a promotion domain

I can Auto rebase everyone in the repo

immediately on that new version

so and you'll see that that's super

important in the way Grace's branching

is designed but it happens within


um so what is the branching model I call

it single step branching and the idea is

that like git I mean there's these

versions of the repo and they have a

particular Shaw value and and all of the

you know commits and labels and get just

point to a particular version well

that's what I do with Grace a promotion

is just a new reference a database

record in other words it's a new

database record that points to the same

root directory that your commit pointed

to so I do Grace commit minus M I'm

ready to promote then I do Grace promote

to Main

and all all that I do when when you do

Grace promote all it does is it creates

a database record that's all it does

because the files are already uploaded

you already did it come in

a child Branch cannot promote to the

parent branch unless it's based on the

latest promotion

so that prevents a lot of conflict

so let me just show you a little bit

about what that looks like

here is a diagram that I have oops no

not that


here's my repo by the way I want Stars I

want lots of stars

I want all the stars if you're watching

this home I want all the stars

star of the repo

it's the only way I can let people know

so here's a here's a little document I

have on my branching strategy

um I'm going to show you four quick

pictures just to walk you through really

quick here's Alice and Bob when they're

not busy if you're into physics you know

you see Alice and Bob a lot when they're

not busy holding two entangled particles

that improbably large distances they're

working on a repo together

and here's uh here's like they're

starting it's in good shape Maine is

this particular Shaw value right it's

this EDF 3F whatever and ed3f and Alice

and Bob are both based on that version

everything's cool now their Shaw values

are different because they're they're

updating different files Alice is

updating her files Bob is updating his

files but they're both doing their thing

okay now Alice makes one more change

runs some tests and goes cool I'm ready

to promote so she types Grace commit

minus M I'm done with my PR and then she

types Grace promote minus M I'm

promoting and that now of course her

files are already uploaded because she

did the commit that creates a new

database record on the main branch that

points to that particular version of the



so now after she does that let's assume

that it's successful

we now are in this state where Alice is

based on the version that she just

promoted because in fact in fact she's

identical to the version she just

promoted because she just promoted it

but Bob is still based on the previous

version of Maine

so that means that for the moment Bob

can't promote

poor Bob


heroically craze watch comes to the


um that's so hacky I'm sorry


but Grace watch gets a notification that

a promotion has happened and immediately

Auto rebases Bob within seconds

so if as long as there are no conflicts

if you know the files that are changed

that have changed aren't the ones that

he's changed within seconds those new

versions get downloaded Bob Bob's branch

is marked as now being rebased on the

latest version in Maine and a new save

is created because now on Bob's Branch

he has the files that he was changing

plus whatever ones just came down from

the promotion so now after that's done

Bob has a new shot value

which indicates the file T's change plus

the ones that were in the promotion

Alice at this point of course has the

same exact Shaw value as mean because

literally she just committed and

promoted so that's branching and Grace

it's really simple

it's as simple as I could possibly make

it mostly because like

I'm not that bright I mean why make it

hard on myself right

um uh but really it's simple to


so that is a little bit about branching

let's go back to the deck

so let's talk about I'm going to show

you some some pictures of how how this

works and from the server's point of

view so in the server let's just say

that I I'm working on my branch and I

these dots are directories in a

structure right in a repo and let's say

I save a file on this uh

thing over here yeah so let's say I save

a file in this

bottom one

um Grace watch sees it it uploads that

version of the file to object storage

and it creates two new it has to compute

new Shaw values for those two


so I create what I call directory


I upload those to the server the server

double checks them and now we have a

save reference that's pointing to this

brand new version of the repo that

doesn't exist in anyone else's branch

cool at the same time my teammate Mia is

working and she saves a file in that

directory that bottom directory and that

file gets uploaded those three now

versions three directory versions are

computed all the way up to the root they

got uploaded to the server and double

checked now she runs some tests and goes

cool I like this version I'm going to

checkpoint it so at this time she does

checkpoint all it does is it creates a

database record because there's nothing

to upload it's already uploaded so that

takes about a second I've really tried

to make a lot of the gestures despite

the fact that there is always a network

hop involved in Grace I've tried to make

them as fast as I possibly could and

I've aimed for that sort of one second

timing there are things that get because

when git does local stuff there's things

that get is just going to be super fast

at that I kind of can't compete at if

there's a network hop but there's things

that I can be faster than get that

involve the network so anyway so here's

me again I save a file down there this

time it's four directory versions to get

recomputed did and get uploaded cool now

uh teammate Lorenzo saves the file in

that directory

file gets uploaded there's three

directory versions and he likes it he's

going to commit it and is thinking about

promoting it

meanwhile Mia is working she saves that

file in this bottom orange directory she

likes it she commits it she runs tests

everything's cool and she actually does

it for Grace promotes if she does Grace

commit now she does Grace promote now

there's a reference pointing to that

same exact root jaw now we have three

references pointing at the same exact

directory version

one of them is on Main two of them are

on Mia's branch and in fact we like it

so much we're gonna put a label on it

and say this is our new production

version 4.2

cool so what do we have from that we

have five different versions of the repo

and 10 references pointing at those five


cool okay seven days later right I said

we keep saves for seven days or so and

then we get rid of them well let's see

how that works

so here's my save that I did these are

the same five five things that we just


well let's say it gets deleted

okay well now the root directory says do

I don't have anything pointing at me

anymore it checks and it starts a

recursive process to go down and check

if there's anything that was unique to

that version that doesn't appear

anywhere else

and deletes it so that version is now

gone now remember Mia did a save and a

checkpoint well we delete the save

reference but the checkpoint's still

there so this version of the repo stays

cool here's me again I did that save I

didn't do anything else with it

save gets deleted that version goes away

uh here's Lorenzo again save goes away

but the commit's still there so this

version of the repo is still there

now we have this one

again the save gets deleted but we still

have three references pointing at that

version of the directory but like let's

imagine that that the branch gets

deleted Mia's Branch gets deleted no

problem we still have references

pointing to that from the main branch


now after seven days

we now have three versions the repo and

five references pointing at it and and

really like the thing is saves are

really going to be like 25 to one right

I don't know I'm making up a number it

depends on your workflow but you're

gonna have like 25 to 1 saves or 50 to 1

saves and they'll come and they'll go

and it's not a big deal


congratulations you now understand Grace

like really that's as simple as it is

um obviously there's a tiny bit more but

like fundamentally

like in 10 minutes I just explained

grace to you and if you recall your

experience learning get

I'm gonna guess it took more than 10

minutes you know it's one of the

questions I like to ask people is like

would you rather teach somebody

get or would you rather teach them what

a monad is

and you got to think about that

I'd rather teach them what a monad is to

be honest



demo gods

I'm going to do a very a very short

light demo

just to show you what a little bit of

what it feels like


um I'm just going to show you in for one

user um here is uh

here is my friend Alexi

I just pick uh I'm a New York Rangers

Fan I pick players from the Rangers to

for names so here is um here's Alexi

with the file now on the bottom here I'm

running gracewatch in fact I'm just

gonna oops

and here's Grace watch now right now

Grace watch is a command line thing with

a lot of debugs for you early Alpha

but here it is running


here is right now I'm going to run um

gray status

and here's the status of Alexi's


of Alexis uh oh it's funny now that the

font got got changed I'm going to switch


doing this give me just a moment

oops okay

so we can see the full screen


so here's the status of the Lexi's

Branch right now so

um obviously I was doing a little bit of

testing earlier today there was a save a

checkpoint see I checkpointed the same

save so they have the same Shaw value it

is based on this particular promotion

that Alexi in fact did and here was the

message from that in Maine here's the

main right the parent branch that I'm

based on so you can see the status of

your branch and the status of the branch

that you're based on


back to Grace watch here now here's

Grace watch I'm just going to upload I'm

going to update uh

I don't know I'm going to update this

file and I'm going to add a comment



cool new version of the file

I'm going to hit save

there you go files uploaded new

directory version computed

server has all the information This

Server by the way


I'm calling it a server now that was a

that was strangely slow I guess because

I haven't done it let's do another one

just to see in fact let's update this

comment thank you GitHub thank you


I'm going to hit save again

and there you go files uploaded new

directory that's how fast it should be

this server I'm talking to by the way is

my desktop computer in Seattle

so um so it's 4 500 miles from here to 7

300 kilometers and you know it's pretty

quick it's not bad so so that feeling of

how quick it is in the background like

that's what I'm trying to do with Grace

it's like automatic so so like I'm

showing you what Grace watch is doing

but the truth is

you're just in here doing stuff and

you're just hitting save and Magic

stuff's happening in the background so

that version that we just did let's say

I like it and I want to

um I like it and I want to checkpoint it

so by the way let's do great status

again you'll notice that previously the

save was the ca21 version now I hit gray

status I've done a couple of saves and

now I have this new cd79 version in fact

if I do Grace refs

I can see

all the references on my branch

and again like 1.7 seconds everything's

debug mode and we're a few miles from

the server but like

it's fast that I'm aiming for everything

to be fast enough to keep you in flow so

um so there's all the things that's cool

you can see everything you've been doing

I'm going to do a Grace commit I like

this version I did some tests





oh slow yay

right cool

there's my commit now the commit again

everything's uploaded so the

commissioner screening database record

so it's pretty quick I like it I'm going

to do a promote

and this time I'm going to do for motion

4 from Alexi

again all I'm doing is creating a

database record really I'm creating a

database record and then I'm rebasing My

Own Branch because

well I am and now if I do gray status

what we'll see is

I'm my the save I did was that cd79 the

commit I did was that same version the

checkpoint was something I did four

hours ago whatever

I'm the main is now that same version

I'm based on it

and like this flow is what I'm aiming

for it's just this quick like most of it

happens in the background most of it's

automatic when you take an action I'm

aiming for that one to two second

window for all the commands

um that's the quick demo that's really

what it feels like and like I said you

already understand it I hope right cool


well I'm sorry I thank you I wasn't I

wasn't really begging for Applause but

thank you so much I really do appreciate

after two years thank you so much


I'll totally take it


oh my all right

let's keep going

but wait there's so much more I wish I

had time to tell you about I'm going to

go through some of this really quick I'm

using signalr for two-way communication

with Grace watch so I have that live

two-way communication from the server to

everyone I mean right now you know I'm

showing you that example of Allison Bob

what if it's Alice and 20 other

contributors in the repo and those

contributors and what if it's 100 repo

people and what if they're all over the


well now I can do cool stuff like all

over the world I can Auto rebase people

in fact you can sort of like like I

don't even know all the features that I

want to build on this Eventing model

that I have I can't I'm not the one

who's going to think of them all but I

know that I have the architecture to do

it and I know that we can do some really

cool things in real time especially now

I mean I know that there's like people

who are going back to the office and

whatever they're still a we're still

going to be partially to mostly remote

and I feel like there's a there are some

interesting ways we can connect with our

teammates at the source control level

that have never been done before and

again can't be done in a distributed

Version Control System

like like I don't know what's happening

in your distribution I don't know what's

happening in your version to get until

you do a push but here I always know

what you're doing


uh with Grace in an open source capacity

there's no you don't have to Fork

anything I don't need to Fork the entire

repo you just create a personal Branch

you own the branch it could be like

imagine you know asp.net core

and all you do is walk off to it and

create a branch you own the branch they

don't have any control over it you do

whatever you want um you could keep that

you could keep your branch private or

public up to you visible or not you can

do work in it and do a PR off of it

um which is not a pull request in Grace

it's a promotion request


there there is no poll gesture in Grace

there's no push gesture and Grace



uh there I have tested Grace so far on

repositories as large as a hundred

thousand files and fifteen thousand

directories as long as you're running

Grace watch you still get that one to

two second

timing like it just works if you're not

running gracewatch then there's a lot of

other checks that I have to do when you

do a checkpoint or a commit or whatever

I have to if you if you're not running

gracewatch then I have to check that all

the things are uploaded and if I'm

walking through fifteen thousand

directories to do it it'll take a few

seconds with Grace watches I know that

it's up to date I've also tested it on

10 gigabyte files

um because like I'm back because Grace

is backed by object storage like in my

testing case I'm I'm an Azure and.net

guy so I've been running it on Azure

object on Azure storage

it just works 10 I mean I don't think a

10 gig file should be in Source control

to be clear but I've tested it it

totally works

um uh I want to build I have not built

apples down to the file level but or I

have an idea for how to how I'm going to

do it I want to do it I think it's super

important git can't do that customize

Branch permission so that's when we're

like let's say on Main I want to enable

promotions and tags but I want to


saves and checkpoints and commits on me

and you should never do a checkpoint or

commit on Main okay cool that's already


um like on your branch maybe you want to

never enable it promote because why

would you promote on your own Branch

um you can delete version so obviously

like I'm deleting saves so we have the

Mechanics for deleting versions

unfortunately we do occasionally all

check in a secret and like I can speak

for GitHub GitHub has worked extensively

to create secret scanning so that when

you do a push we see that oh you're

checking in a connection string or

whatever still people are going to do

that and deleting that out of git is a



uh in Greece I'll have a gesture I don't

have it yet but I'll have a gesture that

keeps the audit trail that will say okay

you promoted something with a secret we

want to get we have to get rid of that

version but here's the thing that says

this version was this Shaw value it was

deleted by this person at this time for

exactly this reason so there's permanent

auditability I've really had to think


Enterprise features of course like

Enterprises are going to be a big user

of any Version Control System I'm aiming

for that for sure

file locking is another one so if per

force one of the main reasons users

still use perforce is

scheming like gaming is a big where

there's big binary files I had a

conversation with somebody who does

Source control at Xbox

and he gave the example of let's say

that somebody's working on Forza and

what they're doing right now is they're

editing a track file like the graphical

definition of a track and their job

their task is to add 10 trees at around

turn three on some track well

like they have to lock that file because

there's no way to merge a binary file if

someone else edits that file they've

just thrown away hours of work so we

have to have optional file locking I

don't want like by default it won't be

on but I but I want to provide it in

Grace as I said they're just oops as I

said there's a simple web API

um and of course yes it's super fast

and like yes it's it's consistently fast

my my goal for performance I'm a big

believer in

um in perceived performance and

perceived performance for me consisted

of two things number one is it fast and

number two is it consistent so like your

muscle memory becomes if I type Grace

checkpoint and hit enter

I know that that command I know that my

command line is going to come back in a

second a second and a half every single

time that's what I'm trying that's

perceived performance to me that's what

I'm going for

um I very much want to build all the

interfaces of course I'm building a CLI

um I want to build a I will build a

Blazer web API but I'm going to go on

record and say

I hate electron

I hate electrons so much

I hate webview

we all have these first class pieces of


and we're running these second-rate apps

on them I just it drives me nuts I

believe in Native apps I'm going to try

doing with avalonia I haven't started

that yet I hope avalonia will work well

it's I expect it to if not I'll do Donna

Maui but I will have native apps to

include code browsing to include some of

these gestures to include that time

machine like history view if we have

time at the end I'll show you a little

sketch of that I did

what are we doing 20 minutes oh my God I

have to hurry up

of course I'm borrowing stuff from git

again like I respect get enormously


I'm trying I'm really trying

let's talk the architecture really quick

in case it's not obvious Grace is the

centralized Version Control System

um decentralized Version Control to me

is why we have a hard time understanding

it doing being centralized simplifies

everything there's been lots of attempts

at making a simple git or a simple

distributed one by the way there's a

couple of great other projects going on

right now like if you're interested in

Source control you should really check


um p huel p i j u l is a really

interesting distributed version control

system based on category theoretic

mathematical it's patch based it's in

fact actually a couple days ago the

stack Overflow podcast did an interview

with the creator of it it's a really

nice project another one that I really

like is JJ

um and that is comes from Google Martin

Von Z slash JJ on GitHub

um that's a uh I actually know that team

I speak to them a little bit they're

great people they're trying to do

something really interesting and move

Google's internal source control forward

um really like it more friendly

competition I'm I'm in this to win


but I just want to point out like if

you'd like distributed

um you're not doing distributed today

anyway like you're you're using GitHub

or gitlab or atlassian or whoever you're

doing Hub and spoke you're doing

centralized Version Control like you

never push from your machine to


you always push to the center and then

the center runs some CI CD stuff and

that's how it gets to promote to

production like you're doing centralized

Version Control you're just using a

distributed Version Control System to do

a dance around it


and git'll be around for 15 or 20 years

if you still want to use it as I

mentioned you know Grace is all about

events event sourced fundamentally


I really like cqrs event sourcing goes

really well with functional code in a

reactive perspective on code

and I do a lot of projections off those

I'll show you a little thing about that

in a second I use the actor pattern

actors are based on or built into Dapper

I really like the actor pattern it makes

it super easy to reason about everything

that's happening actors that each

individual actor is single threaded but

you can have thousands of them running

and they scale up

to Infinity

I like I use them for event processing I

use them for an in-member networked in

memory cache they're really great and

you can have multiple State

representations for them that last for

however long you want

um now Grace is cloud native thanks to

Dapper I'm going to show you a picture

of dapper Dapper we're currently uh

supports 110 different platforms as

service products and growing all the

time the community's growing usage

adapter is growing I'm really happy

about the bet I made on Dapper like in

down in like 0.9 or something I started

using dapper at Azure AWS gcp

on-premises open source and containers

whatever you want to use under it and

here's a little picture of it it does

service mesh it does State Management

Pub sub it has the actors it has

monitoring and observability pieces you

can talk to it from any language there's

sdks of course I'm using.net it

communicates with any infrastructure

here's a little example if you were

going to distribute Grace

using Open Source Products well here's

my grace containers gray server with the

Dapper sidecar and they're running in

some kubernetes cluster wherever and

let's say for object storage I'm using

Min i o

something compatible with an i o I'm

using Cassandra as a document database I

might be using Radisson Kafka for Pub

sub I'd be using open Telemetry with

Zipkin for for monitoring and hashicor

fault for secrets cool that's great

that's my open source one now if I'm

deploying Grace to azure

same exact race container same code same

everything but now the at runtime I

configure copper differently I put

Cosmos DB under it I put service bus and

event hubs for Pub sub I put Azure

Monitor and Azure key Vault and again

like fill out your picture because I'm

an Azure guy I did this fill out your

AWS picture your gcp picture whatever

you want but that's a Dapper it works

very well I'm happy with it



imagine that I have all these update

streaming in saves checkpoints commits

whatever and they hit the server as soon

as they hit the server what I do is I'm

going to trade some CPU and some disk

space for your performance and your ux

so I'm going to do stuff like if when

you do commit I might do a test

promotion see can I promote if I find a

problem with the promotion I might let

you know in fact what I can do today

thanks to large language models is they

might detect a promotion conflict and

actually send that code off to a

language model to give me a suggestion

to give back to you right away so I

don't just tell you that there's a

problem I tell you and give you a


as to how you might think about change

dealing with it I might do temp branches

I might generate diffs right away so

that when you ask for the diff they just

show up you know under a second uh cic

that generates if I can do whatever I

can do all these projections off the

data I have and just keep the events

well again seven days later

until the end of time

right I'm keeping check I'm keeping

commits and promotions checkpoints by

the way like you don't need to keep

checkpoints forever maybe you keep them

for six months keep them for a year I

don't think you need to go look back on

your checkpoints from three years ago

whatever okay

that's Grace that's the architecture of


um I want to talk a little philosophy


Talk programming language I'm going to

talk about why F sharp is not that

radical but like

program language set on the Spectrum

from from imperative to declarative


um there's like the hardware there's

like tell the hardware exactly what to

do step by step and you know it's like I

like Assembly Language it's really


um but then there's the mathematical

category theoretic and more declarative

and here's like just a smattering of

languages and roughly where they fit on

this line you might agree or disagree

with where one of whatever just close

your eyes at it but there's this idea

that um

programming languages can be translated

in either direction

in fact we do that it's called compiling

when you move from the right side of

this to the toward the left side that's

called compiling

um when you move the other way it's

called decompiling but all I can say is

like from age 11 to age 45 I spend my

entire life on the left side of this

um and I finally got curious about the

mathematical side

so why F sharp well you know C sharp

compiles to Il

so does F sharp it's the same dot net

run time it's the same everything that

you love about c-sharp it just happens

to be there and then it gets compiled to

assembly and it runs just as fast so so

I'm not like an ivory Tower PhD I'm not

I'm really not that's not the statement

I'm trying to make using F sharp I'm

trying to say that it makes my code

better and and all I'm doing is I'm like

here and I'm just

doing that

really and like being over here just

gives me access to some cool stuff I

still have all the stuff over here I'm

not going over to Haskell you know

um which is cool if you do but that's

not what that's not what I'm doing

um so why F sharp

um you know Don Simon describes it as

succinct robust in performance 10 times

the creator of F sharp and Don it is

very fast on that's like unbelievably

fast that's why

um it's functional first but objects are

part of the language and especially if

you're integral interfacing with nuget

everything in nuget C sharp it's all

based on classes and methods and and

inheriting stuff and well fsharp has all

that it's got a great Community any F

sharp people here



um and I just want like here's my

philosophical statement I think the

industry has just hit a ceiling on

quality and comprehensibility with

object oriented-ish

code and I mean like you know C sharp

Java but Ruby you know typescript like

there's a point like for small code base

it's fine medium code base it's fine

when you get to a large code base with

object oriented if you don't make a

serious investment in keeping that code


you're going to run into major problems

and functional code lasts longer it

really does it stays clean longer


I mean assuming you don't do stupid


um uh I want to very quickly about this

I'm going to tell you my story but I

wrote three versions of Grace like like

for my learning curve the first version

I wrote as I was like getting

deeper into F sharp and functional

thinking first I wrote a version of

Grace where I ended up accidentally

writing writing C sharp and F sharp

because I hadn't made the mental leap to

functional thinking yet into

composability and so um

um so I did that and then I was like

this is not this doesn't smell good like

this is not what I was hoping to get out

of it so I threw that version Away

um and I and then I was like all right

I'm gonna get into category theorem I'm

gonna relearn my category Theory and I'm

going to moan at all the things

and that didn't work

um that made some really awkward code

um but I kept I learned stuff from it

through that version away and now the

version you're seeing is actually the

third version which is which is stock

which is it's more balanced it's more

practical and I use objects I use

classes but I use them very functionally

I think about them functionally so why F


this is why and like like my field

report as someone who spent his whole

life on the object oriented you know

assembly side

my field report is thinking functionally

gives you better safer more beautiful


like it really really does it is worth

the journey

to learn and it's going to be painful

it's going to take a little bit but but

it's so worth doing and it's made like

I'm very happy with the code are there

challenges with F sharp sure like

serializing deserializing records is


um if you add a field to the to a record

now you can't deserialize anything you

ever saved before


so I I'm thinking

I still have this I'm probably going to

switch them all to objects in other

words classes but I'm going to treat

them functionally I'm gonna I'm gonna

I'm not gonna like

I'm not going to object Orient them I'm

just going to use objects and treat them

as immutable there's an interesting one

that I would never have imagined two

years ago kodaks is the open API model

that's underneath GitHub Copilot


codex is trained on c-sharp it's not

trained on F sharp turns out that the

suggestions I get out of copilot aren't

that great

on F sharp so I use fuse shot prompting

you know I actually go to chat EPT and

use few shop prompting to to get better


um in F sharp let's be honest there's

fewer samples there's fewer there's less

example code so what's the solution

work harder peasant

um but it's not that bad you know taking

once you learn it doesn't take it

doesn't take much

um so

um I want to close with a little bit of


and what I'm going to do is I'm just

going to pull up sharp lab really quick

and walk you through a little bit of

I have to

do that and then

I can go to Sharp lab

so um

so if you ever use sharp lab it's a

really cool site it lets you just type

code it compiles it in memory and then

shows you the decompilation on the other

side so I have F sharp code on one side

and C sharp code on the other

um in fact oh whatever I'm just gonna do

this so so here's here's some F sharp

code here's some very basic F-sharp code

now if you've never seen F sharp before

it's going to feel a little weird

because like wait a minute where's the

class you have these let statements what

are what are they just floating in space

like what are they hanging off of it

feels weird and what I want to show you

is like what that compiles to you well

so there's so a module so there's a

namespace there's a module and there's

these lets which are you know

definitions of fields or or functions or

whatever what does that compile to in C

sharp well here's my name space


that module is a static class

static classes are awesome for

composition I'm going to talk about that

in a bit

the end value well that becomes just a

property with a get

again like net is fundamentally object

oriented the runtime knows classes and

properties and methods like that's what

it knows so when F-sharp compiles to Il

it has to compile to that so F-sharp

translates again we translate from the

right side of that diagram to the left

side of that diagram

so it translates it into properties and

this function well it's just a static



let's add something to that let's add a

regular class we've seen this is like

class from from C sharp it's got two

properties it's got a great time and a


no big deal this is how you say

this is how you say

class public class and F sharp this is

how you declare property and if you look

at them well they compile two here's

your backing Fields here's your property

with a getter and a Setter here's your

property you've seen this in C sharp

it's no big deal

let's add a little more to this let's

add a method in that class and this



oh what is it what is it compile to well

here it compiles to a void so it's a

public this is a method you might have

on a class in your code base where it

returns a void and it just takes in a

value and changes something in the on

the object very common use for

object-oriented code

lovely but not composable like that's

the problem this is what I kind of want

to highlight

let's add

a couple of functions to this now we're

out of the class we're back in that

module which means that we're in static

we're in static class and I'm going to

add a functional change name

I wish I could move this but I can I'll

just move this over a little I'm going

to add two two classes two functions so

there's a change name and a change time

and you can see what they do they just

sort of assign this you pass in a name

and a time and you take in an instance

of that class

and you return an instance of the class

so that Pro that pattern where I take in

the thing that I want to Output I take

in a type and I'm going to Output that

type and I'm going to do something to

that type that is where you start to get

composable code it's a monad

don't tell anyone


so what does that compile to in C sharp

terms well guess what it compiles to a

static function on a static class static

method on a static class

and that's how you get composable code

my number one tip for for anyone is if

you want to use C sharp or Java or

whatever and create more composable

functional code start thinking stop

thinking in terms of methods on classes

and start thinking of creating static

classes with static methods that you use

to manipulate your code

and that will get you so far down the

road of being composable and testable

like these functions are super testable

they're pure functions if you give me

the same class and the same name every

time I will give you the same exact

result over and over and over these are

pure functions so what what now that I

have these pure functions in

in functional code what can I do well I

can compose them

right I have this new function called

updated my class and it updated my class

I take in an instance of class and I've

give it Scott and then to the current

time and look



and I know this might look weird if

you've never seen F sharp or some of the

functional languages before but this

style of coding gets you much more

repeatable testable beautiful

easy to understand code and I've really

tried hard not just to make the ux of

Grace beautiful but I've tried as hard

as I can to make the code beautiful I

want maintainers to like it too

I have an entirely succeeded but I've

mostly succeeded I'm mostly happy with


um I have a few minutes left I want to

show you a little bit of Grace's code


let's see what I want to show Let's do

let's do a little bit of validation so

this is kind of interesting

um so this is the CLI part so I want to

validate stuff that's on the CLI before

I even send it to the server you can't

rely on that validation the server's got

to check also but I just want to like

not let you send stupid stuff to the

server so here's a bunch of things like

when you have an owner ID and an owner

name and by the way this if you look at

the status here I have an owner an organ

a repository so Grace is multi-tenant

from the start and that's because I'm

from GitHub and I've seen some of the

pain of trying to retrofit


so I just built it in from the start of

some light multi-tenancy so here's

here's for here's part of my code from

when I was in step two of moan adding

all the things

I moan added all the things here I have

these functions and these functions

which are validation functions take in

this thing called a partial result which

is the which is the parameters on the

command line and those commit those

parameters broken into a structure that

understands what they are and what does

it return it returns a result type a

result is a successor or failure type

and for when it succeeds it Returns the

same exact two parameters I passed in

which means again just like I just

showed it's composable

um and when it fails it returns this

thing called a Grace error which is

which is a special error type I have now

all of these functions do the same thing

they all take in a parse result into

parameters and they return a result of a

parse result in parameters or an error

so what can I do with that

oh my God I can do bind

monadic bind magic but like I know like

this is new and if you've never seen it

before it looks a little weird but just

isn't it beautiful

just like looking at that code

it's kind of nice it's just like all

these things flow and I gave these

really nice verbose names to my

validations just like you would for a

test case

and like if they fail at any point the

whole thing kicks out the error of the

failed and stops processing that's how

that's monadic bind

it's really nice now four reasons that

are that take a few minutes to explain

and I won't I couldn't quite do it this

way on the server side but I want to

show you the same stuff I did on the

server side that's inspired by

what I did here

here is uh let's see which function is

this here's Commit This is this is Grace

commit on the server

and I want to validate all the things I

want to validate the owner ID and owner

name you might pass in I want to

validate the org ID the repository ID

the branch ID these are actually

parameters that get passed in by the

command line in the background that you

didn't see but like it does it for you I

want to check uh or you've given me

validines or does the organization and

owner and repository in the branch do

they even exist

I want to check all these things so what

do I have here I have a list of

validations and if you actually look at

all of my endpoint these are web


this is like the equivalent of

controllers and actions this is a web


and I just have this pattern over and

over again where I have these

validations and what do these

validations do they take in


what is validation validation is the

thing that takes in parameters and

returns a list of results really a list

of task of results but and because of

that I can start doing so so like I

couldn't do the inputs the same as the

output here for reasons but the outputs

the same on every single one of these

validations which then lets me which

gets me back into functional land where

I can apply functional code to say just

spin through these and if there's a

problem stop

so like I just like I I've really I'm

really proud of this one I really like

this code



um there's so much more I could show you

um I want to like here's here's some

cool stuff with types like I know C

sharp is finally getting this but this

idea of domain nouns or I can rename

it's not just a good or a string it's a

branch ID and a branch name and a

container name and a reference ID and

all that kind of stuff so like when I'm

looking at the code it's very clear to

me what's going on


there's so much more I'd love to show

you so but time to wrap up

as I said number one tip for c-sharp

programmers static classes and static

methods like just do it go home pick any

pick any uh a class from any code base

you want just for fun

and try to rewrite it where all the

methods that mod that modify State all

the methods that mutate State pull them

out write them as data classes with

static methods and you'll love what you



this is my like I believe Elegance

matters like correctness conciseness

maintainability and code matters more

than getting everything else that kind

of performance

it really does and I get most of the

millsockets don't get I don't leave many

on the floor but

um anyway thank you so much again thank

you so much for coming thank you so much

for watching this video

um I'd love your feedback I want the

stars star the repo if you have not

started the repo I want to do it

no excuses

um I'm in this to win this is real this

is not an experiment like I'm

git will be replaced like I'm in this

a hundred percent like I want to win


um and you know programming is art and

craft don't ever forget that it's all

about art and craft and thank you thank

you thank you

