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Submitted on 30 Oct 2020
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Conflict-Free Replicated Relations for
Multi-Synchronous Database Management at Edge
Weihai Yu, Claudia-Lavinia Ignat
To cite this version:
Weihai Yu, Claudia-Lavinia Ignat. Conflict-Free Replicated Relations for Multi-Synchronous Database
Management at Edge. IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services, 2020 IEEE World
Congress on Services, Oct 2020, Beijing, China. ￿hal-02983557￿
Conflict-Free Replicated Relations for
Multi-Synchronous Database Management at Edge
Weihai Yu
UIT - The Arctic University of Norway
N-9037 Tromsø, Norway
Claudia-Lavinia Ignat
Universit´e de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, LORIA
F-54000 Nancy, France
Abstract—In a cloud-edge environment, edge devices may not
always be connected to the network. Still, applications may
need to access the data on edge devices even when they are
not connected. With support for multi-synchronous access, data
on an edge device are kept synchronous with the data in the
cloud as long as the device is online. When the device is off-
line, the application can still access the data on the device,
asynchronously with concurrent data updates either in the cloud
or on other edge devices. Conflict-free Replicated Data Types
(CRDTs) emerged as a technology for multi-synchronous data
access. CRDTs guarantee that when all sites have applied the
same set of updates, the replicated data converge. However,
CRDTs have not been successfully applied to relational databases
(RDBs) for multi-synchronous access. In this paper, we present
Conflict-free Replicated Relations (CRRs) that apply CRDTs
to RDBs for support of multi-synchronous data access. With
CRR, existing RDB applications, with very little modification,
can be enhanced with multi-synchronous access. We also present
a prototype implementation of CRR with some preliminary
performance results.
Index Terms—CRDT; relational database; eventual consis-
tency; integrity constraints
The cloud technology makes data globally shareable and
accessible, as long as the end-user’s device is connected to
the network. When the user’s device is not connected, the
data become inaccessible.
There are scenarios where the users may want to access
their data even when their devices are off-line. The researchers
may want to access their research data when they are at field
work without any network facility. The project managers and
engineers may want to access project data when they are under
extreme conditions such as inside a tunnel or in the ocean.
People may want to use their personal applications during
flight, in a foreign country or during mountain hiking.
In a cloud-edge environment, the cloud consists of servers
with powerful computation and reliable data storage capacities.
The edge consists of the devices outside the operation domain
of the cloud. The above-mentioned scenarios suggest multi-
synchronous access of data on edge devices. That is, there are
two modes of accessing data on edge devices: asynchronous
mode—the user can always access (read and write) the data on
the device, even when the device is off-line, and synchronous
mode—the data on the device is kept synchronous with the
data stored in the cloud, as long as the device is online.
One of the main challenges of multi-synchronous data ac-
cess is the limitation of a networked system stated in the CAP
theorem [1,2]: it is impossible to simultaneously ensure all
three desirable properties, namely (C) consistency equivalent
to a single up-to-date copy of data, (A) availability of the data
for update and (P) tolerance to network partition.
CRDTs, or Conflict-free Replicated Data Types, emerged to
address the CAP challenges [3]. With CRDT, a site updates its
local replica without coordination with other sites. The states
of replicas converge when they have applied the same set of
updates (referred to as strong eventual consistency in [3]).
CRDTs have been adopted in the construction of distributed
key-value stores [4], collaborative editors [5]–[8] and local-
first software [9,10]. All these bear the similar goal as multi-
synchronous data access. There has also been active research
on CRDT-based transaction processing [11] mainly to achieve
low latency for geo-replicated data stores.
Despite the above success stories, CRDTs have not been
applied to multi-synchronous access of data stored in rela-
tional databases (RDBs). To support multi-synchronous data
access, the application typically has to be implemented using
specific key-value stores built with CRDTs. These key-value
stores do not support some important RDB features, including
advanced queries and integrity constraints. Consequently, the
large number of existing applications that use RDBs have to
be re-implemented for multi-synchronous access.
In this paper, we propose Conflict-Free Replicated Relation
(CRR) for multi-synchronous access to RDB data. Our con-
tributions include:
• A set CRDT for RDBs. One of the hurdles for adopting
CRDTs to RDBs is that there is no appropriate set CRDT
for RDBs (Section III-A). We present CLSet CRDT
(causal-length set) that is particularly suitable for RDBs
(Section III-C).
• An augmentation of existing RDB schema with CRR in
a two-layer system (Section IV). With CRR, we are able
to enhance existing RDB applications with very little
• Automatic handling of integrity violations at merge (Sec-
tion V).
• A prototype implementation (Section VI). The implemen-
tation is independent of the underlying database manage-
ment system (DBMS). This allows different devices of
q(푟푖 )
u(푟푖 )
˜u( ˜푟푖 )
˜푟 푗
푟 푗
Site 푆푖 Site 푆 푗
Fig. 1. A two-layer relational database system
the same application to deploy different DBMSs. This
is particularly useful in a cloud-edge environment that
is inherently heterogeneous. We also report some initial
performance result of the prototype.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II gives an
overview of CRR, together with the system model our work
applies to. Section III reviews the background of CRDT and
presents the CLSet CRDT that is an underlying CRDT of
CRR. Section IV describes CRR in detail. Section VI presents
an implementation of CRR and some preliminary performance
results. Section VII discusses related work. Section VIII con-
The RDB supporting CRR consists of two layers: an Ap-
plication Relation (AR) layer and a Conflict-free Replicated
Relation (CRR) layer (see Figure 1). The AR layer presents the
same RDB schema and API as a conventional RDB system.
Application programs interact with the database at the AR
layer. The CRR layer supports conflict-free replication of
The AR-layer database schema 푅 has an augmented CRR
schema ˜푅. A site 푆푖 maintains both an instance 푟푖 of 푅 and an
instance ˜푟푖 of ˜푅. A query q on 푟푖 is performed directly on 푟푖 .
A request for update u on 푟푖 is translated into ˜u and performed
on the augmented relation instance ˜푟푖 . The update is later
propagated to remote sites through an anti-entropy protocol.
Every update in ˜푟푖 , either as the execution of a local update
˜u( ˜푟푖 ) or as the merge with a remote update ˜u( ˜푟 푗 ), refreshes 푟푖 .
CRR has the property that when both sites 푆푖 and 푆 푗 have
applied the same set of updates, the relation instances at the
two sites are equivalent, i.e. 푟푖 = 푟 푗 and ˜푟푖 = ˜푟 푗 .
The two-layered system also maintains the integrity con-
straints defined at the AR layer. Any violation of integrity
constraint is caught at the AR layer. A local update of ˜푟푖 and
refresh of 푟푖 are wrapped in an atomic transaction: a violation
would cause the rollback of the transaction. A merge at ˜푟푖 and
a refresh at 푟푖 is also wrapped in a transaction: a failed merge
would cause some compensation updates.
An application developer does not need to care about how
the CRR layer works. Little change is needed for an existing
RDB application to function with CRR support.
We use different CRDTs for CRRs. Since a relation instance
is a set of tuples or rows, we use a set CRDT for relation
instances. We design a new set CRDT (Section III), as none
of existing set CRDTs are suitable for CRRs (Section III-A).
A row consists of a number of attributes. Each of the attributes
can be individually updated. We use the LWW (last-write
wins) register CRDT [12,13] for attributes in general cases.
Since LWW registers may lose some concurrent updates, we
use the counter CRDT [3] for numeric attributes with additive
System Model
A distributed system consists of sites with globally unique
identifiers. Sites do not share memory. They maintain durable
states. Sites may crash, but will eventually recover to the
durable state at the time of the last crash.
A site can send messages to any other site in the system
through an asynchronous and unreliable network. There is no
upper bound on message delay. The network may discard,
reorder or duplicate messages, but it cannot corrupt messages.
Through re-sending, messages will eventually be delivered.
The implication is that there can be network partitions, but
disconnected sites will eventually get connected.
In this section, we first present a background of CRDTs. As
a relation instance is a set of tuples, CRR needs an appropriate
set CRDT as a building block. We present limitations of
existing set CRDTs for RDBs. We then describe a new set
CRDT that addresses the limitations.
A. CRDT Background
A CRDT is a data abstraction specifically designed for data
replicated at different sites. A site queries and updates its
local replica without coordination with other sites. The data is
always available for update, but the data states at different
sites may diverge. From time to time, the sites send their
updates asynchronously to other sites with an anti-entropy
protocol. To apply the updates made at the other sites, a site
merges the received updates with its local replica. A CRDT
has the property that when all sites have applied the same set
of updates, the replicas converge.
There are two families of CRDT approaches, namely
operation-based and state-based [3]. Our work is based on
state-based CRDTs, where a message for updates consists of
the data state of a replica in its entirety. A site applies the
updates by merging its local state with the state in the received
message. The possible states of a state-based CRDT must form
a join-semilattice [14], which implies convergence. Briefly, the
states form a join-semilattice if they are partially ordered with
v and a join t of any two states (that gives the least upper
bound of the two states) always exists. State updates must be
inflationary. That is, the new state supersedes the old one in
v. The merge of two states is the result of a join.
Figure 2 (left) shows GSet, a state-based CRDT for grow-
only sets (or add-only set [3]), where 퐸 is a set of possible el-
ements, v def
= ⊆, t def
= ∪, insert is a mutator (update operation)
and in is a query. Obviously, an update through insert(푠, 푒)
is an inflation, because 푠 ⊆ {푒} ∪ 푠. Figure 2 (right) shows
GSet(퐸) def
= P (퐸)
insert(푠, 푒) def
= {푒} ∪ 푠
insert훿 (푠, 푒) def
{푒} if 푒 ∉ 푠
{} otherwise
푠 t 푠′ def
= 푠 ∪ 푠′
in(푠, 푒) def
= 푒 ∈ 푠
{푎, 푏, 푐}
{푎, 푏} {푎, 푐} {푏, 푐}
{푎} {푏} {푐}
Fig. 2. GSet CRDT and Hasse diagram of states
the Hasse diagram of the states in a GSet. A Hasse diagram
shows only the “direct links” between states.
GSet is an example of an anonymous CRDT, since its oper-
ations are not specific to the sites that perform the operations.
Two concurrent executions of the same mutation, such as
insert({}, 푎), fulfill the same purpose.
Using state-based CRDTs, as originally presented [3], is
costly in practice, because states in their entirety are sent as
messages. Delta-state CRDTs address this issue by only send-
ing join-irreducible states [15,16]. Basically, join-irreducible
states are elementary states: every state in the join-semilattice
can be represented as a join of some join-irreducible state(s).
In Figure 2, insert훿 is a delta-mutator that returns join-
irreducible states which are singleton sets (boxed in the Hasse
Since a relation instance is a set of tuples, the basic building
block of CRR is a set CRDT, or specifically, a delta-state set
A CRDT for general-purpose sets with both insertion and
deletion updates can be designed as a causal CRDT [15] such
as ORSet (observed-remove set [12,17,18]). Basically, every
element is associated with at least a causal context as meta
data. A causal context is a set of event identifiers (typically a
pair of a site identifier and a site-specific sequence number).
An insertion or deletion is achieved with inflation of the
associated causal context. Using causal contexts, we are able
to tell explicitly which insertions of an element have been
later deleted. However, maintaining causal contexts for every
element can be costly, even though it is possible to compress
causal contexts into vector states, for instance under causal
consistency. Causal CRDTs are not suitable for RDBs, which
generally do not allow multi-valued attributes such as causal
In the following, we present a new set CRDT, based on the
abstraction of causal length. It is a specialization of our earlier
work on generic undo support for state-based CRDTs [19].
B. Causal length
The key issue that a general-purpose set CRDT must address
is how to identify the causality between the different insertion
and deletion updates. We achieve this with the abstraction of
causal length, which is based on two observations.
First, the insertions and deletions of a given element occur
in turns, one causally dependent on the other. A deletion is an
Site 퐴 Site 퐵 Site 퐶
{} 푠0
퐴 {} 푠0
퐵 {} 푠0
퐴 : insert(푠0
퐴, 푎)
{푎} 푠1
퐵 : insert(푠0
퐵, 푎)
{푎} 푠1
{푎} 푠2
{푎} 푠1
퐴 : delete(푠2
퐴, 푎)
{} 푠3
퐵 : delete(푠1
퐵, 푎)
{} 푠2
{} 푠3
{} 푠4
퐶 : delete(푠1
퐶 , 푎)
{} 푠2
퐵 : insert(푠4
퐵, 푎)
{푎} 푠5
{푎} 푠6
{} 푠3
{푎} 푠4
퐶 : delete(푠4
퐶 , 푎)
{} 푠5
Fig. 3. A scenario of concurrent set updates
inverse of the last insertion it sees. Similarly, an insertion is
an inversion of the last deletion it sees (or none, if the element
has never been inserted).
Second, two concurrent executions of the same mutation of
an anonymous CRDT (Section III-A) fulfill the same purpose
and therefore are regarded as the same update. Seeing one
means seeing both (such as the concurrent insertions of the
same element in GSet). Two concurrent inverses of the same
update are also regarded as the same one.
Figure 3 shows a scenario where three sites 퐴, 퐵 and 퐶
concurrently insert and delete element 푎. When sites 퐴 and
퐵 concurrently insert 푎 for the first time, with updates 푎1
and 푎1
퐵, they achieve the same effect. Seeing either one of the
updates is the same as seeing both. Consequently, states 푠1
퐴, 푠1
퐵 and 푠1
퐶 are equivalent as far as the insertion of 푎 is
Following the same logic, the concurrent deletions on these
equivalent states (with respect to the first insertion of 푎) are
also regarded as achieving the same effect. Seeing one of them
is the same as seeing all. Therefore, states 푠3
퐴, 푠2
퐵, 푠3
퐵, 푠4
퐵, 푠2
and 푠3
퐶 are equivalent with regard to the deletion of 푎.
Now we present the states of element 푎 as the equivalence
classes of the updates, as shown in the second column of
Table I. The concurrent updates that see equivalent states and
achieve the same effect are in the same equivalence classes.
The columns 푟 and ˜푟 in Table I correspond to the states of a
tuple (as an element of a set) in relation instances in the AR
and CRR layers (Section II).
When a site makes a new local update, it adds to its state a
new equivalence class that contains only the new update. For
example, when site 퐵 inserts element 푎 at state 푠0
퐵 with update
퐵, it adds a new equivalence class {푎1
퐵 } and the new state 푠1
becomes {{푎1
퐵 }}. When site 퐵 then deletes the element with
update 푎2
퐵, it adds a new equivalence class {푎2
퐵 } and the new
푠 states in terms of equivalence groups ˜푟 푟
퐴 { } { } { }
퐴 { {푎1
퐴 } } { 〈푎, 1〉 } {푎 }
퐴 { {푎1
퐴, 푎1
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 1〉 } {푎 }
퐴 { {푎1
퐴, 푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐴 } } { 〈푎, 2〉 } { }
퐵 { } { } { }
퐵 { {푎1
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 1〉 } {푎 }
퐵 { {푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 2〉 } { }
퐵 { {푎1
퐴, 푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 2〉 } { }
퐵 { {푎1
퐴, 푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐴, 푎2
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 2〉 } { }
퐵 { {푎1
퐴, 푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐴, 푎2
퐵 }, {푎3
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 3〉 } {푎 }
퐵 { {푎1
퐴, 푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐴, 푎2
퐵 , 푎2
퐶 }, {푎3
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 3〉 } {푎 }
퐶 { } { } { }
퐶 { {푎1
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 1〉 } {푎 }
퐶 { {푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐶 } } { 〈푎, 2〉 } { }
퐶 { {푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐵 , 푎2
퐶 } } { 〈푎, 2〉 } { }
퐶 { {푎1
퐴, 푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐴, 푎2
퐵 , 푎2
퐶 }, {푎3
퐵 } } { 〈푎, 3〉 } {푎 }
퐶 { {푎1
퐴, 푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐴, 푎2
퐵 , 푎2
퐶 }, {푎3
퐵 }, {푎4
퐶 } } { 〈푎, 4〉 } { }
state 푠2
퐵 becomes {{푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐵 }}.
The merge of two states is handled as the union of the
equivalence classes. For example, when states 푠1
퐴 and 푠2
merge, the new state 푠3
퐵 becomes {{푎1
퐴} ∪ {푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐵 }} =
퐴, 푎1
퐵 }, {푎2
퐵 }}.
Now, observe that whether element 푎 is in the set is
determined by the number of equivalence classes, rather than
the specific updates contained in the equivalence classes. For
example, as there is one equivalence class in state 푠1
퐵, the
element 푎 is in the set. As there are two equivalence classes
in states 푠2
퐵, 푠3
퐵 and 푠4
퐵, the element 푎 is not in the set.
Due to the last observation, we can represent the states of
an element with a single number, the number of equivalence
classes. We call that number the causal length of the element.
An element is in the set when its causal length is an odd
number. The element is not in the set when its causal length
is an even number. As shown in Table I, a CRR-layer relation
˜푟 augments an AR-later relation 푟 with causal lengths.
Figure 4 shows the CLSet CRDT. The states are a partial
function 푠 : 퐸 ↩→ N, meaning that when 푒 is not in the domain
of 푠, 푠(푒) = 0 (0 is the bottom element of N, i.e. ⊥N = 0).
Using partial function conveniently simplifies the specification
of insert, t and in. Without explicit initialization, the causal
length of any unknown element is 0. In the figure, insert훿
and delete훿 are the delta-counterparts of insert and delete
An element 푒 is in the set when its causal length is an odd
number. A local insertion has effect only when the element is
not in the set. Similarly, a local deletion has effect only when
the element is actually in the set. A local insertion or deletion
CLSet(퐸) def
= 퐸 ↩→ N
insert(푠, 푒) def
푠{푒 7 → 푠(푒) + 1} if even(푠(푒))
푠 if odd(푠(푒))
insert훿 (푠, 푒) def
{푒 7 → 푠(푒) + 1} if even(푠(푒))
{} if odd(푠(푒))
delete(푠, 푒) def
푠 if even(푠(푒))
푠{푒 7 → 푠(푒) + 1} if odd(푠(푒))
delete훿 (푠, 푒) def
{} if even(푠(푒))
{푒 7 → 푠(푒) + 1} if odd(푠(푒))
(푠 t 푠′)(푒) def
= max(푠(푒), 푠′ (푒))
in(푠, 푒) def
= odd(푠(푒))
Fig. 4. CLSet CRDT
simply increments the causal length of the element by one.
For every element 푒 in 푠 and/or 푠′, the new causal length of 푒
after merging 푠 and 푠′ is the maximum of the causal lengths
of 푒 in 푠 and 푠′.
In this section we describe the design of the CRR layer. We
focus particularly on the handling of updates.
Without loss of generality, we represent the schema of an
application-layer relation with 푅(퐾, 퐴), where 푅 is the relation
name, 퐾 is the primary key and 퐴 is a non-key attribute. For a
relation instance 푟 of 푅(퐾, 퐴), we use 퐴(푟) for the projection
휋퐴푟. We also use 푟 (푘) for the row identified with key 푘, and
(푘, 푎) for row 푟 (푘) whose 퐴 attribute has value 푎.
A. Augmentation and caching
In a two-layer system as highlighted in Section II, we
augment an AR-layer relation schema 푅(퐾, 퐴) to a CRR-layer
schema ˜푅(퐾, 퐴, 푇퐴, 퐿) where 푇퐴 is the update timestamps of
attribute 퐴 and 퐿 is the causal lengths of rows. Basically,
˜푅(퐾, 퐿) implements a CLSet CRDT (Section III-C) where
the rows identified by keys are elements, and ˜푅(퐾, 퐴, 푇퐴) im-
plements the LWW-register CRDT [12,13] where an attribute
of each row is a register.
We use hybrid logical clock [20] for timestamps, which is
UTC time compatible and for two events 푒1 and 푒2 with clocks
휏1 and 휏2, 휏1 < 휏2 if 푒1 happens before 푒2.
For a relation instance ˜푟 of an augmented schema ˜푅, the
relation instance 푟 of the AR-layer schema 푅 is a cache of ˜푟.
For a relation operation op on 푟, we use ˜op as the cor-
responding operation on ˜푟. For example, we use ˜∈ on ˜푟 to
detect whether a row exists in 푟. That is ˜푟 (푘) ˜∈ ˜푟 ⇔ 푟 (푘) ∈ 푟.
According to CLSet (Figure 4), we define ˜∈ and ˜∉ as
˜푟 (푘) ˜∈ ˜푟 def
= ˜푟 (푘) ∈ ˜푟 ∧ odd(퐿( ˜푟 (푘)))
˜푟 (푘) ˜∉ ˜푟 def
= ˜푟 (푘) ∉ ˜푟 ∨ even(퐿( ˜푟 (푘)))
For an update operation u(푟, 푘, 푎) on 푟, we first perform
˜u( ˜푟, 푘, 푎, 휏퐴, 푙) on ˜푟. This results in the new instance ˜푟 ′ and
row ˜푟 ′ (푘) = (푘, 푎, 휏′
퐴, 푙′). We then refresh the cache 푟 as the
• Insert (푘, 푎) into 푟 if ˜푟 ′ (푘) ˜∈ ˜푟 ′ and 푟 (푘) ∉ 푟.
• Delete 푟 (푘) from 푟 if ˜푟 ′ (푘) ˜∉ ˜푟 ′ and 푟 (푘) ∈ 푟.
• Update 푟 (푘) with (푘, 푎) if ˜푟 ′ (푘) ˜∈ ˜푟 ′, 푟 (푘) ∈ 푟 and
퐴(푟 (푘)) ≠ 푎.
All AR-layer queries are performed on the cached instance
푟 without any involvement of the CRR layer.
The following subsections describe how the CRR layer
handles the different update operations.
B. Update operations
The CRR layer handles a local row insertion as below:
ûinsert( ˜푟, (푘, 푎))
insert( ˜푟, (푘, 푎, now, 1)) if ˜푟 (푘) ∉ ˜푟
update( ˜푟, 푘, (푎, now, 퐿( ˜푟 (푘)) + 1)) if ˜푟 (푘) ∈ ˜푟
∧ ˜푟 (푘) ˜∉ ˜푟
skip otherwise
A row insertion attempts to achieve two effects: to insert row
푟 (푘) into 푟 and to assign value 푎 to attribute 퐴 of 푟 (푎). If 푟 (푘)
has never been inserted, we simply insert (푘, 푎, now, 1) into
˜푟. If 푟 (푘) has been inserted but later deleted, we re-inserted it
with the causal length incremented by 1. Otherwise, there is
already a row 푟 (푘) in 푟, thus we do nothing.
There could be an alternative handling in the last case.
Instead of doing nothing, we could update the value of attribute
퐴 with 푎. We choose to do nothing, because this behavior is
in line with the SQL convention.
The CRR layer handles a local row deletion as below:
ûdelete( ˜푟, 푘)
update( ˜푟, 푘, (−, 퐿( ˜푟 (푘)) + 1)) if ˜푟 (푘) ˜∈ ˜푟
skip otherwise
If there is a row 푟 (푘) in 푟, we increment the causal length
by 1. We do nothing otherwise. In the expression, we use the
“−” sign for the irrelevant attributes.
The CRR layer handles a local attribute update as below:
üupdate( ˜푟, 푘, 푎)
update( ˜푟, 푘, (푎, now, 퐿( ˜푟 (푘)))) if ˜푟 (푘) ˜∈ ˜푟
skip otherwise
If there is a row 푟 (푘) in 푟, we update the attribute and set
a new timestamp. We do nothing otherwise.
When the CRR layer handles one of the above update
operations and results in a new row ˜푟 (푘) in ˜푟 (either inserted
or updated), the relation instance with a single row { ˜푟 (푘)} is
a join-irreducible state in the possible instances of schema ˜푅.
The CRR layer later sends { ˜푟 (푘)} to the remote sites in the
anti-entropy protocol.
A site merges a received join-irreducible state {(푘, 푎, 휏, 푙)}
with its current state ˜푟 using a join:
˜푟 t {(푘, 푎, 휏, 푙)}
insert( ˜푟, (푘, 푎, 휏, 푙)) if ˜푟 (푘) ∉ ˜푟
update( ˜푟, 푘, (푎, max(푇 ( ˜푟), 휏), if 퐿( ˜푟) < 푙
max(퐿( ˜푟), 푙))) ∨ 푇 ( ˜푟) < 휏
skip otherwise
If there is no ˜푟 (푘) in ˜푟, we insert the received row into ˜푟. If
the received row has either a longer causal length or a newer
timestamp, we update ˜푟 with the received row. Otherwise, we
keep ˜푟 unchanged. Notice that a newer update on a row that is
concurrently deleted is still updated. The update is therefore
not lost. The row will have the latest updated attribute value
when the row deletion is later undone.
It is easy to verify that a new relation instance, resulted
either from one of the local updates or from a merge with
a received state, is always an inflation of the current relation
instance regarding causal lengths and timestamps.
C. Counters
The general handling of attribute updates described earlier
in Section IV-B is based on the LWW-register CRDT. This is
not ideal, because the effect of some concurrent updates may
get lost. For some numeric attributes, we can use the counter
CRDT [3] to handle updates as increments and decrements.
We make a special (meta) relation Ct for counter CRDTs
at the CRR layer: Ct(Rel, Attr, Key, Sid, Icr, Dcr), where
(Rel, Attr, Key, Sid) is a candidate key of Ct.
The attribute Rel is for relation names, Attr for names of
numeric attributes and Key for primary key values. For an AR-
layer relation 푅(퐾, 퐴), and respectively the CRR-layer relation
˜푅(퐾, 퐴, 푇퐴, 퐿), where 퐾 is a primary key and 퐴 is a numeric
attribute, (푅, 퐴, 푘) of 퐶푡 refers to the numeric value 퐴(푟 (푘))
(and 퐴( ˜푟 (푘))).
The attribute Sid is for site identifiers. Our system model
requires that sites are uniquely identified (Section II). The
counter CRDT is named (as opposed to anonymous, described
in Section III-A), meaning that a site can only update its
specific part of the data structure.
The attributes Icr and Dcr are for the increment and
decrement of numeric attributes from their initial values, set
by given sites.
We set the initial value of a numeric attribute to: the default
value, if the attribute is defined with a default value; the lower
bound, if there is an integrity constraint that specifies a lower
bound of the attribute; 0 otherwise.
If the initial value of the numeric attribute 퐴 of an AR-layer
relation 푅(퐾, 퐴) is 푣0, we can calculate the current value of
퐴(푟 (푘)) as 푣0 + sum(Icr) − sum(Dcr), as an aggregation on
the rows identified by (푅, 퐴, 푘) in the current instance of Ct.
We can translate a local update of a numeric attribute into
an increment or decrement operation. If the current value of
the attribute is 푣 and the new updated value is 푣′, the update
is an increment of 푣′ − 푣 if 푣′ > 푣, or a decrement of 푣 − 푣′ if
푣′ < 푣.
Site 푠 with the current 퐶푡 instance 푐푡 handles a local
increment or decrement operation as below:
˜inc푠 ( ˜푟, 퐴, 푘, 푣) def
update(ct, 푅, 퐴, 푘, 푠, (푖 + 푣, 푑)) if ct(푅, 퐴, 푘, 푠, 푖, 푑) ∈ ct
insert(ct, (푅, 퐴, 푘, 푠, (푣, 0))) otherwise
˜dec푠 ( ˜푟, 퐴, 푘, 푣) def
update(ct, 푅, 퐴, 푘, 푠, (푖, 푑 + 푣)) if ct(푅, 퐴, 푘, 푠, 푖, 푑) ∈ ct
insert(ct, (푅, 퐴, 푘, 푠, (0, 푣))) otherwise
If it is the first time the site updates the attribute, we insert
a new row into Ct. Otherwise, we set the new increment or
decrement value accordingly. Note that 푣 > 0 and the updates
in Ct are always inflationary. The relation consisting of a single
row of the update is a join-irreducible state in the possible
instance of Ct and is later sent to remote sites.
A site with the current Ct instance ct merges a received
join-irreducible state with a join:
ct t {(푅, 퐶, 푘, 푠, 푖, 푑)}
insert(ct, (푅, 퐶, 푘, 푠, 푖, 푑)) if ct(푅, 퐶, 푘, 푠) ∉ ct
update(ct, 푅, 퐶, 푘, 푠, if (푅, 퐶, 푘, 푠, 푖′, 푑′) ∈ ct
(max(푖, 푖′), max(푑, 푑′))) ∧ (푖′ < 푖 ∨ 푑′ < 푑)
skip otherwise
If the site has not seen any update from site 푠, we insert
the received row into ct. If it has applied some update from
푠 and the received update makes an inflation, we update the
corresponding row for site 푠. Otherwise, it has already applied
a later update from 푠 and we keep ct unchanged.
Notice that turning an update into an increment or decre-
ment might not always be an appropriate way to handle an
update. For example, two sites may concurrently update the
temperature measurement from 11◦퐶 to 15◦퐶. Increasing the
value twice leads to a wrong value 19◦퐶. In such situations,
it is more appropriate to handle updates as a LWW-register.
Applications define integrity constraints at AR layer. A
DBMS detects violations of integrity constraints when we
refresh the cached AR-layer relations.
We perform updates on a CRR-layer instance ˜푟 and the
corresponding refresh of an AR-layer instance 푟 in a single
atomic transaction. A violation of any integrity constraint
causes the entire transaction to be rolled back. Therefore a
local update that violates any integrity constraint has no effect
on either ˜푟 or 푟.
When a site detects a violation at merge, it may perform an
undo on an offending update. We first describe how to perform
an undo. Then, we present certain rules to decide which
updates to undo. The purpose of making such decisions is to
avoid undesirable effects. In more general cases not described
below, we simply undo the incoming updates that cause
constraint violations, although this may result in unnecessary
undo of too many updates.
A. Undoing an update
For delta-state CRDTs, a site sends join-irreducible states
as remote updates. In our case, a remote update is a single
row (or more strictly, a relation instance containing the row).
To undo a row insertion or deletion, we simply increment
the causal length by one.
To undo an attribute update augmented with the LWW-
register CRDT, we set the attribute with the old value, using
the current clock value as the timestamp. In order to be able to
generate the undo update, the message of an attribute update
also includes the old value of the attribute.
We handle undo of counter updates with more care, because
counter updates are not idempotent and multiple sites may per-
form the same inverse operation concurrently. As a result, the
same increment (or decrement) might be mistakenly reversed
multiple times.
To address this problem, we create a new (meta) relation
for counter undo: CtU(Rel, Attr, Key, Sid, 푇).
Similar to relation Ct (Section IV-C), attributes Rel and Attr
are for the names of the relations and the counter attributes,
and attributes Key and Sid are for key values and sites that
originated the update. 푇 is the timestamp of the original
counter update. A row (푅, 퐴, 푘, 푠, 휏) in CtU uniquely identifies
a counter update.
A message for a counter update contains the timestamp and
the delta of the update, in addition to the join-irreducible state
of the update. The timestamp helps us uniquely identify the
update. The delta helps us generate the inverse update.
Relation CtU works as a GSet (Figure 2). When a site
undoes a counter update, it inserts a row identifying the update
into CtU. When a site receives an undo message, it performs
the undo only when the row of the update is not in CtU.
B. Uniqueness
An application may set a uniqueness constraint on an
attribute (or a set of attributes). For instance, the email address
of a registered user must be unique. Two concurrent updates
may violate a uniqueness constraint, though none of them
violates the constraint locally.
When we detect the violation of a uniqueness constraint at
the time of merge, we decide a winning update and undo the
losing one. Following the common sequential cases, an earlier
update wins. That is, the update with a smaller timestamp
As violations of uniqueness constraints occur only for
row insertions and attribute updates (as LWW-registers), the
only possible undo operations are row deletions and attribute
updates (as LWW-registers).
C. Reference integrity
A reference-integrity constraint may be violated due to
concurrent updates of a reference and the referenced row.
Suppose relation 푅1 (퐾1, 퐹) has a foreign key 퐹 referencing
to 푅2 (퐾2, 퐴). Assume two sites 푆1 and 푆2 have rows 푟2
1 (푘2)
and 푟2
2 (푘2) respectively. Site 푆1 inserts 푟1
1 (푘1, 푘2) and site 푆2
concurrently deletes 푟2
2 (푘2). The sites will fail to merge the
concurrent remote updates, because they violate the reference-
integrity constraint.
Obviously, both sites undoing the incoming remote update
is undesirable. We choose to undo the updates that add
references. The updates are likely row insertions. One reason
of this choice is that handling uniqueness violations often leads
to row deletions (Section V-B). If a row deletion as undo for
a uniqueness violation conflicts with an update that adds a
reference, undoing the row deletion will violate the uniqueness
constraint again, resulting in an endless cycle of undo updates.
Notice that two seemingly concurrent updates may not
be truly concurrent. One site might have already indirectly
seen the effect of the remote update, reflected as a longer
causal length. Two updates are truly concurrent only when
the referenced rows at the two sites have the same causal
length at the time of the concurrent updates. When the two
updates are not truly concurrent, a merge of an incoming
update at one of the sites would have no effect. In the above
example, the merge of the deletion at site 푆2 has no effect if
퐿( ˜푟2
1 (푘2)) > 퐿( ˜푟2
2 (푘2)).
D. Numeric constraints
An application may set numeric constraints, such as a lower
bound of the balance of a bank account. A set of concurrent
updates may together violate a numeric constraint, though the
individual local updates do not.
When the merge of an incoming update fails due to a
violation of a numeric constraint, we undo the latest update
(or updates) of the numeric attribute. This, however, may undo
too many updates than necessary. We have not yet investigated
how to avoid undoing too many updates that violate a numeric
We have implemented a CRR prototype, Crecto, on top of
Ecto1, a data mapping library for Elixir2.
For every application-defined database table, we generate a
CRR-augmented table. We also generate two additional tables
in Crecto, Ct for counters (Section IV-C) and CtU for counter
undo (Section V-A).
For every table, Ecto automatically generates a primary-key
attribute which defaults to an auto-increment integer. Instead,
we enforce the primary keys to be UUIDs to avoid collision
of key values generated at different sites.
In the CRR-augmented tables, every attribute has an associ-
ated timestamp for the last update. We implemented the hybrid
logic clock [20] as timestamps.
In Ecto, applications interact with databases through a single
Repo module. This allows us to localize our implementation
efforts to a Crecto.Repo module on top of the Ecto.Repo
Since queries do not involve any CRR-layer relations,
Crecto.Repo forwards all queries unchanged to Ecto.Repo.
A local update includes first update(s) of CRR-layer re-
lation(s) and then a refresh of the cached relation at AR
layer. All these are wrapped in a single atomic transaction.
Any constraint violation is caught at cache refreshment, which
causes the transaction to be rolled back.
A site keeps outgoing messages in a queue. When the site
is online, it sends the messages in the queue to remote sites.
The queue is stored in a file so that it survives system crashes.
A merge of an incoming update includes also first update(s)
of CRR-layer relation(s) and then a refresh of the cached
relation at AR layer. These are also wrapped in an atomic
transaction. Again, any constraint violation is caught at cache
refreshment, which causes the transaction to be rolled back.
When this happens, we undo an offending update (Section V).
If we undo the incoming update, we generate an undo update,
insert an entry in CtU if the update is a counter increment
or decrement, and send the generated undo update to remote
sites. If we undo an update that has already been performed
locally, we re-merge the incoming update after the undo of the
already performed update.
For an incoming remote update, we can generate the undo
update using the additional information attached in the mes-
sage (Section V-A). For an already performed row insertion or
deletion, we can generate the undo update with an incremental
of the causal length. For an already performed attribute update,
we can generate the undo update in one of two ways. We can
use the messages stored in the queue. Or we can simply wait.
An undo update will eventually arrive, because this update will
violate the same constraint at a remote site.
To study the performance of CRR, we implemented an
advertisement-counter application [18,21] in Crecto. Adver-
tisements are displayed on edge devices (such as mobile
phones) according to some vendor contract, even when the
devices are not online. The local counters of displayed adver-
tisements are merged upstream in the cloud when the devices
are online. An advertisement is disabled when it has reached
a certain level of impression (total displayed number).
We are mainly interested in the latency of database updates,
which is primarily dependent on disk IOs. Table II shows
the latency measured at a Lenovo ThinkPad T540p laptop,
configured with an Intel quad-core i7-4710MQ CPU, 16 GiB
Ram, 512 GiB SSD, running Linux 5.4. The Crecto prototype
is implemented on Ecto 3.2 in Elixir 1.9.4 OTP 22, deployed
with PostgreSQL3 12.1.
To understand the extra overhead of multi-synchronous sup-
port, we measured the latency of the updates of the application
Ecto insertion deletion update
No-tx 0.9 0.9 0.9
In-tx 1.5 1.5 1.5
Crecto insertion deletion lww counter
Local 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.8
Merge 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.8
implemented in both Ecto and Crecto. Table II only gives an
approximate indication, since the latency depends on the load
of the system as well as the sizes of the tables. For example,
the measured latency of counter updates actually varied from
1.1ms to 3.8ms to get an average of 2.8ms. Notice also that
whether an update is wrapped in a transaction also makes
a difference. We thus include the measured latency of Ecto
updates that are either included (In-tx) or not included (No-
tx) in transactions.
We expected that the latency of the updates in Crecto would
be 2–3 times higher than that of the corresponding updates in
Ecto, since handling an update request involves two or three
updates in the two layers. The measured latency is less than
that. One explanation is that several updates may share some
common data-mapping overhead.
CRDTs for multi-synchronous data access
One important feature of local-first software [10] is multi-
synchronous data access. In particular, data should be first
stored on user devices and be always immediately accessible.
Current prototypes of local-first software reported in [10] are
implemented using JSON CRDTs [9]. There is no support
for RDB features such as SQL-like queries and integrity
The work presented in [22] aims at low latency of data
access at edge. It uses hybrid logical clock [20] to detect
concurrent operations and operational transformation [23] to
resolve conflicts. In particular, it resolves conflicting attribute
updates as LWW-registers. It requires a central server in the
cloud to disseminate operations and the data model is restricted
to the MangoDB4 model.
Lasp [18,21] is a programming model for large-scale dis-
tributed programming. One of its key features is to allow local
copies of replicated state to change during periods without
network connectivity. It is based on the ORSet CRDT [12]
and provides functional programming primitives such as map,
filter, product and union.
CRDTs for geo-replicated data stores
Researchers have applied CRDTs to achieve low latency
for data access in geo-replicated databases. Unlike multi-
synchronous access, such systems require all or a quorum of
the replicas to be available.
RedBlue consistency [11] allows eventual consistency for
blue operations and guarantees strong consistency for red
operations. In particular, it applies CRDTs for blue operations
and globally serializes red operations.
[24] presents an approach to support global boundary
constraints for counter CRDTs. For a bounded counter, the
“rights” to increment and decrement the counter value are
allocated to the replicas. A replica can only update the counter
using its allocated right. It can “borrow” rights from other
replicas when its allocated right is insufficient. This approach
requires that replicas with sufficient rights be available in order
to successfully perform an update.
Our work does not support global transactions [11] or
global boundary constraints [24]. It is known [25] that it
is impossible to support certain global constraints without
synchronization and coordination among different sites. We re-
pair asynchronously temporary violation of global constraints
through undo. Support of undo for row insertion and deletion
in CRR is straightforward, as CLSet (Section III-C) is a
specialization of a generic undo support for CRDTs [19].
AntidoteSQL [26] provides a SQL interface to a geo-
replicated key-value store that adopts CRDT approaches in-
cluding those reported in [11,24]. An application can declare
certain rules for resolving conflicting updates. Similar to our
work, an application can choose between LWW-register and
counter CRDTs for conflicting attribute updates. In Anti-
doteSQL, a deleted record is associated with a “deleted” flag,
hence excluding the possibility for the record to be inserted
back again. As AntidoteSQL is built on a key-value store, it
does not benefit from the maturity of the RDB industry.
The CLSet CRDT (Section III) is based on our earlier
work on undo support for state-based CRDTs [19]. Obviously,
deletion (insertion) of an element can be regarded as an undo
of a previous insertion (deletion) of the element.
As discussed in Section III-A, there exist CRDTs for
general-purpose sets ([12,15,17,18]). The meta data of existing
set CRDTs associated with each element are much larger than
a single number (causal length) in our CLSet CRDT. In [27],
we compare CLSet with existing set CRDTs in more detail.
We presented a two-layer system for multi-synchronous
access to relational databases in a cloud-edge environment.
The underlying CRR layer uses CRDTs to allow immediate
data access at edge and to guarantee data convergence when
the edge devices are online. It also resolves violations of
integrity constraints at merge by undoing offending updates. A
key enabling contribution is a new set CRDT based on causal
lengths. Applications access databases through the AR layer
with little or no concern of the underlying mechanism. We
implemented a prototype on top of a data mapping library
that is independent of any specific DBMS. Therefore servers
in the cloud and edge devices can deploy different DBMSs.
The authors would like to thank the members of the COAST
team at Inria Nancy-Grand Est/Loria, in particular Victorien
Elvinger, for inspiring discussions.
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